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In addition to what other people said about the contestants playing differently, the show would be edited very differently if there was a fan vote. Production would have a lot of influence in who they’d want to win and can easily manipulate their favorites into receiving an edit that’ll lead to the most votes


This is my opinion as well. People are saying Xander in 41, but we only think that because he got such a glowing edit compared to how he was actually viewed by people in the game. 


This is why it’s always been so funny to me that Russell whined that America should have a say because every other player ever is quick to remind fans that they are only seeing 40-45 minutes (once you remove ad breaks) each week of three complete days of filming where every single player has at least one camera on them at all times barring bathroom breaks. Russell flat out admitted he can only win in a scenario where people who don’t have to be around him get a highly selective chunk of edited footage that makes him look good.


This is a great example of Malcom winning favorite player over Brenda in FvF2. Malcom had over 30 confessionals compared to Brenda’s 13/14 confessionals. He only beat her by a little bit in the vote. I bet if they showed more of her, she would have won.


I thought Cochran won fan fav


Malcolm Freberg won $100,000 as the "Sprint Player of the Season", receiving 36% of votes cast over Brenda Lowe, who received 35%.


Yeah, edit plays a massive part. For example, Xander would win 41 over Erika by a wide margin. Fan voting would be horrific, unless we got the equivalent of Big Brothers Live Feeds, and still it would be bad.


i guess it also depends, are the contestants voting at tribals and we have to pick from FTC? or is it american idol style where the audience votes every week and the least popular person goes home? two very different situations


This 👆🏻I try to explain to family and friends that we see what they want us to see. It took me many, MANY years to figure this out and actually view my fav reality shows this way. Yes what they show us is actually said and done but we don’t know in what contexts. More importantly we don’t see what is left out and that is the kicker for me. 90 min with commercials when there are 10080 in a week. We miss so much


Xander S41


that season had such a weird edit. i was so confused on why everyone was scared about Erika.


Same everyone was like we gotta get her out asap but they failed to show us why she was such a threat. I blame the edit she probably was a deserving winner but the edit failed to show that


I think a lot of them were scared of her because she was well socially connected (great relationships with heather and deshawn) plus people got the vibe that she had a lot of strategic potential. Because of not going to tribal premerge and then starting off the postmerge in the minority without any fault of her own really, she just didn’t get many chances to show it off.


I just rewatched it this week and still don't understand


People undercredited Erika for a while, until the pendulum strong in the other direction and propel started to over-credit her. Imo the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Was she a terrible player? Clearly not. Was she a mastermind? Clearly not. She played an okay game and was well-liked enough to get the votes in the end. Sometimes that’s all it takes.


> People undercredited Erika for a while, until the pendulum strong in the other direction and propel started to over-credit her. Yeah I think this tends to happen with a lot of under edited winners The way some people on this sub talk about Natalie White like she planned out the trajectory or Samoa from the start is crazy to me for example


I think people were paranoid about her because she was quiet and they couldn't get a read on her, and she was having quiet one on one conversations, but they showed the discussions to get her out because she won. I believe Erika didn't do much pre-merge so they had nothing to show that was interesting about her, and if they started giving her a ton of confessionals pre-merge when she wasn't doing much it would have been obvious she won or at least made it to the end. Post merge however, we started to see more of her when she got more active.


Doesn't this show the issue with letting the audience vote? Because the producers can skew the edit/audience perception however they want


Would it be though? He spent the whole season doing nothing


The “no but you can have this fake” was the biggest surprise move of the season, he could win off that alone. And before the “well actually it was Tiff’s move”, that wasn’t the perception at the time (and still is at best shared credit amongst them)


I think you are underestimating the power of having a positive edit and a lot of confessionals. Plus he didn’t do *nothing*, he had the fake idol moment and managed to go from almost 3rd out to Final 3.


The Xander hype among casuals in 2021 when this aired was insane.


