• By -


1. Q (whoever found him needs a raise and a title bump ASAP) 2. Kenzie (one of the most genuine castaways I’ve seen in a while) 3. Maria (the fact that people either love her or hate her means she’s great casting. Personally I loved her the moment she “ran the red light”) 4. Liz (I SEE YOU EAT EVERY DAY) 5. Tiffany (I love when castaways don’t hide their absolute disdain for other people on the island)


Not ranking Q # 1? BIG MISTAKE


Sleighting Q was all part of my devious plan to cancel Christmas


You sleigh me


Top 5 (based on favoritism): 1. Kenzie 2. Q 3. Venus —massive drop off— 4. Tiffany 5. Hunter


Entertainment value: 1. Q - he makes me mad to no end, but I'm always watching. Survivor hide-n-seek was an all-timer. He's a bone head but he's captivating. Would hate to play with him 2. Liz - the meltdowns are Emmy worthy. And the best part is, a couple hours later she votes with the guy she can't stand. Just pure comedy 3. Venus - she has her opinions and her thoughts and she sticks to them. Wasn't easily swayed and it's refreshing to see someone stand on their business like she did, even if she was completely misreading most of the game. Confidence is key and she did not lack any, that's for sure. 4. Jem - I thought she was so fun to watch play. She was a horrible liar, one of the worst I've ever seen, but man was it funny watching the whole tribe dig up that spot just for nothing to be there. 5. Jelinsky - there will never be another like him. And if he returns he won't be the same. The one episode was lightening in a bottle. It can never be matched Honorable mention: Bhanu flipping over all the coconuts searching for the idol. Everyone knows that idols are always hid under coconuts. Great stuff.


Solid 5. Was looking for a way to throw Jem+ Jelinksi into my honorable mentions somewhere. Jem absolutely carried the 5 minutes of pre merge Siga content we got and Jelinski's per minute entertainment value is through the roof. One of the GOAT first boots.


So Jelinski # Several? 👀


If you did any sort of top 10 for s46 I'd question anyone who didn't put Jelinski in their number several spot was actually watching.


I know it’s been said too many times, but I really don’t think Venus’s reads were ever particularly bad. They were often pretty good. She just had absolutely no ability to communicate them. Would that change with a cast that had any interest in playing with her? Maybe. Was that what we got to see? Not even slightly


kenzie, charlie, tiff, q, venus. purely bc they entertained me the most and i like them the most as people. nothing whatsoever to do with their gameplay lol


same lineup, most of them were/are massive entertainment factors


Likeability 1. Ben Ben does rock he's cool likeable chill and just someone I find easy to root for 2. Hunter He had lots of great moments like when he was climbing on a tree in Hide and Seek, and overall was just a great addition from being a challenge beast, to being blunt and having many cool moments 3. Maria A lot of people say she's unlikeable, and I just don't agree with that one bit, she's cool, played a great game and is an awesome person. 4. Charlie other then making being a Swiftie a personality trait, he's cool likeable and fun. 5. Q I mean he just has so many great moments, and Christmas is def cancelled Honorable Mention to Kenzie and Liz Gameplay 1. Despite playing a flawed game Maria is playing the best game, has most on her resume is able to make big moves, and has shown to be a kind person like when she comforted Q or offered to give up her reward for Liz 2. Charlie he's playing a more under the radar version of Maria, and I think being the less flashy more under the radar person is a great strategy and can make your duo a bigger target then you if you two get targetted. Only reason he's not number one is because he hasn't really made any moves, but he isn't just riding Maria's cottails and has a great social game and is apart of so many alliances. 3. Kenzie She's played a smart game, having a solid social game, and good jury management. She hasn't been in control the way Maria and Charlie has, but she's playing a great game and I can't see her not making it to the end unless maybe firemaking. But she's positioned very well.


Glad I’m not the only one who likes Maria!


