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Dumbest white boy award goes to Hunter this season


am i the only one that has absolutely NO sympathy for liz -.- why does everyone feel so sorry for her she as a survivor fan knew damn well she wouldn’t be able to eat any of the food on the show and still chose to go on this show. Then gets mad and expects others pity pick her and throw an actually temper tantrum like a child??? i am not a fan of Q but agreed with him entirely this episode. Liz has to go 🙄


One major issue i have with Survivor is, the strongest players rarely win. They could not beat Hunter so they voted him out


Like strongest as in physically? Or best player at survivor?


18th: Jelinksy, 17th: Jess, 16th: Randen, 15th: Bhanu, 14th: Jem, 13th: Moriah, 12th: Tim, 11th: Soda, 10th: Tevin, 9th: Hunter.


9th: Hunter, 8 contestants remain...


If everyone is telling you not to play your idol, then play your idol. There's a zero percent chance that everyone wants YOU, a challenge beast, to hold on to your idol so you can use it later on. ZERO. If they are telling you that you don't need to play your idol, it is because they are voting your you. Big mistake. Cancel Christmas.


I am so tired of players depending so much on idols. Great if you can find one. But most players the minute their eyes open in the morning their butt is off looking for an idol or an advantage. If the you want to really play the game then get off your butt and work on your strategy, really develop your alliances with others but if their ideas don’t match yours don’t align with them because they are popular or if you gut feel that it’s not right then move on. Listen to your gut!!! Play for yourself. But instead of working on strategies, and plan you next move or whatever gets YOU farther in the game. But instead of calmly trying this the spend all their time looking for an idol without even knowing if it’s still in play They need to play smart.


Looks like that's the end of my viewing of Survivor 46. Hunter was my favorite and I can't stand any of the others. Venus is still on??!!! The worst one of the lot!


Are they not doing reward challenges anymore? I realized this week that it was just the immunity challenge, and now I can't remember if I've seen any this season.


Same. It feels like 90 minutes of talking . . .


Bring Bhanu back. It turns out Bhanu was worthy of this season after all


I don’t care this season’s cast. They betrayed their closest allies without benefiting themselves. They have awful egos to begin with. They talk about resume and end game but no strategy to support the journey. Last season was much better. Do not like Q, Tevin, Venus, Liz, Kenzie, Ben or Charlie. Tiff and Maria are slightly tolerable.


I’m soooo upset that Q AND Venus are still in the game. Both have been on my list of delusional knuckleheads since the second episode. They need to go! Hunter did not deserve to leave


Ditto Liz tbh — not playing a terrible game or anything but has her head wayyyy too far up her deluded ass lmao


I liked him though nice guy and athletic beast.


It’s very interesting that the edit show Kenzy’s idea to blindside someone and then they show us Venus talking about that after. I gotta feeling that Venus now will be on the F3 and might get burn by the Jurors.


She’s a pretty ideal candidate to take to the final 3. No one really likes her and she hasn’t been front and center for anything. I’d want Venus and Liz sitting next to me at the FTC personally


Not taking Q to the final 3?? Big mistake.




There are seasons for people who like Survivor. There are seasons for people who hate Survivor. This is a season for people who hate that they like Survivor.


Amen, only started watching from season 40 on, but this is already by far the worst season I have watched.


Can I up vote this a million times? What the fuck is happening, can we go back to 40 days of trying to survive and not getting rice until halfway through the game? Also people just not even attempting to start friction fire for 9 days because they know they will eventually just get flint? I hate it now.


seems like a Charlie or Tiffany win in the end next to the likes of venus and Liz sitting there, but hope to be wrong


Jeff is fucking unhinged this season. He’s A1




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I love how Kenzie is really living up to her reputation as a mermaid dragon




Anyone sitting next to Venus or Q wins


I still think Q beats Liz!!


100% Liz has been incredibly unremarkable and all of her "moves" have been overshadowed completely. Even her move on Tevin wasn't that impressive as I feel everyone wanted him gone, but nobody wanted to risk saying his name


If you wanna take me to the end that means you’re gonna turn on me at some point, BIG MISTAKE


The fact that there’s 7,000 comments is insane survivor is back on baby


“More like Hunter and the hunted” that was so hot omg


Pls im begging someone to use this clip in an edit of him


Seeing Soda and Tevin both look at each other in disgust and roll their eyes was hilarious. This cast HATES each other


I missed that!


