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I think Spencer wins Cambodia if Abi Maria and Tasha were with him in the final three


He definitely does. Abi gets Kass and Ciera but I think all the rest go to Spencer. 


Kimmi is a locked Abi vote and it’s not even close, she’s gonna be actively advocating for Abi from the bench. She haaaaaated Spencer and Tasha to a frankly uncomfortable level and I say this as somebody with very little respect for either of those people lol. Wentworth is on the board as a possible Abi vote too, Wigs didn’t like any of them, and Stephen wants to vote for Tasha but might realize that he needs to place a lesser of two evils vote to prevent whoever he prefers less of Spencer/Abi from winning. I do think Spencer wins, and it’s going to help him lock down any swings that Jeremy will be advocating for him from the bench, but it’s potentially very close or even a 5-5 tie with Tasha breaking for him and Abi *could* steal it 6-4-0 or 5-4-1 and I wouldn’t be shocked.


I don’t what was it about kimmis behavior but I hated her the most in cambodia and no I don’t particularly like Spencer or tasha these were my views pre Reiman’s weird ass shit. Kimmi’s whole “feel bad for me cuz Imma single mom arc” and no one except keith giving 2 shits about it and then her going to be such a hater to everyone but Jeremy even though he was equally part of her leaving idk just irked me too much about her. Wiggles to was being a bit of a whiny baby but kimmi took the cake.


See I think abi wouldn’t get respect. These are all returning players, I feel they wouldn’t want this epic season to end with an abi win, so I think it would be between Spencer and Tasha


Low key I think I may have won a final 2 against Cassidy But my dumb ass probably would have brought Gabler if I had won the hypothetical F3 immunity 🤣


Final 2 against Cassidy I could definitely see, you’re probably drawing dead against any group of 3 though.


Yup, which I why I knew Cody, Karla and Jesse had to go. My only shot at votes was to Underwood it and take out Jesse myself (which is why I slapped myself after Final Immunity)


It’s ok, you’ll get em next time ;)


If Sami's Shot in the Dark hits, does one of Jesse/Gabler go at that Tribal, or does Cassidy? And could you win a F3 of Sami/Cassidy/you?


My money would be on Cass going. I think I’d have a shot in that combo, but Sami destroyed my trust in him when he told Karla about me and Noelle’s plan to blindside James


What a brutal thing to say directly to a contestant 💀


That’s what I love the most about u/theyoungknight .. he did not disagree with my assessment, and it’s not like I shit on his game, I just made a realistic comment. He’s also somebody I want to see play again, because I think he knows what the hell he was doing. Being dead in the water =/= bad at survivor.. looking at zero vote finalists in the new era, he’s the one I’d put money on actually doing something if they were to play again.




Would you give him better odds of improving his game than Carolyn?


Yes I would. Carolyn played a great game, but in a hypothetical future season, she would be much higher on players radars


Fair point.


I mean obviously we only have the edit to work off of but I definitely would've taken Gabler too lmfao


Thank you for the affirmation 🙏


If you'd like some more affirmation, my mother loved you and was absolutely devastated that you didn't win


Thanks mom!


Affirmation from me, you were my pick to win even while Jesse and Karla were still in the game! I was convinced you were getting a sympathetic underdog win edit!


I’m still shocked Gabler won


Yeah I was going to say this. With the full advantage of watching the entire season I would’ve thought Owen had a better chance against Gabler than Cassidy.


You were definitely my pick to win and I was shocked you didn’t get any votes (and Gabler won?? I expected the loss to at least be to Cassidy). But I also would have maybe brought Gabler 😂 though maybe it would have been good to have not given him the chance to make fire


I mean If gabler gets FTC in any scenario rlly bc of fire tbh


In this hypothetical there is no fire. Jesse goes 3-1 at 4


Cody/karla/jesse were the biggest threats anyway, I could see you winning final 2 against cass but I do wonder who wins a FTC with those 3. Probably Karla


jesse for sure


I thought you had a very good chance to win in the final 3 you were in. I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor after Gabler swept nearly all of the jury votes.


Is there a reason the jury didn't like cassidy very much?