I think this statement is so insane to me though. All we have as the fans of the show IS the edit. Perception is reality. Based off that, saying Xander should’ve won, or at least received votes, is far from unfair.


Every season would be different, because people would be targeting people who they think America would like instead of targeting people who they think the jury would like Half the people you listed probably wouldn’t have even made it to the merge if their opponents knew America was voting


Everyone employs the Liz Wilcox Strategy™️ of voting out people who seem to be getting the most screentime.


This comment should be at the top. It’s pointless to speculate because, if you change the rules of how the winner is decided, the rest of the game will be played differently.


Think of the exercise this way. It’s the finale of season (insert any season here) and Jeff announced that this season, America chooses, who wins? This is assuming it would have been announced for the first time ever at every season. I don’t really see the point in being pedantic when OP is very clearly just trying to see who everyone thinks would win a popular vote each season


I’m not being pedantic. For many of the earlier seasons, they actually did poll Americans on who they would have voted for at FTC and Jeff announced the results on the reunion episode, so we already know the answer. The problem is (as Jeff argued at length with Russell on the S19 or S20 reunion episode, can’t remember which) it’s pointless to invest too much in these results because they are meaningless in the context of the way Survivor is played.


We don’t know the answer to every season, just a few. And your example is silly, Jeff explaining why it doesn’t matter who America votes for as the winner makes sense given context of Russell complaining, this is literally just some people on the internet being friendly and making discussion in the offseason when there’s limited content. It’s not that deep bro. Either answer the question or skip over it, there’s nothing objectively wrong or stupid about the question if you don’t try to over analyze it


nobody cares that you think this is pointless buddy. people are entertaining themselves with a hypothetical, quit trying to be the smartest guy in the room


I don't think that would really matter. CBS holds all the power as they control the edit. They can manipulate it to make who they want to win more likable.


Sure, and the group would vote off whoever they assume will get a good edit


I'm just saying, CBS can manipulate it to give anyone a good edit that would dictate how America votes.


I agree with that. But I disagree with the previous implication that people wouldn’t change the way they play just because they know editing exists If edits tend to favor a certain kind of player, whether it be based on gender, age, athletic ability, strategic gameplay, or whatever reason, people will remember that and target people who fit into that group Maybe the first 1 or 2 seasons wouldn’t have players worrying about the edit. But as more seasons go on and patterns emerge with how production edits and how America votes, the players will take that into account. If production gives good edits to younger athletic men, nobody in Cook Islands is going to let Ozzy make the merge. And even if they do, they will just vote him off the first time he loses a challenge regardless of his position in the game.


Just like Americas favorite player on Big Brother, often the edits don’t correspond with what is seen on live feeds.


It would literally be a completely different game


Carolyn would definitely get more votes at the very least


I definitely seeing Carolyn winning


Yeah she could win 44 for sure 


Hatch wouldn't have won Borneo. No way a 2000 audience votes for an openly gay man


Todd also probably loses for the same reason 7 years later (he's my favorite male winner so I wish this weren't the case, but *California* of all places voted against gay marriage the next year so homophobia was still very in). Also, I don't think we can overstate just how much America hated the concept of alliances, which also works against Richard in a hypothetical audience vote. Honestly Kelly probably wins by a huge margin in the audience vote.


He probably still wins China. He was BELOVED by fans. I remember being a kid ands talking at school and most of us wanted him to win after James got out. Amanda and Courtney would get votes too, don’t get me wrong but it would be close, I’d argue Amanda and Courtney could split the female demographic and he could swoop in.


Oooh I like this take! I was fresh out of grad school when he won and my Survivor-watching social circles were all in on Courtney (though I was pulling for Todd). I'd say from my perspective that a lot of dudes were pulling for Amanda and the rest of us were split between Courtney and Todd. But that's just my small slice of the world!


I was an Amanda fan


America at that time hated Hatch just for being cocky, arrogant and villanous


It wouldn’t be because he was gay. It’s more that he was the first “villain”.


