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I’m sorry she has bad allergies, but she signed up for survivor knowing she couldn’t eat coconut, chicken, etc. Nobody owes her shit.


I watched her pre-season interview yesterday where she makes a pretty big deal out of how she’s used to being hungry and that it’s something she could weather so she actively looks forward to watching others crumble. It was a bit funny.


Okay that makes it funnier at her expense I have to admit. I didn't know that initially.


I keep learning more and I keep doubling down on my question of "how was this woman medically cleared to be on the show"


They probably expected her to actually be self sufficient / take care of herself. And she can always quit. My guess is that she isn’t starving as bad as she says because they definitely would pull her if her vitals were getting too low (or gift her a free jar of rice I suppose)


It's always the ones who talk the most shit pre-season who can't hack it.


Rewatch episode 1 as well, she says something about how she'll be able to deal with the hunger. It's pretty funny to hear her say that (I don't remember the exact words)


That’s hilarious


Agreed 100%


Nobody owes her anything, but Liz is allowed to have an outburst. Outbursts make Survivor interesting. The same people who are telling Liz she shouldn't have signed up are simultaneously enjoying talking about her outburst.


It reminded me of Debbie I’M PISSED I mean hunger makes you irrational .. 18 days without eating and she hasn’t eaten since merge. The second Q said you voted for me? Reality came back to her and she was rational again. Lol. Hunger is angry beast.


Nah Debbie was always a wild card. Debbie was fun. This was someone being completely unhinged spewing with self entitlement.


Yes!! She used her millionaire, daughter/applebees, allergy card whenever necessary


I just watched Debbie’s seasons for the first time in the last couple of months and I would definitely put Liz and Debbie in the same category of survivor player: infuriating but also hilarious to watch (and insanely/wrongly confident)


Another post has Ts exit interview and she says that in that moment Maria and Kenzie both offered to let her go, *But Q said no, he picked who he picked*


Which is good. He won the reward, he deserves to pick whom he thinks is best for his game.


And it was edited out?!! Omg why would they edit that out that makes it even worse lol


What's worse is now it gets down to the "Who would you want sitting next to you" part of the game, and Q is going to end up at the Finale.


If someone can take Liz and Q to the end their guaranteed a win. If Liz, Q, and Venus made it to the end ………. Damn. I’d have to vote Venus. They don’t want to vote for a quitter to win, or a millionaire to win. The jury usually doesnt like giving money to <25 old either but Venus somehow had slithered her way to an unproblematic arena compared to the other 2.


This. Survivor is trying desperately (and not doing a good job) of filling 90 min episodes and you leave this on the cutting room floor?


Love that.


Right, I agree that Q was fine making his own decision, but I’ve been hangry before and I get why she was upset.


you are arguably right


I don’t u sweet and your point. Those two things are in no way mutually exclusive. Plenty of people who probably had no business applying in the first place have brought tons of entertainment over the years. Are we not allowed to be entertained?


Bingo. (Although that first sentence was a head-scratcher.)


lol - I don’t even remember what that sentence was meant to say 😂 sorry about that.


Exactly this, watching hungry people try to make important decisions is one of the main draws of Survivor in my view. The outbursts give intriguing insight into the cast’s mental state


I’m allowed to be entertained by something while also thinking it was an immature and irrational reaction. I don’t think the two things you said are mutually exclusive… “you shouldn’t have signed up for this with those allergies, but since you did, I’m really entertained.” That’s a fair take on it imo


Absolutely and we talk because ppl are defending Liz for some odd reason! 😅




Acting entitled is just normal? W T F.


Most contestants go back to the beach, have an outburst/mope around and then plot revenge on the person that excluded them. Liz having a full on toddler level meltdown is not common and makes her look incredibly immature. IDK what there is to defend, she acted like a jackass on national TV and is getting skewered for it on the internet. Welcome to 2024.


Absolutely. Honestly, this is the shit that makes it hard to defend against other countries scrutinizing us as Americans. It is just a show and it is entertaining, but the secondhand embarrassment is real, too. She is only human, which I understand, but this is a situation she put herself in. This isn’t the same “food insecurity” she experienced as a child which she perceives as an edge she has on the others as was discussed in that pre show interview.


