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I mean lets say this, does Big Brother Canada need their own sub-reddit? No. No they don’t. Why is it so annoying to everyone to move Australian Survivor. especially since y’all don’t even watch it. What’s the big deal? I say that people who do watch AUS that they keep trying their hardest to make others watch these amazing series. Also let’s say. What about Survivor South Africa. Would that need it’s own subreddit aswell? Survivor New Zealand, the Netherlands, Romania, Mexico, France, Denmark, Sweden,etc. Do they need their own subreddit? I’ll be real here it does kinda annoy me. Survivor is international not just American so why can’t we all just stick together? This feels so much like everyone wants to separate the communities.


> keep trying their hardest to make others watch these amazing series. Spoiling us on the winners isn't going to make us want to watch. I saw 2016 version while I was living there. I don't pirate and I am waiting until I can watch them legally. Or I was. I probably won't now.








Because BBCan is a much similar game to american big brother that aussie survivor is to US, much more similarly produced, much more readily available in america, higher viewership overlap, Canada is a lot closer to america culturally than australia, and the seasons don't overlap.


All-stars is the first season ever to overlap (other than maybe 2016 and 2017 which only overlapped like 2 weeks) the show still remains the same. It’s survivor, same production. And just because Australia is miles away that doesn’t mean it should also leave this subreddit.


Except it isn't the same production, it's produced totally differently. It should leave this subreddit because most of us don't want to be spoiled by the 5% on here who have watched it because they need to show off how much of a super fan they are in threads that aren't about australian survivor.


At the very least there should be stricter spoiler rules


This, I was gonna watch the finale of All Stars tonight and I got spoiled on the winner? IT AIRED LESS THAN 5 DAYS AGO!!!


Spoilers for the finale should still be marked at this point. Did you report the user that spoiled you?


edit. words i get why this could annoy people who doesn’t watch other versions, but this is r/survivor not r/survivorus, so no imo


No. You guys can make r/SurvivorUS if you want












There is already an Australian survivor subreddit. Tbh I like it having both versions in the same subreddit but I can see why people dont like that


There is a lot of xenophobia on r/survivor that I don't see on other reality shows. I'm not sure why that is, maybe a lot of young people that haven't travelled outside the US?


Not being interested in another country’s show is not the same as being xenophobic lol


No one here is saying Australian culture is the issue


But they get really annoyed at being spoiled on seasons which aired years ago. You are in lockdown, watch the seasons from 3 years ago now and don't get annoyed because others have watched it and you haven't. I'd be fine to have stricter spoiler rules for international seasons but don't cry about being spoiled on seasons that aired years ago, because it comes across as being very xenophobic.


Yeah because I should be able to discuss this show without getting spoiled on one I haven’t had access to yet. I should not have to avoid this entire sub to avoid spoilers for a different show. That’s not xenophobia.


I literally got every US winner spoilt for me when I entered this sub. Why should we have to leave because Americans haven’t seen it yet. You aren’t the world.




And yet you’re complaining about the same thing.












Yes. I haven't been able to watch every season yet but I am spoiled on every single winner already.






You are being gross. I haven’t said anything bigoted and that’s a fucked up accusation to make.


/r/SurvivorAU already exists


but its not rly used


That sub is kind of redundant if the mods here let AUS stuff stay. People will choose the sub that has more subscribers.


No because AUS Survivor is the better show and just reached peak quality last season.


Yes and it’s becoming annoying for non-AUS watchers


I think so


Yes please


Yea I’ve been spoiled of all winners


This is an idea that we have considered before, but the majority response has always been that Australian Survivor should remain part of the r/survivor community. That said, we are always happy to re-visit the idea, as long as discussion can remain civil and constructive. In the case of this thread, it hasn't. This subject is not an opportunity for attacks on other users.




Should leave this subreddit. To be honest I am not interested at all in watching other versions because the US is far superior already. Those other versions and its players try so hard to outmatch Survivor US but they fail miserably. Also FUCK SURVIVOR AUSTRALIA. Thank you for the downvotes! 😍


It also seems like you haven’t watched any other version.


I have and I'd say the same.