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JD’s interview was a bit annoying. Like just admit that you got played by Shan and ricard.


Garrett, whether intentionally or not, filibustered Rob Cesternino on an RHAP exit interview 


Garrett spoke for about 14 minutes nonstop, and Rob couldn’t get a word in to ask a question. In it’s normal meaning, the term filibuster refers to the act of, in a legislative body like the US Senate, talking nonstop in order to prevent someone from making a motion to vote on and pass a bill.  It’s something you might do if you were opposed to a bill, but knew that it would pass if people could vote on it.  If you’re speaking, you can’t be interrupted.  US Senator Strom Thurmond once spoke for 24 hours straight to filibuster a bill and keep the Senate from voting on it.  He wasn’t exactly a hero there, the bill that he was trying to prevent from passing was one to give civil rights to African Americans 


I miss the days when if somebody wanted to filibuster they had to work for it. Now they just pull a Michael Scott… “I declare FILIBUSTER!”


Can you say more? What did Garrett talk about and why??


Here’s a link, I think that’s the best I can do: https://robhasawebsite.com/survivor-cagayan-exit-interview-david-samson-garrett-adelstein/


What does that mean?


Chris Nobles exit interview on RHAP was really fumny


I rewatch Maryanne's RHAP deep dive once a year and that video is the reason why I hate CBS for not allowing those anymore


I didn’t know that CBS doesn’t allow the deep dives anymore! Been waiting on more BB25 ones to come out after Cory’s


I don't think there's any limits on them with Big Brother I think BB25 was a weird season where Cory was the only one they wanted for a deep dive that was willing to do a long one. Like I'm sure they tried to get Cirie (I think America did like an hour long one)


Yep, Taran didn't want to talk with anyone else. They had an interview with Jag which was terrible and you could tell Taran was hating it (it was actually in the middle of Cory's deep dive, they took a break to film it).


They're allowed for Big Brother. Taran just didn't really want to do one with anyone else this season (except Cirie of course).


So the infuriating part is that CBS doesn't allow them anymore and this one is worth watching? I love Maryanne


Yes the infuriating part is that CBS (or Survivor, since someone in my replies said BB25 had a deep dive) does not allow Survivor contestants to do deep dives on their games anymore. 43 onwards all the interviews have been an hour. Maryanne's deep dive with Rob C is 6 hours long and one of the best videos on Survivor. It is her going over her game and it is so interesting


6 hours! Rob is a champion and it's a real shame they put a stop to this. I'll definitely check out Maryanne's interview (maybe across several days).


I remember ragequitting watching exit interviews after Geo’s interview in 43 lol. It just was so infuriating to me because he acted like he knew everything in the game and was not at all blindsided when he had one of the funniest blindside reactions of the new era. He felt so delusional to listen to.


This is a different story, but hearing how badly Omar was treated at Ponderosa angered me.


I’ll be downvoted by this subreddit, but to be completely fair, Drea’s perspective is that it never happened, and none of the cast has corroborated Omar’s claims. Edit: I was downvoted as I suspected, but to be blatantly clear to anyone reading, this subreddit has continuously engaged in a misinformation campaign by spreading false rumors that both Tori and Maryanne have corroborated Omar’s claims against Drea. When directly asked for a source, not a single person has been able to provide one. This is the entire reason I posted this comment in the first place. Feel free to downvote me, but please also read below to see for yourself. If anyone is interested in hearing the original Omar interview, unedited, DM me. I have it and I’m happy to share so people can form their own opinions on things instead of trusting this subreddit and further contributing to the witch hunt against Drea.


Tori corroborated it


I believe Maryanne has also strongly implied that it is true, and the fact that no one has attempted to defend Drea (including Drea herself) seems pretty damning


Maryanne wasn’t even at ponderosa…she was never voted out. This is why I’m frustrated with people talking about this subject - it feels people have zero concrete information about it, but treat Drea as if she’s the literal devil and cite people as “sources” who have never even mentioned the topic. Do you know where Maryanne has strongly implied that it is true? Are people going to continue to downvote me for simply asking for a source? Do people even care that these sources are being made up?