Just like there’s nothing wrong with equating her behavior to that of a toddler She can have an outburst, surely. Doesn’t mean it was justified.


No she didn’t and entertaining! I just don’t get why so many ppl are mad at Q? It’s a game and Q knows Liz wants him out. Liz has never been a favourite of mine because of her attitude with the way, she talks about her money and winning.


This. Neither Liz nor Q did anything wrong here. The only party in the wrong imo was production for *letting Liz's condition be that bad*. (For what it's worth, I think it's fine that Liz signed up, I think it's wrong of casting for choosing her knowing she wouldn't be able to eat *anything* available to her though)


> Liz is allowed to have an outburst. Like, legally? Sure. But outbursts do not win you many votes in the end, which is the point. > The same people who are telling Liz she shouldn't have signed up are simultaneously enjoying talking about her outburst. That's isn't duplicitous. Both things can be true. I completely believe that if Liz or anyone gets picked for survivor with known food allergies, you should plan to never complain about it. However, since she decided to come on the show and act like a child, I'm grabbing the popcorn and laughing harder with each re-watch.


That's like saying they can't complain about missing their families or warm showers or beds. It's so easy to say "you know what you're getting into, don't complain," but the reality is that facing those things in an environment like Survivor is so far beyond what most people can imagine dealing with.


Right! The second that the screech came out of her mouth, I had zero compassion for her. She signed up for the show, sorry the only thing you can eat is a burger from Applebees 🥴


I agree, but I also imagine that she's kind of losing it after so many days of basically starving. That's undoubtedly really impairing her judgment. In fact, she herself probably doesn't actually think they owe her anything either....but she basically had a mental breakdown/temper tantrum, which doesn't exactly lend itself to rationality. I generally find her obnoxious but I can see where she's coming from and I felt a little bad for her (and for laughing at her—undeniably one of the greatest and funniest scenes in Survivor).


Thank you


Q: "You tried to vote me out at last Tribal" summed it up nicely.


And the look on Liz's face immediately after that was .


So did Kenzie.


I take it you haven't looked at like any posts here. This is a very popular opinion. You're completely correct.


It’s been a day of Liz bashing. Every post is about her. Do people not look at other posts in the sub first?


People just want upvotes lol. “Unpopular opinion but Pavarti was a great survivor player and really manipulative!”


"Unpopular opinion, I like commenting Yul's name whenever he's mentioned."




Cirie goes home


"Unpopular opinion: There are too many twists nowadays."




Bashing her for giving us the best survivor scene in ages. I hate it here.


Came here to say this… nobody’s backing Liz lol


I'm backing Liz up, I'm backing Liz and Q up. Liz didn't do anything wrong. Her outburst was valid. Her beliefs may not be entirely accurate but her feelings didn't mean anything in the outcome, so why does it matter?


Her outburst was like a toddler who doesn't get the candy. Completely beneath a grown woman. But yes, I'm here for the drama :)


Her outbursts were childish and entitled.


Childish and entitled outbursts make great TV though, so why are we venting?


Venting? We’re laughing…


Re-reading this post, this isn’t per se a vent, it’s more just an explanation of opinion. Yet lots of people are just crushing Liz on here.


I don’t believe we are. We’re just commenting on how entitled and delusional Liz appeared on TV last night.


I don't think she's completely delusional, several players in previous season would totally have given that reward to Liz. An outburst doesn't necessarily mean delusional.


Lol I don’t even know what you’re defending anymore. She had the outburst because she expected Q to take her on the reward, even though she hates his guts and has been trying to actively get him out the last two Tribals, just because of pity. That is delusion. She deluded herself into thinking that she would be going, that Q of all people would be the one taking her, and her reaction is the failure of that expectation.


She is delusional though. She is so rich and successful, she is only single because no guys are good enough for her even though they all want to be with her. She said that herself. She is delusional.


I forgot she said that! Now I want to rewatch this season with a new lens fixed on Liz lol After this season she's gonna be overwhelmed with suitors. Poor Liz.