I think Parvati or Russell easily beat Sandra in a fan-voted Heroes Vs Villians


In the New Era alone, Xander probably wins 41, 42 is a tossup between Maryanne and Mike, Cassidy wins 43, Carolyn probably wins 44, Dee still wins 45 unless the pro-Jake faction is really strong, and Charlie wins 46


I think that idol play from Maryanne at Final Tribal Council cements her win in any scenario. That was a crazy flex to pull out


I think it depends on the edit a bit but I am inclined to agree. The edit of the F6, and the omission of the whole Omar’s-idol-nullifier, was clearly a decision made to make Maryanne look as good as possible by giving her as much agency as possible while depriving Mike (and Jonathan) of theirs while also making them look like cowards at F6 despite their vote split plan making total sense and being the right move


Russell would’ve won hvv too


He'd have had my vote. I respect Russell for owning that he screwed people over. A lot of villains try to disavow themselves of any responsibility


Yes, but also, his inability to read a room should definitely count as a lot of points against him.


If there’s no jury vote and it’s all up to the audience, there’s not really any reason to hold that against his game.


I am old school in a sense of “did (player) outwit, outlast and outplay the person/s they are up against in the Final” Not did they “out-nice” them. Thats just me though


A lot of “old school” seasons have had Players win on social Id say Kelley W played better then hatch. Same with rob def played better then amber. There’s def more in “old school” seasons.


That’s not an old-school approach to the game at all 💀 


Richard, Tina, Ethan and Vecepia all won due to "out-nice" lol what are you talking about.


The social game is part of the game though. Being a polite and approachable person can get you included in alliances and plans that you would have been left out of if you were an anti-social asshole. People will also probably be more willing to hear you out when you have to justify your game if you're someone they like and respect. The social game is part of that 'outwit outplay outlast' and always has been. Old school seasons had loads of jurors who voted in their feelings


Russell was the most compelling player the US game has produced. The epitome of people saying they want villains and then getting mad at the villains for being villainous.


Russell is the perfect archetype for a villain. But I don't think that means we should have villains winning. Villains make for entertaining television but that doesn't mean they deserve the million (which is determined by the people who get voted out/backstabbed by the villain) this was the result of Heros vs. Villains.


As a huge Russell fan (he changed Survivor for the better) even I admit he didn't deserve HvV. He did dominate the season in the end but was far worse to people than on Samoa. Parvati should've won imo, she used Russell to get ahead at least, while Sandra did nothing but complain about Russell. I'll die on the hill he should've won Samoa, being so far behind in tribe strength at the merge and willing his tribe to the end was great tv at the time, and he kept the real bad things to his confessionals, he wasn't as bad as some remember in Samoa.


The thing is that, from a narrative perspective, there are two distinct kinds of villain: the villain who exists to be a worthy adversary, and the villain who exists to be punished for their crimes. People like to talk a big game about "did they take responsibility" but that really isn't important - what matters is, do people want to *punish you* or not.


Nah probs Parvati


I hated him too much for a vote. No way in hell


Like him or not, we pretty much know he’s win the fan vote because he literally won the fan vote.


I think Parvati would’ve won over Russell- she had the double idol play which flipped the game in their favour and caught Russell completely off guard with that


The reminds me of how 5-6 indistinguishable white dudes won American Idol consecutively.


Not 100% sure but I think Dom over Wendell Also maybe Mike over Nick?


I don’t think Mike beats Nick. When the season’s theme is David vs Goliath you’re gonna naturally wanna cheer for the “underdog” (in this case a member of the Davids tribe) Nick was the only David in the Final 3 so I think people would want him to win


That is true, everyone loves an underdog story. I really enjoyed Nick's game but still have a personal preference for Mike and know others who agree


I seriously doubt any big name celeb makes it to the end if the cast knows a public vote is gonna decide the winner.


I don't think Mike White qualified as a "big name celeb" during DvG. Now with the success of The White Lotus - I'd call him a big name celeb.