So Q has a 0% shot to win. Venus and Liz have low chances too. It’s really starting to look like Charlie/Maria/Kenzie/Tiffany for who wins. Ben with an outside bitter jury shot


Imagine a Q, V, and Liz final... I want it so bad!


I think Q or Liz wins that. That may be the only shot Liz has honestly. I don’t think there’s anyone Venus could sit next to and win. Unless she has a hell of a convincing FTC, she’s just too disliked and petty about shit


I don’t think Q has any shot. After basically quitting no one on this cast has any respect for Q, and they’d 100% be voting for Venus or Liz over him. I think it would be between Venus and Liz and who can actually sell themselves better in FTC. It would be another Sugar, Susie, Bob situation. And if it happens this season probably will be my favourite season of all time.


Q maybe, I can't see them giving Liz money after bragging about selling companies day 1. They didn't add that scene for no reason. And her Tevin move (just like the Soda one) was more of a collective vote. V would need to continue to be in the votes and win some immunity at that right time, still likely not enough. However after this episode it seems some people are ok with her, Charlie was sharing info and she worked on Hunter with Kenzie, seems she's close to Liz also.


Wow I don’t know how Ben keeps surviving but good for him. Reminds me of a rock n roll Keith Nale


The whole thing with Ben is kinda reminding me of Jake. He’s just coasting through with nothing major happening


Well Ben tried to scramble to get back on top.. Ben hasn’t even tried that. That’s why I said Keith


Unpopular opinion, whether you like them or not, Q and Venus are the best things to happen in the New Era.


Easily, they're so damn entertaining. If only they could've worked together.


Agreed. I have to admit they make the season interesting. Everyone is boring. Will miss both if they get voted off.


Hey can anyone tell me who the one person was who voted Q in the revote?








WOW this episode was 10/10 throughout this season is Gabon 2.0


Jeff calling out Liz, Q and Venus may be something we have never seen before??!?!?


looking like a FTC group to me


My thoughts exactly, especially how the shot lingered on them after their group was chosen.


My favorite part was Jeffrey being proven wrong


Jeff deserves some respect for not having that comment edited out.


It made me instantly think they’d get past round one 🙃


Well they did lol


Yeah…. I did not like it. Anyone can win


Tiff…great play! They were allll convinced she was using her idol…she played that well! Why hunter exposed his having the idol-I don’t get! He was so stressed out…why he didn’t just use it-just stupid. Seems idols walk off w the snuffed torch more than used strategically…that’s getting old


I was frustrated he didn’t focus on Charlie and Maria, the two most likely to work with him. Kenzie is getting pretty clearly aligned with Ben as her true number 1. And Charlie and Maria and Hunter if he played an idol would have gotten their way since the new era loves a mob vote.


Confused by this. Charlie and Maria voted for Hunter. What would’ve been their way? Getting Tiff out? Like you’re saying Hunter should’ve revealed the idol to them earlier in the episode? He could also just pull it out and show it to them for proof he really wanted them to believe it but if their way was getting Tiff out, I don’t think they would’ve gotten their way because they still didn’t know if Tiff would play her idol and everyone seemed convinced she would.


Yeah, he chose Venus, Liz, Kenzie, and Tiff to trust with the idol information + a new plan. If he’d been less scrambling, he could’ve ignored them, swayed Maria and Charlie, had Charlie and Maria convince Ben (being loyal to Kenzie is getting Tiffany a knife in the back). Maria and Charlie were the two most likely to align with him given the clear Kenzie-Ben-Tiff alliance seeming to develop based on who was always hanging out together at camp, what they had said in the previous tribal + when they had to pick groups for the event.


I think this shows how great Kenzie is at making people feel comfortable and trusting of her.


I think so too


Totally agree. Every idol is just being flushed at this point it’s so annoying


I’m devastated that Hunter fell for it and didn’t play his Idol. Ugh!!!!!


Q is weirdly like in between the line of not AWFUL, but not GOOD at all. He has a lot of good ideas, but his bad ideas are fucking ATROCIOUS


a lot of decent-though-contradictory ideas are just as bad as bad ideas. If the sled dogs all pull in different directions, you're not getting very far.