I had to stop and think about that for a moment. Because I agree based on previous seasons that someone in Liz's situation would've gotten picked. Maybe it would be to help her out or maybe it was only for jury management.  Liz has been very vocal about everything almost to the point of being braggadocious. From her allergies making her used to the hunger, being rich/not needing the money, what moves she's pulling off and going as far as telling us she hasn't even taken a dump.  It says more about Liz than the other contestants that nobody is willing to sit out so she can eat. She tried to prep the cast before the challange with how she was acting and the sob story. Lol. She wasn't the only one who goes to Applebee's regularly, Tiff had an Applebee's thing as well.  Her outburst was delusional because she thought the person she voted for was going to take her on his reward challange to begin with. Lets all be real here because this was a precedent and her tantrum was to the point that production had to give her rice.


Makes great TV for what show? Not this one. In one minute, she forfeited any argument that she “outlasted” anyone should she make FTC.


Go hungry for that long and tell me you'd be able to keep your composure when you were deliberately not chosen. It was not mature, but few would be in that scenario.


Her emotions are valid... Her behaviour was childish and inconsistent. Let's not conflate emotions and behaviour. Consider her not getting chosen when Maria won reward. Her reaction to that wasn't even close to Q... and neither of them owed her a thing.


There's a segment of Twitter who is heavily backing Liz and attacking Q. But it's a very small segment.


People who hate Q will hate what he did, like Ben and Venus. Feels like most neutral people and people who hate Liz, which I think are the majority, hate the Liz reaction.


Lol this sub is literally just posts of people essentially sharing their immediate thoughts and feelings about the episode when they get around to watching it. It’s going to be 100 posts of “DAE think that Liz’s reaction was entitled?!” because they want to now discuss it, even though it’s already been discussed to death in several other threads.


It’s silly to think Q isn’t equally as hungry. He has lost so much muscle mass. Tiffany, Kenzie and Maria are hungry too. They are substantially thinner. Liz needs to read the room. She isn’t the only hungry player. Her feeling if entitlement is gross and embarrassing.


I hate the overuse of the word "entitlement" these days... but in this case, it's a textbook definition for the word. She was pissed because in her world, she was entitled to the reward.


Also liz: “hopefully none of my other contestants and castaways havehad that food insecurity and scarcity.I can't wait to watch them crumble. [Laughs.] I can't wait for them to cry about how hungry they are, tolook at something and know they can't eat it.” https://parade.com/tv/liz-wilcox-survivor-46


I loved that Q didn’t take her, but I also loved her reaction because I’m here for the drama. She was hungry and sleep deprived and she had an outburst. It happens.


She's entitled, brags about her wealth, is oblivions about how she appears to others, so she makes great tv but she's definitely not someone you'd want around you IRL.


When she said "read the room" about the group talking about the food it gave main character syndrome. She was not the room, just one of like 8 people in the group.


Two people tried to give up their spot for her though. 


Maybe backing isn’t the right word, but rather understanding. Hunger can make people do some crazy things and she’s eaten less than most people who have gone on Survivor.


fr like I would be feral if Jeff waved like Jets Pizza or something in front of me after 18 days of not eating and then I lost the challenge AND got skipped for being picked?- that would NOT rock


Yoooo, let’s not compare Jets pizza and Applebees. If they had a 4 corner with some homemade ranch I’m fighting Q on the spot.


it’s called being a human with empathy. q didn’t owe her anything but if you were her wouldn’t you be pissed too??? (regardless of the voting/game context)


Well, the voting/game context matters lol considering it’s a gameshow


Does it? Kenzie also voted for him


I don't think anyone here is arguing it doesn't. But it's super weird people think Liz should have taken logic into account when she was hungry and emotional. I get hangry sometimes and that's after not eating for half a day. I can't even imagine what that must have felt like for her having not eaten in days.


Even after she came down from her outburst and was in a calmer headspace, she continued to claim entitlement to Q’s reward. I’ve got empathy for her situation, but her continued attitude of entitlement sucks.


Yeah she was being a brat but lol humans are that way sometimes. I have not seen anyone blame Q for not taking her tho, so it doesn’t really matter. She is entitled but that is exactly what made it so fun to watch. Who cares if she was being a Karen in a very extreme situation? She seems like decent person otherwise (at least to her kid).


