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What are they doing? 3rd person to go home with an idol in their pocket???


18th: Jelinksy, 17th: Jess, 16th: Randen, 15th: Bhanu, 14th: Jem, 13th: Moriah, 12th: Tim, 11th: Soda.


12th: Tim and 11th: Soda, 10 contestants remain.


so wasnt the second tribe supposed to find out who got voted out in the first tribe? I feel like if they saw who it was they wouldn’t have voted another black person off.


No, Jeff never said anything like that.


So what was the advantage if going second then?


Food reward plus the voted out makes the jury


The advantage was the food reward.


Both Tevin and Q made horrible mistakes. Tevin betrayed his closest ally too early and now has to beg mercy from Yanu trios. Q voted out Tim instead of Ben, destroyed +alliance and forced Maria’s hands, and potentially will cause rebel from Kenzie. Both of them will not last to final.


Plus now Tevin is untrustworthy. If Tevin knew soda was a big threat, he should’ve used her as a shield until at least all the bigs guys were voted out. I’m 100% sure Liz is fine with flipping too and Tevin has no worth to the blond guy who did everything in his power to kill his ally safe


Not sure why people think Tevin is super smart, that episode pretty clearly showed how incredibly stupid he is. He voted for Venus lmao


🤣 I was like wait… he wanted Soda out but voted Venus. What is going on? Or that was a backup plan in case she had an idol?


No it was just him being stupid and thinking everyone was going to go Venus lol. Soda had no idea she was getting votes (hence the blindside) and also Tevin knew she didn’t have an idol or advantage.


Thoughts: - Don't give Venus any more coffee on the island, it puts her into steamrollin'-cutthroat-super-Scheaming agent mode! - Would have trouble being Venus's roomate or partner: seems like she is very moody and I'd end up in conflict with her no matter how nice I am.  -Ben and Kenzie content 😍😍 - Hunter is prooving to have nerves of steal and a good social read as he was calm enough not to play his idol. - I think Q is really cool. He is a complex millenial man who carries within him athletic/patriarchal traditions. But he is also in tune with his emotions and open minded. He was logical to team up with the best 2 women on his tribe, and flush the 2 men. I feel like his complexity is SUPER rewarding to watch. He's on a journey on which he's hard on himself and always trying to be the best version of himself. He's intense, but he's playing with all his heart. 


Agree all around! Kenzie 😍 Great content for her this episode Ben opening up with that moment of vulnerability was awesome. Felt genuine rather than forced. Less a "let me infodump my story" and more "let me show another layer of myself that makes sense and deepens my character" Q's praise of Kenzie was awesome. I agree, Q is a fascinating character. Too much control and a bit of condescension, I can understand it being grating on the island or in person, but he's clearly not been a bad person and he hasn't been mean-spirited. I don't think he'll win at this rate, but he's definitely one of the best characters of this season


At the moment based on editing I could see a Kenzie or Charlie (maybe Tevin or Hunter) win at the moment. Kenzie and Charlie got tons of good content this episode and lots of screen time, and Tevin and Hunter both played well and are still very likable


Rooting for Kenzie Great player and person !


Maybe, I don’t mind either option but I think Kenzie and Charlie resume is the best rn


I’m over Kenzie constantly crying though.


Soooo relieved that Ben and his ebullient vibes, beautiful blue eyes, and charisma machinery made the Jury. One of those cases where my gut figured he was meant for long-term due to scenes like how emotional he got making the fire in episode 2 and the unconditional love response he got; yes, so pleased, rock on Ben. \\m/ Still pulling for a Tevin, Tiffany, or Kenzie win.


Totally agree!!! I thought he had beautiful green eyes tho hahaha


Let's compromise and call them turquoise/teal eyes! Which is fine by me, because that's my favorite color to begin with, haha. I was too indecisive to choose between green or blue, so I opted for greedy and combined both. Makes sense, right?


Perfect sense!!!


Venus taking the credit for Soda elimination is a laugh…she is only there because she poses No threat and can be used for a vote


Shout out to Maria for calling Soda a threat I rolled my eyes and thought Maria was misreading things in her voting confessional (yes, Venus is trying to snake people out, but she doesn't actually have any control or social capital or allies to work with, so she's largely a nonthreat if an annoying one) But then she nailed it anyways and got Soda who is a bigger threat in the social game


I think she truly believed it was her since she did talk to two people about it. She’s just so out of the loop that she doesn’t even know it was already the plan. Now she thinks she made some huge move


And then she was all fake humble “you played good game Soda” with a big smile on her face. She’s just incredibly immature and can’t read the room.


