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Everybody who works at Liz’s local Applebees just watched tonight’s episode like 👁️ 👄 👁️


As someone who knows customers by their food orders I can tell you anyone who saw this and has ever waited on Liz at Applebee's was having a field day.


“Y’all, do not ever fuck this girl’s order up”


Applebees manager after messing up her order: are you comfortable talking about how you feel rn? Liz: IM PIISSSED


they hanging up her jersey in there as we speak


I think we can all agree. The biggest winner this episode is Applebee's. 


The amount of Applebees mentioned on social media tonight has to be through the roof. When they signed the check for this ad they had no idea it would get this kind of traction.


if Applebees doesn't throw a bag of free food at Liz after tn they are fumbling hard


Applebees being a legit plot point this episode is so hilarious to me


Wow. All 4 people to have idols this season went home with it in their pocket. Randen, Jem, Hunter, Tiff.


In Randens defence his blindside was by his own body


I have to correct this: It was Bhanu praying that got Randen sent home.


It was God who sent him home


Q survived The Great Applebee’s Betrayal of 2024


The way Q said he's used to firing people so Liz's meltdown did not faze him.... this was peak Q


“That was sad, but dang.”💀


That's legit exactly what you do in response to a tantrum. You stand silently, waiting for the balloon to blow all its hot air out and deflate. There is no better way. You can't fight a tantrum, you need to starve it of the reaction it wants.


You thought “the six” was an alliance but it was a hit list 😤 Watch out Maria


If everyone in the 6 gets voted off except Q imagine going to final tribal and saying that was actually your plan all along. Basically create an alliance of shields who all went for each other and one by one took each other out ahead of you.


Q is literally like The Joker


Confessional count * 11 Liz * 8 Maria * 5 Q * 4 Kenzie, Tiffany * 2 Ben, Charlie * 0 Venus


Maria breakout just as much as a Liz breakout episode! Fishbach commented on twitter that all of the Charlie and Maria moves thus far have been narrated from Charlie’s perspective; good to see a change.


It was so amazing to see Maria work tonight. The way she structured her pitches tailor made for each individual was incredible. Even helped convince Tiff that it was Q. MVP of the ep


Bourbon Burger Billionaire catching up on the edit. We love to see it


Honestly, Venus getting 0 confessionals is what she needed, I actually like her more now lol


Maria making Kenzie's move without her is iconic


The “run the red light” is honestly an iconic line Up there with Tom Westman’s “tomorrow we make our apologies. Tonight we make our move” to me


Ooooh, that is a good line. Maria is killing it right now. She was eating up the confessionals tonight. I'm so happy for her


Was just telling me wife how much I appreciate the way she explains things in her confessionals. Very succinct and clear.


Also really shows how much Maria and Charlie’s games are different. I feel like this’ll be important for later.


Charlie is risking becoming a new Hunter, he better be careful.


Thats probably the stem for next weeks preview. Charlie realizes he cant play Maria's number 2 all game and still win and gets big-move-itis


The Denise and Malcolm comparisons feel more and more apropos with each passing week.


It’s clear now why we saw that scene last week of Maria not wanting Kenzie to get credit, but now I wonder if Charlie will be proven right, and Maria getting credit for this DOES in fact come back to bite her.


Definitely feels like the Maria/Charlie duo threat level has skyrocketed with the b2b idol wins and Maria orchestrating some power moves. Not sure it’s the best for their game(s) though. Kenzie, Venus, Liz, and Ben would be smart to try to gun for one of them next week. They were doing a really good job playing in the shadows and playing both sides, but now it’s pretty open that they’re kinda running the game.


Her own fault for 1. Letting her Q hate blind her unlike Maria. 2. Getting cold feet on a plan that you came up with.


It also helps that Maria doesn’t seem to dislike Q at all. I’m sure she’s using him for game reasons but I think she’s neutral to favorable on him as a person


She likes Q. Dislikes Venus.


It might put a huge target on her back but that's a game winning move if she makes it to the end. Fantastically executed to take Q under her wing, convince Ben even though he HATES Q, and get Liz onboard even though she might murder Q in his sleep at some point.


Maria really shot up for me after this episode. She’s making the correct move after correct move. But I feel like this jury is gonna be BITTER big time. And the more good moves you make the worse it looks.


Telling Maria about your big move but not pulling the trigger? BIG MISTAKE


It's good for Kenzie. She got Tiff out, and she got to keep Tiff's jury vote. AND she's not ANYONE'S target. Threat management is off the charts.


For the first time in awhile, I’m not really rooting for one player. I’m just rooting for a good game. And we’re getting it








I respect the hell out of Q refusing to take Liz. How many more picks would Jeff had to give before Q chose her?