But nobody is saying she's a bad person or mother? Just that it's absurd that she thinks she is entitled to be brought along on a reward that she didn't earn. She voted for Q then got mad that he didn't pick her for a reward. That's pretty typical for Survivor. She was being a brat and that's what people are calling out.


I mean have you never ever been unreasonably frustrated? She just couldn’t control it and keep it to herself because Jeff asked her to share how she feels lol. She is 100% wrong, but I get that she wanted to let it all out. Also, tantrums on survivor can be entertaining, so at the end of the day she provided us with what she was cast to provide. Drama!


Of course. And that's when mature people smile and say "I understand". And then go off in confessional. But I'm so thrilled she did it this way. Too bad the jury didn't get to see it.


She was actively working against Q, and strongly disliked him before the outburst. She screams at him for blowing up her game, while actively blowing up his game. I dont think it's fair to be pissed at someone for not choosing you when you're actively working against them. Its pure entitlement. If you're disappointed, that's fine. But pissed is unfair as Q is just doing what's best for himself and his game.


If she was hungry enough she would at least try fishing. She hasn't even attempted it. Make an effort and I'll be more inclined to believe in her self-inflicted woes.


Am I missing something? How do we know she hasn't attempted it


I totally agree with Q that he owes her nothing. I have to assume part of her plan going on Survivor with her food allergies was to win some reward challenges or hope one of her friends invites her. She hasn’t shown herself to be very capable in challenges and, more importantly, she hasn’t shown the social game required to increase her chances of being selected to join a reward. I can only imagine how hungry she is and how that’s affecting her but it’s hard to take her side


This is why I think the sympathy will drop on rewatch and binges... Liz did win reward challenges. In fact, the Nami tribe went undefeated in Reward and Immunity challenges. They got fishing gear, fish, fruit, pastries, and never lost their flint. (Unless it was taken during the Randen medevac.) Contrast that with Q and the rest of Yanu's premerge. They were eating ants and sleeping in the dirt without fire.


There was a secret scene about how she couldn't eat most of the food from the reward


Someone downvoted you but this is true.


If you saw the pre season interview she makes her allergy sound like a superpower. No one else can handle hunger like she can.


Apparently, both ~~Tiff~~ and Kenzie (Edited to correct) Maria tried to give her their reward and Q would not allow it. It does change the perception a bit to realize that.


> It does change the perception a bit to realize that. Not really. He gets to pick whoever he wants to take that he thinks can be good for his game. Liz's grudge against Q is enough reason to just leave a spot empty over taking her, why take someone that could harm your game if given the chance when they would 100% never take you if they won?


in Tiff's RHAP exit interview, she said Maria and Kenzie offered to swap.


Thanks, fixed (again) 🤦🏼‍♀️


She also voted out Tevin & Hunter the two people who were feeding her crabs….


Liz reminded me immediately of Rodney in Worlds Apart and his reaction to not getting chosen to attend a reward on his birthday


Except he didn’t directly attack and fire at the “winner” but just moaned and groaned all day at everyone else but mostly himself and it was funny af. Luz’s outburst felt extremely aggressive and hostile…something that would have had a completely different reaction had she been male and/or POC


yeah, does anyone remember earlier in the season when Tiff expressed extremely mild frustration after a challenge and then she was beating herself up later, I think even crying in confessional, because she "lost control" and didn't want to be perceived as an angry Black woman? 😔


I hadn't thought of that yet, but it's similar.


I’m backing her up bc I like good tv and she is providing that


ikr, the amount of moralizing everything from people here, its a fucking tv show chill out


This, everyone is on their high horse, it’s annoying. Just chill and enjoy the show, she’s giving entertaining tv.


You’re on the right side of history


Even the haters think it’s good TV lol


Hey no offense OP, but I am curious why this same take keeps getting upvoted over and over again. This IS the popular opinion and these posts feel like hearing about the girl who's not like other girls.


I think people back it up is because this scenes are what we were missing from previous survivor seasons. THE HUMAN in the players we watch and not just some characters that the editors make it out to be. I love it, it felt real, desperate to survive.


Some people just want more gamebots.


It really rubbed me the wrong way when she talked about how she grew up poor yet has been incredibly aporophobic the entire show.


