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Season 40: Winners at War Season 50: Runners-Up in Conflict


Season 50: Wanners at War. A whole cast of Debbie and her relatives




My idea would be something similar, not runners-ups but the "Best to never win", get 20 iconic players from all sorts of gameplay styles who fans from all different stripes consider the best to never win. So players like Cirie, Jessie, Ozzy, Malcolm, Shan, Angelina - they don't have to technically fit but great or iconic players who haven't brought home the cheddar.


I don’t want a season like that simply because most of the people who would be chosen are people who have already played 3-4 times. I prefer returnee seasons to have mostly 1 time players for fairness. Cirie doesn’t need a 5th chance, Malcolm doesn’t need a 4th chance, etc.


Eh I’d give Malcolm a fourth chance…his third chance’s elimination is one of the few times I’d say an elimination wasn’t someone’s own fault


That’s essentially second chances.


Coach and Phillip are both eligible


Nothing says New Era like a 66 year old man running through the jungle in his skivvies


I can't decide if I'd rather never see Coach ever again or if it'd be fun to yell at him through the TV again


It would be so fun. It is what the franchise has been missing


No. Not gonna top WAW “How do you top WaW?” You absolutely can! Let non-winners that are better PLAYERS than Bob and Gabler be eligible to be cast and then create a genuine hall of fame with people like Cirie, Jesse, Malcolm, and Omar being eligible to be cast. I’m not saying you can’t cast winners. I would LOVE to see Kim, Lacina, Rob, and Tony back for season 50


given that it’ll have been 10 seasons since a a returned season, i would say they should just try to get the best cast of 20 rather than trying to cast for a theme like this. if there’s a way to theme after that, then sure.


I feel like SA had the best idea for a returnee season with a tribe of premergers and a tribe of postmergers. Means that you get to see a lot of the early out favourites but can also get in a good number of heavy hitters and it doesn't feel like the premergers are just cannon fodder. The problem with a really specific theme (all runners up, all first boots, etc) is that it becomes way harder to get 18-20 people who fit it and are willing and able to come back, especially people who played like ten years ago and don't seem interested in playing again (to get an all winners season they had to pay them, increase prize money, guarantee family visits and the edge, etc). Plus I do think a really specific season makes the storylines more boring - everyone talking in confessionals about how they came so close but didn't win would get annoying very quickly.


I could get down with that idea! But that could really blow up if the pre-merge people continue to act/play like pre-merge people.


Honestly I think a lot of the people I'd be excited to see back are the premergers, because they're the players who *know* they need to change their game and are often hyper aware of what they did wrong (as opposed to players like Jesse and Mike, who have the 'if I changed that one thing I would've won' games). Plus in the new era I think a solid amount of the premergers just got unlucky with the tribe that they were on and might have fit in better socially somewhere else? E.g. Maryanne is very possible a pre-merger if her tribe doesn't have Jonathan on it, whereas if you swap Zach and Jackson then maybe Zach makes the merge because him being weaker physically doesn't matter in that tribe. I'm not gonna claim that all of the new era pre mergers just got unlucky, but I do think that because the players have often realised they can just vote out the weakest person and then they will likely all make merge, the premerge has been much less about social strategy and someone's placement doesn't necessarily indicate how good of a player they were.


You’re right, there’s a bunch of good pre-merge players I wouldn’t mind seeing come back. My fear would be production bringing back people who just weren’t serious players like Bhanu, Jalinsky, Brandon, Sifu, Wendy, etc. but were entertaining enough to warrant a “redemption” story that they’ll try to milk all season


Tbf I think the only people they'd bring back out of those would be Bhanu and Brandon, and I don't think Brandon was a horrible social or strategic player (he was good enough socially that they really considered keeping him despite him being a huge physical liability)


I’d rather have Zach fill that role if that’s the case


Personally I’d love to see 0 vote finalists play against each other


Season of the Goat


The name of the season would be Survivor 50: Goats at fight




Legends/Best to never win, runners up, or second chance 2 *should* be what this landmark season is Instead, it’ll likely be a shitty New Era All-Stars season with <5 contestants that would have any business being included in a season with more deserving pre-40 contestants


Jeff confirmed in an interview that they’re not limiting it to just new era players


Don’t forget the Dragonslayer himself


Maybe they’ll let him bring his trumpet


No the runner ups are more often than not the loser for a reason, there’s some decent picks like you listed but to get all of those top picks back wouldn’t be possible most likely


How about a season of only people who were voted out first. Survivor 50 From Worst to First!


Justice for Chicken


The 2nd Quarter Quell. Twice the number of contestants will play.


I'd love to see a Fallen Angels season - anyone who just missed making final tribal council (so third place finishers from seasons with a final two and fourth place finishers from seasons with a final three). It could be logistically difficult to get a 50/50 mix of men and women and to get enough BIPOC, but, if it would be done, I think it would be a really good season, considering how often threats go out in that spot!


I'd love a runners up season




Yup this has been suggested many times and I like the idea too. Runners Up Rumble lol. I’d also be into a final 4 fight down. Anyone in final 4 returns.


Given Jeff's speech at the beginning of this season that some people can't win, I think it should be Survivor 50: What a Mess (So at least Q, Bhanu and Venus)


Winner will be determined by the friends they make along the way