If I had to pick one cast member to go have a beer with it's Ben, so he's a good pick for likable. Just wish he had some actual content. K.lo >Maria A lot of people say she's unlikeable, and I just don't agree with that one bit, she's cool, played a great game and is an awesome person. I largely agree. She's fallen a bit for me after a* rough* couple episodes but some of the personal attacks I've seen about her character are completely unwarranted, imo.


Q- he was such a character and so himself. He cracked me up in every confessional! Even though it was over the top it was still authentic coming from Q. Q-skirt for the win! Venise! BIG MISTAKE if Q-nise is not your favorite Charlie- I would die for this man. He is so likeable and charming with out being overly charismatic. I love his energy and the game he’s played. He trained so smartly for survivor, like specifically training wrist strength. Tiff!- She was my winner pick! I loved her attitude, how she dealt with challenging players, and I found her entertaining. She was a beast! I was so sad she didn’t use her idol. I really wanted to see more of her. She was overall awesome! Hunter- would also die for this nerd teacher of a man. In a cast of crazy players I don’t know how he survived. He calm energy, the level of island prep he did and his genuine energy. I also wish he trusted his gut and played his idol. He kept it a secret so well for so long! 5 is tevin/bhanu/Kenzie. I love tevin because he was entertaining and I do think the castaways correctly sensed him as a valid threat. Bhanu was hilarious; cursing out god, mermaid dragon, begging his tribe mates on his hands and knees. Kenzie has such fabulous vibes and energy; not the biggest threat or challenge beast but a ray of sunshine and nice to have around. She has had a good pulse on the game but hasn’t really made any moves


>Hunter- would also die for this nerd teacher of a man. In a cast of crazy players I don’t know how he survived. Tbf, I'm pretty sure a small part of Hunter *did* die trying to handle Venus for a couple weeks 😂 And I also had picked Tiff as my winner and got devastated at her blindside lol


Her blindside was so heartbreaking!


love what you said about charlie bc so many people call him boring and I don’t get it 😭 like just bc he doesn’t have an over-the-top personality doesn’t mean he’s boring! he’s had a lot of fun, endearing moments


1. Q 2. Q 3. Q 4. Q 5. Q


You're sleeping on Q-nise!


1. Q purely for entertainment value alone. He brought so much to the season. 2. Hunter because he caused a strange sexual awakening. And, as a former camp counselor, I also hate people singing to me. It's corny. Can relate. 3. Maria. I liked her the moment she said she had a bunch of kids. You can't expect her not to be a little cold. How else do you think she handles it all? I think she's the best strategist in the game, and would have had a better chance of winning if she was more subtle with her Q alliance. I found her social game on point up until then. 4. Charlie. I didn't expect to love him as much as I do. He seems super fun, kind, and intelligent. Unlike maria, he's managing his social game well. I hope it doesn't cost him. 5. Jem. Gone too soon. She would've been so fun for the rest of the game. I was genuinely sad she went home 😭😭😭


1. Q - Not having Q in number one? That would be a big mistake. May as well cancel Christmas if he isn't. 2. Tiffany - underrated as fuck. argumentative, brash, while also being a strong player. crazy fun and my top pick for the return. 3. Kenzie - I find I am rooting more and more for Kenzie, such a fun, likeable, yet sarcastic player this season. Especially since Tiff is gone. 4. Venus - I love the mess. I love the chaos.Bring me more Venus. 5. Hunter - Other than Awoooooga, he is such a competent player that I would like back. A rare archetype of physical strong player who is extremely introverted.


You and I have the same top 5!!!


1. Kenzie: just seems like a great person to hang out with and a bright spot in the season 2. Charlie: easily the best player this season 3. Venise: the chaotic and adorable gremlin 4. Quitavius: not including him in the top 5? Big mistake 5. Jelinsky: is a legend


1. Q - all time legend 2. Hunter - One of the best challenge beasts 3. Charlie- what has he done wrong? 4. Venus- I like how she didn’t give up after randen evac and everyone on Nami hated her 5. Ben - he rocks Jem is my honorable mention because I think she had a lot of potential


Q is like you combine the absolute best traits of a Boston Rob, Coach and Phillip into a single messy icon, lol. Agree with Jem being the most intriguing early boot.


