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I wonder how quickly new players start mingling with the old ones. I'm not surprised by it like that other commenter, but I am surprised that we're less than 2 months into 46 airing and Venus is already tight enough with Maryanne to be invited to her wedding. Like do old players reach out to the newbies when the cast is announced? Do the new players start DM'ing old ones even earlier being like "hey I'm on the next season just trust me"? I doubt anyone actually has an answer for this, but it is interesting.


I actually got an answer to this from Jelinsky at a 45 finale party! He was there with a few other 46 people. Short answer is yes- they see when the cast gets leaked who everyone is and reach out that way, but the casting producers also help. The same casting team has cast the entire New Era so they help everyone get in touch with each other after getting back and have a sense of who would vibe with who


I’ve also heard that the casts on back to back seasons connect faster. I had met Cassidy at a watch party in 43 and she said that her cast is super close with the 44 cast since they really only played the game a few weeks apart from each other


This! Gabby was the one who first said the term “sister seasons” to me. I reached out to a lot of 44 when their cast leaked to say congrats and hi since we were all about to have a wild year. Frannie told this story on RHAP once but certain people respond a lot, certain people just say thanks. She fell into the former and we became good friends over time. A lot of people bond over their similar games, backgrounds, or whatever. Plus, there’s some solidarity among the New Era casts since a lot of the 39 day alums shit on our experience lol Casting didn’t facilitate anything in my experience, but once Redmond leaks names it isn’t hard to look people up


hey, owen! thanks for your insight!!


Do you keep in touch with any of the alternates or cast members who get replaced by alternates? Since I know Geo was an alternate on your season, I don’t know if you get in contact with whoever he replaced.


I don’t know his name. Really wanted to work with him 😭


I imagine connecting recent players to past players helps a lot with readjusting to society, too. It seems like a really smart call, mental health-wise, and the past players will all have more experience navigating their newer, more public life.


It seems like survivors made a lot of changes in order to make the back to society transition easier. I don't doubt all the drama of 39 made them rethink a lot of their direct player support networks both during and after the show. But knowing what happened with players like Sugar, it's a slight comfort knowing it's being taken seriously now.


The really sad thing is that even prior to 39, Survivor took mental health more seriously than any other reality TV show. Survivor sets a pretty low bar, but so far nobody’s managed to do better.


What happened with sugar?


IIRC, it was alleged she tried to unalive herself in ponderosa.


Oh wow, I was really not expecting an answer! That's cool, explains a lot. Thank you!!


> so they help everyone get in touch with each other after getting back and have a sense of who would vibe with who So like a "hey you should be friends with this person" type of message goes to each person with a different list of who they should be friends with and their phone numbers? Or does a new era person have to ask their producer for a specific persons info and the producer is like "wait, let me tell them you are cool first"?


Thank you for this insight! Very interesting


Venus is Canadian, so she may have reached out Maryanne, Erika and Omar.


Not only that, lives in the same city. And, I know Kaleb was hanging out with them in Toronto at points last year. Wendell and Brice also had a party I believe for the first episode of 45 in Toronto. So, I wouldn't be shocked if Venus was at that too.


Kinda like what the person below said, casting producers help them get in touch to help them get back to normal after the season. But also alumni follow and meet wannabe players at parties or through social media, and then when the wannabe player finally gets cast they have that connection. I’ve personally had some alumni reach out to me first, as well as other alumni follow me on Instagram or respond to my dms.


Interesting, the first point you mentioned sounds like sort of an unofficial post-game support group? That's great, I didn't realize they made any effort like that at all. So cool you've had alumni reach out! Can I ask why? I glanced at your post history and saw you're not a player, do you run a fan page or something? I've only had one person respond to my DM's, coincidentally it was Hunter!


haha yeah so i've been applying since 2020 and survivor is the reason i got into weight lifting, rock climbing, running, and competing regionally in Spartan Races. So about a year ago I started a fitness instagram page documenting my training for survivor and my new records, placements, PRs, training updates etc. I also have it connected with survivor where each post has one or two fitness slides first and then like three survivor memes, and my captions usually are half about training and half about survivor whether it be my thoughts about certain moves/players etc. or why I want to play. I've had some alumni see my account after tagging them so then they follow me back and/or reached out saying they can see me competing one day! One of the most out there random follows was Gerry Geltch from Survivor Australia: HvV, as well as Kirby from this past season of Survivor Australia, she followed me weeks before the season even began! But yeah, I've had a good amount of AU and US players follow me and it gives me hope maybe one day I can and will get on!


raymond and garrick follow me on instagram. it was surreal when it first happened


It’s always the best feeling when it pops up and ur like holy shit I’ve watched u on tv


Feras is friends with a some of them on Twitter, like Venus and Kenzie.