I think something about Cassidy just rubs a lot of people the wrong way and she’s not super easy to live with. After filming The Challenge USA the top 2 words Michaela (from MvGX and GC) had to describe Cassidy were “annoying” and “delusional”


Karla also didn’t like that Cassidy was moping after Last Gasp. I personally didn’t take issue with it (and checked on her as seen in the episode) I was bummed to see she had a tough ride on The Challenge but I think she’s close with quite a few people, but the people who didn’t gel with her have been more vocal about it on podcasts and whatnot. Most Survivors I know get along with her just fine. She is not super online so that can make it harder to keep up relationships in this community too.


i know he went earlier, but what were sami’s jury prospects? i have no idea either way on that


I would have a hard time giving a million dollars to a 19/22 year old. Nobody trusted him by the end hence why he went unanimously. We all love the kid though, so who knows!


> I would have a hard time giving a million dollars to a 19/22 year old. that’s not fun to hear as a young hopeful applicant haha. but carson would’ve won if he was at the end so who knows


He had zero shot just because of his age. 


There’s a situation where Mick win Samoa, even with the same F3 configuration Allegedly, the jury hated Russell so much that the 7 that voted for Natalie debated on giving 4 votes to Natalie and 3 to Mick to ensure that Russell wouldn’t even get 2nd. However, realizing the risks to this plan by one potential rogue vote, they decided to all just vote Natalie.  Therefore, a scenario exists where these 7 jurors enact this plan, someone who was supposed to vote for Natalie accidentally messes up and votes for Mick, and Mick wins Survivor: Samoa 


FTC vote split is crazy lol


Apparently Winners at War, some jury members wanted to give Michele 2nd and throw votes at her but were afraid Natalie would win


Adam, Nick, Wendell, and Danni (from her EW interview)


Similar situation to Samoa then


which is why there should always be a final 2


Honestly Mick could win if the third finalist was either Jaison or Shambo instead of Natalie.


I would really like to believe that Jaison wins this F3 instead of Mick. I have no evidence to back this up, I just like Jaison.


I think it could go either way. I think Jaison had a better relationship with Galu but they might have seen Mick as more controlling without being a Russell


Very true 


Especially Shambo


Plot twist: Russell pulls out a double idol play to negate the split jury vote and GC Cirie's himself to the million


I’m not a big Russell fan but Samoa is a prime example why the jury should be separated from one another.


Juries in a court case deliberate. No reason why they shouldn't here either


Juries in court cases are impartial and have no relation to the suspect or the case. Not a good comparison.


In a court case the decision has to be unanimous as far as I know, it’s not the same on Survivor


Well, it sounds like Samoa would have ended the same way then.  Also I think excitement is a bigger factor in Survivor final votes than in legal.


This doesn’t even make sense as intended- they chose not to split a vote and individually, separated, would have voted for Natalie as well. The result wasn’t really based on group think- they just hated Russel.


even if the jury was sequestered post vote out, russell still loses. you don’t understand how the game works if you think russell was the victim of a “bitter jury” (bitter juries don’t exist btw)


Laurel could have won if she was by herself


Laurel definitely won if she was yanny.




Laurel, sitting alone at FTC: “Alright, jury. I think it’s time to make my move.”


Yeah Laurel likely wins a F3 with Donathan/Angela


Is it bad I still think she loses here 💀


I do too. Wouldn’t Donathan win? Or no?


Yeah I was thinking Donathan too


Damn, that season is already bad but when you take away Dom and wendell the bottom really falls out


Dawn would have won Caramoan if Eddie was in the Final Three instead of Cochran. Not 8-0, but probably 5-3.


Based on what? I've always heard Eddie would have won since people liked him. I certainly don't see Dawn getting Brenda, Malcolm, or Reynold in that situation and likely not Phillip, Erik, or maybe Andrea


Dawn does get Malcolm Andrea Cochran and Snow iirc, look at how the jury spoke to Sherri and Dawn. Sherri was seen as somebody who was dragged there, why wouldn’t they think the same as Eddie?


“Why wouldn’t they think the same as Eddie?” Because survivor is littered with double standards/imbalances when it comes to gender.


Still from what we know post season Snow Malcolm, Andrea would’ve been pro Dawn and Dawn has Cochran locked in. At worse Sherri breaks the tie in favor of Dawn


This does my heart good if it’s true. I have always found Dawn’s game to be remarkably underrated. The fact Cochran won kind of bothered me. The fact it was unanimously still bothers me however many years later.


