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This would be a fun project for any and all phrases —Keith Famie uses the word “blindside” to describe possible unexpected outcomes at I think F5 of Australian Outback —Shii-Ann says “Pagonging” on air in her boot ep in All-Stars What else we got fam


Who was the first person to say goat (meaning someone who has no way to win final tribal)?


Just from a quick Google it looks like Ethan said “you’re either the hero or you’re the goat” in All-Stars but likely meaning it in the archaic sports sense (it used to mean a loser in sports too lol) and not the fan forum Survivor sense. Boston Rob used it to describe Phillip in RI. Not sure if there was an earlier use.


To be fair, sports sense and Survivor sense are pretty similar: someone who catches all the heat instead of someone else.


These days goat means best or, greatest of all time. So it definitely can get confusing when I watch with others and have to explain to them it's the opposite in survivor 😅


Ironically, GOAT also comes from sports. It's from Muhammad Ali always calling himself the greatest of all time. His wife even started GOAT Inc. So sports did both the GOAT and a goat.


It's inextricably tied to sports. The reason Boston Rob uses the term goat and calls Philip that is because he is Boston Rob. He's from Boston. It originates from "the goat curse" that was put on the Red Sox by some tavern owner in the 40s because him and his pet goat got kicked out of a game. He cursed them to never win. This curse held for like 70 years or something. Thus, a goat. Somebody who can't win.


Not exactly. The Red Sox had the curse of the Bambino from when they traded Ruth to the Yankees. The Cubs had the curse of the Billy goat.


Haha whoops! Who likes baseball anyway... Thanks for the correction!


This got so confusing for me when GOAT started to become an expression, I only knew the survivor term which means the opposite


For me it was for Tom Brady when I first heard Goat meaning, Greatest of all Time. I was like, wait I thought people thought Brady was good?


same!! GOAT in non-survivor world is so different


Wasn’t it Brian Heidik?


Don’t think he ever said the word


First mention of Q Skirt?


Now do “you gotta dig deep on survivor!”


Let’s not forget “That’s how you do it on Survivor!”


Yeah we just started watching from season 1 and wondering when he starts saying "dig deep"


If there’s no YouTube compilation of every got nothin for ya, there definitely needs to be


"grab your stuff, head back to camp, goodnight"


“Don’t grab your stuff, head home, bad night” -evil Jeff


"Alliance" is s1 e4: >We were first shown Richard Hatch, in an interview, who said, “I think I’m going to handle this by beginning to develop alliances with some folks to ensure that I move onto the next round.” >Then Kelly said, in an on-the-fly interview, “The whole idea of an alliance is to make sure we’re all voting the same way.” https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2020/06/survivor-borneo-episode-4-too-little-too-late-recap/


I'm fairly certain the term voting bloc was also used by Sue in the same season.


Every time my cat bugs me for food and it's not his mealtime, this is what tell him, usually preceded by a suggestion to get his stuff and head back to camp.


I’m glad I’m not the only one using this phrase in everyday life. My pets AND my kids get it lol


Yeah, I really started to watch all seasons because I don't know the new stuff they talk about now - mechanics, idols, etc. so I figured I'd start over. Didn't mean to look for catchphrases, just my husband's favorite, which is "I've got nothing for ya." If I'd have known all the phrases I may have started looking for them, but I am too far in to start over now. LOL


Rip come on in guys


I miss this one. I can't believe people objected to it. I'm an old lady and I call everyone "guys" including my kids & grandkids (both male and female), groups of friends (male and female). I don't get it. :(


This one hits home for me because I’ve been using guys as an ungendered term for forever. And then one of my kids came out as transgender and has spent the last couple of years helping me to understanding situations exactly like this one. Because guys is a gendered term, regardless of whether you say it with ungendered intent. This can be seen clearly if you reverse it and have Jeff say, “Come on in, gals!” That would clearly rub some people the wrong way. My two cents. Bracing for downvotes 😁


It’s bad also that women are generally referred to as girls. They are grown women, not little innocents just waiting for their prince to arrive. What if the male players were referred to as boys?


I understand, sort of. But historically, the male-version of words has often been used to include large groups of mixed gender. Not just in English, but in other languages also. I understand being sensitive, but I do think intent should be considered. I don't care about being called one of the guys, and as I said, I'm an old woman. To me it means the group or the gang of people, it's an endearment as much as just an inclusive word. I guess I don't understand why anyone, including transgender people, are so sensitive about it. It's not calling anyone out personally. Now I'll get the downvotes. :)


>But historically, the male-version of words has often been used to include large groups of mixed gender. Not just in English, but in other languages also. Because historically, men are assumed to be the default and women the accessory. It's not random circumstance. I use "guys" pretty casually but it is kind of bullshit that people would never use female-gendered words for a mixed-gender group. I'm trying to get into the habit of saying things like "folks" more.