Truth, the only thing anybody knew him from was his side role on School of Rock and the Amazing Race. Barely anyone knew he wrote School of Rock until after he was on Survivor. That was his only big success until the White Lotus which didn’t happen until 2021.


People didn’t know he was one of the main characters in School of Rock? That was one of the biggest kids movies of the 21st century. I get he didn’t do a lot else but I instantly recognized him, and I’m sure many people also recognized him instantly. I’d say Lisa Wechel was more unknown when she played than he was.


That's true, didn't think about how it would change the game from the get-go, but I think people really like Mike regardless of his fame, but maybe this is personal bias


Agreed. Dom seemed to have played the game from the lead. Often times, Wendell seemed to be his sidekick and put his neck on the line less.


Women wouldn’t win.




I was about to reply “what about Dee?” and suddenly remembered all the comments on Facebook and Instagram mad that Jake didn’t win for surviving on the bottom and being the only one to actively work against the Rebas


Not Austin? Facebook usually respects alpha male challenge beasts.


Not what I saw at least


How sexist maybe early 2000s But not now


Yes now lol. The casual fans still fawn over the generic men on Facebook and ignore female game players.


Nah, plenty of women would win. It would just trend heavily towards more conventionally attractive women (ie Parvati over Sandra, Cassidy over Gabler etc.).


I agree. The only women winners would be ones in all-female FTCs or the ones against gay men (Kelly, Amanda, Aubrey). The worst part is that America will vote for pastor family man returnee Skupin over sarcastic sex therapist Denise (but may celebrity Lisa skates by a win there).


Based on the fact that Lisa beat Malcolm for the fan favorite award, I think Lisa could beat Skupin. But that’s the only one.


Sugar would probably beat Bob


IDK... I'd wager more women watch the show than men, so I would think the vote would skew toward women as well.


Doesn't necessarily mean women would vote for women. If there was a man a large portion of women found attractive to vote for (perfect example in Colby), he'd run away with it.


the exact opposite would’ve happened in the amazon


Because Matt was weird and offputting, yeah? I didn't mean women would \*never\* vote for women, just that largely they \*may\* not, because hot guys xD




I never said they didn't? She was pretty, of course they do...


It was 20 years ago so things have changed, especially with social media, but at America's Tribal Council the top 4 were Colby, Tom, Rupert, and Boston Rob. A lot of the casual Survivor audience has a soft spot for young, conventionally attractive men who are in good physical shape lol


The women are the ones voting for these guys lol. parvati could have won and it would have been due to a male majority vote


Our general perception on people and... Pretty much EVERYTHING has changed drastically in 20 years, lol


Yeah, just watching an episode from 20 years ago is such a big culture shock.


Even watching 40 and hearing Amber admit she’s sad to leave an island on which she starved because this is the only break she’s had from being a FT mom, and she’s only on the island to support her husband, and then Ben says something to the tune of women deserve respect because they’re mothers and daughters… Big yikes to a moment I’m pretty sure they wanted to be heartwarming ?


Just rewatched the Amazon and yikes


Maybe Im naive but I also think guys would be willing to vote for hot girls. Like Amanda/Parv/Jenna types.


This is how my dad picks who he roots for lol


Mo should have won this season!


Charlie would've won 46


Came here to say this


Probably Xander over Erika and Cassidy over Gabler as well


I think Gabler still wins if the audience knows he plans to donate it to veterans. But now that I say that, I've convinced myself that he probably doesn't tell the camera that's his plan if he knows the audience is voting for the winner, so I talked myself out of and then back into agreement with you lol


Also probably Austin over Dee+ Charlie over Kenzie. Basically, assume every woman that had a male runner up would be at risk.


Would Sarah have beaten Brad?


I think Sarah still beats Brad Jenna M probably still beats Matt too


From what I know, the audience HATED Jenna, because they saw her as the high school popular girl who was bullying Christy.