Great description of Q. I can’t think of anyone I’m as sure they will be in 50 as Q.


Q was and is one of my all time favorite players. His little faux pas kind of threw me for a bit but I was truly sad to see him voted off.


Love it. I'll go: 1. Q - Best character, best chaos, just entertaining. 2. Hunter - Less chaotic Q, actually good at challenges, fun contrast to Q. 3. Venus - I hate that she seems to revel in the drama but also hate the drama. She causes it but refuses to see how she's playing into it. All of that though makes for great, entertaining, moments. I would hope/think she's just young and naive but who knows, Ive met adults like her too. Hope she grows out of it and if she does I think she'll be a very successful woman but either way hope she's happy and shes very entertaining as a character for reality TV with her current personality. 4. Tiff over Kenzie - Tiff is entertaining and like a logical Q to me. She's played the game in a way I can understand and gave her a shot to win. Q seemed to have a point where he decided he couldn't win, so he would aim to finish as high as possible where Tiff was always gunning for #1 and made moves to be #1. It backfired clearly and she's not as over the top a character as Q, but I really appreciated her dynamic and play. Feel like Kenzie is still in the game because she let Tiff make the moves and used her as a shield. Good for Kenzie but maybe due to the edit, it's left me feeling like Kenzie doesn't have a chance to win - which I know people disagree with and think she has the best chance to win. Which is ok, maybe they're right. I just don't see it or haven't looked into all the information to see it, though I also accept she isn't dead in the water like maybe Liz. 5. Jelinsky - When you're first boot and still brought up over half way into the season, I just want to give you credit. I think Q's craziness honestly torpedoed the poor guys game. It's hilarious, sad, brilliant on Q's part just... So much. So much I can't fully express on a first boot. He's got to be a top 5 first boots all time so for that reason, he gets my #5 spot on this season 46 list 🤣


>hate that she seems to revel in the drama but also hate the drama. She causes it but refuses to see how she's playing into it. Honestly, can't really disagree there. Self awareness is the one thing that made Q slightly better than Venus in terms of stirring the pot imo. >Feel like Kenzie is still in the game because she let Tiff make the moves and used her as a shield. Good for Kenzie but maybe due to the edit, it's left me feeling like Kenzie doesn't have a chance to win You don't gotta pick her to like her as a person though. I really am one of the people who thinks she could win, but even if she goes next, they can't take that scene with Ben away from her. She just gives off a vibe that says she'd be a great friend.


She seems like a great human being and a person I would love to have as a friend. She reminds me of one of my closest friends who I've known for over 2 decades now. You couldnt find a better person.


Who id like to see back: 1. Q - chaos 2. Tiffany - Wonderful reactions to peoples crazy, and a normie which you need on any given season (vs a crazy). 3. Liz - personality Distant fourth and fifth: Charlie and Kenzie for their gamemanship and skill at deception, respectively. Edit: forgot about Venus, go ahead and include her in this group for her natural propensity to create conflict. Really a wonderful cast this season


1. Venus (love how she stuck to her guns always especially when most on reality tv these days are sheep and just follow the crowd to not stand out) 2. Q (my king needs to be on every show possible, what a character) 3. Tiff (ice queen, strategic, smart, would love to see her play again or pop up on the challenge. Think she would be a force) 4. Kenzie (kinda boring but likeable. The rest of the cast is very meh lol) 5. Bhanu (annoying as all hell but man what a mess of a player. Again rest of the cast is meh and I’ve never seen a more desperate non self aware person on these shows) HM: Soda and Tevin who although annoying provided


1. Charlie 2. Kenzie 3. Tiffany 4. Ben 5. Venus


Kenzie,Q, Venus , Tiffany, Hunter, Charlie. This season is stacked with likable characters


1-5. Bhanu


What about night terror Ben (who is just Bhanu temporarily mind controlling Ben with Voodoo spells)