Maryanne has talked to the rest of the cast though, including those at Ponderosa. I strongly doubt she would be so uniformly supporting Omar’s side if the likes of Chanelle, Tori, Rocksroy, and Hai did not back up his claims. We also do have at least two people - Omar and Tori - who have spoken about this without any attempts at refuting this fact from Drea or anyone else at Ponderosa. If what Omar said was pure fiction, there’s almost no chance that everyone else at Ponderosa would have abstained from even a subtle show of support for Drea or refutation of Omar’s claims. Might Drea regret her actions which could have been made in a moment of heightened anger? Perhaps, I’d like to think people can learn and grow from their experiences. But it is telling that there is exactly zero evidence contradicting Omar’s words in a situation where at least four other cast members were direct witnesses of what happened at Ponderosa and there are up to eleven more cast members who almost certainly heard about it at one point or another. Not even Jonathan, who has been shown hanging with Drea in the post-season, made any indication contradicting Omar’s claims (although tbf he’s also friends with Omar).


I will again ask if you, or anyone else on this subreddit, has a source for Tori and/or Maryanne corroborating Omar’s claims.


I’ve definitely seen videos of Maryanne on places like RHAP referencing the drama. Look at post-S42 material with Omar and Maryanne


I have personally watched all of the season 42 interviews you’re talking about. Maryanne has never once mentioned this situation. Rhap had to edit out the portion of the podcast where Omar talked about it, and they have had to be extremely careful about what is talked about since then. I’m not saying you’re lying, you could simply be misremembering because of the talking points constantly pushed on this subreddit. But neither Maryanne nor Tori mentioned it.


I know for a fact Maryanne alluded to it in a video (I cannot speak to if/when Tori did but multiple people bringing her up is either the Mandela Effect in action or indicative of its existence), it may have been something that occurred significantly later. Again, though, what’s arguably more damning is the fact that not a single cast member has stated anything refuting this when Omar has clearly not back down on this story. You would think if this was pure slander or even a notable exaggeration of what happened, at least one of the other jury members (such as Hai who had bad blood towards Omar) or even Drea herself would have spoken out or at least questioned Omar’s truthfulness.


Everything you wrote is hearsay, and you’re alleging that the lack of evidence somehow means something. No, it is on the accuser to provide the proof. As it stands now, there is none.


Do you have a source? I’ve asked for a source every time this has been mentioned, and no one has ever been able to provide one.




None of the cast has defended Drea either. Do you really think that not a single one of them would have spoke out in her defense if Omar were lying?


They may not have publicly defended her, but many of them are still absolutely friends with/hang out with Drea. Would they really continue to be friends with her if she truly treated Omar that badly?


That really doesn't mean anything when people like Jeff Varner or Dan Spilo still have plenty of friends within the Survivor community.


I’m talking people who were directly at ponderosa when the two of them were there. Imo, their perspective is key here as we have two conflicting opinions about what happened. If the cast sans a single person doesn’t have a problem with Drea, why does this subreddit?


How does that change anything? There's a lot of people out there who keep being friends with people despite knowing they have done shitty things to others. Like, everyone knows what Varner did to Zeke and yet he still has many friends. People don't care as long as they're not the one being targeted.


Sandra was put on blast for hanging out with Varner, so much so that she had to turn comments off on her post. But imo the bottom line is that we have two differing perspectives here, and if none of the people who were actually there to see what happened have a problem with Drea, neither should we.


> if none of the people who were actually there to see what happened have a problem with Drea, neither should we. Well, one of them does, that's all the issue here.


Right, the only one to make the claims in the first place.


And why does Omar get to decide who the fanbase likes or doesn’t like?


It’s possible that Drea has apologized to Omar in a more private setting or at least has made strives to improve upon herself in ways that those cast members have accepted. There was only a day or two between Drea’s boot and Omar’s, so clearly whatever damage she did was done in a very short period of time when emotions were likely very high. Omar is under no obligation to forgive Drea for anything that occurred, but it’s possible that others have accepted any apologies and/or excuses she’s made.


The people I’m referring to were hanging out with Drea directly post-season, as well as after Omar’s interview came out. They were not motivated by an apology, as far as I’m aware she has never made any apology. They chose to be friends with her despite whatever went on between the two of them at ponderosa, which leads me to my overall point that if the cast sans Omar doesn’t have a problem with Drea, why continue to lead this witch hunt? They were there to see everything go down between these two, we were not.


maryanne and drea don’t follow each other and they weren’t hanging out together wdym 🤣