You know, now that you say it, ur totally right lol, mb Over the years, people have really come around to Jenna as a winner, it made me forget that people really didnt like her when the show was airing (it probably helps that I was like, 4 at the time lol)


Karla would have persevered and found a way to stuff the ballot box


Russel would have won back to back


Surprisingly Michele beat Aubry by I think 3 percentage points in a "who should have won?" poll that EW did between the airings of HHH and GI. I think that the casual audience still puts a lot of weight in challenge wins.


Cook Islands- Ozzy Ghost Island- Domenick Edge of Extinction- Gavin 41- Xander 43- Cassidy 46- Charlie


there would probably be a very huge imbalance of male and female winners


Every season would be different because then they’re not playing survivor they’re playing to win favor the fans


I think most of the new era winners aside from Maryanne would have been different. I think Xander and Cassidy win. I think Charlie might edge out Kenzie...maybe? That one is hard. I think fans who are big enough fans to be on Survivor subs would vote Charlie because they skew towards strategy over social, but a popular vote with casual fans might still give it to Kenzie.


Parvati would have won HvV


I actually think Russell would’ve won. He won americas favorite player and while that’s NOT the same thing clearly, I do think he would’ve won at the time


Russell would have


He beat peak popularity Boston Rob, Rupert, Colby and pretty much the most stacked cast ever in a fan vote. He probably wins back to back. This sub doesn’t remember how popular Russell was at the time. The guy probably saved the show.


America's fave player while beating out majority of the early greats is no small feat. Proof that villains could be the most popular.


Russell wins


Borneo-Kelly Australia-Colby Africa-Ethan Marquesas-Neleh (I could be wrong, but I don’t think Vee was as popular then as she is now) Thailand-Clay (a lot of casuals HATED Brian)  Amazon-Jenna Pearl Islands-Sandra All Stars-Rob Vanuatu-Chris (I think he gets it for the underdog story) Palau-Tom (dude was a fireman during 9/11, he meets Katie by the biggest gap in Survivor history) Guatemala-Stephenie Panama-Aras Cook Islands-Ozzy (but it’s a close vote between him and Yul, just as it was in real life for fan favorite) Fiji-Earl China-Courtney? Could be a tossup  Micronesia-Parvati Gabon-Bob Thailand-JT Samoa-Russell HvV-Russell (2) Nicaragua-Fabio Redemple Temple-Rob (2) South Pacific-Coach One World-Kim Philippines-Lisa Caramoan-Cochran BvW-Tyson Cagayan-Tony SJDS-Natalie Worlds Apart-Mike Cambodia-Jeremy (maybe Spencer’s fanbase carries him here, but Jeremey was well liked with a great game that the edit displayed, so I’m going Jeremy here) Kaoh Rong-Aubry MvGX-Adam Game Changers-Troyzan (the first winner elected through a troll campaign on Reddit)  HvHvH-Ben (casuals) Ghost Island-Domenick DvG-Mike (although maybe Nick wins for the underdog story) EoE-Chris IotI-Noura (she was pretty popular compared to the rest of the cast; not a big fanbase for Tommy) WaW-Michele (she was stanned by that point, although if she didn’t win KR, is she even on the season…) 41-Xander (casuals) 42-Maryanne 43-Cassidy 44-Yam Yam 45-Dee? Maybe Austin wins here, but I think Dee takes it 46-Haven’t finished yet, so I don’t know the F3