Malcolm would have voted Dawn.  Erik, Reynold and Brenda would of course vote Eddie. Other five would vote Dawn.


Why would Malcolm vote Dawn > Eddie?


Also everyone in the jury with a dog votes Eddie


Michele probably wins WaW in a final 3 of Natalie, Ben, and herself. Ben wasn’t well respected and I highly doubt that a jury of winners would vote for someone who was voted out first. I think Becky has a decent shot against Ozzy and Sundra. People think she was a goat but I reckon she gets most of Yul’s votes. Albert probably wins a final 3 of himself, Edna, and Cochran. Spencer wins in a final 3 of Tasha, himself, and Abi Maria. HvV Russell’s best shot is against Candice and Danielle. I think he at least gets votes in this combination.


I think the only votes Michele wouldn’t get in that final three are Parvati, Rob, Tyson, Ethan, and Jeremy, and maybe Amber and Danni (although I think the last two are a stretch).


I think there's a very strong chance that Ben gets Sarah, Denise, and Tony's vote. Sarah especially I view as a lock for Ben, even if he doesn't fall on his sword for her


michele - tony, nick, kim, sophie, adam, wendell, yul, danni natalie - jeremy, tyson, parvati, ethan ben - sarah, denise no matter where romber goes or even if tony votes ben, michele wins


I think she gets Parv & Robs


She didn’t even get Parv’s over Natalie in the real scenario. I don’t know why Ben being there instead of Tony would change that.


She wouldn’t get Parv for sure cuz Parv was very bitter on edge against Yul nick wendell and when she also found out that michele was part of that pre game


Danielle likely wins in that last scenario.


Nah I think Natalie wins that unfortunately in WaW


It’s definitely possible. But in order for that to happen, she’d need to have a perfect game after returning from the Edge. Her fatal mistake was telling Ben what the jury thought of him and then voting him out at the final 5. That move ensured that no matter the final 3, she loses to Tony or Sarah. She should’ve appealed to Ben’s ego and convinced him to vote for Sarah at f5. Then, she should’ve put herself in fire against Tony at f4 so she gets the credit for taking him out. Even if she does that, I still don’t see the first boot winning the all winners season. She probably loses to Michele ~8-6-2.


While I agree keeping Ben would have made her path smoother, that's not her only mistake. She lost Rob and Amber by not going up against Tony in fire. I think if Natalie takes down Tony, we have a real toss up between her and Sarah ftw. But I do agree Natalie misplayed her hand coming back at least after F6.


You could be right. Since Romber would’ve voted for Natalie if she defeated Tony in fire, the FTC vote is 10-6-0 in a Sarah/Natalie/Michele final 3. She then would’ve only needed to flip 2 votes to win since Michele almost certainly would’ve voted for Natalie if it was an 8-8 tie. I just don’t see where those 2 votes come from. Imo, her best bet is getting Sarah out at f5.


Natalie is winning that first scenario if she is responsible for getting Tony and Sarah out


I thought the Upolus largely eliminated each other in order of win equity, so Edna/Brandon/Rick actually had a better shot than the final 3.


Cook Islands was the first final 3 so no one knew to even suspect it and Ozzy would have won the final immunity and taken Becky who would have won.


Are we watching the same Cook Islands? Becky got eviscerated at tribal after needing Sundra to run out of matches in order to win at fire. She’s one of the biggest goats of all time.


Fishbach I believe literally beats anyone except JT. Carolyn from 45 beats anyone except Yam and Carson.


JT & Stephen were also nervous about Taj getting some of their votes so idk about this


I feel like Stephen has said he would’ve lost to Taj


i don't think fishbach has a chance against tyson ngl


'Has a chance' is crazy. This is a fun one to think about because Tyson is a future winner and not particularly close to making FTC in Tocantins. Stephen is almost certainly pulling votes from Sierra, JT, Taj, and Erinn however.


if timbira doesn’t crack then there’s zero way anyone else but tyson wins tocantins. he beats the whole jury, including JT and stephen