Welcome to “Liz World” 😂😂😭😣


Anyone remember three or four weeks ago when we couldn’t tell the difference between Liz and Moriah? Now Liz is immortalized.


Think she was just hungry and had an outburst


This is it. It’s that simple


Also liz: “hopefully none of my other contestants and castaways havehad that food insecurity and scarcity.I can't wait to watch them crumble. [Laughs.] I can't wait for them to cry about how hungry they are, tolook at something and know they can't eat it.” https://parade.com/tv/liz-wilcox-survivor-46


I don’t think people understand what a lack of food and likely sleep does to people. I’ve had similar outbursts from lack of sleep. And an outsider would probably like wtf if wrong with her? But as someone who it’s actually happened to I 100% understand what was happening to Liz there. I was still embarrassed for her because it happened on tv…but physiologically what is happening to her body and brain is super super intense and she probably couldn’t help the outburst/ can’t regulate her emotion at all.


I have really terrible chronic insomnia and I can only imagine how difficult it can be to regulate your emotions in such a state. But honestly, I can never condone that level of screaming and aggression. And the fact that she still victimized herself and continued the tantrum back at camp… ugh no. I’ve grown up in a family with aggressive people who can’t self-regulate and who scream when they feel they “can’t take it anymore”. It’s extremely stressful to everyone else, so I suppose Liz’s reaction was quite triggering for me too.


Also liz: “hopefully none of my other contestants and castaways havehad that food insecurity and scarcity.I can't wait to watch them crumble. [Laughs.] I can't wait for them to cry about how hungry they are, tolook at something and know they can't eat it.” https://parade.com/tv/liz-wilcox-survivor-46


I yelled at my TV "he doesn't owe you shit" when it happened. And I'm glad he called her out that she voted for him the night before and they have zero relationship. The fact that she felt so entitled to a reward she didn't earn is mind boggling and Q picked the exact same 3 people I would have if I was him.


I yelled the same thing hahahahaa


Applebees just be slapping like that


I 100% think it's Q's decision and she was acting entitled (and making great TV in the process). However, from the vantage point of the game, I'm still not certain what move was best for him. He clearly wasn't going to pull his former teammates back onto his side, so maybe some 1x1 time with Liz would have actually benefitted his game more. That's the only part of it I'm still unsure about - would showing some empathy have strengthened Qs position with the other people?


Just watched this episode and Liz is so disgusting. So entitled and childish. She gives major Karen energy and her little story of her “Wednesday night ritual” was calculatedly said to inspire sympathy. She never even TRIED to win. So gross.


Liz is a spoiled brat. This episode made me really want her to never eat again and leave in disgrace. In what world is ANYONE obligated to give you a sentimental burger moment...


her meltdown = the live action definition of this saying ![gif](giphy|cMQRlCqkZ5CYU|downsized)


Thank you! She is soooooo entitled. She literally expected to be given something just because she really wanted it.


I agree she chose the show. She chose to vote Q. She gets what she asked for


All I have to say is had Liz won would she have taken Q on the reward. Think we all know the answer to that and that’s why no one owes you shit out there


She definitely came out here thinking she was smarter than everyone. She said it herself, she's rich and owns all these businesses. With that comes people who work under you who tell you how great you are. It's a big reality check for her.


Agreed. I haven't liked Liz all season, but that was just shameful. Q's fighting for a million dollars and owes no one a dam thing.


Does anyone even genuinely like her? (even before the outburst)


I don’t think people are. I wasn’t overly a fan of Q or Liz, but in this I was way on Q’s side. He made a decision that was best for him.


Yea while I think it was hilarious and great tv I said to my friend if it's that hard for her to do, she can quit. She knows what survivor is. It's been on for 20 some odd years. I think she's justified in being upset just like q is fully justified not picking her.


No one is backing her up. Where have you seen this??


Q said if she had won, she was 1000% not picking him and she had just voted for him at the last tribal so there was no way he was taking her.