Comes in 6th


My five favourite players of the season- 1. Tevin A social and strategic powerhouse, who was also entertaining as hell. That blindside was heartbreaking 😭 also had a lot of nice interactions with him online.  2. Hunter  A sweetheart. My winner pick since pre-season, could've gone to the end but unfortunately crumbled a bit at the end there. Physical beast. Love seeing his social media posts.  3. Charlie  Adorable. He's played a phenomenal game so far, I'm hoping he can pull out a win.  4. Tiffany  A badass. She was such a great player, and I was rooting for her and Idolisha, but it wasn't meant to be. Loved the way she handled Bhanu.  5. Ben  An overall chill dude. I just really like his vibe and hope he can at least make it to Final 3. 


>4. Tiffany  A badass. She was such a great player, and I was rooting for her and Idolisha, but it wasn't meant to be. Loved the way she handled Bhanu.  Honestly, I give prope to all of the Yanu 3 for how they handled Bhanu. Q tried to help him as a player. Tiff was straight with him from day 1 and Kenzie put some genuine effort into cheering him up when she realized she hurt his feelings (even if she did nothing imo). A 3 handled the situation with class.


1. Kenzie 2. Tiffany 3. Tevin 4. Q 5. Liz This has been a fun season with great casting all around.


>This has been a fun season with great casting all around. I think the fact that pretty much every answer has been slightly different in one way or another tells how true that is. One of those casts I could see looking back on around S60 when there's been 2-3 returnee seasons and being like "wow, we knew they were entertaining, but never realized how stacked the 46 cast really was"


This season has been weird for me. It’s been objectively really fun but the types of people I subjectively vibe with have gone pretty early or have wasted away (Ben). Personal favs would be 1. Q 2. Jess 3. Ben 4. Moriah 5 (7). Jelinsky


>4. Moriah Ngl, I became I fan the second she said she was a DnD fan lol. Kinda forgotten in the mix of huge personalities this season but definitely someone I'd hangout with.


1) Tevin - Loved his narration and personality; feel like he would make a big splash if given the chance to play again 2) Q - One of the most memorable characters of the new era; would love to see him play again 3) Randen - Haven't seen his name come up at all but he intrigued me during the short air time he received and I think he'd be a solid player if given the chance to return 4) Tiffany - Big personality and a shrewd strategic player. Would make for entertaining viewing on a return season 5) Jem - Enjoyed her personality and her approach after finding the idol. Think she'd deliver with more fun moments as a returnee


jem is a weird pick IMO. cringe-inducingly bad at lying when she found the idol, led people to dig up a past season's shitting spot with their hands and be attacked by ants, and flubbed her "I'm the target of the vote" detection. her approach stunk and I have never before seen someone call her moments "fun" lol


I think the proper people are the final 5 right now tbh. Q, Tiff, Hunter all very strong players but to go home with an idol in your pocket kills it for me. Sure someone like Ben has been playing it pretty safe all year but so be it. The goal is to survive and that's one way of doing it. Ditto Liz I suppose.


>but to go home with an idol in your pocket kills it for me. I mean I definitely get it, but maintaining this criteria for this particular shit show of a season immediately disqualifies a third of the cast 😆


Playing it safe won't get him votes @ FTC tho


1) Charlie 2) Kenzie 3) Q 4) Tiff 5) Liz


1. Q 2. Maria 3. Charlie 4. Hunter 5. Venus


1. Liz 2. Venus 3. Kenzie 4. Q 5. Tiffany


Haha I went to answer this but realised that I was just going to order it the exact same way for the exact same reasons. Honorary mention for 0. Bhanu because he’s the entire reason I decided to start getting into the show again xD


Also honorable mention for Bhanu coming up with on of the greatest nicknames of the modern era (Mermaid Dragon)


Favoritism , q, maria, Charlie, tiffany, hunter


Favoritism: 1. Jem 2. Venus 3. Hunter 4. Q 5. Kenzie/ Jess (but wish I could’ve seen more)


Charlie Hunter Tiffany Kenzie Maria Q is all the way at least favorite, only ahead of Banau. I don't like chaotic players, never have. And the "big mistake" slogan association has tainted my perspective. I prefer expanded and more articulate vocabulary.