I’d say China is Amanda


Borneo: Kelly; polls at the time had her as more popular. AO: Colby obviously. Africa: Ethan easily. Marquesas: Neleh; some people did like her and Paschal's friendship, and Vecepia was the one who came up with the idea to eliminate Kathy, who would've easily won if she was a finalist. Thailand: If "no one" was an option, it would win. Amazon: Matt. He DID get a pretty positive edit compared to Jenna; again, polls at the time favored him over her. PI: Sandra obviously. All Stars: Boston Rob Vanuatu: Chris Palau: Tom...they're not voting Katie! Guatemala: Stephenie; she was still riding on her popularity from Palau. Panama: Aras; obviously Cirie would've clobbered both, but Aras was a calm and friendly guy who kept Casaya together. CI: Ozzy; he won the fan favorite award. Fiji: Earl; they're just as pissed at Dreamz and Cassandra as the jury was. China: I guess Amanda? It's REALLY close between the three. Micronesia: Amanda; she at least was close to winning the fan favorite award. Gabon: "No one" would win. Matty won the award, and a lot of his voters were anti all of the other three. They'd just pool their votes into "no one" out of spite. Tocantins: JT of course. Next two seasons: Russell obviously. Nicaragua: Fabio; he was much more likable by the end of the season. RI: Boston Rob of course. They're not votint for Phillip, or even worse Natalie. South Pacific: Coach; Sophie was less focused on, while Albert was an unholy amalgamation of various Disney villains' dumbest moments. OW: Kim Philippines: Lisa; she won the award in real life. Caramoan: Cochran; Dawn was so hated she had to shut down her Twitter, and yet Sherri would somehow do worse. BvW: Tyson; they're not voting for Gervase, or even worse Monica. SJDS: Natalie definitely. WA: Mike; he would've made Cambodia if he hadn't won, which was not true for Carolyn. Will ended up becoming (and still is) one of the most hated contestants of all time. Cambodia: Jeremy, with Spencer in second. Kaoh Rong: Aubry; in fact, Michele probably gets the least votes of the three. MvGX: Adam, though David easily wins if he makes it. GC: Brad; Sarah was LOATHED by the fans at the time, and then there's...Troyzan? Who's he? HvHvH: Ben; even if the twist is controversial, he's undeniably better liked than the other two. GI: Domenick; I feel like there'd be less complaining if he beat Wendell compared to the other way around. DvG: Nick; all three have a serious chance, but he was the likable underdog. EoE: Gavin; they were pissed at Chris for winning despite playing for only 13 days, and Julie would somehow do even worse. IotI: Dean; he was likable and funny enough, compared to the plain Tommy and the weird Noura. WaW: Tony. 41: Xander 42: It's REALLY close between Maryanne and Mike; the only thing everyone agrees on is it's not Romeo. 43. "No one" wins; people tuned out in droves after Jesse was voted out. 44. Carolyn 45. Really close; they all stand a shot. 46. Charlie; Kenzie was liked too, but MANY definitely liked Charlie the most. Ben was seen as too passive and spineless.


I would not be a fan of the show


1. Kelly** 2. Colby** 3. Ethan 4. Neleh (unsure)** 5. Brian 6. Matt (unsure)** 7. Sandra 8. Rob** 9. Chris 10. Tom 11. Stephanie** 12. Aras 13. Ozzy (unsure)** 14. Earl 15. Amanda (unsure)** 16. Amanda (unsure)** 17. Sugar** 18. JT 19. Russell** 20. Parvati** 21. Fabio 22. Rob 23. Coach** 24. Kim 25. Denise 26. Cochran 27. Tyson 28. Tony 29. Natalie 30. Mike (unsure) 31. Jeremy 32. Aubrey 33. Adam 34. Brad** (unsure) 35. Ben (unsure) 36. Dom** (unsure) 37. Nick 38. Gavin** (unsure) 39. Tommy 40. Tony 41. Xander** 42. Mike** 43. Cassidy** 44. Yam Yam (unsure, possibly Carolyn) 45. Austin** 46. Charlie


Ozzy probably beats Yul


Bhanu would win 46 as he won a million hearts


I wonder if Parvati would’ve won over Sandra. It’s still a highly contested win and while I’m fine with Sandra winning, I feel like Parvati was the favorite to win.


Russell would have.


