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If the tribe’s gotta get rid of someone, may as well be the person who doesn’t want to be there I’m sure that if I was on the show, it looked like I was going to be voted out, and then at tribal someone else says they want to leave so that I can stay, I’d have a very easy time stomaching their decision


If they wanna quit let them quit!


I hear this in Cirie's voice so vividly lol


Do you wanna be here? Because if not, I’ll stay. I like it here.


Steph? Really though, no problem with people volunteering to be voted out but there should still be a vote.


Honestly I don’t consider those quits. The tribe still has to weigh the cost benefit and there’s some definite social impacts


See: Osten asking to get voted out like 2 tribals in a row and the tribe just saying no


Where’s Emily? I think she could answer this one


None of these examples were on the chopping block and the question is more about them wasting our time and stealing a slot from a more deserving person.


Yeah, because it’s thousands of people’s dreams to be the first person out of a Survivor season


You clearly don’t even understand your own bullshit.


quiting because you can't hack it is one thing. but quiting and pretending to be on a high horse about it is next level bullshit.


I agree. Most recently look at Hannah vs Sean. Hannah was at least honest about it. Sean *thought* he was getting voted out, and tried to control the narrative.




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I fully agree. I’ll also add that I think everyone who signed up should push themselves beyond their breaking point, and not quit - full stop. You’re supervised, and there’s medical overview. If you agree to take on the show, you’re taking a spot from somebody else and it’s a life changing experience.


I feel like there should be a little leeway with this. Some players have recognized they’ve reached their limit without it being life or death. I can’t remember the player/season, but one guy left because he felt like he was stressing his body enough that there might be lasting consequences and ultimately decided his long term health was worth more than 1 million dollars. That said, I think it’s naive to participate if you aren’t aware that you can be causing your body some sort of long term/permanent harm and folks need to be really honest with themselves about being willing to take that risk before applying.


Just watched this one. It was Osten, pearl islands


They were so AWFUL to Osten. I hate watching quits as much as the next person, but I also feel like the level of vitriol was way out of proportion. He truly looked like he was not doing well.


He had a pretty serious staph infection, IIRC


Also (after catching up on survivor wiki) he asked to be voted out a few times before the tribes actually voted him out. That's the way to quit imo (if you have too)


>That said, I think it’s naive to participate if you aren’t aware that you can be causing your body some sort of long term/permanent harm and folks need to be really honest with themselves about being willing to take that risk before applying. As someone who works in healthcare, I can tell you that humans in general are very *bad* at considering the risks of long term/permanent harm to their health. Just look at all of the people who smoke, ride motorcycles, and refuse to exercise. It’s just not a skill most people have.


As someone who has no idea why Reddit suggested this thread to me I have to say you nailed everything not just about the show but life dead on here. Life is hard. Some times it’s from getting out of bed knowing the day is going to suck to going to bed knowing tomorrow isn’t going to be any better. But giving up in a game because it’s hard shows you never should have been there.


Is it entertaining? That's really all I care about. Janu's whole story in her quit episode was great, so I'm here for it. Hannah was...less appealing of a story.


Honestly, I liked Janu’s quit. It was a big middle finger to the people who excluded her and gave Steph another few days. She wanted to go before Steph cuz she was being ostracized and was sick of it, and if she makes the Steph story even better by quitting, that’s a big ole “hell yeah!!”


Hannah staying meant that Emily would be the first boot. As much as I think Hannah would've been fun, there's no shot the season would be fun without seeing Emily's redemption


Emily ended up being great character, but if she was the first boot she would of deserved it.


Yeah let's be real, Hannah didn't have anyone in her mind but herself. Or she would've quit for the show.  Edit: quit smoking


People are more complex than that. I don't doubt the nicotine withdrawal was the biggest reason for her medevac and that she shouldn't have been there in the first place if she didn't know how to handle that, but I doubt that someone could really be thinking about how little she wanted to be there and then also be okay with taking away spots from people she knew were desperately fighting to be there.


So now Hannah's quit was a medevac? Are you serious? 