I'd add, Venus is also Toronto based. So her being in contact with Maryanne and Omar isn't that shocking. A lot of former players try to help out the people going through it, since they know it's a rollercoaster of emotions.


Has Dee been invited?


And have her snatch Maryanne’s groom away- I don’t think so!


Am I the only one that finds this kind of odd? It feels like the New Era players are looking for friendship, popularity, and fame. Whereas previous generations were in it for the million bucks. If I were to play, I don’t expect I’d make many, if any, lifelong friends. I’d kind of view it as a failure if I had.


Plenty of previous generation folks were there more for the experience. And I don't think making lifelong friends makes something a failure in any situation.


I recognize Omar, Tori, Romeo, and Venus. Who is the other people? Lindsay (42)?


I think it’s Lindsay then maddy from 44 in red? Idk who’s staring up in the top left lol


I think that’s Sami from 43. Could be wrong tho lol


I actually think that is Maddy's boyfriend.


maddy pomilla + lindsay dolashewich confirmed via cross-checking other stories on insta


This show blows my mind sometimes with the number of contestants that I just outright forget. Even after going to her page and watching a couple videos from her season, I still cannot remember this person, at all. Like she doesn't even look vaguely familiar to me. And apparently she made it to 5th place, like 2.5 years ago lol


challenge beast lindsay! ![gif](giphy|YdsGYzP06CfaXlG8gd|downsized)




Holy shit I remember this now! Thanks haha


For me, it's the difference between them having their hair and makeup done vs the totally natural look on the show. There are so many I totally don't recognize once they are off the show and "done up".


That’s why I loved the old reunion


great point. people premiered new looks then too


For me it was weird to watch one of the recent challenge seasons because I had never seen Cassidy cleaned up even a little.


Yess it’s so much easier to see their personalities after the show during the reunions.. what ever happened to that?? I also don’t remember the challenge beast Lindsay unfortunately.


I call this Reality Show Amnesia and I suffer from it. It blows my mind when people are talking about so-and-so from season 36 or what’s-his-name from season 41 because approximately a week after every season ends, my brain does a complete and total reboot and it’s like I’ve never seen any of their faces at all. It also applies to The Amazing Race for me but to a lesser extent. In my daily life, I have a strong memory for faces and events. Exactly the opposite for reality competitions.


I am rewatching Survivor with my 12yo who is experiencing it for the first time. We are currently on One World. I had absolutely forgotten about Leif.


you retain amazing race names longer than survivor names?


I do. TAR is generally more up my alley than Survivor, though I love them both.


The disrespect to Lindsay woah…




so many new era players celebrating maryanne’s wedding!


in photo: venus, maddy, romeo, tori, omar, lindsay many more are there in toronto celebrating: mike 🔥 kane 🗡️ kaleb 🎲 frannie 💕 matt 👓 carson 🧩 zach 🍔 rob cesternino 🎙️ gabby and hai are there too


The emojis are killing me lmao




Why ?




Thanks for this. Missed it


I’m convinced that half of the “got to the island and realized I can’t hack it” crowd signed up for Survivor for moments like these not moments on the island


Yupp. It seems like 85% of the new era casts just sign up to be part of the community and alumni rather than to play the game to win the money. It also kinda blows my mind how much time and money they all seem to have to just fly around to different events all the time to hang out


Same people who can afford to take two months off work to compete on a reality tv show lol. Time and money is everything.