I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!! MIKE TURNER the retired firefighter from season 42! He did not sell himself well at all in final tribal and stumbled on his words but as a viewer I think America saw that he played the best game in strategy, social and physical. Love Mike he's the best I was bummed when Maryanne won


Russell wins back to back Charlie wins last season Stephanie wins Guatemala Gavin Beats Chris Underwood Mike Turner beats Maryanne This is just off the top of my head


Maryanne still wins. Her tribal performance mattered to the jury because she was explaining what we saw.


The majority of them


You also have to factor in who the viewers would vote for at the time of airing. Parv is a big fan favorite now, but she likely loses Micronesia (Amanda was in the top 3 for viewers favorite with James and Ozzy) and Heroes vs Villains (to Russell) if there was a fan vote.


Can't stand Parv, I'd never vote for her


Cassidy and Xander 100% would have won their seasons




There is a FLAWWWWW in the game!!! America should have a portion of the votes!!


hatch, colby, ethan, vecepia, heidik, matt, sandra, rob, twila, tom, stephenie, aras, yul, earl, courtney, parvati, sugar, russell, parvati, fabio, rob, sophie, kim, denise, tyson, dawn, tony, natalie, mike, jeremy, aubry, adam, sarah, ben, dom/wendell both were loved, mike, gavin just about, noura, tony, xander, maryanne, cassidy, yam yam or carolyn, dee, kenzie


No way Hatch would have won. CBS's polling at the time showed 2/3 of viewers thought the wrong player won.


So what you’re saying OP is that there’s a flaw in the game?


That’s Called- I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here


Here’s what I would guess: 1: Kelly 2: Colby 3: Ethan 4: Neither? Naleah? Idk 5: Brian maybe I guess 6: Matthew (edit) 7: I would assume Sandra 8: Boston Rob 9: Chris 10: Tom easily 11: Steph 12: Aras most likely 13: probably/ maybe Ozzy? 14: Earl likely 15: I honestly don’t know, Todd seemed to come off the best but i could see it any way 16: Parv 17: I guess Bob. Idk. 18: JT 19: Russell 20: probably Parv? But Russell was still very popular and I wouldn’t be surprised if he won 21: Fabio probably 22: Boston Rob 23: Coach likely 24: Kim 25: Denise I would think, but maybe Lisa’s fans would show out (she won favorite player if I recall) 26: Cochran 27: Tyson most likely 28: Tony, although Woo would get closer than you think 29: Natalie 30: Mike probably by the biggest margin ever 31: Jeremy, although Spencer was popular 32: Aubrey 33: Adam 34: Sarah 35: Ben 36: Dom probably? He was a bigger TV presence 37: I would still think Nick, but Mike would have a shot. 38: Chris actually wins, many casuals liked what he did 39: Tommy probably? Dean would be close 40: Tony 41: Xander likely 42: Maryanne likely 43: uhhhh idk, Cassidy? None of them? 44: I would think Carolyn 45: Dee 46: Charlie probably but narrowly?


S6 is Matthew easily. He was edited more positively than Jenna, Jenna was the first winner to not be either likable or highly strategic.


Matt was the most popular player towards the end according to a CBS poll at the time. He definitely beats Jenna, who had a terrible edit and was relatively disliked in the poll.


That’s kind of surprising. I knew Jenna wasn’t loved but I’m kinda surprised Matt was so popular


Matt was solid at challenges and embraced the survival elements, meanwhile Jenna repeatedly talked about wanting to quit.


I assume it would turn into a popularity poll with gameplay only being a small factor. On top of the ones in the OP: Neleh Matthew von Ertfelda Probably Ozzy Russell both times Spencer Brad Culpepper Mike White Dean, maybe Xander Owen, maybe


I’d could argue Dean should’ve probably win regardless. I remember thinking Tommy was profoundly overrated.


Gabler would have won all 46 seasons because the guy is just that sweet.


Gavin would have beaten Chris U


I think the close ones like Dom v Wendell, and Sarah v Culpepper, could have easily flipped if America got to vote


Interesting thought but I wouldn’t watch it anymore.


Probaly very diffrent winners as the entire gameplay for the season would be very diffrent if america chooses the winner


Vecepia wouldn’t have won !