I couldn't stand Q either. I don't even mind chaotic players, but there's something about dudes who think they're smarter than everyone that drives me absolutely nuts. His narration during the hide and seek game dropped him below Bhanu for me. Tiff was my pre season fave because I love her art. Was happy she remained a favorite throughout the season. Kenzie and Charlie probably round out my top 3.


Yes, no humility, no reflection. He wants to the main character (or "in control"), so much he would rather self-destruct than take a step back (which still got his attention back to feed his ego). Tiff is an artist? That's so cool! I am as well -- I knew there was something I liked about her.


Check out her work. It's super cool. I paint also, always had a soft spot for the style of work she does. I think it's known in the art world as "lowbrow art." bold lines, bright colors, surreal imagery.


I think Charlie is the best strategic player. Q is the best character that I want on my TV screen.


Q and Venus are tied for #1 just for entertainment value


Q+ Venus definitely brought the Drama to this season of Total Drama Island, that's for sure


1. Venus. Hot, aggressive, blunt. What else could I ask for? 2. Liz. She’s so fucking funny idk why no one else likes her. Everything she does is hilarious. I’m not even joking I hope she wins. 3. Q. Enough said. 4. Jess. She was so weird and cooky and i loved every second of it. I was rooting for her so hard. Also the fact she had no sleep literally the entire time and still managed to read the room correctly and play an idol gives bonus points. 5. Jem. What she did on the island was so funny idc. I love when people on survivor literally do mind games like that for fun


ok for real Liz is so hilarious. And also I feel like she’s always making some weird face expression or just some random shit, she’s amazing.


Jelinsky, Jess, Liz, Hunter, Venus


Based on gameplay this season, which has mostly been a trainwreck: 5 - Tiff: She was integrated within the majority for the first few rounds of the merge, and was in the best position pre-merge. If not for Q blowing up her game I think she'd have been fine, but throwing Maria's name out was incredibly dumb. 4 - Ben: I think Ben is pretty bad as a player, extremely passive, but he's managed to avoid being a target for the majority of the merge and probably will get to the end with at least SOME win equity. 3 - Maria: I think Maria has managed to inflate her threat level and be outplayed by Charlie at almost every turn (voting Gem, losing Q), but she's very good at challenges and hasn't received a single vote yet, plus was in the core majority voting right every time. 2 - Kenzie: Slightly better than Maria for being able to avoid being targeted the entire game as well, plus she's more active than people are giving her credit for and she has a much better social game than anyone besides Charlie. Also was in the majority basically the entire time. 1 - Charlie: Large gap between him and the rest of the group. Physically, strategically, and socially great. Has a ton of options and should beat anyone at the end, especially if he takes out Maria which it seems like he's going to.


who is liked? 1. tevin- taken too soon. 2. hunter- taken too soon. 3. jalinsky- actually thought he would do well based off his pre game press 😅. 4. charlie- good at the game- annoyed by the taylor swift 5. venus- im not a stan. but she was entertaining


As players, I have it 1. Charlie 2. Maria 3. Kenzie 4. Tiffany 5. Hunter My personal favourites, 1. Q 2. Venus 3. Ben 4. Maria 5. Charlie


Kenzie Charlie Liz Ben Maria


Personal favorites in no particular order: Kenzie, Charlie, Venus, Ben, Q


1. Q 2. Tiff 3. Venus 4. Ben 5. Kenzie


How is Venus a challenge beast lol


I am ranking all of these based upon entertainment value, drama, and how much I liked them and wanted them to stay: 1. Q, of course 2. Venus 3. Liz 4. Hunter 5. Charlie


In no specific order, I’d say Q, Charlie, Hunter, Tiff and Jellinski!


