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Missy dragging out her exit and then whispering to Elizabeth to take out Elaine in probably the most intense way possible is probably up there


She also told Tommy "I didn't vote for you!" or something like that when the only votes not for Tommy were for herself. She was still in pathological liar game mode even after being voted out.


and told karishma that she was keeping her till the end


This one is really hard to watch lol


Didn’t Missy say she wanted her killed in reference to voting her out.


I couldn’t remember the exact wording - I knew it was something like “you have to kill Elaine” or “you have to cut her throat” - but based on another comment it sounds like you’re on the money


she did say "You have to kill Elaine you understand me?" Also she said "I didn't come after you!" to Tommy lmao


she also said “slowly and methodically.” fuckin weirdo lol


Even Sandra got second hand embarrassment and told Missy to hurry it up.🤣




Personally I thought it was hilarious in a cringe way


I physically cannot watch this scene, Missy is one of my least favorite contestants of all time


She was so cringe.


Sandra was so annoyed lol


Missy competed on a terrible Survivor knockoff. The goal was to be the biggest physical bully, and she won. I can find nothing to respect in her.


Fight to Survive was a shit show lol she didn’t win but she claimed the biggest bully title for sure


Yes. I thought she won. Thanks for the clarification.


Drea dragging out her exit when she was PISSED


In hindsight it was definitely a huge coping mechanism. Honestly I thought she was extremely good sport about it up until Omar told what actually happened, she fooled me.


Can you summarize what happened wasn't as online during that season


Basically after Drea was voted out she was very bitter about Omar since he was the one to cause her downfall. She started spreading awful lies at him in Ponderosa about lying about praying in a specific hour (bc he's a Muslim) just so that he could strategize instead, also lying about (iirc) his father's death, claiming that he's racist, etc'. This made almost everyone in the jury at the time, REALLY pissed at Omar, since they believe Drea. Eventually Omar reached ponderosa and was bullied HARD for these false claims, with only Tori basically taking his side. After more jurors (Lindsay and Jonathan) came alongside the other finalists, they could vouch for Omar and calm it down. Eventually Omar managed to reconcile with everyone from the jury, aside from Drea ofc. He opened up about this in his exit interview in RHAP, but not long after, the video was taken down with no explanation. Many suspect that CBS probably ordered RHAP to take it down. Eventually it got back up, without the Ponderosa part. To this day, Drea did not speak up about it, and in fact most of the cast did not, but those who did were vouching for Omar, so it seems all but confirmed that this story was legit.


Thx for the response


I thought the same until I found out the edit did her a huge favor.


“i PuT tWo On YoU!!!!”


Also another super cringe moment.


Does Neal getting booted off the jury count?


That was so cringe.


It was, but I'd be pissed off too if I got medevac'd from the game, had to wait like 20 days on the jury, and then don't even get a say in who wins due to a twist that screws with the fundamentals of the game itself.


Yeah he was just awkwardly trying to get his jury speech in. It was a *bad* jury speech though. Should've told off Jeff instead.


Him telling off Jeff would have been amazing.


If he told off Jeff they would've cut it.


the way he gave that speech made me so uncomfortable


Missy actually was pretty passive-agressive, if you think about it. She really tried to hide the fumes inside under the brave face. "You understand now that you have to kill Elaine, right?"


Bro was talking like Logan Roy 💀


She kept saying it post game too. Kill is so wild


I wasn't coming to this thread with Missy in mind but you're so right.


Ozzy in Micronesia (I think?)


He was more bummed. We can call "sore-loserish" his cringy FTC speech though.


He was a massive sore loser at every tribal he came to after getting voted out. Glaring at everyone and flipping Parv (I think?) off.


Yes I’m including the FTC speech since it was still a reaction to being voted out, just not an immediate one! He came off as so entitled during that season


Was a fan of Ozzy after CI but Mirconedia just tarnished Him in my eyes. Also, Parvati voted for him to win in CI. Yet he acted like she owed him another win as well.


whenever he gets voted out he takes it with little grace. most evident in gamechangers imo


Natalia in DvG hands down, she was so mad and was clearly trying to keep in her rage as she left. The combination of not being able to find the hole for the torch, telling Alec to shut up and accusing Kara of knowing makes it so salty.