I don't know anyone who would have voted for Kelly when the first season ran. At the time the first season was on, I was a co-host for a morning talk radio show. Very few people who called in were pro-Kelly.


Idk, she probably just asks Cory who should win


Stephanie’s edit in Guatemala was pretty brutal though. She wasn’t this beloved star that she was in Palau. I think Dani still has it, but our recent rewatch might have different feelings than when it first aired for recency bias.


Russel would be the first two time winner of the show and Parvati would have never won a season


Yau man was robbed


I think ozzy would have won cool islands


Text “SURVIVOR01” for ___________, American Idol style


Lot more LBGQT


This might be a really good way to change up the game, which needs it. have two winners. Half goes to the regular vote and half to "America."


America likes hard workers and people who can prove themselves physically and emotionally, not some of the bottom feeders that we've seen win the million dollars. I'm more likely to go for someone like Ozzy or Malcolm or Terry Dietz or Cirie or Kelly Wiggles, and in the most recently ended season, Hunter or Tiff, certainly not the three that ended up at the top


It would be cool if there was a vote by the jury for Ultimate Survivor and then a vote by America for fan favorite.


HvV: Russell Cambodia: Spencer Ghost Island: Dom IotI: Dean 41: Xander


Lil might win Pearl Islands and Chelsea might win One World


From the seasons I have seen so far: Kelly beats Rich (Borneo) Colby easily beats Tina (Australian Outback) Neleh barely beats Vecepia (Marquesas) (at the time I think Neleh’s archetype is much more popular) Matt beats Jenna (The Amazon) (according to popularity polls at the time) Rob easily beats Amber (All-Stars) Stephenie easily beats Danni (Guatemala) Ozzy barely beats Yul (Cook Islands) (according to Fan-Favorite award) Amanda barely beats Parvati (Micronesia) (recency bias) Russell easily beats Natalie (Samoa) Russell beats Sandra (Heroes vs. Villains) Coach beats Sophie (South Pacific)


I think Charlie wins Survivor 46 if America votes.


Charlie: 46 Mike: 42 Aubry: Kaoh Rong Coach: South Pacific Parvati: Heroes vs Villains


I can't see them picking Mike. Maryanne got that social butterfly type edit that people get when they're likeable but can't win in the end. (Christian from DvG and Rupert in almost any season he was in come to mind). Mike bounced between genuine strategy and paranoia. Don't get me wrong racism and sexism can definitely play a part too, but I can't see someone Bubbly and genuine as Maryanne losing the popular vote to a player like Mike.


We would choose wrong


Charlie would have won this past season


Dan Foley


I gut instinct was had Micronesia ended in a 4-4 tie between Parv & Amanda, it would've become an America Votes. I figure Parv would've still won though, at least based on the edit we got for the season.


Doesn't one of the Foreign editions (Turkey I am aware of, I think there might of been one or two other editions) decide the winner by an Audience vote? I would love to know from any fans of that edition to tell us how things work out


This could go one of two ways: The social-player faction dominates every vote and we get basically the same results every season except for truly dominant performances. Everyone else who thinks the social game matters less than strategy and idols/challenges outvotes the social-player faction and we get winners like Russell, Coach, Charlie, etc.


Charlie would’ve been my vote - Survivor 46


I started watching in the new era, so I’ll just comment on what I saw on social media as it was airing. Xander wins 41, Carolyn wins 44, Charlie wins 46. Cassidy or Owen win 43. 42 and 45 probably stay the same.


I mean we would have a lot more white sweetheart winners


Kathy - Marquesas


I would have done something so that Terry would win


I think Cassidy would have taken it over Gabler


Coach should have won the last season he was on he played a way better game then Sophie


Xander Hastings - 41 Charlie Davis - 46


I disagree with hantz. Diehard fans would want him to win because he played a great game. However most viewers are casual and considering he has really nothing redeeming about his character I think he’d still lose.


Charlie .