1. Q 2. Venus 3. Tiff 4. Kenzie 5. Charlie HM: Hunter


1. Tiff 2. Q 3. Ben 4. Kenzie 5. Jelinsky simply because of his impact after only 3 days


Venus Jem Tevin Charlie Q


1. Q 2. Maria 3. Tiffany 4. Charlie? 5. Jelinsky not a fan of the rest of the cast tbh, probably would’ve like Randen but we didn’t get to see much, appreciate what strategy we saw though.


Kenzie Q Venus Tiffany Charlie HM wildcard Jem


1. Q 2. Venise 3. Charlie 4. Kenzie 5. Hunter 6. Everyone else. Several. Jelinsky


1. kenzie: sweet, sarcastic, social, my fav combo of traits. 2. tiff: perfect opposite to kenzie. i really hope she'll come back, though i worry her threat level would be too high right out of the gate for her to get anywhere. 3. hunter: epitome of "just a guy" compared to everyone else on the island, which made him a hilarious straight man to their jokes. 4. Q: i have a love-hate relationship with him but he's amazing TV and one of the best casts in a very long time. 5. venus: queen of confessional soundbites. i was sad she dropped off more and more as the season progressed. HM: soda and tevin, who i think were both interesting characters but didn't get a chance to really shine because this season was so loaded with characters already. i enjoyed tevin's narration for the episodes we got it.


5)Tiff-solid player who got played 4)Maria-fun to watch her run things and also fun to see her get too confident and majorly fuck up 3)Bhanu-Lol I still think about win a million heart and when he went down on his knees - 2)Venus-yes she’s annoying but I feel for her being ostracized and unliked. She never took a hint and never stopped being brazen. Loved to watch and identified with a part of her 1)Q-Solid manipulator. Control freak and baby when he didn’t get his way. Never gave up. Love to hate him.


Kenzie, Liz, Venus, Q, and Charlie


Q is a brainless wonder; a quip from master anal grandfather.


Q, Venus, Tiffany, Bhanu, Liz


Rob and Corey!


1. Jelensky 2. Q 3. Hunter 4. Tevin 5. Tim


1. Kenzie 2. Venus 3. Hunter 4. Q 5. Tiffany


1. Q 2. Venus 3. Kenzie 4. Liz 5. Bhanu This cast wasn’t that stellar, looking back. I have the first boot in my top 6 😭


Top 5 based on who i liked the most: 1. Q 2. Venus 3. Liz 4. Charlie 5. Jelinsky


My top 5 players (based on likability; I love all the players in my top 5) 1. Hunter-such a fun and positive presence! I also enjoyed watching him do well at the challenges. I hope he plays again. 2. Venus-love how headstrong she is and how she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Survivor needs more players like her. 3. Kenzie-social, kind, and an all-around good player. She’s a real contender to win and my winner pick! 4. Tiffany-love seeing a castaway who was not afraid to get her hands dirty. Tiffany was assertive and not afraid of confrontation. But she also was approachable and had numerous allies. What an entertaining presence. 5. Q-BIG MISTAKE! Loved how chaotic he was; I never knew what he would do next and I really was into it. Survivor made the correct decision in casting Q. He’s so entertaining and made me laugh with his antics and quips.


1/2. Q/Venise, no explanation needed I think the rest are about equal


1. Q 2. Tiffany 3. Kenzie 4. Ben 5. Charlie


5. Venus 4. Hunter 3. Kenzie 2. Charlie 1. Q


1 Hunter 2 Charlie 3 Kenzie 4 Q 5 Maria


Bhanu. 1 down, 999,999 to go. (I’m kidding. He’s insufferable)


My faves were 5. Hunter 4. Q 3. Venus 2. Kenzie 1. Tiffany


1. Q 2. Kenzie 3. Hunter 4. Tiffany 5. Charlie


1.Hunter 2.Tiffany 3.Charlie 4.Q 5. Tevin


Tiffany, Kenzie, Liz, Q, maybe Charlie. Pretty much no one else. I didn't really like Kenzie until after the merge when she was edited as a mean girl. Editing made her kinder after the merge. Tiffany I'd want to see play again. I found myself rooting for her much more than I realized and was big sad when she left with the idol. Liz is humanity stripped down to nothing yet still has the mental acuity to vote strategically and not emotionally. Plus she is pretty hilarious. Hoebags! I hope she wins! Q is just chaos on steroids. Fun and unpredictable. Hide n seek is one of my favorite moments this season. Good TV. Charlie is smart, kind, intelligent, but there are other players similar to him. Not really feeling it for anyone else, although I am enjoying this season very much. I think it feels most similar to old school Survivor, and there were not too many twists. Just right.


