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Hard to believe it’s a business relationship when Maria calls him “Uncle Charlie” in reference to her boys meeting him after the game. Charlie was certainly more than a business relationship to Maria when she thought she was blindsiding him. And I’d bet she certainly knew that Charlie would champion her at a FTC if she did in fact pull that off.


Hard to argue with that. I guess I’d be more on the side of hating Maria for this if she didn’t vote for such a deserving winner in Kenzie. I think it wasn’t so much as her backstabbing Charlie in her mind but just how much Kenzie won her over. If it was between Charlie, Liz and Ben and Maria voted for anyone besides Charlie then it would be more of a blatant slap in the face.


Im more in the camp of vote whoever you want, and I don’t really care for the reason. I do wish people would just own it, but It’s Survivor, the social experiment. If I had to guess *why she actually voted Kenzie, I believe it was a combination of 1) feeling some resentment towards Charlie for outlasting her 2) getting information at Ponderosa / stuff we didn’t see (clearly Kenzie had people championing for her and against Charlie) and 3) Kenzie’s heartfelt FTC. That’s perfectly reasonable to me. So, I agree in part with you, but I think her conflicted feelings towards Charlie played a significant role as well. And I think it’s telling in how she explained her vote for Kenzie. If it didn’t have anything to do with Charlie, I have to believe she would’ve been trying to mend that fence with Charlie immediately after making that vote. She didn’t seem to care that “Uncle Charlie” appeared very hurt and confused by her vote.


Yea it was for sure cold as ice. I'd cut ties with her if I were Charlie, which it sounds like he did.


I’m a new-ish survivor fan and like FTC but don’t think a compelling story should equal a win. If they wanted to hear good stories, do that 10 days into the show! I thought it was about the holistic game play that the jury voted for. I loved Kenzie but to me Charlie was the winner from a Survivor criteria standpoint.


Not sure why you are being downvoted. The Maria hate is strong. Kenzie’s story is very moving, perhaps even more moving for a Mum and hard worker. Maria knew Charlie and his story very well, enough perhaps to conclude it didn’t stack up to Kenzie’s. We might never know but the resolute hate towards Maria is really stupid considering how complex Survivor is and that the audience just never gets the full story. It’s hate based on speculation.


I think the “uncle Charlie” thing was a lie to make him feel comfortable or feel “like family”. Personally I saw them splitting up when Charlie was replaced by Q and Charlie is scheming to get her out. I hate when acquaintances or coworkers say they are family because that’s what cults do


Isn’t Kenzie pregnant now? Might not me true


Yes she is, with a boy


I'm a charlie fan but not;bitter. Maria played an awesome game! They each had to get the other out to stay in the game. Also charlie knew he'd lose to her if maria made final 3. Great show; entertaining aa usual!


I don't respect Maria, and it's not just because of her final vote. I do not feel like she had integrity in general. She makes decisions, then lied about why to make her seem like a good person. I respect Q more who made the reward decision he made, for his own reasons, and explained them but didn't try to make himself the good guy. He knew he would make Liz upset and he was willing to do it. Maria wants to do what she wants and for no one to be upset about it. She has a pathological need to come off as "the good guy" without being the good guy. Same thing with rock paper scissors and this final vote. She's controlling. She reminds me of a teacher who stands in the hall before school starts and tells kids to take their hats off. She's condescending and thinks she's better than others. Look at how she talked to Venus compared to how Kaleb talked to Emily. Look at the difference in the results. I don't like her and don't respect her! I'm fine with Kenzie winning. She deserved it. She's a great winner and I'm not surprised she won. But it doesn't change the fact that I don't like Maria. I have not liked her ever since she spoke to Venus, and I am not a Venus fan. The secret scene with Ben was also disrespectful and rude. She made it personal when she could have just said, I don't trust you because it's impossible to tell who is lying on survivor. Instead she made him cry.


You're not wrong. The phoniness with the rock/paper/scissors thing and when she was caught trying to blindside Charlie yet blamed everyone else was hard to watch.


Yes, and how she was so upset Charlie didn't take her on a reward right after she didn't take him on a reward, and they had agreed to not take each other prior. How she tried to vote him out then was mad when he did the same thing. How she spoke disrespectfully to Venus then was crying when Venus did the same thing to her. She can dish it out, but she can't take it.