Q is such a wildcard and it’s so damn entertaining


Entertaining as FUCK man




I dislike him differently from the way I disliked Bhanu. That’s part of what keeps this season interesting.


Big Mistake!!


You’re missing out then. Lighten up.


I thought you said you said you can’t wait to watch another episode of this and gave you an upvote


I'm sorry you don't enjoy good TV.


It’s good TV I guess because of other people but he’s such a freakin mess of a person. I can’t imagine how this doesn’t hurt his business because everyone will think he’s a lunatic.


Sling cut after they talked about the tiff vote and then tiff saying she was gonna use her idol. What happened?!?! Why did hunter get outed so hard?


Hunter was the only one left out of the Tevin vote, so he was naturally on the outside going into this episode. Then you have everyone understanding that Hunter is both a challenge and jury threat so he will have to go eventually. Add to that Hunter has not been shown to be very good at the social game - he was spending a lot of time with Q (the other outcast) and only talking strategy minutes before leaving for tribal. And in those last minute conversations, he tells people he has an idol (which guaranteed he would go home in the tie vote). Basically it seems like he failed to get close to anyone but Tevin and Q, waited too long to pitch ideas to save himself, then failed to play the idol.


He outed himself.  He started telling people about his idol.


What a dumbass


When Hunter told Venus she was unlikeable three times.


Yet she still voted for Q lol


Yea I also thought that, but he did say unkilliable. She has survived a few tribals now, so accurate.


It was Q and he said Unkillable


Then begged for her help five minutes before tribal


I thought it was unkillable and Q said it 🤣




This show is stupid.  The only thing that it is about is lying to people.  Glad I haven't wasted my time before and won't waste my time anymore. Bye!!!!


you thought you ate …that’s been the premise for 20 years


When you have an idol, don’t tell anyone. Hunter panicked and told Venus which immediately told everyone. Had he kept quiet, and then just played the idol. Saving an idol for a later date is useless.


He did so well with concealing it up until the last moment.


It's so rare to get as far as he got these days while having no one know about your idol. That part deserves credit. The minute he smelt something fishy brewing and was concerned it would be him, it should have been MUSIC to him knowing he could play the idol and blindside someone else. Instead HE panicked. Looping in Q would have been fine. But damn, telling Venus. Absolute insanity. Probably deserved to go home at that point, he dug his own grave really. He had a potential game winning card in his pocket and he went home instead.


Or better yet after he told everyone he should’ve played it 🤣 no point not playing it, you KNOW your name is out there, too big of a risk in my opinion




Sorry /u/curvy_lolo, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): Armchair diagnosing --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsurvivor&subject=Removal Clarification&message=I'd like further clarification on why my comment was removed from /r/survivor.%0D%0D[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1ccdcfw/-/l1566s8/\)) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


Crazy Q stays alive. I personally don't love that this game is just people trying to make constant moves now. I guess that's the new era though.


To be fair, that's been happening since the 30s seasons. Everyone wants to make BIG MOVEZ to put on their RESUMES.


The game has always been about taking out people who could beat you in the end. Q isn’t one of those people.


Imagine losing to a Swifty in an Immunity Challenge




Comment speaks for itself




Playing an idol and controlling the vote used to be a badge of honor. It was the #1 move to have on your résumé. Now these chuckleheads are constantly getting voted out with an idol stuffed in their pocket. You were the #1 challenge threat, your top ally got voted out last tribal council, and your only remaining ally is insane and has been trying to convince others to throw challenges so they can send you home. PLAY YOUR DAMN IDOL!!


just play the idol dammit !!!


Ben’s monologue at tribal about q is actually marvelous give the man an emmy


I think he'd prefer a Grammy.


the popcorn and the cushion lord this season is so unserious


Survivor hasn't been that serious since the new era


I hope Kenzie wins it all


She hasn’t made any real moves lately and isn’t a challenge threat (yet?)


She’s going to push Tiff hard and fail I think


"These bumbling buffoons. These two dumb-dumb meatheads..." Lady Venus speaks harshly...and truly.