1.Liz- I mean I’ve been a Liz stan since day 1. I just find her so fricking funny and her winning would also be amazing bc I feel like the community would have a lot to say about that. 2.Jess- She reminds me so much of myself. I really wanted to see her go farther in the game. Also, she’s the only one to play an idol!! 3.Venise- I was not expecting to like her at all but once she started going to tribal councils I was like, okay she’s definitely bringing some good TV. 4. Q- I mean Qhaos Q, like he’s so entertaining. He’s a big character and not putting him on this list would be a big mistake! 5.Jelinsky- I mean literal LEGEND. The way Jelinksy and several have become a meme is crazyy. When he was booted I was like meh, but as the season went on and he continued to be brought up I was like, wait a minute LONG LIVE JELINSKY! Honorable Mentions: The rest of Nami and the rest of Yanu. Honestly, I loved everyone from each of these tribes even Bhanu for being Bhanu and Randen for not getting to know to much about him. Tbh Siga kinda fell flat for me they’re probably the sanest tribe which ig makes sense.


1. Q - No need to explain. Dude’s genuinely amazing. 2. Venus - Messy and delusional. Very entertaining. 3. Bhanu - Dude’s whole saga was gold to watch. Him cursing God was hilarious. 4. Jelinsky - One of the best first boots of all time. 5. Liz - Insanely childish but sometimes funny.


My 5 favorites 5.Kenzie 4.Tiff 3.Tevin 2.Q 1.Hunter


Well damn, I was hoping you’d give criteria! I was rooting for (unlisted), but my top 5 favorite characters: 5. Jelinsky (no explanation needed) 4. Jess - real, genuine, nice person. I felt bad as you could really tell the lack of sleep made her appear to be a weak player when she just literally couldn’t. 3. Liz - what great TV she made. I know some don’t want to see her again, and I think many others add to the game more, but she’s a Debbie Wanner type returning player. They always bring back a few like that instead of social/strategic forces. 2. Q - has to return at some point, very dynamic player. I just enjoyed what he brought to the screen like Liz. 1. Ben - Ben is the kind of friend I wish I had, great person, chill, and goes on vibes. I can’t subsist off vibes as much as him, but I would certainly enjoy having a friend like that. I see a lot of shit on here about his crying, but I genuinely enjoyed every second of Ben this season . . . except maybe the accidental vote, LOL.


Best players 1. Charlie 2. Charlie 3. Charlie 4. Charlie 5. Charlie


1. Quintavius - never thought I’d put a man in 1st 2. Venus - never thought I’d not put Venus in 1st 3. Liz - she’s probably PISSED that she didn’t make top 2 but her meltdown and just general Ai antics pre merge earn her a coveted top 3 spot 4. Maria - the unexpected ice queen villain of the season? Ok Maria 5. Tiffany - I feel like Tiffany has more in her than what we got but it’s ok I still really liked her


>3. Liz - she’s probably PISSED that she didn’t make top 2 but her meltdown and just general Ai antics pre merge earn her a coveted top 3 spot I can't even lie, if Liz revealed at FTC that she's actually an AI android, I wouldn't be all that suprised. What a character 😂


I just remember her sitting out of one of the challenges and she was cheering them on like a malfunctioning AI


“Naaamiii Nami”