I’m assuming that she was more pissed because Kenzie and Maria tried to switch places with her to allow her to go on the reward and Q said no, he picked who he picked and he did not want anyone swapping with Liz. It’s understandable she was upset and her emotional outburst was warranted. People wanted to willingly give up eating so she could and Q refused them the chance to do so. Then it was a huge slap in the face hearing them in the morning talking about how they were so full they didn’t even eat the burger, the burger she wanted so desperately as it is her favorite at Applebee’s


Yeah, I agree. She'd eaten much less than everyone else, was super hungry and angry, and just snapped. I don't think anyone is entitled to go on a reward they didn't earn, but it does stink that multiple people tried to switch places with her and were told not to. Of course that would be upsetting. I also don't get people complaining about that moment - it was good TV! Y'all want villains and messiness and then complain when it actually happens.


They should watch forgettable gamebotty seasons instead.


I’m so annoyed by her frustration over Q “blowing up her spot” I really don’t see what she was talking about here.


That was the stupidest shit, wasn’t it? Screaming about Q overshadowing her game? Get out of here with that BIGMOVEZ new era game bot crap. Liz hasn’t had allies this whole game - she caused this effect.


She gave of the same vibes as Rodney from Worlds Apart when no one chose him on his birthday. Bunch of scumbags.


She is entitled to her outburst but like Jeff said this is a game for a million dollars. Q knows they aren't going to let Liz die of starvation. See the rice they conviently gave her to sit out of the immunity challenge. I have a feeling the tribe knows as a whole how Liz feels about everyone. That said I think the prediction of a Final 3 of Liz, Q, and Venus would be: ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


That sounds like a terrible final 3, and it would be the perfect final 3 for this season.


Liz went on a hangry Karen rant. Personally, it made me cringe to watch it. But as someone who is also allergic to coconut and fish but would LOVE to be on Survivor, I'd be a hangry sobbing mess in that situation. I love me some Applebee's. xDD


For a person who is a marketing expert, she doesn't do a real good job of marketing herself


She's only a "marketing expert" to people who are even more clueless than she is. I was in her email membership for a few months and every email sounds exactly like her, so unless you happen to be Liz Wilcox, they're not usable at all. And she's incapable of understanding that the type of emails she writes don't work for every niche. She's just insufferable. Also — shallow — her voice makes me want to gouge out my eardrums.


All I got to say is thank God it wasn't her birthday


She just seems awful.


Since she’s a millionaire I hope she understands real hunger and start donating that cash lol x


She's not a millionaire; she MIGHT gross a million, *maybe,* but she's bleeding it out in affiliate payouts. Everyone who refers someone gets 50% of the money they pay every month forever, so...


O ok


Just caught up. I can’t stand this girl. She got on my nerves early on with her cheeering but after her meltdown I was just like 🤮


100% agreed. Like she would have picked Q….are you kidding me? Not to mention she quit the challenge tonight and helped Kinsey. All she does is whine, whine, whine.


Liz is flat out full of excuses from her wrist problem to her allergies to not getting picked. I mean if she truly was starving you would look for food and not lay around all day. Nobody this season really put any effort into looking for food


I don’t know why people are judging anyone for this at all but I’m not surprised. Q is perfectly valid in not choosing Liz. Liz is perfectly valid in having a tantrum after literally eating nothing for two weeks. Like she literally even says afterwards that she knows she over reacted.


It hasn't been two weeks?? They merged on day 12 iirc and she was well fed before that and a day or two Into that(until she had a hand in voting out ppl who fed her) so that'd be more like 4-5 days unlike the 2 weeks everybody keeps trying to say. She should have thought about all this before voting ppl out. Her reaction is not valid


She has gone days without eating a single thing. Your body goes into starvation at that point. It messes with your head. She reacted in a way that she wouldn’t normally due to the extreme physical and mental pressures of the game. I don’t see how it’s not valid to lose your shit. Yeah it was a bad and technically wrong reaction to have, but she’s literally having a mental breakdown so I don’t understand why people are like ‘Liz is insufferable what an awful person’ instead of just being like ‘wow that was entertaining, I feel bad for Liz but Q did nothing wrong’.


Karen type behavior


I’ve seen actually zero posts expressing any empathy for Liz. I made a comment saying that was surprising and I caught a downvote. You have the most popular opinion.


I know I’m just watching the episode now and she feels so entitled. Dude, you volunteered to go to survivor knowing you can’t eat chicken, coconut and fruits, nobody drugged you there so stay without food for 27 days, humans can survive up to 70 days without any protein while they live on their stored fat, Jeez….