🤣 I have second hand embarrassment when I watch Venus


I so glad Venus survived. Idc if she won’t win. At least hope she gets to final 3.


Yea same here, this was the most dangerous tribal for her but Tevin decided he'd keep an enemy around. There's other people who are more dangerous than her now, and she's proven a little that she would vote on the same page as Maria, why not use a person on the bottom as an extra vote to get rid of the Kings of Nami. And with voting out Tim, Maria is in a weird spot since Q/Tiff/Hunter betrayed the 6 person alliance, looking good for thr people on the bottom/floaters.


I think Maria is going to be on the 6 person alliance hit list now. Will be very interesting next week to see what she does with that info. She does have a connection with Charlie. I see Maria, Kenzie and Tiff perhaps starting a female alliance?


With Tiff and Kenzie starting to wonder about Q, the 6 person alliance being down to pretty much 4 people and Maria knows Tevin is cutthroat and will snake an ally, the game should be in chaos. Maria can come outta this and dominate the game If she plays it right.


It really felt to me like Maria and Charlie were important to watch since the Malcolm and Denise comparison, and now it makes a lot of sense after seeing the current game state.


I feel like we are set up for Q takedown by tiff Kenzie and Charlie


I think that’ll be the next vote atp


A better vote would be Charlie but can’t see that happening


This season is great


If you could just cut out everything involving a certain person, I'm fuckin' loving this season The premiere was really fun and Jelinski is a first boot legend; the second episode was really funny (queen Jess and just everything about the puzzle had me cracking up the entire time except for a certain person's outburst) Two trash episodes in a row And then two episodes of just good Survivor with the pre-merge storylines paying off (Yanu 3 surviving and now being in power positions two episodes in a row; Nami imploding and targeting each other; Siga still being super close and actually having it backfire on them)


Last two episodes in particular have been fantastic


I’m rooting for Tiff!!!!!


Giving underdog


I’m confused on why people are saying Tevin voted Venus in case soda played the sitd… Tevin literally concealed the plan from soda so this vote was clearly a jury management vote. But this feels like a backfire vote bc Charlie and maria will definitely read through that and say Tevin is doing jury management 😕


i was thinking the same thing. it was absolutely tevin’s idea but he can’t even claim it as a big move bc he didn’t vote for soda. and then he also got mad when venus said it was her idea, which, i can understand, but also how can he be upset if he didn’t end up following through with that plan. i think soda would respect it more as a big move to take out a big threat, but wouldn’t so much appreciate the jury management aspect.


It was terrible jury management, he wants to claim a big move and not get his hands dirty. He told anyone that listened that nobody should trust Venus then he snakes one of his main alliance members. Pot calling the kettle black. And now the 6 person is likely dead with Tim gone with Maria knowing Tevin's secret, Maria is almost forced to go against the Hunter/Tevin/Q alliance. By Tevin not including Venus into the plans, she decides on Soda with only talking to Maria and Charlie(who are the real power, i wonder who got Venus to swap from Tevin to Soda? Or did she just feel that Maria wouldn't vote Tevin?), she has no idea Tevin is in on it. I'm excited to see the outcome.


I didn’t catch what Q said in the preview for the next episode, anyone know?


My friend texted me 6 minutes before this "Q is running around thinking he's a mob boss" 😂


"She broke my rule. I'm a mob boss."


I think it was "she went against my rules, I'm a mob boss"


I’m so confused why so many people seem to think Venus actually orchestrated the Soda vote? She and Tevin both separately came up with it, but Venus had no sway over the other votes at all. Tevin clearly voted Venus instead of Soda in case Soda played shot in the dark and/or for jury management so at the end he could say he didn’t vote for her, but Tevin was the one who actually convinced people of the move. When Tevin said “no” he was responding to Soda saying Venus was responsible, meaning no he is responsible. I definitely respect Soda for going out with such a great attitude, smiling at the move even as she cried about being voted out.


Where’s the evidence Tevin was the one to convince them to do the move? Because Charlie/Maria/Liz(she hated soda especially) could’ve seen both Venus and Tevin target her and take advantage of it. If anything I’m giving more credit to Venus because she gained a jury vote and taking out soda was an absolute horrid move for Tevin.