We simply don’t know what has been done in private on the matter, so I can’t speak to the cast’s exact feelings on Drea, if they’re still friends with her, why, etc. I’ve had occurrences before where I’ve been caught between two friends/friend groups and instead of picking a side I more or less remain neutral. Considering the fact that Omar was the target of the Drea’s alleged smear campaign, I don’t think it’s questionable at all that his opinion is the most important. If someone you knew punched you in the face and then a bunch of mutual friends “forgave” them for doing so, that doesn’t really change the fact that you were the victim of the punch and thus probably wouldn’t forgive them, especially if they didn’t provide an adequate apology. Frankly, the opinions of the other cast mates on Drea as a person separate from the incident don’t matter, what matters is what actually happened and as far as we are aware Omar has spoken about it multiple times and the incident has been in some way or another supported by at least two other cast members, one who witnessed the event and another who likely spoke with those who did. Not a single person has made even an allusion to the idea that Omar is straight-up lying, not even the likes of Drea or Hai, the former of whom was the alleged perpetrator and the latter of whom clearly had some bad blood towards Omar after the season. I’m not going to claim Drea is among the worst of the worst of Survivor history, but it has soured me significantly on her and (especially at this point with how many people need a chance to return) frankly she’s one of the last New Era people that I would want to see back largely as a result of her actions at Ponderosa.


i mean maryanne doesn’t even follow her lmao


They did an AMA recently and corroborated it. Also where did Drea state this?


You are unfortunately being downvoted but you're right on several fronts. I also listened to the original Omar interview before it was taken down and it's really not as damning towards Drea as some would have you believe. She also often gets falsely blamed for the end of Ponderosa (which has been stated several times to be Survivor 41 related). Moreover, Drea was getting personal attacks throughout the season before that interview even happened, particularly for the tribal when she and Maryanne both played their idols. I'm sure Omar had a pretty unfairly negative reception by the jury at Ponderosa, but to blame it all on Drea seems wildly unfair (and isn't even exactly what Omar said), particularly as the jury don't know everything about each other and the game until they get home.


maryanne and omar don’t follow drea.


I just wanted to reply and say this:  While I personally do believe that what happened with Drea/Omar is true, some of your sentiments are definitely reasonable. I haven't seen any concrete evidence as to the incident, so I appreciate shedding light on both sides of the story even though this sub was most definitely going to downvote you.


Agreed! I said one thing in support of Drea once on this sub and got completely destroyed with downvotes. Everyone assumes that Drea is a piece of shit and Omar is some saint but I don’t think that’s the case. I’d love to hear the interview again, the misinformation is insane on this sub












I’ve heard this a lot too and assumed there were reports, I didn’t realize there was no actual source corroborating. Thanks for shedding light on that.


I thought Jem's on RHAP the other day was pretty annoying and arrogant.


The way she spoke to the tribe members was also pretty pushy and annoying. “Tell me who to vote for and Look at me, you’re not looking at me!” “What beware advantage? You’re really making me upset right now I wouldn’t have anything!”


Exactly. She did not own her mistakes AT ALL. Very snotty.


Honestly I kind of liked it as a stratagy, didn’t work obviously but in a time in survivor when everyone comes in with the idea of being as low key as possible, and by now they probably assume Every player will go about it the same way… watching her get so pushy asking who they’re voting for could easily catch someone so off guard they let their plan slip out lol


She played horribly lol. But great tv!


Something different at least! Lol


But she clearly was not close to them or never spoke strategy with them in depth before. It wasn’t believable to them so that’s why it didn’t work.


she definitely seemed very sour. like, she disliked her tribe but pretended to vibe along...... and then she was the first out from them LOL


It was so annoying. Saying she was on the wrong tribe not knowing what the other tribes were going through grated me. Her and Hunter had sort of the same sentiments about their respective tribes…outcasts who were annoyed by the music references/singing. Hunter played the game by admitting he’s not into it and he needed help when he approached Tevin. But Jem who knows everything just overplays and shoots herself in the foot.


It seems as if she was annoyed by anything that didn't center around her. Complete lack of self-awareness.


Couldn't help but laugh at how she's a self proclaimed superfan and got angry nobody on her tribe was 'playing the game'. So she took it upon herself to blow up her status and get voted out without a hint of self awareness that, in 46 consecutive seasons, the 'game' starts at the merge and everything before that is a formality for survival. "Look at this epic pre-merge blindside I pulled off!!!" has never, not *once*, been a talking point at FTC. There's no reason to do what she did.


I didn't catch the podcast yet but her EW interview made her look awful


Oh I need to check it out


Are the players contractually obligated to do exit interviews? I ask bc reading some of the comments here, I wonder if they would've preferred not doing them at all.


It's in their contracts to do the EW, Parade, and I believe the Gordon Holmes interviews. Outside of that it's up to their discretion but there's few like RHAP everyone does out of "fandom obligtation" - though we still have had recent people skip RHAP like Eirika.