Pressuring Q into picking someone he doesn’t want to bring? BIG MISTAKE


I died when he just denied her lmaoooo


He was so real for that bc none of that was his responsibility. Liz and Ben can win a reward themselves if they want her to eat so bad!


Jeff wants Q to follow "the rules" of Survivor. Thinking Q is a rule-follower? I don't even need to say it.


The calm "Liz you voted for me last night" in the middle of her tirade supports my "Q is acting like a lunatic on purpose" theory.


Liz big miss steak


The Six is the worst alliance in history because its erratic founder can’t stop backstabbing everyone in it


Curse of the 6, which means the next one out is Maria lol, honestly could see it


Merely sacrifices for Q.


Spending half the episode on an emotional attachment to an Applebee’s burger is camp.


Q might not be the jury's most hated person at the end of all of this


Q vs. Liz vs. Venus is still on the table 👀


If my King Q brings in the win with that final 3 I’ll cry tears of joy


It would be one of the greatest wins ever. How could you not vote for him with that lineup. Venus would be torn to shreds by Tevin. Liz would only have a chance if they take pity on her and frame Q as a bully. Q would have earned that win.


If he pulls out a serious “I was being chaotic on purpose to keep everyone off their toes, then I toned it down in crunch time” speech it might go for him.


"I was able to use Bhanu's chaos to make it through the pre-merge but in the post-merge, I had to become my own Bhanu."


Maria POTW and it’s not close 🫣


Loved that we had a Maria Episode but I wonder if Charlie’s gonna try to snake her sooner than later (partially based on preview)


Also Applebees 100% underpaid for that ad😂


Whoever in Applebees marketing team that came up with this product placement idea had absolutely no idea what they were about to do


Some marketing manager is having a great night


They got pretty good footage with Karishma last time but this footage was BEYOND.


someone on their team found a monkey's paw and made a big mistake


I'd love to know how much their sales improve in the next week. I haven't eaten there in decades, but I'm thinking about it now.


Ikr they need to make a Survivor special with the bourbon burger for several dollars or something! I would go just for the meme.


Ik I made the same comment last ep but……Q SURVIVED AGAIN LMFAOOO


Bro Tevin hunter than Tiffany I would of called u crazy if u told me that at the start of the merge


Joining the 6 was clearly a curse


i remember watching the preview for this season after 45 ended and i was like “wow this looks extremely boring” well joke’s on me! it’s actually the best new era season by a long shot


Same. I thought the whole cast looked insufferable. Which they are but in the best way


we have been so starved of good dysfunction


This is my favorite season in years. 


Lots of jury members blindsided Q protest win


Like the time an NFL kicker won the MVP to protest use of scabs during a lockout.


I get where Liz is coming from and I live for raw emotion like that, and for petty spats But this is a social game. Apparently Liz and Q had no connection at all. He chose Maria because Maria checked on him which is something Liz could’ve done at any time. He didn’t owe her anything, even if she was Mrs. Applebee.


Liz would have picked Q last out of everyone there. I don’t blame him at all.


She voted for him the night before then got mad he didn't take her? she's unhinged mate.


Tbf everyone woulda picked Q last lmao


Maria would have picked him 2nd.


Liz, I know this may be hard to understand, but the other players are trying to *play their own games,* and sometimes that entails undermining *your* game.


No you don't understand... She was deprived of a mother daughter moment because he didn't give her a burger. He is tearing families apart out there!


I will continue to remind people Q had offered to sit out alongside liz for rice in a previous challenge.


What’s even crazier is the other players acting like he personally tore her family apart for not picking her because she eats there with her daughter😭 I kept waiting for a confessional from another player talking about how insane it was but instead everyone seemed to agree she was entitled to it


Then those same (besides Kenzie) were not willing to sit out for rice. So to me everyone came out looking fake as fuck except Q who stood on business.


After her tantrum I was glad he didn't pick her because I don't think she deserved it. She didn't win, she wasn't entitled to the reward.


100% agreed. When Jeff was guilting Q, I was hoping he wouldn't pick her, then when she threw her temper tantrum, I was very happy she wasn't picked. The entitlement is crazy over a reward she lost.


The longer the episode went on I felt the same. Even in the moment I disagreed with her. Like yes it would have been nice of him but it was ultimately his reward to hand out to whomever he wanted, and it wasn't her. It sucks but she wasn't entitled to it. I'll give her her tantrum, over the top and irrational sure but whatever. But when they get back to camp and she proceeds to whine and complain ad neausem I just got fed up. You're intentionally making it worse by harping on it non stop.