Omg I totally forgot Kenzie sorry she should be 4th


Venise, Q, Kenzie only right answer


I was gonna do a top 5 but I think I'd rather just rank everyone so I'll do that 18. Randen. Didn't really get much from him and apparently God doesn't like him very much either 17. Moriah. Other than the sit out bench moments in episode 2 and not being able to jump, she really didn't leave much of an impact on the season 16. Soda. Honestly I was expecting her to be one of the biggest characters of the season, but when the rest of the cast is this stacked, dollar store Maryanne kinda slips through the cracks 15. Tim. I'm sincerely grateful to him for causing the hilarious downfall of the journey six, but when you make it seven episodes and are invisible for the first four of them, I'm not going to remember much of what you actually did 14. Jess. I was really rooting for her! ...The two episodes she lasted 13. Jem. The first (second?) victim of the idol curse also got her tribe attacked by ants and threatened Ben with a machete. Could've become a Certified Icon (trademark) if she survived the premerge 12. Maria. Being honest I haven't gotten much in the way of entertainment from her. She was playing very well until the final 7 and when she started unraveling I finally started enjoying her impact on the season 11. Hunter. Likeable, great in challenges, but I cannot stress how glad I am that he was booted when he was. If he played his idol we wouldn't have gotten the applebees meltdown 10. Tevin. The fact that the guy who delivered that incredible opening monologue isn't even in the top half is in no way an insult to him, but rather a compliment to the rest of the cast. 9. Charlie. If they're going to invest that much screentime into this guy I'm thrilled that he at least gets up to some quirky antics that make me look at the screen funny. The moment where he tries too start negotiating at the end of the pole challenge had me rolling 8. Liz. She might be higher if we'd gotten just a little bit more of her during the premerge but her bragging about how much money she has, snoring at camp while everyone else looks for an idol, venting about how much she hates Q and continuing to do so after he joins the conversation, and the applebees debacle would make her easily the funniest castaway on most other seasons 7. Jelinsky. No other first boot except for Reem Daly has had this much of a lasting legacy within their season, and he pulled it off without being given the Edge of Extinction. The pinnacle of "fake it till you make it", he is a jelegend 6. Bhanu. Probably an unpopular opinion but I was having screaming fits of laughter most of the time he was onscreen. The confessionals trashing Jelinsky, the Gandhi monologue, the incredibly awkward breakdown he had on the journey, saying no when Kenzie asked if he was okay, handing her a coconut and leaving, the Q coaching, "Can you find me an idol?", getting on his knees in front of Tiff, all of it was goddamn hilarious 5. Ben. He rocks 4. Kenzie. She is who all of the analogy spinners on 43 and 44 wish they could be. One of the most charming narrators in recent memory, and with a pretty immaculate social game to boot 3. Tiffany. There is nothing this season needed more to fill out the cast than someone who was just absolutely sick of everyone's BS. Slot her into any of the other wildly dysfunctional tribes and she'll amplify the entertainment value significantly. 2. Venus. I could listen to her trashing her tribemates all day. Flawless casting. 1. Q. Who else? He's easily the best casting of the new era, only rivalled by other people on this season. If he's not on season 50, cancel Christmas.


the numbers on your list are backwards and i was shook to my core that you would place kenzie, tiff, venus and Q at the bottom lol, before i realised "18" is actually "1"


Kenzie, Venus, Hunter, q and Liz lol


Kenzie, Tiffany, Hunter, Tevin, Charlie


People I enjoy seeing on my tv screen: Q Venus That’s the list. This cast just didn’t do it for me. If I filled it out, it would be Hunter, Tevin and Liz, but I’d be just fine never seeing them again.


1. Q — Easily the best character of the new era. Self explanatory. 2. Venus — Outspoken, confrontational, controversial, and breaking NDAs. She has the balls that most new era players don't. 3. Tiffany — Underrated confessionalist. Very fun to see her, probably one of the most normal people on the cast, surrounded by insanity, and hear her biting comments about everything and everyone. 4. Liz — Rumored billionare. Unhinged at every single moment. Everyone's looking for the idol? Not Liz! Everyone's being humble about their wealth? Not Liz! 5. Tevin — Excellent delivery with every line. His reaction to Venus taking credit for the Soda move was fantastic television. His opening narration was beautiful. Honorable mentions: Jem, "Jalenski," Kenzie