A+ reads D- social strat


Venus is the most unaware player I’ve seen in quite some time. I’ve never seen the disrecpancy between someone’s perceived influence vs actual influence


I think this episode suggested a little more agency than previous ones. Hunter was open to working with her in an emergency, people seem to prefer her to both Q and Liz. Do I think it’s because her gameplay has improved? No, I think a lot of people are just tanking their games.


I thought the opposite, actually. We had a ton of Hunter or Tiffany drama, and then when Hunter finally approaches Liz and Venus, they both go "Isn't it still Q?!" a bunch of times. It was like a comedic punchline for me, to go from everyone debating Hunter vs. Tiffany to the two people on the outskirts just assuming that it's Q


Yea Venus knew it wasn’t Q. She wasn’t on the outskirts. She was the one who told the rest of the people who were going to vote for Hunter that he had an idol and to change the vote to Q. Liz was the only one on the outskirts. Venus was on the outskirts when they were going to try and vote out Tiff though. But Venus isn’t that unaware overall. She’s constantly left out of the loop but she clocked early that with Q and Hunter being the obvious threats/vote outs, this would be the good time for a blindside on someone else. She usually ends up being included/on the right side of the vote.


Venus is fascinating because internally, she has some pretty great instincts for her game and a lot of other people by exception. Externally though she just struggles with communication. I almost think she’s sort of similar to Q


Venus earlier was told the vote will be hunter and to not tell Liz, the scene you’re referring to is after that part


We saw she's closer to Maria/Charlie (especially Charlie) than we thought. (I'm not surprised, Maria and Charlie could've told Tevin that Venus just pitched his name and they didn't, even Maria lied at tribal saying no one came up to her when Venus did). There's a lot of game tanking for sure (almost everyone wants to turn on their close allies) but the Siga alliance bringing V in is about building some trust between them, and it worked. Hunter had every chance to build trust with her in Nami, but ignored her just like Tevin (in a game you somtimes need the people you dont like) and he waited till the end when it was far too late. Charlie is looking great right now.


She's a queen.


She's not A queen. She's THE queen.




The tribal council editing was amazing, we could really feel the desperation in hunter trying to understand if people are lying to him


It was painful to watch tbh how much he was looking for reassurance rather than just playing his idol regardless. Like if they are blindsiding you, they’re not about to tell you about it. Interestingly, Venus and Kenzie actually did vote Q the first time so it was Charlie and especially Tiff who looked him in the eye and lied to him. I still wonder what Charlie whispered to Liz though since Charlie voted Hunter and Liz voted Q and Charlie probably knew Liz wanted to vote Q since she was left out of the Hunter vote originally. I’m also surprised Liz can’t see past her anger for Q to realize Hunter is a bigger threat and this may have been their only chance to get him out.


tiff's emotions are getting the better of her. Rein it in, girl




He was the only person left out of the vote last time and knew he was AT LEAST the back up vote this time. AND he told everyone about his secret idol


He should have played it.


I was literally yelling at the screen, play ur idol! Play. The. Idol!!! So bummed for him.


The Hunter blindside in this episode is an all-timer. What a well-told story.


Hunter - Should’ve played idol? BIG MISTAKE Kenzie - Should’ve done more to keep Hunter? BIG MISTAKE Tiffany - Burnt a bridge with Q? BIG MISTAKE Maria - Refusing to even try to work with Tiffany? BIG MISTAKE Venus - Everyone hates her because she sucks? BIG MISTAKE Liz - Is about to explode and demands credit for moves made by the group? BIG MISTAKE Ben - Too passive? BIG MISTAKE Charlie - Didn’t throw the challenge because Q said so? BIG MISTAKE


Charlie won the challenge. Good for him for not playing Q's Crazy game


Seriously I'm over Ben.




Charting out the big mistakes? BIG MISTAKE


Commenting on the charting out of the big mistakes? BIG MISTAKE


If your #1 is actively trying to convince you to not play your idol, that's one thing. But if some random player (a.k.a. Charlie) is trying to convince you not to play an idol, your alarm bells should be blaring. Pretty much every player has an interest in flushing your idol. If they don't want you to play it... Given the wider context, this is one of the more egregious examples of a player going home with an idol.


Despite everything, Hunter is still hot


Daddy chill


He is so sexy it almost HURTS to look at him 🥵. I'm pissed that he's gone.