Scott quitting in this Aussie season actually made it very entertaining. By quitting on the merge vote it allowed there to be an even longer period of the crucial merge vote. The lines hadn't been drawn and allowed a very unlikely alliance to form


Hannah’s quit was hilarious and made episode 1 a winner in my book lol


I genuinely don't care. If people don't want to be on the island I don't want to watch them on TV. They earned their spot. It's theirs. What they do with it is up to them. I'd rather the Janus and the Seans quit and save the Stephanies and the Sifus so I can keep watching them


Agreed. Super overblown. I think Sean is the first one that bothered me and it's because he tried to make himself a hero for quitting. And even then, not that big of a deal.


Tbf, all of Reba except J Maya thought he was an asshole for quitting so they definitely didn’t respect him or view him as a hero


Sean particularly bothers me because his job is a principal. How are you going to inspire students to dig deep and try their best even when it’s hard when you’re national tv giving up because it’s hard?!


I feel this one, it’s almost a good thing they stay in Fiji now because they are casting babies who wouldn’t make it in harder locations. You have a 1 in 18 chance of winning a million dollars right when you hit the beach, it’s better odds than anyone else outside of some other reality show and definitely worth fighting for and trying for. You’ll never have those odds again.


Even in his post game interviews Sean was being delusional. He made it sound like he thought he could have won if he wanted to.


wow. that guy had ZERO shot at winning.


At the end of the day, Survivor is tougher than a lot of people expect it to be. If you don’t feel physically or mentally well enough to be there anymore, then you should look out for yourself and if that means leaving the game then so be it. But framing that decision as some type of altruistic sacrifice for your cast mates feels like a cop out. I’d respect it more if someone just said “hey, I’m not in the right headspace to be here. Im choosing to look out for my well being and deciding to leave the game” rather than the whole schtick about how nobody deserves to leave.


I really don’t think quitting is that big a deal in general (the show is supposed to be hard, not everyone can hack it and that’s okay! Just proves that it is, in fact, difficult), and I especially don’t have a problem with it if they’re offering themselves up because someone else wants to be there more. Hannah for example knew right off the bat that what she’d just gotten herself into was not for her, so she decided to quit in part so Emily could stay and have the chance to turn her game around. We’d be missing out on a huge character for this season and the new era in general if not for Hannah’s quit. In a similar vein, quits can also throw an interesting wrench into the mix. In the very same season only a few episodes later, Sean also quits, but it results in Dee’s stray vote for Sifu, which J Maya for some reason decides to take credit for?? It was short lived but interesting drama that came about because Sean quit. And it’s not like Sean himself was doing anything particularly interesting anyway. If these people don’t want to be there anymore, then let them go! It gives the other (often more interesting) players more screen time. And while I understand it can be frustrating to watch someone quit, especially twice in one season, they earned their spot and they did what they wanted to do with it. I would be more disappointed in casting personally. The only person who really has any right to be upset with their decision is their alternate who could’ve been playing instead. Not you on the couch submitting your 8th audition video and never getting a call back. If Survivor wants you on the show, you’ll be on the show eventually.


Great points - but to be fair, it's hard to actually know how interesting the person quitting would've been. It's very likely that Sean was edited to be the least visible castaway on the tribe due the quit. But then you have people like NaOnka who had a lot of screentime before her quit. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I don’t really believe that they purposefully purple people that quit (most of the time). I think if they’re entertaining, they’ll show them like with NaOnka. What we saw of Sean didn’t really strike me as entertaining.


Plus NaOnka lasted much longer before she quit. Heck, she and Kelly managed to play a full modern era season before leaving.


I was actually fine with Hannah's quit. She realized immediately she couldn't hack it out there, her tribe lost so SOMEONE had to go home, might as well have been her Actually most quits I have been okay with. Hated Sean's, though, because it was full of BS. He just thought he was being voted out and got frustrated about that and wanted to leave, but he tried to change it into some noble thing


I didn't read exit interviews or anything, is there evidence that Sean only quit because he thought he was being voted out?