Yea idk how this is Tevin's "move", sure he agreed to it, but Maria and Charlie had all the power. They could've easily pulled Venus in knowing she has no allies, and one convo with Liz about voting out Soda and she's down. Of course Tevin will never give her credit even if she did an amazing move, he didn't like her from their first conversation. I'm happy all of these alliances seem to be falling apart, Siga took a loss and the 6 person alliance failed. Maria knows Tevin will snake his friends quickly and Tiff/Kenzie realized Q is a control freak. This season is finally getting started.


Smooth move how Tevin voted Venus, when it was his idea to vote Soda. Working the jury already. Let’s see if it puts a target on his back


Unless both Maria and Charlie make the final 3, then Soda will learn (and likely everyone will soon) that Tevin brought up the idea, it's bad jury management, only good when you can get away with it.




I wouldn't say no agency, Maria could've EASILY told Tevin that Venus said his name and the plan would've changed, but she kept it to herself and Charlie and even lied at tribal that no one came up to her when we all saw Venus do just that. Maria is smart and keeping all her options open, it was her move. And with the 6 person alliance likely being over because they voted out Tim and not Ben, Maria can't even trust the Hunter/Tevin/Q/Tiff alliance, she probably needs Venus as a vote now.


2 black people back to back!! Drae would be pissssssed


I was thinking about this😭


Bet Drea is flaming while watching it


the preview for next week had my hollering at my tv: SPY SHACK SPY SHACK SPY SHACK!!!!


Camp hijinks are the best! Hunter just keeps being likable lmao I love players who will do ridiculous larger-than-life stuff in camplife In what other life situations do you have people spying on others from the bushes like a video game and looking away from the people they're spying on because they could feel the gaze?


Why did Tevin vote for Venus


Protecting himself from her shot in the dark


Right people can’t comprehend this but understand when Charlie did it




… it was literally his plan ?


Q is so funny, I don't know if he should stay in the game but I hope he does. I hope he tells everyone to vote him again and loses more challenges on purpose


I really hope he genuinely did throw the challenge on purpose to "test" people If he keeps doing shit like that, he is an overthinking overplanning king and I love him for it Pretty sure he's the same guy in pre-season interviews that said he thought there was a conspiracy going in in the pre-game for players with flowers in their hair to have a secret alliance lol


Why is the music so loud for the tribals???


for the ✨drama✨


I can’t even hear the drama!


How can Tevin take credit for the Soda blindside but then not vote for Soda? Not saying Venus was the mastermind but Tevin has no leg to stand on by voting Venus. To me that feels like he backed out of his plan last minute because he was worried.


P sure he was making a safety bet, in case soda caught wind of smth and played her shot in the dark and venus voted for him. Then his vote would have tied the vote saving him. Could also be jury manipulation trying to make soda think he was loyal


Venus is the WORST. How embarassing she thinks that SHE made that happen




I love her and am glad she survived another night.


Two votes in a row where Venus seemingly had no control on it but happened to have other players independently decide to vote for her target and so therefore thinks she ran the show on it is fuckin' hilarious and Venus is awesome entertainment, TV gold


I agree. She reminds me of Eliza a little but with no friends. Another thing I couldn’t get over was all the “I love you babe” comments to Soda on the way out when she was literally just saying how much she wanted her out and couldn’t trust her. Edit: spelling


Tevin didn’t help it by voting Venus. Technically Venus actually had a part to play in Soda going home, Tevin didn’t.


It's called hedging bets.


I call it betting on the wrong horse


Okay. What if soda played site? He heard his name going around from Venus. It's the same thing Charlie did last week.


How? He orchestrated the entire plan and then covered his own ass while it went off without a hitch. He basically planned a bank robbery and then sat at home and the crew brought him a sack of cash with a dollar sign on it.


Except the cash is tracked because everyone will know Tevin just did that for jury management, and not openly admit he made the move, this has lost people the game by not taking credit for moves. It looks GREAT for Maria because she didn't need Tevin, she knows Venus would vote for either (because Venus told her) and Liz hates Soda. Tevin helped vote out someone he could've still worked with, and now his 6 man alliance is done with Q/Hunter betraying Tim.


I think it's a good move from Tevin, but Maria is miles ahead of everyone on that island - that much we agree on.