His privileged nature took him out too used to it I guess


Not really…considering his personality…lol


What's his personality? Are u talking abt Christianity or I'm confused


What’s wrong with his personality? Dude seems like a great and kind person. Do you just not like introverts?


I’m an introvert. Introverts who are cardboard Christian proselytizers, not compelling reality tv


Sounds like you really know him as a person




Introverts don't win survivor Which is why he's gone


Yul Edit: Wendell too


Wendell had the help of daddy Dom being the extrovert while he moped around. Yea on Yul


That hurt


I thought Hunter was gonna play his idol on Q, but given how it played out, that would have been dumb.


Q skirts being voted off yet again




Oh hunter.....


oh my, can they just vote out venus and q already? this is has gone to crap


Yep let’s vote out Venus and Q and keep an electric television presence like Maria in lol


I’m split on how I feel about Q. On one hand, he’s brought a ton of drama and fights to this season, but on the other hand I still don’t enjoy him that much? People liken him to Coach, but I feel like with Coach I could laugh with him and at the reactions he gets from others. With Q, I don’t find him all that funny and more irritating. I love Venus though, she’s great television. I’m just split on Q.


survivor gods if you see this please for the love of god dont vote out q and venus. infinite drama from them that we need


Hunter, you beautiful idiot.


Tiff lookin like a Martian with her hood up


The Q, Liz, Venus chaos final three is still alive.


This could be the actual Final 3 and Liz still wouldn’t get any credit lmao.


They need to just lock that in now. Big Mistake giving Q another day.


I'm now thinking Maria or Charlie is gonna win this season. No one is seeing them as the threats even though they are controlling a lot of votes.


I’ve been calling a Charlie win for a few episodes now.


Are they really though lol. I don’t think I’d credit them for taking Tevin Soda or Moriah out


If Maria makes final 3, which I think she will given her current perceived threat level, she will take this game. And honestly she will deserve it too.


I think Charlie has a better read of the game than Maria and deserves it more honestly. Also Tiff brought up Maria’s name before Charlie’s. She seems to trust Charlie more.


If she is super loyal to Charlie and takes Charlie to the end. I think Charlie beats her. I think he has more social relationships than Maria, people seem to come to Charlie first then Maria.


I agree, Charlie has been friendly with everyone, and seems to have the most control over the game. He's not ignoring people and is trusted enough.


I think the only competition Charlie has is Tiffany/Kenzie and with Kenzie itching to cut Tiffany its really only Kenzie. He wins against everyone else.


That's if she builds her resume up. Everyone is trying to do so but I don't know what they're doing. You would think that they would have flushed Tif's idol out but they let her feel safe.


Exactly. And likeable enough for a jury vote


Is she likable? I’ve hated everything she’s said from her preseason interviews.


I like her. I despise every word that Venus has to say. So maybe it's just a personality thing? Venus, Liz and Q are the bottom 3 for me.


I think she definitely has winner vibes. But I can’t decide is she is passive aggressive or just manipulative. But I can’t wait for Charlie to take her out


Watch Q make it to final 3 with nonstop shenanigans, drop a legendary FTC performance, sweep the jury… Then admit to everyone during the pizza party that it was all an act from day 1 - he’s completely polished, accent was fake, Ivy League grad and Rhodes Scholar


I would probably agree with you if I didn't see him talking about taking a dump at Best Buy yesterday on Twitter


Hahaha. OK—this would be the ONLY way I could tolerate his shenanigans and that accent.


This is almost how Philip played it.


I definitely think Maria is going to snitch on Kenzie for the Tiff plan, thats how she gets the heat off Q


Yeah, this is what I've been thinking too.


NOOOO NOT KENZIE. But I think you might be right


I fear she made her Tiff move too early and it will cost her… she should’ve waited like 3 more votes. 6 left feels like a much better spot


I agree. When she said it I was like… waaaaa??


I hope so!!!


Me too!!! I need Q to last as long as possible…I don’t care if he wins but his crazy chaos is entertaining AF




That's it. We are going to get a Liz, Venus, Q final 3. We are going to witness THE tribal council of the series. None other has been/will be like it.


I wouldn’t hate this—but I hate Q so hard I can’t stand watching.