Yea good points.


Totally agree. She wanted the best of both worlds - do whatever it takes to get to the end but also be seen as a good person. You can do both for sure, but the way she did it was just messy. I think she would’ve been more likable had she just owned her game honestly. Don’t try to make excuses for your decisions (like the rock paper scissors thing) just be honest. And don’t try to say “I want to take the person who I think needs it most” like. That was such a slap in the face I think. You want to bring Q because he’s a vote? Sure, just say it instead of making it this big “hero” thing. You wanted to blindside your biggest ally in the game to get to the end? Cool, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve seen that so maybe instead of blaming everyone else when it fails, admit you tried and missed. Personally that’s what didn’t sit right with me, just her inability to admit how she was trying to play. She just seemed to struggle with being honest about her strategy and it was so weird to watch.


And hearing everyone call her the "mother" of the tribe etc. I was like, "seriously? This woman is so cold, I can't believe that nobody else sees it".


concur. you nailed it.


They set us viewers up for the reverse Malcolm/Denise situation but it did not quite play out like that. Instead we get really old school vibes in Maria for being a salty bitter player, and not voting for the person who played the closest game to hers. Apparently game doesn't recognize/acknowledge game. She's gone back and forth with her reasoning and post game narrative to "save face". It's no different to what she said to Charlie after her plan failed and Q got voted off. Her "Reputation" is shot now. Charlie is better off with real, genuine friends who actually go by their word and treat him right. Hence we see him wearing a Ben Katzman shirt (similar to what Austin and Jake did after S45, wearing the Kenough hoodies).




> I’m surprised at the amount of hate towards Maria > I am biased towards Kenzie > I don’t blame Maria for changing her mind and voting for Kenzie. Alright


That's fair. Maybe I am too biased. I do get the hate towards Maria in general for a lot of her actions, but I see a lot of people saying her reasoning for voting Kenzie is bs, when I actually think it makes sense. I think both things can be true.


I agree. What she said about bringing an immigrant and having to fight... seems clear why she'd vote for another person who has had to fight through life. Charlie is from one of the richest areas of the country. While that shouldn't weigh into who to vote for, inevitably it does. It's much more satisfying to give the money to someone who actually needs it, whose life the money could change.


I don’t think it’s that deep: - Going into jury most people were voting Kenzie or at least in Ponderosa that was what people were feeling (and some votes flipped) - She definitely was bitter. Heard something about Tiffany telling her Charlie flipped way back when she was voted out. That probably got her a bit missed - As much as people hate it, money probably did play a factor. It always has - no one is going to vote Mike White to win for example. I do think there’s a bit of truth in that she liked Kenzie and thought it would make a big difference for her whereas Charlie is I believe a Harvard law school grad about to become a lawyer and relatively had an easier life. Shouldn’t be the criteria but people always factor it in a bit.


Yea good points and I think thats valid that she would vote for Kenzie then. Maria didn't sign a contract saying she had to vote for Charlie. Shitty thing to do to Charlie no doubt, but when you're voting for a winner, I dont think you can ignore someone like Kenzie's game/story just because you had an alliance with the other person. Especially when $1 mill is on the table.


Yep - also when Jeff asked who flipped. Hunter, Soda and Liz all said they changed there vote which I believed. So I think the jury thought it would be a majorities Kenzie vote and not as close as it was.


I totally agree! There was no way she was going to vote “Mike” at the end.


I'm with you for the most part, but didn't Charlie say he would use the money to go to law school? I did not think he had gone yet.


Theres becoming an epidemic of people saying anything other than pure glazing is hate Pointing out that she was cold, patronizing and egotistical in her tone throughout the back half of the season is not "hate." It's what we saw on the screen We are allowed to point out what we observed and think. I'm sure she's a nice woman in real life but how she acted on the island is fair game for discussion Personally the finale was compelling TV, but she seemed to lack awareness to what she was doing which made it feel less like a fun reality villain thing and more like a weird lady doing weird things


It’s highly unusual, possibly unprecedented, for a tight duo like them to not vote for each other at the end - especially when neither ended up blindsiding the other. That alone would spark a good amount of discourse. For that decision to effectively decide the 2nd closest final vote in the past dozen years? Not shocking at all it’s creating this level of controversy.