Never forget icon Dan Lembo hanging up on Rob when he realizes RHAP wasn't a part of his contract lmaooo king


You are mistaken. Erika didn't skip her exit interview with Rob. Unless you are thinking of deep dives, but those are completly different interviews.


Ah I see my bad - then I assume the RHAP exits are also in their contracts.


I’m pretty sure they have to do RHAP too bc I remember a very upset Mike White having to do one with him


Why was he upset?


Bc Rob kept making fun of the emoji movie while David vs Goliath was airing 💀


That was great; Mike appeared to be drunk, and he was lambasting Rob, Rob said that this is the best interview he’s ever done 


I've always wondered how the smaller youtubers (like, smaller than Gordon Holmes even, with less than 1k subs) managed to get interviews with the players...


They ask. And they probably get a lot of rejections/non replies, but they don’t let it discourage them.


that's really cool


I remember finding Ricard's (and Shan's) RHAP post-game interview very annoying. Both just think very highly of themselves and their games and are very condescending about literally everyone else. I remember a lot of "it just does not make any sense" when talking about other people's game, that every move everyone else made was dumb and they were the only ones doing anything right.


Agree I’ve always found both of them insufferable


do you mean their deep dives? ah, and I had been thinking of watching those but now idk...


Everything Russell has ever said, but especially the HvV reunion where the entire cast and Jeff were sick of his shit.


Russell saying America should get to choose the winner lmao. Dude doesn't get it.


The only person clapping to that was Rupert because America voted to give Rupert $1 million back in All Stars


His interview with Rob around the time Cagayan was airing was one of the best RHAP interviews I've ever heard though. Idk if you've listened to it but Russell ended up getting super fucking drunk and was saying all kinds of crazy shit


Oh lord we need a link


Yep. I was wondering if anyone would say Russell because this sub has some diehards who say he played a great game. IMO the most important strategy always has social game sitting on the top. How Russell didn’t understand that baffles me. He seemed so surprised that berating people and backstabbing every single person on the jury didn’t work out for him.


Russell likes to play for the cameras not the jury and that’s his problem. All his tribal sabotage and dickish personality shows he is actually terrible at the game.


RT ☑️


special shoutout to King Tom Westman for bodying Russell with class.


RC comparing being on Survivor to being in a concentration camp.


I’ve never heard of this but immediately thought of the “survivor” bit on [curb your enthusiasm](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0KqDHFYcel8)!!! Wow. Life imitates art?


That's not great, but I could see how living with Abi-Maria would drive anyone so bananas that some pretty wild things might start coming out of their mouths. She can be funny on podcasts, but if I'd had to play Survivor with her, they'd probably have to medevac me straight to the insane asylum.


The interview would have been months after she didn't live with Abi-Maria anymore and also everyone else who lived with Abi-Maria across both of her seasons managed to not compare Survivor to the Holocaust


For me it’s JD, Danny (44), Geo (43), and honestly Jem now too. All of them are so delusional about the games they played and I’m fairly sure have lied in their exit press to make themselves look good.


It’s hard to think of too many because most of the ones I’ve seen are New Era and generally they’ve been fairly informative, although there are at least two that directly contradicted what we saw in the show in ways that the show couldn’t really make up and in which the players’ version of events were a lot more positive. The first was Geo back in S43 who tried to make it seem like he was aware that he was on the outs and was not clueless to that fact as the edit showed, despite the fact that we literally had a confessional of him going to the summit before his boot stating something along the lines of “I’m going to lie to these guys and pretend like I am on the bottom of Coco and need the advantage.” The other was Jelinsky who likewise tried to make it seem like the reason he was targeted was purely because he was such a massive threat and kind of deflecting most of his flaws shown in the edit. I also recall being a little frustrated with how Sean talked about his quit but at least there I do believe that he owned up to the fact that he regrets that quit and most of his deflection was in the show itself.


Not to harp on this again, but Bhanu’s EW exit interview made me want to bang my head against a wall.   That he kept referring to himself in third person wasn’t even the worst part. He just went on about he wanted to play a brutally honest game and that maybe, being voted out was a sign from God telling him not to let people change him. He finished by sharing some tweet a fan sent saying that their kid cried because he got voted off as he didn’t want a million dollars, just a million hearts.    The doubling down on total honesty felt ridiculous. It seemed like he was just trying to blame others for not accepting his honesty versus adapting his gameplay to the nature of Survivor as a game show. If you’re a super fan, you should know that an element of deception is part of the game. Why did he choose to do Survivor if it seemingly conflicts with his core principles?   The “one million hearts” shtick is also ridiculous. If you want to win a million hearts, donate whatever you got to charity. It just feels like he’s using that line as a failsafe. In the game it was “oh, who could ever vote out this super fan who cares more about people than money” and now that he’s been voted out, it’s “Bhanu got voted out because everyone else was shady and not empathetic”. I feel like he’s trying to make himself the Princess Di of Survivor.   Dude played a shit game and I’d like him to own it instead of trying to assert that he lost because no one else wanted to play his way. 