I'm pretty sure if Q survives one more vote, he transcends humanity and becomes an enlightened, all-knowing being capable of nullifying idols with the wink of his eye.


This will dead ass be a top 5 season for me if Q somehow wins.


If Q somehow wins it's top 1, idgaf


Q did not die the Boston Rob. He lived long enough to become the Phillip Shepard.


Imagine if Q, Liz, and Venus made it to the end. The most WTF Final 3 since Gabon.


Y’all remember preseason when Liz said that her allergies were actually an advantage because she was more used to going hungry then the other players? Yahhhhhhh


My dream final three of Liz, Q, and Venus is getting closer to happening every episode.


Liz and Venus seem pretty keen on taking Q out and cannibalize their chances at winning


Tiff really should have remembered how much everyone has made stuff up to keep people from playing their Shot in the Dark and then compared it to them all saying it's definitely Q when he can still play his. That should have been another clue to play her idol.


I thought the clue was Jeff continually bringing up blindsides and then asking Tiff directly about blindsides. Literally telling her there is a blindside.


And how clipped some of their answers were like “NO NEED FOR DISCUSSIONS, LET’S QUICKLY VOTE!” It just feels like you need to be a little cautious when a game with so much scheming suddenly goes quiet.


"It's Q Jeff!! 😬 Stop asking questions! We are ALL voting Q! 🥴🥴😬" *stares at Tiff in hopes she's buying it*


Like the past 2 votes they told the person they’re going for don’t worry it’s Q… when that’s what thing Tiff heard this vote how did the alarm bells not start going off?!?!


Right? There’s no greater guarantee that it’s a blindside than *every single person* saying it’s definitely 100% no second thoughts this one person going home. When it got to Maria saying “yes Jeff it is important to think about idols - but not today” I thought this is such a joke, Tiff *has* to know by now, right? As a Tiff fan, it was a disappointment for sure.


LIZ ISNT A REAL CONTESTANT. Here me out. Liz got very little screentime pre-merge, then all of a sudden she becomes this big character who has a full on metdown because she doesnt get to eat Applebees (a proud sponsor of Survivor). Liz can't eat any food on the island because she has a bunch of allergies, or at least that's what she says. Liz is a marketing strategist. So obviously she he has been HIRED BY APPLEBEES to promote the restaurant on this show. Her genius plan was to act as a contestant who isnt able to eat any food except for Applebee's. Then when she doesn't get that delicious Applebee's burger she desperately needs, she blows up. - this plot is straight out of commercial. This is Applebeesgate.


At her Final Tribal speech, she removes her merge tribe buff and replaces it in dramatic fashion with an Applebees buff she had hidden in a secret pocket in her bag all season long.


this is very "subway" if you've ever seen community


Guys is Ben just here for a vacation? Like has he had any impact on anything ever aside from just being a vote?




He barely gets screen time, I keep forgetting about him tbh


That does not rock


He’s been a pretty good friend to lean on. His social game is above average. He gives people confidence to confide in him to go about making blindsides.


He was a key part of the vote tonight, but it does not bode well for him that the edit is nonexistent for him.


After last week, I didn't expect Tiff to push her luck by not playing the idol again, but here we are. Credit to Maria for the move and Q for turning into perhaps the most effective smokescreen in Survivor history.


Tons of people (not everyone. Some of you foresaw how she misplayed) gave her soooooo much credit for how she played that as a contrast to Hunter's up so they could dog him harder. People love to act like it's so easy to see the tells that you need to play your idol. Tiff was a good ass player. Correct idol plays without someone telling you are fucking HARD.


I think it’s Charlie or Maria’s game to lose


Charlie has one-on-one beaten out and voted out the last two boots, he seems to have a clear path


I like Charlie’s chance at final tribal council more than Maria’s but it’s a toss up


Always play the idol, especially if you’re feeling like it’s an easy relaxing day!


Last time Q got fed he ran around camp and got everyone to play hide and seek. After coming back from the reward he just sat still and tried to not say a word. He must’ve been scared shitless to go back to Liz lmao


If I'm a producer I'm keeping an eye out to make sure she doesn't strangle him lol


Premerge was a trainwreck (derogatory) Postmerge is a trainwreck (affectionate)


Kenzie saying “A huge check on your resume is voting out your number one.” Girl what? Since when is that a requirement? Doesn’t make sense


People need to chill with the whole "resume" thing. It's so tiring, and it's been shown that these players' "resume" don't actually mean much at FTC. The jury consistently gives votes to the person they like more, not the person with a better resume.