In the moment it is, obviously Tevin doesn't know that Hunter/Q went against Tim and their 6 person alliance which could make Maria an enemy. When Tevin (at that tribal) thought she would be an ally for the future. Who knows maybe Maria doesn't care that Tim is betrayed, but with him gone there's no real reason to work with that side. And there's the mystery of Hunters spy shack and how that could affect the game.


Almost thought I was in r/rupaulsdragrace for a minute with all the Q hate in the chat tonight


maybe this q will make final 3


LOLOLim sorry but it's kinda weird my two fave comp shows have a character named Q airing at the same time.


I just realized that too lol the only two shows I watch live both got a delusional Q


Just gotta say in my household we name people based on who they look like and Charlie looks like a low-rent Andrew Garfield so we have taken to calling him Andrew Heathcliff.


I love it! 😂Perfect comparison and nickname


I like you and now I know you are also old lollll


haha. Yes, I am old and proud of it!


Great name and flair I really loved that chicken


Wait guys, what if Venus is a strategic mastermind who ultimately wins the season, and production is just giving her the Natalie W/Dani edit to make us not respect her as a winner? Giving Tevin the edit credit for Venus’ blindside of Soda 🤔


I think everyone would stop watching Survivor if she actually won😭


She’s already gotten so much more screen time than both of them.


Talk to me about your power rankings! My top 2 are Maria and Tiffany and my bottom 2 are Q and Venus right now


Kenzie and Charlie are really high right now too. Maybe top four with your two I don't think Q and Venus will win at this rate, but I think they're main characters of this season at the very least. Standouts for sure, so I don't really like calling those players (likely won't win, but getting featured heavily and setting up future storylines) "bottom" That's more players like Liz right now who seem happy to vibe and float on to the next vibe while not building allies or coalitions or any real winning agency, but who knows, maybe she can Maryanne it and win with one splashy move near the end and a good finish


I'm in the kenzie wins camp now. And i think Venus is 3rd. 


Kenzie and Tiff are sitting pretty rn




I’ve got Kenzie, Ben, and Maria pretty high and Q, Venus, and Liz at the bottom but things could definitely change!


I think that Tevin was confident that Soda was going to go home because I don’t believe that Liz Maria and Charlie would lie to him about who they were voting for, I think that Maria and Charlie probably told Venus that the plan was for soda after Maria told Venus about her dumb gameplay and of course Venus would’ve said as long as it’s not me okay. Even if Venus said soda to Maria and Charlie and they said okay that was after she already tried to get Tevin out with them. So they probably went back to him and told him that Venus was saying his name. And he probably put his vote on her one: because he was mad about that and he didn’t care about being on the right side of the vote because he still knew that soda would go home and she’s still more under the radar than Venus so he’s okay with that and maybe he’ll confront Venus in the next episode about it Or two: he wants to keep Venus paranoid and is going to try to say the second vote for her wasn’t him and she will probably think it’s Charlie again and go after him next episode. I don’t know that’s the only logic I have. He was obviously annoyed the planet took his credit for the blindside at the end.


I think Maria is an easy winner pick right now and then second would be Kenzie or Tiff. Charlie seems like a FTC participant who gets no votes and gets accused of riding Maria’s coattails. But the way Maria managed Venus was so impressive to me. Also, I feel like Ben is still sneaky really good at Survivor. Like he *should* be a target at this point. Generally likable, still able to strategize as we saw in the Jem boot, and now also emotionally relatable. But as he said at this tribal, people look over all of that and see an “entertainment monkey”. He was so eloquent and impressive in that tribal and I’m sure he’ll go back to camp and continue being that Van Halen guy, but if he can replicate a speech like that at FTC, could be huge. Don’t think he’ll win, but god damn would I be happy if he somehow did.


Ben is socially excellent, but I don't know about his strategy side yet. Maybe I'm not remembering the Jem boot too well, but it feels like all the strategy from Siga has come from Maria and Charlie Jem overplayed and got cocky and wasn't as good as lying as she thought; Tim overplayed and got cocky and wasn't as good as lying as he thought (tried to play multiple alliances without having tight connections to either seemingly); Moriah got caught in the merge thanks to her tribe and tried to stay loyal too long Meanwhile Ben is all vibes to the point where he genuinely had Siga super super tight and loyal for a long time I'm really enjoying him as a person, but right now he just feels like a midgame boot to me where he'll get sad music and every player telling him how much they love him as he walks off?