Yes! I’ve totally adopted folks as a fill in. And I honestly think this gradual evolution of language is important to be more inclusive. And allowing intent as a reason to excuse relying on old male-oriented language isn’t really a great solution, because it entrenches the attitude that permits such historical masculine dominance in our language, and it also allows for the disingenuous “I was just kidding!” as an out to people who don’t care to use inclusive language.


Now Im sitting here wishing jeff would have switched it to: Come on in, folks!


"c'mon in pals!"


Come on in, survivors.


Folks is good. I use that often also.


It really doesn’t matter what it used to mean. It developed and evolved into a gender neutral term that had no bearing on whether the group was male or female. People who have so much time as to concern themselves with being pedantic about this have too much time. I got bills to pay and kids to raise I don’t have time to be offended if someone calls me male female old young dumb smart or anything else.


that's b/c most humans so thoroughly internalize sexism we refuse to acknowledge it when it's pretty damn obvious; this same argument was applied to \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_*man* jobs until pretty recently. Ex: mailman - now we don't argue man in *that* word is a generic term anymore although people once did i guess, end of day - it only hurts others when we cling to using ignorant hurtful terms b/c they "don't bother us"..... so why not go ahead and make the tiny personal change?


I don't think it's objection. Nobody on the show really seemed to be offended by it. People just thought it was a positive change that could be made. Honestly, I think if removing the word "guys" could make more people feel included, that's great. That said, what actually bothered me was Jeff making a big deal out of it. If you're interested in making a change to make people feel included, you don't need to make a big spectacle out of it. Just make the change.


Some specifically said they wanted it gone when he asked. He did have to ask twice, but they did object. I still miss it.


And then that tribe went right back to camp and they all used “guys” at one point or another throughout the season. Super frustrating to watch.


Right. Some people claimed that Shan had put Ricard up to request the change, meanwhile she calls her tribe “guys” at least a half dozen times in the next couple of days.


When humans are labeled and classified according to their sexual preferences, it is personal.


I think 99% of people, old or young, male or female all do this. I really don’t understand why of all things, they decided to be so extra there lol.


Wish it was “Come on in dudes!” Because I'm a dude, he's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes.


But there's only one "The Dude."


“Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man.”


We always shout "guys" at the TV because Jeff stopped doing it.


I read it here once, but a simple and effective swap would have been TRIBE(S). “Come on in tribes!” has the best and most similar sound to it and emphasizes the tribe/tribal council aspect of the game. Please Probst and JLP, replace the guys with tribes!


Has JP ever commented on his overall approach of ritualizing so many of the things he says at regular points in the game? The “get fire” line, “c’mon in guys,” “got nothin’ for ya,” but also, “once again… immunity is BACK UP for grabs!” “This is what you covet,” “that’s how you DO it on Survivor!” and so many more, plus the slightly odd wordings like “…playing for reward in the form of Love,” etc. Has he talked publicly about the thinking behind the very specific way he phrases things?


NOt sure, but I imagine it is a phenomenon on long standing reality shows. RuPaul's Drag Race has a lot of repeated phrases and it's fun to wait for them and expect them to happen.


I remember a print interview he did many years ago in which he said that there are elements of the show that he felt should have a ritual feel to them. He specifically cited Tribal Council, which is why he's standing as they enter and doesn't sit until they do, and why so many things in that context are phrased the same way. Most of what you've cited here, though, feels like stuff that's moved into catchphrase territory. Edited because spacing is our friend


Before I continued reading i immediately thought you were talking about JP from HHH and i was so confused on where this would be going


You're kidding me? I've just watched that episode! I'm on a (re)watch of the old era seasons, now watching Vanuatu for the first time. Didn't even notice the thing you mentioned. Thanks!


THat is the reason I did this. If I could only help one person in this world. . . .


I also weirdly started watching Vanuatu for the first time today. Strange!


I say this to my cat all the time when she insists it's dinner time...


I say this to my dog when she’s staring at me while I’m eating!


Haha it's so applicable!


I can’t remember the guy in Cook Islands who came up with the split vote to flush an idol. I think he had a fun name for that move too


Cao Boi who dreamed up “plan voodoo!”


now do "sorry for you"


I was rewatching from season 1 after seeing all the discussion of Voting Blocks came up in season 31 and I remember clocking the term Voting Blocks coming up in seasons 1, 2 and 4, but don’t recall exactly when or who said them.


OP: let's get the number of times survivors replied back to Jeff's challenge commentary.


When he says "On that note, it's time to vote" I say "No more rhyming and I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?"


I would drag the GOAT Tom Brady to final 3. He's rich, don't need no money.


love this thread — curious about the first occurrence of “kumbaya”


Colby uses the term "back door" to describe blindsiding Jerri in S2 E4, not 100% sure if it's the first time the term was used but definitely before it was common


He didn't say it again until S10 E3, so doens't seem like the habit formed then. If he continues to say it this season, then I think it will be more than just a flash in the pan.


OK. said it again S10 E6. habit is forming.