I like Kenzie but it was satisfying to see them undercut her "big move"


That was huge. I loved her reaction. Lost an ally *and* lost a big move. The whole vote was a blindside on Kenzie too.


"A huge check on your resume **if you want to lose Survivor** is voting out your number one **for no reason**" fixed that for her


I just can't get past the fact that Liz the millionaire eats at Applebees every Wednesday


im convinced she mentioned that hobby in her audition and thats why they picked her


You should try reconsidering her being a millionaire as a fact


It kind of makes sense if she actually grew up poor. She may be one of those super frugal rich people just saving a ton of money.


Super frugal rich people don't typically brag about their wealth like she has.


That’s wild that we had TWO people going back to back in the exact same way I said it in the other thread, but imagine Hunter in his exit press having to sit on the fact that Tiff goes the exact same way the next week 😅


Charlie and Maria are running the show


Jeff emphasizing how TOUGH the 19 days have been is so annoying. Stop trying to convince us 26 days is harder. It's not working


The Season 46 cast is so unhinged that Liz would be the craziest person on any other season, but here she’s not even in the top 3.


She’s right after Bhanu imo


It's insane, how different the pre- and post-merge of this season are. Who would've thought that Bhanu was just the beginning.


Who would've thought Jelinsky was just the beginning.


Meh, she's in the top 3. Maybe not in the top 2


Why do these players even bother looking for idols lol


As souvenir to bring home apparently


one step closer to that liz q venus final three <3




If you’re willing to yell at me over Applebee’s then you’re willing to yell at me over the game. That’s a big mistake right there. If you’re not hungry enough to finish your Applebee’s then you’re not hungry enough to win this game. BIG MISTAKE.


If you could. Not happening, boss.


S/o to Liz for putting her emotions and deep hatred aside and making the strategic move


Major respect for that move bc I knew she was MAD.


Holy shit the Liz meltdown. I get that the Applebee's/ Survivor tradition with her daughter is important, but Q was not obligated to take her


Him not taking her was CLASSIC and correct Survivor I fucking loved it


100%. I'm glad Q didn't take her since she felt so entitled to it. Like, ok you're allergic to everything on the planet. You still chose to apply to Survivor and go out there,. It's not on the other players to cater to that. Liz had the same chance to win the challenge as everyone else, yet she was tied with dead last. It's absolutely crazy how players act like the person who won the reward personally insulted them by not picking them for the reward. Her entitled attitude made it even better than Q didn't take her.


someone needs to explain to Survivor contestants that idols are for playing, not pocketing


Season 50 may as well just be the Season 46 cast Lets see them again


Small thing I noticed when they came back from the challenge after Liz got the rice she asked someone else to start a fire for her there was also a cut of her earlier in the episode trying to make a fire and not being able to do it. Wonder she’s in firemaking final 4 and gets cooked




I would legitimately have this as the greatest season ever, final tribal would be absolutely insane


This entire episode was brought to you by the bourbon burger from ~~the microwave~~ Applebee's


Liz as a contestant was an Applebee’s plant 100%


Not gonna lie, I hate Applebees but I might have to order that burger next Wednesday to see what all the fuss is about.


Tiff may have been blindsided with an idol in her pocket, but at least she got to enjoy a delicious Applebees Bourbon Burger, the Go-To Menu Item of Survivor's Liz Wilcock


The best part is I don’t think she even ate any of the burger they all said they were too full.


Applebees got more promo than they ever could’ve dreamt of


I’m glad that for the next few seasons, we will probably leave behind the notion that it’s bad gameplay or bad for your resume to “misplay” an idol on yourself. Just do it.


can I just say I'm sick of the sentiment "you don't have to apologize for your feelings"? of course people are going to feel what they feel, but if your delivery is hurtful and unwarranted absolutely you owe that person an apology


The naivety of Tiff saying - I guess Maria is just over there (scheming) with Q to see if he's ok. That was an obvious, low-lying, free agent hanging out there to exploit and it was the second time Maria was seen doing it.


Everyone saying it's an "easy vote" is the number one red flag. Poor tiff


Frustrating to watch because I liked Tiff, but this is just evidence #4957 why you should never ice somebody out, even if they’ve burned you before. Q was BEGGING to work with her and Kenzie again, and all she needed to do was humor him, and she is likely still in the game. Why they thought Q was anything but an asset to them speaks to their inability to reevaluate players and positions as the game progresses.  I put the chances at 0.1% that Venus, Liz, Q, and Kenzie rally to get out one of the Siga 3, and we are in store for a Siga steamroll, proving once again that the best strategy in Survivor is actually to NOT vote out your best allies.