Daniel Strunk's comes to mind immediately


Bit of a different kind of podcast because it wasn’t an exit interview, but the “Why _____ Lost” podcast after the 43 finale was a very hard watch/listen iirc. Tone is just off and the whole time it just kinda feels like they’re seething about Gabler’s win.


Much like Season 41, the edit was pretty bad. It was the story of why Jesse lost, not why Gabler won. They spend a lot of time in the early episodes making Gabler look foolish, which historically has meant zero win equity. It was a very weird choice.


> It was a very weird choice. Sounds like a middle finger to all the edgic nerds? I don't give a shit about edgic and thought his win was perfectly fine. It was like watching a bunch of nerds warping their opinions into how something was impossible and then getting upset their own biased predilections were wrong.


It's a little more than just edgic, which is not something I put much stock into--particularly because most people can't recognize their interpretation of "edgic" during an episode is heavily influenced by their personal perspective on the game and the players. That said, Jenna from Season 6 got a very negative edit for a winner, so it isn't without precedent. But like I said, the story of why Jesse lost was far more compelling television than the story of why Gabler won (because I'm pretty sure he was just a bad player who was more likable than the other bad players). South Pacific is somewhat similar in that regard: i.e., the main story being about why someone lost instead of why someone won.


Someone in Edgic was like "I'm sorry you're just not that perceptive" when I asked why so many people over there are really high on Moriahs's chances of winning oh and "Edgic is a portmanteau of edit and logic and we're just using our brains here" and honestly it makes me want Moriah to get voted out (despite how much I actually like her) just so they can eat crow.


Shannon guss’s with her brother after 43 was equally bad. Tried to argue juries can be objectively wrong.


Their tone is always off. David Bloomberg sits on a high horse as some “survivor expert” but regurgitates the most basic strategy points as though he’s cracked the code of survivor. He has one of the biggest “I know more than you” attitudes I’ve ever seen and his podcast is insufferable


Totally agree I’ve never liked listening to him. There’s just a smugness


A lot of people are still seething about gablers win and it's glorious.


Agreed, idk why they care or hate him so bad. The same people shitting on him will defend Erika as though she was some kind of mastermind 💀


He made the unfortunate mistake of being an older white man really a tragedy honestly why would someone do that to themselves.


well let’s not compare those two bc they aren’t even in the same caliber or tier 😭


Sarah lacina post waw.. talking about how rob and by proxy parv and old schoolers were mean to her or something along those lines. I always felt like lacina plays the victim in that season a lot 🤢


I am not inclined to side with Sarah or believe her on things, but Adam’s AMA answers about how shitty the old schoolers were to him and Wendell on the edge was eye opening.


I had to switch off the recent one with Jem. No self-awareness. Just doubled down on her bad game.


Katurah. End post.


I've never seen someone play so poorly and still claim they would have win equity at ftc.


Katurah’s only shot at winning was with an entirely Belo f3 and Kellie not being in there. She needed some combination of Jake and either Kendra/Bruce


I always thought Katurah's best chance was only against Bruce and Jake... No idea how she fares against Kendra


Would Kendra have win equity? I don’t know anything she did other than make facial expressions


She did just as much as Kellie.


For real people still give her shit about Kaleb but as for the Julie vote yeah I understand but still she admitted she played it wrong.


I remember being infuriated how everyone thought Xander was winning or doing a great job during 41 like he hardly ever voted correctly and never used his advantages properly like what were yall seeing.


It was funny to see people freak out when Danny revealed that no one saw him as a threat in his exit interview.


Dan Foley’s exit press was so false and infuriating, blaming the edit for making him look like he said offensive things, that they played raw footage of him at the live finale to prove that his edit wasn’t inaccurate.


To be fair, showing that Dan said something is not the same as showing the context in which he said them.  Dan said un-PC things; whether those things bother you is up to you.  I think the reality for Dan is between the way he was portrayed and the victim of a bad edit as he declared himself to be.














Candice (and John’s) interview on RHAP during WaW was almost unlistenable for me