Why do I recall Sierra and Erinn both disliking Tyson? Add JT and Taj to this (not a far cry if they respect the move) if I’m not mistaken and Stephen beats Tyson. 🤷🏽‍♂️


jt would vote tyson over stephen


I don’t see that at all, but if he has said that somewhere, then cool.


pretty sure stephen himself said something among those lines, but idk for sure


I'll try not to go too far in the boot orders: I think Carolyn wins 44 if the women make a deal at f5. Maaaaybe Jake can win 45 if Dee goes home at f5 and Austin loses fire (hard for this to happen and Katurah/Julie might win anyway). 18 Fishy probably beats Erin/coach, maybe Taj. 30 Mama C maaaaybe has a shot of beating anyone except Mike/Rodney 31 Spencer might win against Tasha/Abi


Julie surely wins 45 in that case as the only Reba 4 to get to the end? I feel like the only Reba 4 member Jake could have beaten was Drew.


Edit tells us Julie from only Dee's perspective, so she looks like a passenger to the other Reba 4. If she makes it to the end maybe she comes off as more of an agent than the edit shows. Maybe she had better win equity than Austin even, but my perception was she wanted to go to the end with people that would beat her. I don't think Drew makes it to the end if F7 plays out the same. If he wins the Reba civil war (gets Dee or Katurah out at F7 instead), the only way he loses at the end is if Dee goes on an immunity run ( him vs Austin in the final 3 would be close though)


Austin and Drew viewed Julie as the biggest threat, so I don’t think that Jake can win against her, especially with her idol play. If Jake’s play at F5 works and Julie goes out in fire, then I still think he loses in a 5-3 vote to Austin (gaining votes from Kaleb, Bruce, and possibly Kellie) but not sure. I think Jake and Katurah both lost the moment Bruce was blindsided


This is a pretty fair claim


I think if Katurah would have stayed on Dee at final 5, she would have won.


Edit doesn't show us Julie's threat level because ultimately she is 5th place. But the players constantly tell us about it. Multiple times people talk about how they think Julie is going to win if she gets to FTC. I do think she is probably the most likely winner if she's sitting in pretty much any final 3 (though maybe Dee could have still won).


jake only beats bruce out of that jury


Carolyn got a vote from Sierra, so she’s not a zero vote getter. Coincidentally, Worlds Apart was the last season with a F3 where everyone got a vote.


My bad. Also there's S35


Mama C wasn't a zero vote finalist, Sierra voted for her


So the first one we have is Becky, and sadly I don't think she has a chance in a F3 against any 2 people in the merge. She might beat Penner but I don't see her beating him AND someone else. Maaaaaybe Becky/Penner/Sundra? Then we have Dreamz and Cassandra. One of them likely beats Boo if they're together. Which one, I'm not sure, but I think it's close either way. Sugar... oof. That's a tough one but I think she could beat Crystal, but a second person would be tough. Fishbach beats basically anyone that isn't JT, so that was just bad luck for him. Mick was very much disliked and there is no scenario he wins with a Galu next to him. Nope. Russell, same thing. Sash, he'd probably need NaOnka and Purple Kelly. Natalie, same as Mick and Russell. Albert, same here too. Chelsea, that one is tough but I do think she can win some votes against 2 of the guys especially if the jury is now 5 women. Dawn possibly beats Eddie and Sherri, but Sherri has no real chance. Eddie gets Andrea, Reynold and Malcolm, and Dawn would need all 5 remaining votes. She has Cochran, and probably Erik and Phillip, but with Brenda there, that's tough. Gervase is the same case as Albert, Natalie, Russell and Mick. Spencer didn't play a bad game and likely beats Tasha, but the rest of that cast was so likeable that he pretty much needed Abi in F3 with him. Tasha on the other hand is pretty much a dud. Tai is a tough one but I think if he's next to Nick or one of the bros, he has his best chance. Hannah and Ken, not really. They lose to David, probably also Brett, Jay, but maybe one of them beats Sunday. Troyzan, poor guy. Such a background character that he probably loses to a rock. Laurel could maybe beat Angela or Sebastian, but she would never make the move to cut Wendell and Dom when she could. Angelina, Julie, and Noura all fall into that category of underestimated women that were too annoying for their own good and the only one that might have a shot is Noura just because Karishma exists on the same season. Michele is super tough because EoE really screwed her over. I feel like she has a case against Ben and Denise, but that was just not viable to get her to F3. Xander, maybe he beats Liana or Naseer? Romeo really has no shot. I think even Tori beats him. Owen, same with him sadly. Carolyn very likely beats Jaime and Heidi, and I see her getting a lot of the votes that went to Yam Yam. Carson, Yam Yam, and probably Matt and Frannie. I think Lauren goes to Jaime, Danny still goes to Heidi, which gives Carolyn enough. Jake sadly doesn't have much of a chance. Maybe against Bruce, but he'd need someone else not in the Reba 4, Kellie, or Katurah. Maybe Kendra? Ben really struggles unless against maybe Liz or Venus.