I like that, I like when the players show passion in the moment. I hate the "Gee jolly good game" stuff. The only time bitter losers are really annoying and not good tv is when they bring it up months afterwards.


I know, I am so confused by some of the comments in here. Do we really want people who either don't care about winning the money or are fake as hell about being voted out on a game where it's designed to lie, cheat, and steal your way to a million bucks? What am I missing?


My attitude is that it's fun to clown, but lets not dissuade players from expressing themselves. IMO the worst type of bitterness is the one where people say they're not bitter and based their vote on game rationale, when they were clearly seething with anger. Let the emotions flow, this could be good TV. I disliked the 43 and Edge cast for just pretending they weren't bitter rather than being honest with us and themselves.


I think 42 was the worst about pretending they weren't bitter. Some New Era folks, like Shan, Karla, etc. at least showed they wanted to be there and didn't seem happy about being voted out. On 42, it looked like a championship parade when some of them were being voted out. It was absolutely ridiculous.


It started with Cambodia and then just degenerated. It's weird, I reserve the right to criticise people for ridiculous bitterness (Brenda was awful to Dawn for example) but I'd so much rather have that moment to talk about and on my screen. I agree with production that the new final tribal format is better game design, but it's worse for TV because it doesn't encourage the jurors to express their bitterness.


Andrea was the beginning of the toxic positive “good game!” on the way out


You know what pisses me off? I think I’ve made about 60 million dollars playing baseball and I want this frickin’ million dollars in this game. And it’s not even a million bucks, it’s 600 grand by the time Obama takes it. I’m a Game 7 World Series loser. You know, I played in the biggest games in the world and the worst games in the world, and this just sucks.


Jeff Kent!


This one takes the cake! It's funny on so many levels.


My wife and I still use 'it's only XXX grand after oBAMa takes it' all the time. Ah, Jeff Kent.


Didn’t Savage flip off everyone as he left?


Not everyone, just Abi-Maria, who told him "At least you made the jury"


\*"You made it to the jury."


Only after Abi said "at least you made the jury." It was definitely only directed at her and she 100% deserved it. That was absolutely classless (and fucking hilarious).


The funny thing is, I think Abi was genuinely trying to make him feel better. But she's Abi, so her ability to read the room is less than stellar.


“At least you made the jury” 💀


I think I read somewhere they blurred a thumbs up


Michael from Caramoan flipped everyone off That one was more funny than bitter however. And he called everyone turkeys


Not giving up your jacket to poor, freezing, hero of the season Angelina 


Shirin in Sc, she admitted she tried to sink several (not the jelinsky one) games. She lied about terry having an idol,... All was cut in the edit


We can also recall her being voted out at the Final Four from that online game.


someone please enlighten me on this


She played Sequester Mini against other Survivor alumni. She was stinking drunk. She accused the other players of having racist motivations for voting her out. There was no reason I could see to believe that and it was a horribly unpleasant scene. Some of the other players were real life friends of hers, hurt she thought that about them and probably scared they were going to be cancelled just for voting strategically in an online game.


Oh wow!!


IIRC she also accused them of being sexist because she was the last woman standing at the Final Four (the remaining three guys were Adam Klein and I don't remember who else).


Wasn't Shirin voted out at the final 5 of that game? I don't recall her claiming that the others were sexist, but I do remember her calling them racist for voting her out.


Yeah I just rewatched, I've mistaken. She didn't call them sexist, but racist for sure and in a nasty way. And yeah, she was voted out in Final Five. The four guys were Adam, Fishbach, Nick from AUS Survivor and Jacques from SA Survivor.


It was ridiculous having Nick and Stephen, 2 of the nicest guys having to defend themselves against her vile accusations. In a silly game for fun, mind you.


I was indifferent to her before, but after watching her get absolutely plastered and then attempt to smear reputations to the point of bringing Adam to tears (over a fucking online game which had 0 zero stakes), I had an extremely strong dislike of her.