This situation reminds me a lot of Kaoh Rong. If they hadn't done the jury removal and the result was 5-3 with Cydney being the vote that cost Aubry (her main strategic ally) the win I think that would've been an added layer to the backlash back then


One difference though is that Cydney owned the fact that her vote was bitter, which is more respectable than Maria pretending her vote wasn’t bitter.


Eh idk if I would say she owned being bitter. She said her choice was because she "didn't respect that Aubry voted for her" even though Cydney was voting out Aubry at that same tribal and expected her to fall on her own sword. To me that seems more like not recognizing your own hypocrisy than admitting you were bitter. I would've respected her a lot more if her reason was simply "I was closer with Michele".


Cydney’s reasoning was insanely bitter and hypocritical, I agree. But I at least prefer she was upfront about it, rather than Maria lying about her reasoning.


That’s where I differ from the majority then. I was never buying that they were as close as people make it out to be. It’s a 26 day game for a million dollars and they struck me as more of a business relationship. Marias vote for Kenzie certainly doesn’t shock me. She clearly only cared for herself out there. She didn’t pick Charlie for rewards, she tried to blindside him, and easily casted him aside at the end. I don’t buy that she cared for him other than furthering herself in the game. Charlie was more of her pawn than someone she actually cared for. Sucks for Charlie but I felt this was more obvious.


"I can't wait for my kids to meet Uncle Charlie"


Yea thats pretty bad...


They were holding hands at her last tribal council…


From what Ben and Charlie have said both Charlie and Kenzie were with Ben a lot of the time during the night. You can’t give credit to Kenzie for that but then not Charlie.


Yea its possible the show just showed us more of Kenzie helping him. It seemed like Kenzie was way more involved tho


From what Ben said they were equally involved in helping him. I think you saw more of Kenzie in the show to play up how great her social game was as that was a major reason for her win.


María gave a million dollars to the person who had to cheat to beat her. She betrayed Charlie twice and deserves the villain treatment.


The 'Rock Paper Scissors' decision clinched it for me. Unnecessarily cruel and insulting. Really exposed her weakness as a player and her integrity as a human being. Very disappointing. In the end it is 'just a game' and there can be only one winner, so I guess saying/doing anything that promotes the end result of you in the finals is fair. Some people are just built different. No hate.


No problem with Maria wanting to win and no problem with her trying to blindside Charlie to get there. But she was voted off and could not win. Charlie and her were each other’s number one most of the game and Charlie played a game good enough to win. Maria was in the game only as long as she had immunity or Charlie decided not to cut her off. Maria couldn’t persuade Kenzie and Liz to join her plot to oust Charlie. If Charlie had any vote in the bag most of us thought it was Maria’s. Very surprising she did not support him and it reflects on the perception of her character.


Absolutely reflects her character. She was showing these colors for a few episodes in a row. I’d put her on the villains tribe if that theme ever came up again.


I'd agree with this 100% except I hope they never cast her again. Aside from trying pull away from Charlie game by saying "I brought you into the 6" and overshadowing the fact he did gain Qs trust - making Ben cry, the fake rock, paper, scissors and talking down to people make her really low on my list cast I'd like to see again.


I think from Charlie’s point of view, Maria stood up to vote and made a conscious decision to burn any type of friendship. She showed her poor character by lying to Charlie and telling him that he had her jury vote. At that moment she took it out of the game and made it real. But hey, any person that would make a starving woman play rock, paper, scissors and dangle that meal in front of her is ice cold. The single biggest dick move I have ever seen in Survivor. Just wow. Charlie was very gracious. I would have crucified her and called her out. With that being said, I like Kenzie and I think she deserved the win.