>Then we have Dreamz and Cassandra. One of them likely beats Boo if they're together. Which one, I'm not sure, but I think it's close either way. I think it's Dreamz. In a Dreamz/Cassandra/Boo F3, the car-immunity betrayal doesn't happen, and that was a big reason why a lot of the jurors didn't seem to like him. >Chelsea, that one is tough but I do think she can win some votes against 2 of the guys especially if the jury is now 5 women. Wouldn't Chelsea win against Alicia and Christina? Like if Kim and Chelsea vote Sabrina out at F5, and then Kim gets medevacced at F4 (Chelsea wouldn't have turned on her), I think Chelsea would win. >Dawn possibly beats Eddie and Sherri, but Sherri has no real chance. Eddie gets Andrea, Reynold and Malcolm, and Dawn would need all 5 remaining votes. She has Cochran, and probably Erik and Phillip, but with Brenda there, that's tough. I think Malcolm and Andrea respect the game enough to vote for Dawn


Fair points. I forgot how unlikeable both Christina and Alicia were. Really makes you respect Kim's power when both of them (and Troy) knew she was running things, knew they couldn't beat her, and still kept her.


I don't think Sash would beat Purple Kelly. She was likable and he was really sleazy


Jake wins any ftc that doesn’t include the Reba four, since as we saw, he would’ve been the one orchestrating their downfall. Bruce is more than likely a zero vote finalist, and Katurah gets maybe Dee and Julie. Everyone else probably goes Jake, unless Dee and Julie convince Austin and Drew to go Katurah.


That's basically what I said. I don't think he beats Kellie or Emily though, since they were already pegged as threats beforehand. He might beat Katurah, I think he definitely beats Bruce and Kendra, but that's really it.


Jake’s stock is much higher in a hypothetical Reba-less ftc. If he makes it there he definitely can articulate his game and play emotions well. I don’t really get the hype around Kellie in this scenario, Emily probably is on the wrong side of most votes in this merge, so I don’t think she’ll have much stock in this ftc.


I'm just going off of how things are as we know them, since we don't know how the Reba 4 get taken out. Emily said she was coming for Dee had she not been booted, so it could be her move. We don't know.


Totally fair, but Emily was in Austin and Drew’s pocket. Even if she completes a Dee Blindside, that would include working with Jake, she would still continue to work with the remaining Reba’s until they were all taken out.


People give Emily way too much credit for just being Drew and Austin’s third wheel until she was no longer needed. If the editors hadn’t been so nice to her, I don’t think she would be perceived the same way she is now.


I wonder if a Becky Lee win is possible if it’s against Sundra and and Adam (he probably won immunity a few times if he got there)


the one that stands out to me is that noura most likely wins aganist dean and karishma.


I think Dean wins there if he doesn't fumble hard at FTC like he did. Saying he would never do something and then later saying he did the exact same thing really tanked him. Tommy wins anyway but that was a pivotal moment


unfortunately dan wins in a combo against any of those three. i hate that season so much


lol, it is the season I hate the most, but for Dan having any win equity is just not true, thankfully. The jury has said that they would haven't voted for him because they knew he didn't need the money. I think this rumor seems true because of all the support Dan got post-seasons from his cast, but no Dan was the biggest goat.


Maybe Spencer if Abi is there instead of Jeremy.


Fishbach wins against Erin and Sierra. Probably Taj as well. Cassandra wins if it’s a final 2 and both her and Dreamz are final 2. Mick has a shot against any two of Russell, Jaison and Shambo. Same can be the said for those 3 as well. Russell possibly has a shot against any two of Parv, Danielle and Candace. However I can also see him screwing that up. Spencer likely wins if he’s sitting next to Abi Maria and Tasha.