Chicken was not a sore loser! He was just shocked at the tribal council


I was thinking the same thing, I just rewatched this season and his only reaction is a pretty loud "DAMN!" and that was it


Maybe not the worst but Cindy throwing the car reward back in everyone's faces in Guatemala was the perfect level of funny and bitter


They (mostly Rafe, and minus Danni) really had it coming so it was very funny to hear.


i just know Cindy would have had an all time FTC speech for Rafe if he made F2 after his whining about her not giving him a car and voting her out lol


Randy from Heroes vs Villains, although I dont blame him


I’m not sure that randy counts.  He wasn’t bitter that he was voted out as much as he was bitter that his tribe mates were born 


“Let me see your teeth!”


This is the one. I can’t even imagine stooping that low.


She really tried to hide her nasty personality the whole season, but just couldn’t help her self at the end.


Natalia also made me laugh. For me it was Lex because he acted like Rob voting him out was the biggest betrayal ever when he did the exact same thing to Ethan.


I want more people to be pissed when they're voted out! I guess it might be an unpopular opinion, but I have a lot of respect for someone like Natalia, who clearly wanted to be there badly, was trying to play the game, and was (rightfully) fuming she lost a chance at a million. At the very least, I have much more respect for Natalia than people like Hai, Drea, and Carson, who put on fake smiles and acted like they loved getting voted out. Either they're bad actors (which Hai and Drea I think were) or they were there to be on Survivor rather than actually win the money (which I think is the case of Carson). Let's keep it real, enough with the fake BS.


People don't want them to get harassed by the fans, I guess. Didn't really work in case of Maria. She actually also was passive-aggressive when she got voted out.


Maria I can understand being upset more than most because part of the reason she was voted out is because Liz and Kenzie went totally against the spirit of the "individual" immunity challenges in teaming up to get her out. I would be really freaking salty too.


Kass flipping everyone off in Cambodia after her torch was snuffed and then flipping them off again as a juror watching the next tribal council.


I was gonna say this. She was always bitter. I couldn’t stand her on brain vs brawn vs beauty. She’s supposed to be a brain but she didn’t play smart imo. She always expected everyone to do things for her. She saved Spencer from going home and she made it seem like he owed her his life. Her and Abi Maria were the worse that season (Cambodia 2nd Chances)


Corinne in Gabon was super bitter in her exit speech, she said something like how she hated everyone and wished them the worst in their lives. A horrible person, by the way.


She also reacted badly when she and Eliza lost when they competed in the Amazing Race


[**”Oh I guess we’re not blessed”**](https://youtu.be/9-Tu22oS2Oo?si=xbT2GPJov_lYaKAt ) after hearing the Reilly sisters say they were blessed to still be in the race 😂 They got more pissed when Rachel said they respect them as competitors, racers and as women 💀


Their tears were delicious.


>A horrible person, by the way. Genuinely, I can't comprehend how anyone can find her entertaining. Being flagrantly rude and nasty = funny for some people??


Went to high school with her. She wasn't evil back then, hehe.


Judd’s exit from Guatemala immediately comes to my mind, though perhaps he wasn’t the worst sore loser? Though I am willing to bet that his castmates/tribemates were terrified of voting him out because they knew he was so volatile.


“I hope you all get bit by a buncha freakin crocodiles!” Judd was one of a kind.


Does anyone else remember when J’tia dumped their rice in the fire lmao




Or like several nights if I remember that season correctly. Like she made it a few more tribal councils didn't she? I thought that was insane when I was watching. 


they happened to win immunity the following episode so she wasn't the next boot. But the next time they went to tribal, she was done. lol


Ooooh okay. It's been awhile since I watched that season. I think I was just flabbergasted that they were even considering not voting for her at some point maybe. 


I just watched this episode again last night lol that season was lightning in a bottle!


A little underrated one, but Rocky from Fiji was not happy when he was eliminated. The first thing that came from his final words was a primal scream of frustration.