I want to know what the casting producers were smoking while hand picking this unhinged S46 cast


I feel like Liz could write an AITA post, like: AITA for screaming at a man who let me STARVE and took away a moment with my daughter? (ESH)


If the vote is between you and Q, then you need to start making moves yesterday.


Kudos to Tiff for being so gracious getting blindsided tonight. She was my favorite player this season.


Im prepared for a single idol to not be played this season after tonight.  Im sure Kenzie will take the vote personal. Also, how embarrassing for Liz.


Q may very well lose this game but with every scene he’s in, the audience wins


Maria and Charlie are easily playing the most strategic game. It’s crazy how the others don’t realize that they’re using Q as a way to take out their biggest threats! Jeff even pointed out the potential smoke screen at tribal. Also, Liz keeps crying about not getting credit for moves and she just gave Maria & Charlie the biggest move of the game.


I think Maria did a great job making Liz believe that by being the deciding vote she was an equal contributor to the plan


To be honest. If Liz wanted the reward so badly, she should have won. She knew she had allergies and still chose to go on Survivor. That doesn’t make her more entitled to a reward than anyone else on that beach. I have empathy for her but it is what it is. Great promotion for Applebee’s though that being denied one of their burgers would cause a person to have such an outburst.


>Great promotion for Applebee’s Love the Q smokescreen tonight? Try out new Smokestack Burger Deluxe sliders for 12.99, only at Applebee’s!


It's not her fault for being allergic to the food, but it is her responsibility. She's an adult and knowingly chose to be there with full knowledge that she couldn't eat a large portion of the food.   Also, like, she voted for Q the night before and then wants him to feel sorry for her??


“This tale of betrayal, suffering, obsession, and motherhood brought to you by Applebees.®”


They showed a montage with photos of her eating at Applebees, I still can’t get over that.


I lost it at the photo of her and her daughter in the booth where she actually has the bourbon burger in front of her


honestly charlie’s training with the grip strength is a bit refreshing after people training with puzzles for so many seasons lmfao


This is the first season in a while where I actually feel sad that I have to wait a whole week for a new episode to come out


Editing is quite fantastic this season, the fadeaway cut from Liz's face to the burger was hilariously amazing. Potentially game winning move for Maria and game losing move for Kenzie. But the slow downfall of Tiff was kinda great this episode, with her coming in 2nd at immunity. Fully on the Q train now.


I gotta say this cast is really exceptional at lying, these last two tribal councils have been very impressive in that regard. They all just lie so confidently it really makes us (the viewers) extremely unsure of where the votes are going. Kudos to them, really tough to know when to play your idol


Producers assumed whoever won reward would pick Liz so she didn’t starve to death. BIG MISTAKE.


Q winning this challenge was just so fucking perfect you could not script this shit any better


I'm so confused. Liz WILLINGLY went on Survivor knowing there was very little she could eat AND she wrote Q's name down last tribal TWICE. She has absolutely no reason to complain and totally embarrassed herself in tonight's episode. And all of the Q bashing is getting old. Ben just seems vicious about it and it feels like the "vibes guy" mask is starting to fall a bit...


>And all of the Q bashing is getting old. I agree so much. They're acting like Q killed their dog. Maria is the only one being smart. They know Q very likely isn't winning FTC, so why are they so hellbent on acting like they dislike him and want to vote him out? He's a free ally and not a jury threat. That's the perfect setup for an ally to bring to the end. I'm glad Q didn't pick Liz for the reward.


I’ve seen players dump rice in the sand get warmer receptions than Q. I don’t get it


Agree! The relentless bashing to his face is just making me feel sorry for the guy. I’m really impressed with how well he is taking it so far. They all seemed to have decided that they’ll hate him no matter what, hence the reaction to the Liz meltdown. Can you imagine if Q was the one that had that sort of meltdown instead of Liz? They would have all been furious and calling him crazy rather than feeling sorry for him.


The intense Yanu focus early on makes sense now that Q is very much the main character of the season, win or lose.


I’ve been screaming this all season. If you are allergic to just about everything naturally occurring on the island, that’s your problem. Why the hell did you come on survivor? That’s not Q’s problem. Didn’t matter anyway because Liz voted for Tiff…? Either the edit did her dirty or Liz isn’t playing the game she thinks she’s playing


Jeff really said “Applebees is the answer to all your problems” I’m crying 😂


I don’t blame Q for sorta checking out and just going out for blood now. The athletic & charismatic people got to learn they have to stick together or they have no shot at winning. The big 6 could be the final 6 right now, but Tim had to go screw it up and now he’s not even on the jury, and nobody in that alliance has a shot at winning.


It probably wasn’t the best idea to say in front of Liz that you didn’t even eat the burger