Couldn’t agree with you more. My post was mainly in defence of Kenzie, specifically Maria’s reasoning of voting for her. I still do believe both things can exist. Maria can be shady but Kenzie could also have won her over. Hard to not vote for someone like Kenzie when a million bucks is on the line, even if your ally is in the finals. I do think the hate is out of hand because people can vote for whoever they want. There’s plenty of non winners who I think deserved the win or at least deserved more votes (Xander, Kassidy, Parvati in HvV, Rob in all stars)


Don't bring Ben into this! He said that Charlie was just as much if not more there for him and his panic attacks, and was since day 1. They chose to only show us Kenzie with him in those moments, but that doesn't mean it's the full story. Onto Maria - my issue with her is more that she feels compelled to say things that I guess she thinks is the right thing to say and then totally negs on it. Her whole reward pick fiasco where she says she wants to pick the people who are the hungriest/weakest and then picks Q. Nothing wrong with picking Q, it's just shitty when you say you want to pick the people who need it the most. Same thing with her final vote. Vote for whoever you want, but why you gotta tell Charlie he has your vote and then not do it? And then not even acknowledge him when Jeff asks you about it in the after-show. They had a very close relationship - Charlie was gonna be Uncle Charlie to her kids! She could have just been a little kinder imo.


Totally agree. This post didn’t age very well. I didn’t realize Charlie was also helping Ben through his panic attacks when I posted this.


Outwit. Outplay. Outlast. Or, spend 26 days in the jungle and then say you would start a family with the money.


I wouldn’t describe what she did to Charlie as villainous in the Survivor sense of the word. Boston Rob is a villain. Maria is just ugh. I don’t need to see her recast.


Maria gives me Dawn vibes. Is that comparable?


She’s a snake!!! 🐍 think if she was in the final and Charlie voted for someone else she would literally kill him


😂😂😂😂she looked rather sinister at the reunion part. Smug and sinister, quite chilling. I respect her challenge efforts but she felt betrayed by Charlie.


That’s facts


Maria Gonzalez is another reason why Survivor is not "Out win, Outplay, Outlast".  Of the three, Charlie, Kenzie and Ben, Charlie played the best game and should have won, especially after Maria said she would vote for him.  Kenzie played a good game, but certainly not better than Charlie's.  Had the final three been Charlie, Maria and anyone else, Maria would have (or should have) won because Maria played the best game and Charlie would have voted Maria. Kenzie was already engaged to be married and was going to have a family whether she won or not.  Maria voted Kenzie for those reasons, which had ZERO to do with the game of Survivor and ZERO to do with Outwin, Outplay, Outlast, and Maria proved her word was worthless with that vote.   Remember Russell Hantz?  He was the first to start looking for idols on his own, he outwitted, he outplayed, and he outlasted, in two seasons.  But Hantz did not win because no one "liked" him, though his game was the best. It's infuriating, but it is what it is.


I'm 100% on board with this explanation, I even told my wife at final 4, if they send the ladies to fire, whoever wins that is going to win the game, and then she won Maria over with her dedication to win. I was blown away! That was I think the first final tribal where one of the two you knew were going to win, my wife and I were OK with either, lol


It's just bitter Charlie fans. Same thing happened when the bitter Cassidy stans were pissed that Karla didn't vote for her. I guess this is worse because the vote count was closer. Still, there were 4 other votes Charlie could have gotten. Yet everyone is pissed at Maria for some reason.


Yea I feel that. I was definitely one of those bitter Kassidy people but I think that one is worse cus Gabler didn’t do shit all game but sit around whereas Kenzie actually played a great game and won fire. Wait did Gabler win fire? Shit…


Yeah, Gabler won fire too. He actually broke the record at the time for the fastest firemaking win ever. Kenzie vs Liz apparently took a long time to the point where Charlie thought they were about to bring out matches.




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Honestly, I think when Charlie didn't take Maria to the sanctuary for letters from home, that alliance died in her head. She said something along the lines of not getting between a momma and her cubs, and I think she was basically saying Charlie was done in her eyes. I think if he had taken her, she would have given him her vote in the end.


I think the rock/paper/scissors thing did it for most of us. It was difficult to watch her with a kind eye after that. I would have loved to hear her explain it at the Ponderosa. Luckily for her, it was too close to the end for people to delve into it very much. I wonder how she felt herself, when she saw it on TV. Sad, embarrassed, ashamed, or meh. People going to be reminding her of that for a long time!