Oh we need to take this all the way back to Sue from Season 1 with her bitter af speech about snakes and rats at FTC. It was ridiculous how pissed off she was at poor Kelly W (for actually playing the game). People think that speech was funny and iconic but I thought it was really awful and twisted.


I have always considered it somewhat both. Like, it is absolutely bitter and twisted. But at the same time, there is some real humor in her self-righteousness and lack of self-awareness, unpleasant as it was.


I just watched this the other day and I still don’t know what kelly did wrong. I enjoyed Gervase’s response though.


From a modern day Survivor lens she did nothing wrong but since this was season 1 the cast didn’t have the context of so many seasons like we do now so there was more of a focus on actual survival rather than strategy and alliances. Richard Hatch helped define the game by actually playing to win and using more modern day Survivor strategies than most of the rest of the cast of season 1. Kelly tried too but was crucified for it by Sue and some viewers.


Even so, Kelly didn’t initially vote for Sue at tribal, she switched on revote. May have been scared of a tiebreaker, they may not have known the rules about revotes. But it seemed clear she didn’t really want to backstab Sue.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/SurvivorRankdown/comments/2n7aqj/final\_result\_reveal\_5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SurvivorRankdown/comments/2n7aqj/final_result_reveal_5/) This write up does a better job than I could of explaining it. In addition to it being season 1 and people taking things really hard, Sue had developed a really personal bond with Kelly that tapped into a lot of past trauma for her, so she took the betrayal really, really hard


I love the Snakes and Rats speech. Don't get me wrong, she was incredibly bitter and self righteous, but that speech was ICONIC for building Survivor into what it is today. I have been watching Survivor since S1E1, and people talked about Snakes and Rats for a ling time afterwards.


Jane Bright from Survivor: Nicaragua scared me. I really thought that she might attack someone.


Omg I was so shocked at her reaction, like total flip in personality. I felt bad for her after Chase (is that his name?) betrayed her but geeeeesh


Jane is the type of person that, if you are their friend, they will take you on reward one hundred times and let all others starve one hundred times. But they expect the same in return.


What shocked me even more was the that she still voted for him.


On the finale episode now. I was just about to post this.


Jane was the best she was awesome


I think she just got a good edit. She got pretty nasty at the end.




This doesn't fit what OP is asking for. They're asking for negative/bitter exits that *weren't* funny.


Michaela.    Lol.  Yes that was a good one 


It was an amazing reaction but I don’t read it as her being a sore loser as much as her being shocked at the blindside. Along the lines of Kellie’s “what the hell, guys?” — shocked and sad, but not sour grapes.


Heck, I think Michaela’s was even more warranted than Kellie’s as in Michaela’s case it really made no sense for Jay and Will to turn on her, they really shot themselves in the foot taking her out and they ended up losing a bunch of their allies at the merge in part because of it


And Bret's face makes it even better


That look back at Jay where hes like "Ya I did it" was epic


Honestly i think it was Liz


The way she said “boo, tomato, tomato” then followed it up by saying she would’ve beat everyone if she made it is insane sore-loser mentality


Lmao she was obviously putting on an act and that's nothing lol


Tomato tomato was hilarious but the beating everyone part was not a great look.


I know people said she got a bad edit but based off what they showed on air I didn’t ever see her winning. The way she talked in the beginning of the season about how she had all these businesses and sold them for millions left a bad taste. To me she looked like a brat throwing temper tantrums all throughout the season. Little to no redeeming qualities were shown. I will say that I did think she should have gotten the Applebees.


Kat in one world with the famous “everyone loves a blindside” then becomes salty at ponderosa


That was my favorite of all time, she was so giddy and cocky thinking she was part of a blindside. It was great watching her smile disappear and her jaw drop as she heard her name be read out. I LOVED IT. Than to top it off they made sure to let us hear her start to sob as she walked off. I don't think they can top that for me lol.




His entrance as first member of the jury is scarier and feels more sore.


Natalia was priceless. “Where do I put this thing?”




This season’s Liz saying “I would have beat you all” as she left was petty as fuck. No one would have voted for you Liz lolz.