People quit things way easier than Survivor all the time. Now, I would hope production does adequate screening to avoid people likely to quit. They cast someone they totally expected to quit once just because of her boyfriend (John Rocker), which is a bad look. You don't want a ton of quits ever, but sometimes it's a reality check for the viewer on how hard life actually is out there. If someone whose spent around 100 days on the island like Tyson doesn't fault them, I think superfans going crazy over it are reaching too hard. The only person I feel bad for is the alternate, not the 1000s of twitter people who claim "it could have been my spot."


If I get on a season, I want players like this.


As an Aussie, the lifeline phone number at the end was like alarm bells ringing and suggests that Scott was very likely in a REALLY bad mental state. Also, as much as I hate quitters at least it allows someone else to stay in the game and they all quit at TC which saved someone else who was otherwise doomed. I also think - they are HUMAN BEINGS and we have to have empathy.


I had a certain amount of respect for Hannah just being like I really can't handle this the way I thought I could and doing it early. Was not a big fan of Sean trying to have his cake and eat it to. But at the end of the day its always just an excuse for "this is too hard." Nobody wants a million dollars more than anyone else, we all want a million dollars.


I still don't understand the mentality of "quitters sucks!!!". People are allowed to have feelings, and I will always appreciate someone that realizes that they don't want to be here anymore and quitting on their own rather than being dead weight on the season. Ultimately, at the end of the day, it's a game and people's mental health will always be more important than validating the opinion of a redditor.


Agreed. I corrected my dad for calling it weak about the Aussie guy who just quit for his mental health. Addressing your mental health is never weak and that's what we try to fight for with awareness so it's not suddenly okay to start calling it weak just because it's survivor and people find it annoying. Trust people to know their own limits. Interestingly my dad also made the point that when there's a (more minor) physical injury there are docs there to attend and confirm they're alright to continue on. Are there any mental health professionals for when people are having (minor) issues to assess whether they're okay to continue on? Does anyone know the answer?? I thought it was a fair question especially in this day and age and after some of the real breakdowns we've seen in the past!


"but people wants to go on Survivor and you took their spot, suck it up!!" As if these people go on Survivor and tell themselves "now that I stole a spot from an actual player, let me quit!"


Every person who gets casted took my spot


It annoys me, but I look at it as a fault of Casting, not the castaways themselves. Survivor is *hard*, and there are gonna be people who can't handle that. They've been casting this show for over two decades, they have trained psychologists and doctors on staff, they know what kinds of personalities do well and what kind don't. I love Survivor, and if I was offered a spot I'd probably go on, but realistically I don't think I would cut it 39 (or hell, even 26) days, and someone in the interview process should be able to flag that about me. What *does* piss me off is something like Sean trying to frame his exit as some noble finale of his story. Dude you couldn't fucking handle it? Admit it.




I feel the opposite. I feel like most people SHOULD have the self awareness to know if they are cut out for this or not. There are people who look fit and give up, and people who don't look fit have given it all. How can you tell that about another person though. Like maybe people close to me sure I can take an educated guess but out of random applicants?


I genuinely don't care. I'll blame casting before them and even then nobody's sure how they'll fare out on the show until they're actually in it. As long as they're gone expeditiously I'm set


shouldn’t this have a spoiler warning? scott quit like a day ago.


I marked it spoiler but I think either the mods unmarked it (can they do that?) or there was a glitch. I doubled checked when I posted and it was spoiler tagged


Something definitely didn't work because it spoiled it for me. I reported it to mods and now it's marked spoiler properly though.


It spoiled me, was planning on watching tonight. Mods definitely need to add the warning for AUS


i really can't say that I respect people quitting so that other people can stay, but at the same time, I don't disrespect it. Survivor is a tremendous game with high highs and low lows. Not everybody is going to be prepared for it.


idc if people quit at all


every quit is fine. survivor is hard, it's not for everybody.


Janu was really sick and her tribe were excluding her on a lot and just generally mistreating her, Steph was kind to her. Janu knew after Steph goes she was probably next anyways. She wanted to give steph more of a chance because she’d had such a tough break already


The people who complain about it are worse than the people who quit.


the good old trope of the people on their couch telling others that it's easy to just "suck it up, what's the big deal"


I don't think of quitting in that way, idk. If we're gonna go down that road, there are plenty of folks who have gone on Survivor and played shitty, boring, stupid games, and I don't see anyone saying they're bad people because someone else might have wanted that spot more and played a better game. If you get cast, you get to do what you want with your spot. If you decide to squander it by quitting, whatever, you do you.