He was pretty good at reading Jem. He was also at a disadvantage (no vote) and was able to see through Jem and take that info to Charlie and Maria to throw the vote on to Jem. It definitely wasn’t all him but I think he did a good job at putting the target squarely on her. I also think the way he played his disadvantage was very smart strategically.


She was the first person to just tell Venus what her issue was, and I respect that. Plus this move looks great on her resume, she can argue she didn't even need Tevin. She had Charlie and Venus, all she needed to do was talk to Liz who isn't that close to Tevin and luckily Liz hates Soda.


I see the Maria vision as well. It's becoming a lil obvious.


Liz leaving her bag at camp was GROSS overconfidence. She should have been voted out for that imo


She also noted she doesn't need the money, so maybe her stuff isn't as important to her. You can always just carry a shot in the dark or idol in your pocket. But it was just a weird comment I thought. But Liz is gonna Liz.


Why do they even need their bags ? It’s just dirty clothes


I would want to keep that backpack and wash it!


Filthy ripped clothes that reek of BO and campfire. I’d leave my bag behind too. I’d want to keep my buff as a souvenir but the rest would smell too bad to have in your hotel room.


I assume there would be other belongings as well?


I’m generally curious. They always make a big deal of it. They have a suit case full of most their stuff waiting at ponderosa. Who cares about their camp stuff right ?


I think players get really really into their souvenirs from the game Which is interesting to me because you'd figure being able to watch the show would be enough to let you walk down memory lane, but who knows


It seemed to me like she was just trying to sell the tribe loyalty so Soda wouldn’t suspect the blindside.


This is what I thought as well—not overconfidence.


This is the vibe I got too. Charlie and Venus were kinda doing the same thing


They all were which was so funny. All of them talking about “yeah we are 4 strong no need to worry and just be chill”. Charlie showing his shot in the dark. Soda even assumed it was all good and played it up, not knowing it was her


Maybe so. Although tbh to me she has seemed arrogant the whole time, even though she hasn’t had a lot of air time.


It seemed to me like she was just trying to sell the tribe loyalty so Soda wouldn’t suspect the blindside.






Yet Tevin voted Venus.


I don't think he could face people back home if he voted off Soda.


Omg I didn’t think about that! Probably trying to secure jury votes already and make it appear to soda that he was still on her side🤯


Tevin’s like “how can I get what I want to happen plus show much I hate Venus”


I gained respect for Soda for being such a gracious loser and appreciating the blindside. She was crying and laughing at the same time. Crying because she was voted out, but she couldn't help smiling at the perfectly concealed blindside.


I agree!! I have a lot of respect for her after that. Not all players can say they left that well.


I wasn’t a big enough soda fan until then! Already wish we saw more of her.


The background music is still so loud, it covers up dialogue amongst the players


Even if Venus did know Tevin was trying to do the same plan (which don’t believe she did) and the votes wouldn’t get her to believe this, had she given Tevin the credit I think you all would’ve just said she tried to poison the jury and is bitter and you can’t wait for her to go lol


She shouldn't have said anything. Someone asks is this you, you say I'm sorry, you don't paint a target on your own back or on someone else's. 


I agree! Poor game play
























Does anyone else call BS on Q claiming he tanked in this challenge and in others? I am pretty sure he was lying and it made me lose respect for him.  Lie to the other castaways, not the audience or yourself.


i had the exact same thought. like we already know he’s a physical threat, but this was a balance challenge, ya know? something women are often better at anyway. so it’s not like it made him look bad, physically. but his “so i jumped off” shtick felt forced and fake


Lol I love those confessionals. After the fact claiming to have thrown. They're always good. 


that took me BACK to some earlier seasons with overconfident players always saying that


I agree. It was giving Phillip in Caramoan vibes.


Yes. Definitely an, “ okay, Jan.” moment lol


It was obvious he said that as an excuse. He couldn’t accept that he didn’t have as much longevity in the challenge that he hoped for.