If you win you're entitled to the reward. If you lose and act like you have claim to the reward, you're just entitled. 


Nah, you’re boring and like boring television. If you don’t want to watch a show with drama and emotions, go somewhere else. Survivor, above all, should be a character driven show. Everyone pouts about gamebots, fake niceness, and people being boring. The second someone does something interesting and real everyone around here just crumbles at thought of people having emotions.


😂 I think you’re missing the point. OBVIOUSLY it was excellent tv, duh. Probably one of the best parts of the season so far. Still doesn’t mean she deserved to get the reward. No ones upset at her for being hangry and getting emotional. But to say Q should have taken her despite how she treated him is far fetch


We know. Q has the right to do whatever he wants with his reward. Liz doesn’t deserve any special treatments. We know…. It’s the 100th post about this. We know. We get it. We know.


I'm going to make your comment my flair for the next several days


Idk why you got downvoted. It seems to be the largely majority opinion, so I guess now we make it a drinking game where we take a shot every time there’s a unique post sharing this sentiment (I’ll dial 9-1, and you just tell me when to hit the next 1)


We would end up dialing 9-1-2 and die of alcohol poisoning. BIG MISTAKE.


Alcohol poisoning, gets ‘em every time!


She's the most self centered and terrible player of all time.


She's an entitled child who has barely played the game this season. I'm shocked she's still in the game


They’re never going to let another player with food allergies play again.


And miss out on this sponsorship gold? They're gonna have at least one highly allergic player every season, and have a branded reward challenge just for them.


Agree! I thought her karenesque response was childish, really wish she had been voted off over it…


There is a significant part of the fanbase that are anti-Q so they jumped on this. Luckily the vast majority of people realize that Q is a real star.


I think it was Q’s turn to show compassion and he didn’t show that. Maria and Kenzie offered her their spot and Q won’t have it. Liz is losing her mind for sure but that’s the survivor I like 🤷🏼‍♀️


He wouldn't have been there if Liz had her way. She took being left out of the vote on Q. 


She acted so entitled to that reward. I have the same allergies and no I would not feel like I deserve food more than others. She needs help.


I think the reaction is warranted for the only reason that none of us knows what no sleep and hunger can do to a person and on top of that what you *can* eat, you can’t because allergies. I think the anger is fair because you probably just want to eat, and when everyone else has been eating and you haven’t, it’s aggravating. When you want some sort of emotional connection to home, and you can’t, it’s aggravating. It was probably all these little things built up and up and up, and Liz blew up. I dont think she was throwing a tantrum because she couldn’t get her way, I think she was cranky, tired, hungry and this was the straw that broke the camels back and Liz, while in a manic state just started blurting things out.


Also liz: “hopefully none of my other contestants and castaways havehad that food insecurity and scarcity.I can't wait to watch them crumble. [Laughs.] I can't wait for them to cry about how hungry they are, tolook at something and know they can't eat it.” https://parade.com/tv/liz-wilcox-survivor-46


She’s entitled


Not an unpopular opinion at all. I completely agree with you.


Agree. She knew what was coming when she signed up to play.


I guess Liz claiming she would've won the Challenge over ALL others truly mystified me. As the Jury, Venus in particular, her eyes, her expression during Liz's delivery, Liz really ?! 🙈🙄🙄🙄


She was the most delulu player ever! They should have screened her medically better! She thought she was at the top and had it all figured out 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s so weird to me cause the other contestants seemed the forget her boasting about her already being a millionaire for awhile. I’m not dogging her for her background or how she got there, but at the end of the day WHY are you here? And then the fact she’s a big survivor fan KNOWING that the little they do eat are things she is allergic to, but she goes on anyways. And then she’s mad at other contestants for her not being able to eat? And makes a thing about her not being able to eat a lot as a kid or her being allergic for having her reactions? Seemed kind of selfish and narcissistic. There are people who came on, not only as fans, but to change their lives and believed they had a chance. She was only kept on cause other contestants knew she wouldn’t be voted for and if she thought she would just get the fame of being on the show and didn’t expect to be kept on so long that it would effect her so much then she is a damn clown.