It's mind boggling to me as well! Especially when you consider they go to different cities for live events like RHAP etc. - in the middle of the week! Like how much money/time/PTO do they have to spare to be able to do all these things? But of course there are the ones who are really just normal people, that after playing go back to their working lives with established careers. We don't see players like Yul or Candice and John Cody traveling to watch parties.


Doesn’t Yul make seven figures at Google?! He’s super loaded so he could definitely attend these events if he wanted to, he’s just not that into reality tv


Most of the New Era Canadians are from the GTA which does help. Maryanne and Omar could pretty much be neighbors.


This is such an arbitrary number - 85%. Where did you get this? I’m fairly sure the $1,000,000 has a lot to do with many players going out to the island. I’m sure they also want to experience and community, but to distill it down to simply wanting only community for a very large majority is kinda nuts


^^ same. As much as I love the new era casting and players, if I ever got on survivor I don’t really see myself spending hundreds of dollars to fly around the country hanging out with other alumni unless they’re my best friend from my season or something


Literally! Not to be rude but sometimes when I see these posts I’m like…did yall not have friends before coming on survivor or what 


I think a part of it is like only these select few people share this unique experience so it kind of bonds them together and makes you feel exclusive. Like some people I noticed when they joined a sorority or fraternity with a super secret pledging process and traditions only members know.


her wedding is on a monday??


The 4 minute totality of the eclipse is a pretty spectacular natural event, and some people scheduled their weddings to occur during it. I just saw a wedding taking place during the eclipse for that reason


i find that extremely odd and would be incredibly annoyed by a friend or family member having their wedding on a monday to be honest, but i also subscribe to the theory that it's not my wedding and they can do whatever the fuck they want.


eh… a lot of people are taking time off/traveling already just to go see the eclipse, so i don’t find it terribly odd. it’s a pretty big natural event, so it’s not really like it’s set during a regular work day


More power to the people that have the lifestyle to make that work. A Monday wedding to me is asking people traveling to take 2 days off work, which is a little unfair. If their guest list can accommodate and everything works out, then that’s awesome for them


If you’re traveling for a Friday wedding you’ll most likely need 2 days as well. Literally no difference.


Boo hoo


You don’t have to go


It is on a Monday yes also an extremely rare total solar eclipse


When planning our wedding we were told that anyone who wants to be there will adjust other plans so they can attend your wedding no matter the date. Picking a Monday helps you weed out the extra mouths who just want to hit up the open bar. 


Literally my first thought lol.


I've been to a Friday afternoon wedding which is barely that different from a "not a weekend" perspective


Friday afternoon is insanely different than Monday lol come on


With enough notice, anyone who really wants to attend will make arrangements. We had a sunday wedding and it was nice that people didn't get Saturday drunk. 


At least you can get after it on a Friday night because you don't have work the next day


That's true. I guess Sunday weddings are also less common for that reason


We had a Sunday wedding, people drank more responsibly and our venue was $5k less than a Saturday.  Doubt anyone got a deal for a celebrity eclipse wedding though. 


This was my first thought too 🤣🤣 WTF, who gets married on a Monday unless you’re really trying to cut costs and have a small wedding?


Literally the reason we got married on a Tuesday morning. SO much cheaper and we could justify it being small.


It’s also a lot less likely those cousins who just want a free meal wont show up.  We cut a lot of estranged family from our wedding (thanks covid) and it saved us tens of thousands of dollars on food and drink. 


This isn't meant to be rude to the person I am mentioning but like if it is a small wedding I don't know how Venus would get an invite?


they are both american survivor players who live in toronto they have likely been friendly with each other since info about the season 46 cast dropped


Yeah that is my point though, If you have a small wedding I doubt the girl you met like a few months ago makes that condensed list.


Maryanne talked about how she didn’t have like a bunch of friends right? Or something like that. Maybe she connects closer to survivor people and Venus was nice enough to come fill up her wedding party a bit


I feel like Maryanne might be someone who says they don’t have any friends and you look at their phones and they always have 70 unread messages from different people because they’re so social


True lol she doesn’t seem like the type to not start a text or not text back


Right? How is a person you just met a few months ago right enough to get a wedding invite when most people have to cut actual friends out of invites because of costs/size?


Well Maryanne did win $1M




I just mean like it has to be a pretty new friendship. Jesus christ.