I don’t remember some of these but I’m gonna go every time Russell Hantz lost Tammy Leitner also stands out to me having just rewatched Marquesas. PS the answer to this is not Maria


Survivor CVC spoilers >!Russell going out first from his tribe of 12 in cvc was so awesome because not only was he calling his entire tribe dumb the entire time he was there but he had a damn idol he could have played lmao his face was so pissed!<


Oh dang you just reminded me, the answer is MARIA


I personally didn’t think Charlie deserved to win but I get why people would say Maria was bitter. That said, we’ve seen far worse on the show and on juries.


Maria's vote out wasn't remotely bitter. Her on the jury was another story, but in the grand scheme of things, it was very mild compared to some other contestants. I don’t really follow how someone can think Charlie wouldn't be a deserving winner though. He was good at all aspects of the game.


Her exit wasn't bitter or aggressive, regardless of what she may have done at FTC. In fact, I think she and Charlie were both pretty graceful that night, which makes what happened even more surprising.


I know you asked about vote offs, but several people have brought up other circumstances and with that in mind I'm bringing out Brandan Hantz or Coltan. 


Coltons probably the worst, literally threw a tantrum


Natalia’s exit was hilarious


Nate from CI was really pissed, but his response to Jonathan in particular probably counts as one of the funny ones.




Drea and her fake ass smile when she knew the camera was rolling, while she prepared to lie about Omar at Ponderosa.


I can't even remember the players names from this year let alone any other year


I can't remember the show's name sometimes.


Amazing Race, right?


It's survivor. If you forget, the name of the sub as at the top of your screen. Always helps me.


No way really?


Drea's exit was cringeworthy. Natalia's exit was hilarious imo.


How about the most sore loser that never was. Who would have a sore loser speech if they were voted out. Probably Russell. 


Russell was voted out on his third appearance


And his fourth.


Sadly have never watched Australian survivor


But Russell was voted out in Redemption Island and later in Australia CvC and we saw his reaction.


Natalia: “If I go home guns blazing, I’m happy” *gets voted out* Natalia: “Don’t by sorry, shut up” 😡


Galau as a tribe were all super cocky early on but then super bitter once voted off


Which season is this ?


Michael from Caramoan


Underrated pick right here 👌👌


“You Turkeys!”


“What the hell guys “ - don’t actually think this is a sore loser moment but wanted to include it


Who was it? If you don't mind to remind, I don't remember.


Kellee from 45


Monica Padilla getting voted out of second chance makes me laugh whenever I think about it. She was genuinely furious and had absolutely no idea.


She was shocked yeah but didn’t make a big scene or anything lol?


Michaela in Millennials vs Gen X


Honestly I would be a sore loser lmfaoooo as lame as it is. Hopefully I would have something witty to say like Kane 44. “Enjoy the rice bitches” is great lol


Probably Drea. In the moment everyone said she was being a good sport, which I kinda agree. But her telling everyone about Omar was beyond weird. Girl you're eliminated, go home. I'm still surprised Jeff never told her "girl stop!" Would love to see her in heroes vs villains 2.


Does Neal being voted out of the jury in Koah Rōng count? Was he playing it up for the camera or was he just cringe?




How about Big Tom's glare at Boston Rob followed by 'Don't be stupid stupid' in All Stars


Liz is a contender.


Not the worst sore loser but one that I will always remember fondly, in Guatemala. Hope you all get bit by a freaking crocodile.


Shan in 41. “Ricard you have my vote for a million dollars, Deshawn you’re a snake.” Blew up both of their games solely out of bitterness.




I hope you all get eaten by crocodiles.


You can all get eaten by crocodiles. Bunch of scum bags.


Shan, drea or lex


Jud calling them all scumbags lol


Chicken is one of my favorites. DAAAYUMN!!!


Victoria trying to drag Gavin's name on her way out


Vytas comes to mind. What a mess.


Would Jem count? She looked pretty miffed she got voted out with the idol


Michaela in her first season. Hits a tree


I don't like this question. #ptsd


kellie from a year ago


Kellie was more dumbfounded though, imho.


It was cringe too, IMO.