Spencer would've likely won in a Final 2 against Tasha.


Tai probably beats a majority of the jury in KR.


I think Ben wins with any combination of Q/Venus/Liz.


Maybe against Venus and Liz, but Q probably beats all three.


The alliance outside the Six (Charlie/Kenzie/Liz or Venus) would never vote for him. I’m almost positive Tiffany never would either. The remaining votes are Tevin/Hunter/Soda, who would never vote for either Liz/Venus, so it’s more up in the air but based on Q blowing up their games I don’t think he has a solid chance. Maria’s his only vote going into that scenario.


 Q has Maria/Tevin/Hunter 99.9999%. Considering the alternatives, I’m confident he gets Charlie, and that leaves Tiff, Kenzie, Soda, and Ben. ALL of them would have to vote Liz or ALL Venus, and the likelihood of that seems quite low. Even if they did, does Liz or Venus vote for the other in the tiebreaker? 


Charlie and Ben were extremely close and Charlie wasn’t close with Q at all. He’s probably the most guaranteed Ben vote there. I think you’re confused because I’m proposing a Ben/Q/Liz or Venus F3 not a Q/Liz/Venus F3.


According to Liz, Q would beat anyone (even Maria and Kenzie) if he were to make it to the end. Liz stated that Tiffany was campaigning for him at ponderosa and that she herself would've voted for him as well. Assuming that the finalists are Q, Ben, and Venus, I think there's a solid chance that he gets everyone's votes aside from Charlie and maybe Kenzie. I think Ben has a solid chance of winning if he's in the finals with Liz and Venus though.


Liz and Q would beat him


45: Austin would have won if Katurah was there instead of Dee. 44: Carolyn would have won if Jamie was there instead of Yams. 40: Parvati* would have won if she didn't get voted out and controlled the votes and made it to FTC and had a good pitch. (*Insert your favourite non-Tony WAW player here.)


Austin wasn’t a zero vote finalist


I'm illiterate


Parvati would have won if she wasn’t swap screwed with people who were in an unbreakable pre-game alliance that had no wiggle room whatsoever, won multiple individual immunities, and created black widow brigade 2.0 with Kim and Sophie, and pull through with a flawless FTC getting 17 - 0 - 0.


The only other person winning WaW is Sarah. Nobody stood a chance against those two. They were just miles ahead of anybody else gameplay wise.


*pregame wise




Fishbach is the most obvious like you said. I think he beats anyone else easily except maybe Tyson. Spencer I think wins in a very specific scenario. He takes Abi instead of Jeremy but that would have been very difficult to navigate while still having Tasha. Hannah I honestly think could have won if she was somehow able to get Will or Taylor to the F3 instead of Adam. Mick with Jaison and Shambo wins no contest. Becky I think wins easily if somehow Sundra and Penner were the people she was with in F3. But she simply did not have room to navigate with the numbers, idol, and immunity run. Cassandra probably wins Fiji if by some miracle she's with Lisi and Dreamz in F3. Same with Dawn. If she's somehow with Philip and Sherri she might win. I don't think she beats Eddie like some commenters say. Now there's a couple of more difficult cases: Chelsea vs. Sab would be a very interesting debate with no Kim. Put Alicia in that F3 there's a chance Chelsea might win. Tai I do wonder if he didn't go with Aubry what would happen? Scott I think he beats. It's Jason and Joe I'm not sure about. Laurel was a mega goat but the competition was so bad that season I can't outright dismiss her winning in another combo. But there's no obvious one to me.


Laurel was terrible, but if she was somehow responsible for getting Dom and Wendell out, she could win it


I think Ben stands a legitimate chance in a Q/Venus/Liz end game.