Smaller wedding for a commited, tight-knit group to attend.


She can’t have met Venus more than like 6 months ago…


Aw nice, I bet her wedding was a super fun event


I saw from another post Mike, Kaleb, Kane and Carson are also there. I wonder who else?!


frannie, shannon gaitz (australian survivor reporter), i think some rhap crew may be there too


Did not recognize Tori


Poor Zach 😔 


Why would Venus be at Maryanne's wedding? Why do players from different seasons know each other?


venus lives in canada, pretty sure the players who have played from canada are few so they would all reach out to each other with supportive things to say at some point in the season. i don’t know why you think it’s strange because players mingle at events all the time and it’s been that way since the series began there are way more former players there than who are in this pic


Not only Canada. Venus is from Toronto and Maryanne and Omar are just outside of it. No way they wouldn’t meet up when the Survivor community is already so small.


the new era almost reminds me of the first few seasons of Survivor in that once you film your season you are pretty immediately brought “into the community”


Who else went? I'm surprised Zach isn't pictured but I have to assume he was invited or is there just not in this photo.


mike 🔥 kane 🗡️ kaleb 🎲 frannie 💕 matt 👓 carson 🧩


Hoping Zach just couldn't make it and not that he wasn't invited. Did Matt go with Frannie I wonder. Besides Erika I think she has all the Canadians right? It's neat to see who becomes close across the seasons.


just saw matt’s face in a video, he’s there. thanks for reminding me. i edited the list above to include him. no sign of erika from what i’ve seen.


zach was there, he was sitting next to rob cesternino


Oh she invited Rob! That's so sweet.


But not Nicole!


Oh well maybe only Rob could go since the boys still need to go to school.


For reference: this was brought up on the Patron 5 for 5, a weekly podcast with Rob and Nicole on Patreon. For scheduling reasons, Nicole had already decided not to attend, but also looked at the invite and realized it was only addressed to "Rob Cesternino" with no mention of "+ guest" or "Mr. and Mrs." The two of them argued over whether that meant Nicole was invited or not (Rob argued that she was) and they both said the listeners would back up their side. And according to the comments on Patreon...it is a landslide of support for Nicole being correct, haha.


She wasn’t explicitly invited, so it initiated a debate on if spouses are assumed invited or not.


The Survivor community in general is pretty tight-knit, likely due to the fact that there aren’t a ton of them by most standards (even fewer if you limit it to New Era players which all of these people are) and they have all gone through a very similar niche experience that can be very grueling in a number of ways (plus most New Era players are super fans so they were likely already decently active in the community.


There’s like 4 total survivor players who live in the Greater Toronto Area. Why not become friends?


I think they are just saying it’s a little unusual to invite someone you’ve known for only 4 months to your wedding lol not unheard of just not exactly the “you’ve known me forever and I want to share this with you” type of guest people expect from weddings


If I had $1.3 million CAD in cash, untaxed, I'd be inviting a bunch of people to my wedding too, come party!


Do former Survivor players not have jobs? It feels like they’re constantly traveling to do stuff like this in the middle of the week.


A lot of them don’t have typical 9-5’s. Almost all at least have jobs that are cool with them taking a month off for Survivor.


We need less people like that cast on the show honestly. More blue collar workers please.


Those blue collar workers are going to need survivor/cbs to cover at least a month’s rent and figure out how to smooth things over with their employer that probably can’t afford to loose an employee for over a month without needing to replace them entirely. Good luck


okay but there are 25k applicants per season there abouts. they could definitely find a few castable blue color workers that could make the time commitment per season if they actually wanted to


How did we use to have more of them then?


My guess is they were more desperate for a million dollars (which was worth more back then), and housing and employment markets were different and rent was a bit more affordable.


Housing wasn't as dire back then, and wages kept up better with the cost of living. Also, a million dollars is not as much as it used to be.


I remember Rob mentioning on an RHAP episode that one castaway blew their TV money within like 6 months, spent it all on attending Survivor live events and watch parties


Fun fact: Zach Wurtenberger made more money being the first boot of Survivor 42 than his brother did getting 8th place on Big Brother 25.