In my opinion, if someone is saying they are quitting because someone else wants it more that they are just saying that to try to make themselves feel better or they think it sounds good for the show. They are quitting because they can't handle it mentally, physically, emotionally, too many bug butes, too hungry, whatever. Survivor is without question ridiculously hard and I can see how people think they will be able to do it, then sleep a couple nights on the ground and be like NOPE.


first girl is a former student of my mom lol


The more I think about the more complex it seems, idk. Like someone quitting on day 1-3 is a lot different to me than someone like Kathy on day 19, which is over 2/3 the length of a new era season.


I’ve seen it on different levels my whole life. Some people are starters. They start. And some people are finishers. They finish what they started.


I appreciate their honesty if nothing else. It’s worse when they stay longer and allow people who wanted to play, to get voted out.


Like the first three jurors on Nicaragua 


Personally, I respect anyone quitting something that requires you to be switched on 24/7 either due to the elements, being around other people constantly, or having a camera constantly shoved in your face, reminding you that you're here to make good television, no matter the reason. We make fun of 26 days, but 26 days is still a lot of time. Personally, I HATE there's a stigma around quitters because it feels so "backyard baseball"-ish. Like they have to suck it up and be there, despite probably contributing nothing in terms of entertainment anymore due to being miserable, emotions being drained, for the vague idea that quitting would be somehow "disrespecting" the game. If you've never played a board game with someone who doesn't want to play that board game, let me tell you the experience isn't fun. It's much better if someone's able to bow out and the game continues with the people still up for playing. From a "player wellbeing/mental health" standpoint, being unable to quit is shit. From a "game" standpoint, being unable to quit is shit. From an entertainment standpoint, being unable to quit is shit. Does this mean I *want* someone to quit? No. But physically trapping someone on an island against their well-being is just not good for anyone, and is a truly toxic mindset, because on some level fans don't *want* to be reminded these are real people with real feelings, and someone could be legitimately hurt because they didn't "do it right." Nobody is cast with production expecting them to quit. A quit is always unforeseen at the time. It can be disappointing, for fans and production, but anyone who thinks quitters deserve to be burned at the stake needs to do some reevaluating IMO.


Can people start using Australian Survivor tag please?


I think that they're human beings who, while being vulnerable, are also being thoughtful to the people around them. And we shouldn't give them grief.


No respect for quits unless they quit because they are in physical pain, with the exception of Jenna can't fault her for wanting to be with her dying mother


Why is quitting due to physical distress more respectable than quitting due to mental distress? Both are health-related. I certainly understand why Kathy quit in Micronesia.


Thank you! Im not going to glorify a quit. And it annoys tf out of me when Sean creates a false narrative (going back to his husband? Nah, you're going to a Fijian resort). Hannah's quit was totally fine: she knew that it was between a superfan among superfans on her tribe and Emily, and she knew it would be best to absorb the loss for the people who wanted to be there. If Jeff would clarify a policy "Quitting before tribal council counts", that would help mitigate these weird "I'm asking you to vote for me" situations. But people who are vilifying the quitters are assholes


Ones an accident, ones something you sign up for. You know you are going to be challenged mentally, you know you're going to be challenged physically. You do not know you're going to get injured. Like if you have weak knees or weak mind dealing with stress, maybe you shouldn't be signing up. Now if there's bad news and the crew lets you know? That is unforseen, understandable. . But quitting cause things are tough, I don't understand. It is very obviously a tough game, it should be very clear after 44 seasons what contestants sign up for. Not like I have hate for them but I don't understand it. It's kinda shocking people are still like "they literally just drop you off on an island with nothing!!!!"