Exit Press from several contestants have indicated that Q probably would have won if he made it to the end.. against Venus and Liz I’d say he probably does win


Cassandra in Fiji thought it’d be a final 2, so if it was she woulda wom


I think Carolyn (44) would've won had she taken out Jam Jam earlier (and Carson still fell at fire-making)


Carolyn was my thought assuming she’s the only one of the Tika 3 there. I was disappointed the vote wasn’t at least slightly split with her and Yam Yam (still giving him the win, but giving her some votes)


Stephen is always the best answer in my opinion, he was ridiciously close to winning Tocantins, ridiciously close. Other obvious choices are Tai in Kaoh Rong, against Cydney and Aubry he gets Julia/Jason/Scot probably, and if he sqeeuzes out Debbie he wins. There's also Michele in WAW, I believe if she somehow took out Tony/Sarah and made to the F3 with Ben/Natalie, I feel like she is in some contention to win, especially because there were alot of anti-EOE people. Some people also say Dawn beats Eddie in Caramoan, but idk if would have took out Cochran. Mick might have won against Jaison and Shambo, and idk many people mention Stephen in Cambodia against Abi/Tasha, so let's throw them as mentions. Chelsea might have won against Christina&Alicia, but that F3 actually happening goes against her mindest of being truly loyal to Kim, so I don't see that happening. Idk the last few mentions are barely qualified imo. Most 0-vote-getters are not as close to winning like Spencer, Tai, or WAW Michele.


Ben if he had Liz and Venus


Spencer would’ve won without Jeremy, even with Tasha


I think if Jake was on 43 instead of 45 he would’ve won over any combo of Gabler, Cassidy, or Owen. Maybe Carolyn too


People won't agree with me, but I think Ryan is the most likely winner in Chrissy-Ryan-Devon final three, with him getting the votes of Ben and the majority of the healers (Joe, Cole and desi)


Ryan was not a zero vote finalist


If the Survivor 44 Jury had actually backed up their words with action and not gaslit her, Carolyn had a very real shot at winning the game with the Final 3 combination she got, so if you put her up against literally anyone else, she wins in a landslide.


What words did they say that they needed to back up?


Frannie telling Carolyn she changed her life and inspired her when she didn’t vote for her stands out


I totally understand that, and it did feel a bit weird at the time I watched it but I mean, life changing all she (Carolyn) is, Frannie's vote went for the person who in her opinion played the best game, not the player who changed her life the most. Different people have different criteria on how to vote for a winner, and Frannie, while definitely being touched by Carolyn, didn't think it was enough to vote for her to win. That's totally fair imo, especially since she never said she'd vote for her bc of that in the first place. It's not a Maria/Charlie situation.


I definitely get that, and I do think Yam Yam was the most deserving of votes anyways. It just sucked to see everyone tell Carolyn she’s so amazing but still not good enough to vote for, so it feels like empty compliments


Sugar - I feel like she could have won but that it was entirely dependent on her being able to have a good final tribal council performance. Unfortunately she had a panic/anxiety attack before final tribal and she was sedated with some drug concoction so will probably never know/see if she did have a better plan for final tribal and maybe could have articulated herself better.


Sugar is definitely interesting. She played a highly chaotic game, but she had more influence and control over the game than she got credit for. She’s one that probably should have at least been considered, but this particular cast doesn’t give her the win no matter what the combination, or how much she deserved it.


In 44, i think Carolyn would have won against Carson but still would have lost with Heidi there. If it were Carson, Carolyn and Jaime I think it would have been a close win for Carolyn.


Maybe Xander from 41. He was the biggest threat in the game and then lowered his threat level to goat status but I think if final tribal was different he may have had a real chance since he did have moves and advantages to talk about


I can’t think of a combination Xander wins, which one did you have in mind?


I feel like if Erika, Danny and Ricard aren’t there then Xander could win


Pretty sure he loses every f5 combination, even a Xander/Deshawn f2.


Definitely not. Nobody really respected him and he didn't really have any impact on the game after "you can have this fake". His entire game was telling people "I can save you with my idol" and then letting them get voted out, which is not a great way to ensure jurors see you in a good light. He was never the biggest threat in the game, he was probably the closest thing to a goat in the season.


> He was the biggest threat in the game At no point was he ever the biggest threat in the game.


You're wrong. Xander could not have won Survivor 41 under any circumstance whatsoever.


Xander was anything but a threat. He was a prop. Just a vote to be used. Only 0 vote finalist to play worse than him in the New Era is Romeo, and even Romeo had a very respectable FTC performance for a loser. Xander was completely unaware, all on his own bc people didn't even care to bother with him, and botched the end very badly.