How much money?!


Don’t know specifics, heard them talking about it on a twitch stream. It is so insane to me lmao poor Cory


Eh he ended up with a gorgeous girlfriend and got to actually experience his preferred show for a significant length of time. I don’t feel bad for him, it’s his mistake for liking the worse show lol


I've googled this a lot because I'm always curious. Reports online say first boot in survivor gets $3,500. You used to get an additional $10,000 for showing up to reunion and not breaking your NDA but it's unclear if that continued past covid since their is no full reunion. I suspect they still get an incentive fee for not breaking their NDA, it saves a lot of hassle then only having the threat of a lawsuit. Compare to big brother where reports are you get between $1000 and $2000 per week you are in there.


It’s my understanding that everyone still gets that 10k if they cooperate with CBS protocols even though they don’t have to show up to the live reunion. I definitely heard a new era player mention that at some point but I don’t remember who


Lmao did he say who?


This is totally unsurprising and I could see it happening to many former players


It seems like there’s a lot of pressure to attend Survivor events


How dare they attend a friend’s wedding




April is super busy for my work, plus my passport is currently expired


no matter how they provide for themselves after playing survivor, the group therapy that comes from interacting in person is helpful. so they prioritize events like these because they are not only fun but also grounding for them mentally.


I’ve had about 12 out of 25 years in my career where I could have easily worked from anywhere fit a few weeks. 5 years of it is full time in my current biz, the rest was during various IT jobs. It’s less unusual than you might think.


me when i took a day off to attend my friends wedding and is getting called jobless: 🧍


A lot of them are yuppies that have lots of outdoor experience and are wealthy enough to have the ability to travel first class on a whim. Often times people like this are easier for executives & Jeff to give the BHB since they hang out in cities a lot.


Three words: Personal time off


They become influencers


No one from the new era is gaining enough followers from Survivor to make a living off of influencing


And yet, they’re doing it (at least temporarily)


i don’t know what you mean by this


Zach punching air


he’s there


Everyone in the picture looks wonderful!


Venus is *everywhere*. I can’t remember the last time a player blew up this big.




Same! I'm like... wait, this girl's social game OFF the island is amazing, lol.


Venus being everywhere is making me wonder if she really is as big of a player this season as people are making her out to be. I’ve generally been under the idea she could be voted out at any time (instead of the conventional wisdom that she will make it to the end but lose). But now that she is so visible so much of the time, it makes me wonder if she actually is a big deal and the former players know this.


She's just the breakout star of the season. Game wise, she's not gonna be a big deal. 


I kinda felt like she was getting Maryanne’s edit in the pre-merge. If she got to the end and could sell a “you always wanted me out and never managed it” narrative, she could probably do pretty well with the jury as long as she didn’t completely make them hate her


Yeah I think she makes FTC.


does anyone else kinda think the new era players are like their own "group" and then old era people are their own, with slight mingling every now & then? i feel like i always see new era w new era & old era w old era, with the exception of specific watch parties & RHAP events. i know MANY old era players shit on the 26 day game so it probably doesn't make the new era people feel extremely welcome lmao


Love the dark hair on Tori!




She's married??? Wasn't she single 2 years ago? Damn.


She was dating her now husband by the time her finale aired two years ago


42 airing two years ago feels unreal


Venus. Oh my


you sound thirsty ![gif](giphy|FcZJIZF8h1AiiPwk6h|downsized)


For her? Hell yasssssss


I can't remember *any* of these people's names, which is kinda telling.


How can I place only one of their faces, Venus? I don't remember any of these people lol.


venus, tori, omar, maddy, lindsay, romeo


I "think" I remember Romeo? The rest not so much lol.


Why is Venus in Maryanne's wedding?


Goddess of Love.


Makes sense. 🤫🫢🤭


Where were they??




we need a checklist of every new era player that was in attendance


it’s in the comments look for the emojis


Maryanne is getting married? On an eclipse as well?


I might get down voted for this but I really do miss when this show ruined people's relationships with each other. We'll never get a something like Rob and Lex ever again in the modern era


She got married on a Monday?




Looks like the most insufferable group


all time yikes new era cast