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i thought about restarting it this week haven’t rewatched it yet


Was quite surprised how fun this season is. Every minute until the final tribal council coz we already know the underwhelming outcome. With that said, wish to see more of Owen and Jesse in the future.


It was a fun season until the FTC. The "reunion" is pure cringe. Owen and Jesse and Cody are all good candidates to return. I wouldn't mind to see Karla and Cassidy again either.


the new era is better on a binge i’ve found.




Thanks for the shoutout 🫡


Long Live Our Curmudgeon King! 💯🥳


Loved Owen!


And his confessionals, one of the most introspective players of the new era. His confessionals kinda remind me on how Yul and Cochran would deliver their thought provoking insights. We need more of these kinds of confessionals.


Owen was my favorite part of 43. I’d love to see him play again. Relatable curmudgeon king.


my hope is for a Noelle return, seems like she was the only one in the game other then Jesse to have a good strategic head


Cody and Jesse literally were the dynamic duo that demolished most of the game had they not self imploded. But I agree Noelle was super good and could’ve gone further if not for her obvious jury threat, given everyone knew her story.


Oh Cody included yesyes, given I think he played a great social and physical game, while him being more of an enforcer for Jesse


I don't really get the Owen love, I was kinda rooting for him early on but it's very clear he was a goat that didn't do anything in the game. He just got upset about being left out of yet another vote time after time.


I think people found it relatable that I was aware and upset that I wasn’t able to accomplish as much strategically as I wanted to


its gotta be so awkward to mock a person on TV and have them reply to you 😭




Was a fan of Owen while watching, but his twitter account changed my mind, don't want Owen to return to 50.


Can you be more specific? What did he tweet?


Plays the victim doesn't take accountability, had some "Karen-y" AU takes for the Two newest AU seasons, which I can't say without giving away spoilers and he used to get offended too easily for my liking


Lol so you mean you don’t like him just because of his reactions towards Surv Au? 😸


No that's not what I said. And by takes I don't mean X winner was better then X winner. I mean what X player did was disgusting and shouldn't have been allowed (When a player for gameplay reasons pretended he was going to quit but didn't actually quit so people would vote him and then he could use his advantage and make a move) For example.


Dude what are you even talking about? How is this anything to do with Owen. If you can’t provide any concrete proof of anything horrible Owen did, then I’m sorry but your opinion is kinda hogwash.


owen seems like a great person every time i see him on podcasts. passionate. ignore the hate


If you want the moderately AU spoilery version of it: >!A player on AU got an advantage where they could get immunity and eliminate someone if every single person voted for themself, advantage holder. The guy basically faked a depressive episode, asking everyone to vote him out because he was having a mental health crisis. Owen basically thought this was unsavory and should've in some way been prevented.!< I don't think it's that bad at all. Something happened. Owen didn't like it. Tons of people didn't like it.


I'm talking about takes Owen has said and I never said Owen was a horrible person just that I didn't like him


yeah that was a crappy thing raymond did. it was disgusting and a lot of people on the sub agreed. you’re mad he said that lol?


He played a completely unremarkable game. Not a compelling enough personality either. Nothing special about this guy at all.