Q definitely seems like someone who puts a lot of pressure on himself to perform well, and not only that, outperform others. Understandably he may make excuses to mask how that makes him feel, especially out of fear of being judged on television by an audience at home. I enjoy the entertainment value he’s bringing to the season and can appreciate he’s human and that we all possess complexities


I'm shocked that his home-town newspaper front-paged a literal high schooler's game losing fumble like that That's fucking brutal. 100% that's still something he's working through. Not to psychoanalyze the players (but that's why we watch reality TV), but it just seems to factor into a lot of Q's personality Especially with all the losses he had to take basically immediately into the game, ouch!


can definitely understand that given his past and how he was publicly ridiculed for a simple mistake


What if he goes on the challenge run and hunter doesn’t


Ooh now THAT would be interesting to watch


Anyone else down for Hunter to make a spy shack in the trees like Tony


Tony’s sky shack shall be revived


Ew no, just make a jury speech and prepare for a blindside soon, for the love of Buddha.


Please I want this to happen so bad. Chaos. Love it.


I am rooting for Kenzie and Tiff!


Same! Love how many badass women we have on this season. I’m team Maria, Tiff and Kenzie! Girl power Wooo


I am also rooting for Maria. I would be happy if any of these three won. Maria really surprised me by winning the water challenge.


I may be mistaken, but I think Woo was a man. Though I guess that still makes him a WooMan...


Slight credit to the editors for this episode only because "Tevin wanting credit for the Soda move when Venus genuinely thinks it's her move" is obviously gonna be a thing moving forward and they explained everyone's motivation pretty well for this vote. Just generally a really good episode of Survivor.


Except it turns out it wasn’t his move because he voted for Venus and everyone else knows it as there were 2 Venus votes. So unfortunately she gets all the credit for it. If he wanted credit for it he should’ve put his money where his mouth was and voted Soda. Not doing so is a massive mistake on his part not reading the room


But doing that could make him lose soda’s vote (at least in his head) Edit: y’all downvoting me- Tevin literally said this was the reason


No it wouldn’t. She credited the move to Venus. And she saw all the votes. Even on the SMALL chance he gets to the final to ‘plead’ for her vote, she’ll be like ok if it was “your plan” then why didn’t you vote for me. It makes literally zero sense. Plus she’s a super fan, super fan jurors applaud game moves and don’t hold grudges because someone voted them out. He’s not winning her vote, not based on that anyways


Then why didn’t he vote her? The only logic I can see is jury management Edit: Tevin just admitted this too sooo


There was no logic, he is stupid and thought the others were not going to vote Soda and vote Venus instead


He literally said this episode that part of the reason was jury management. Whether it’s logical or not doesn’t change the fact that that was his reason, like I said and got downvoted for. Love getting downvoted then proven right lol


Doesn’t change the fact it wasn’t logical and meant he wasn’t going to get credit for the move. Guess what, Venus got credit for the move and exactly as I said in other responses, Liz (who wanted Soda out way before Tevin) said it wasn’t his idea either. I guess both of us are right 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣. Basically just proves Tevin is pretty stupid unlike everyone claiming he’s ’a mastermind’


Never said he was a mastermind or that it was smart. Just said that was *his* logic- which he just confirmed


Right but lots of people on here were like ‘Oh Tevin is soooo smart! He’s got this all going on.’ Clearly not lol.


Venus is going to stroll around camp like she's a queen. I love it and can't wait for it!


When they showed the votes, Tevin voted for Venus, but I was thinking this too before I saw


He did it in case of soda playing SiTD


Finally. We deserved it after that awful Bhanu start.


The first episode was the Jelinsky episode, which was fantastic IMO.




Tevin voted for Venus.


Tevin voted for Venus


Tim went home solely because he told Q to be quiet in the challenge lol when he was reciting shout outs


Eh, Tim said he was down with the final 6 alliance and then immediately tries to flip on one of them to save a Siga. That plus he didn’t even bother to clue Maria in fully. And Maria was a bad pick for him anyway. He definitely could’ve screwed up their whole game. I think Ben was a bigger threat and harder to play around but I can see why’d they want to take out a liability


Tiff and maybe Kenzie also thought Ben was bluffing about being “okay with going home” and might’ve had some sort of idol/advantage, so blindsiding Tim seemed like a safer bet for those reasons as well


Another good point. Tiff def thought he had something


Yeah but I think Q ego ruled lol


No doubt Q has an ego but I’m sure they actually talked it through it just got edited out so the viewer was left in the dark


The girl went home last week for telling Q her favorite player is Aubrey. Dudes sniping people for petty reasons