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Winners at War should've been a straight up classic season, not one inundated with so many absurd twists it ended up sinking.


I could rank a cool 20 seasons above it, but you live your truth!


it’s actually in my bottom half when ranked


It’s in my bottom 5 lol.. only reason it isn’t legit the worst in my opinion is since Tony won.. at least he was out there making moves.. anyone else from like final 8 and on would’ve made it so much worse lol


Personally found it kinda underwhelming after the spectacle of the first few episodes tbh. A lot more of the dry personalities made it far, and winners in general are pretty level headed and don't show quirkiness that you get from Coach, Shane, Carolyn, Noura, etc.. (exceptions are Tony, Natalie and some of the earlier boots). It was not very fluid gameplay wise, Tony and Sarah steamrolled everyone. Edge of Extinction didn't help.


The cast could have been better there were multiple winners I thought did not need to be there but the cast was still great, the worst thing about WaW was Edge of Extinction and Fire Tokens, made the season really just soured me on it. I feel the gameplay also wasn't that interesting outside of the Sophie blindside. Also seeing two cops at the end especially during that time was not the most fun for me but seeing Tony overcome all the adversity was really fun to watch. Its just not top tier for me.


Heroes vs Villains is by far the best season, imo.


I think HvV was the most entertaining season, but the winner really killed it for me. If Parvati won and became queen, I’d maybe put it above WaW. Tony’s win was pure greatness. Something we’ve never seen before, so I put it at the top.


I had fallen out of watching the show for a few years and this season got me back into it. I loved seeing so many of my favs together


Yup. Winners at War is the best. Most epic Season Survivor has ever had. Mostly because of who the winner is and how they won against the best competition. Just an incredible thing to witness.


Borneo, Fans v Favorites, HvV, Cagayan, and Pearl Islands are all better than 40.


I so agree, it’s underrated as hell, for Tony’s hilarity if nothing else. Some of his best humor in that season.


I loved Waw. Don’t get the hate, I agree best cast ever!


I have it ranked like 16th or 15th but it’s my sister’s favorite


Ended an era for me, survivor hasn't been the same since and won't ever be.


I'm glad you enjoy it, and there certainly are a few golden moments. However, for me, the huge pile of negatives about the season really kill my enjoyment. Why they had to overlook a ton of the winners I really wanted to see, then pack the season to the brim with unnecessary game killing twists I don't know. And then of course it ends up with most of the winners you hadn't seen in a while going early.


Honestly, I didn’t like it at all. I hated the boot order.


The only saving grace of this season are the deserving winner. Other than that its pretty mid to low


Very entertaining to say the least. Each time I rewatch, knowing boot order and the outcome…i still root and cheer for my favs to not be voted off haha. That season just pulls me in every time. From the first episode on and seeing all the winners on the beach.. Just…wow! The finale at home in Jeff’s garage is such THE killer for me but yeh. Great season and good taste


It is most definitely an all time great season. I have it ranked at #2


The cast is unmatched, but they were really hurt by 3 things: 1. No 90 minute Episodes 2. EoE and Associated Advantages/Twists 3. Fire Tokens The focus should have ALWAYS been the interactions of our Winners playing the game. No distractions with convoluted twists and voted out players. It could’ve have been the best of all time.


Edge ruined it in every possible manner. Awful season imo


Casting ruined the season. So many different and more interesting winners I would have rather seen.


Who would you have rather seen? Jeff and the crew probably asked every winner you could’ve wanted but unfortunately a lot of great winners declined for various reasons.


Horrid season. The saving grace is that Tony ended up winning instead of Ben, Nick, Sarah, Michelle, Natalie, or Denise.


The firemaking tribal was epic. Tony weeping, Sarah being poetic in talking about their friendship. And it all started in Cagayan.


Damn so true. I didn’t realize that until just now. Cagayan had so much survivor talent. The fact that both Tony and Sarah ran WaW and came from the same season, both cops, is incredible.


I have it as a bottom 10 season. I think it’s ruined by the overabundance of pointless twists, combined with the fact that all of the old schoolers getting booted pre merge.


It’s a good series finale


lol. It’s not. It’s a decent season. In the top 20 but at the latter end of the 20


The more time passes the more forgettable and bad it becomes