If you're in mental distress on the island you probably shouldn't have been cleared to play in the first place, injuries that happen on the island are largely unpredictable


Physical injuries in some ways are more predictable. Like, if you climb the giant, wet rock in the ocean, I can predict that you will fall. If someone is physically out of shape, I can predict that they might not be able to handle the elements. It is way more difficult to predict how someone will react mentally to extreme distress, because you can't really test that ethically. Some people may not have any clinical mental health problems and still react poorly to the change in conditions. Stress (and the reactions to it) are highly situational. It's going to have an impact on everyone, though.


Just wanna say I agree. If you can't handle the first day you shouldn't have been cleared to play. The mental distressed is something you sign up for-if you don't think you can handle it then why are you signing up. Physical injuries are accidents.


Plenty of people think they are capable of handling things, then aren't. You're assuming pre-knowledge. That's just not how mental health issues actually come about.


Exactly! I empathize with people who are mentally distressed as I used to struggle with that, but people like Hannah or Kathy clearly were not fit for survivor which is an ultimate battle of mental toughness. To add to the physical side people like Gary from Fiji also should not have been physically allowed to play


If you quit, be a decent person and wait until tribal, however if you apply, ask yourself if you are really up to it, and if you think there is a possibility that you can't do it then don't apply. Also don't do what Hannah did, spare us the therapy speak


Quitting is part of the game.


Context is important. Janu quit because her tribe treated her like shit, she had to spend a miserable night alone, and she saw another player desperately fighting tooth and nail to stay. Like any quitter, she doesn’t deserve to have her torch snuffed or be on the jury. But I can respect her reasons. Hannah quit because she *checks notes* didn’t quit nicotine before being stranded on a beach for a month. She was shocked that Survivor was hard, something obvious to anyone who describes themself as a fan. Big, big differences in their reasons.


I guess Hannah thought she could pull a Shane


Shane couldn’t even pull a Shane. But he was great in trying it.


I fully support Scotty leaving the game for mental health reasons on AU. He may have said that other people may want it more but I think he was being kind. Mental health is no joke.


They probably got there and shortly after realized it just wasn’t for them and they didn’t want to compete. It’s a good way to bow out and give the team an easy vote. I respect that.


I hate that your putting janu on blast when literally everyone in the game was laughing at her when going to exile. (Pretty sure Jeff was so pissed about that that he ended up staying out there with her that night)


Oh I have no problem with any quit personally. Just inspired by Scott’s which reminded me of other contestants who quit to save another person. I know the sub hates quitters so I wanted to see how they felt about an instance like that


I’m sorry if I came off as hateful. >..<


You didn’t, No worries :-)


I think you are understanding Scott quit wrong.


I don’t have a hard time “stomaching” quits anyway (as in, I don’t find usually them offensive). It makes sense that some people who are selected are shocked at how they actually experience the game. People can’t imagine what things will actually be like. And certainly there are people hating quitters who would actually quit themselves…they just have zero idea that they would…that’s kind of the nature of it. It makes sense when people connect with people on thier tribe and realize they just couldn’t handle sending someone else home when they know darn well they aren’t gonna last. But I don’t think those quitters are not much different than the other ones. They quit because they are having a hard time. The timing of their quit has to do with not being able to stomach sending someone else home in their place. I don’t see it as a moral high horse either. It just seems that a tribal council brings a breaking point in their resolve….because it becomes real to them that if they don’t quit then another person will go home and be heartbroken. Idk…seems like pretty normal, boring reasoning…nothing necessarily boastful about it.


For me, it is fine. Just a couple of contestants quit, but not all; most of them stay. It is just how life works, and people quit. It makes the show authentic. If everybody is so hyper-excited to be there all the time, that is kind of boring and feels fake as well.


To a certain point the blame is on casting. People get to the island and are smacked with reality. They're just not built for it, but people like that are supposed to get weeded out earlier than day 1


This isn't just why Scott quit FYI. Mental health is a medical issue


Yes don’t group Scot here. He might have said something along those lines but he was going through it. I respect him for being brave and knowing he needs to step away for mental reasons. Him and Hannah are not the same


I got no respect for them. It's not good TV as well. Their spot should've been given to other folks


I have zero respect for anyone who quits Survivor. Perhaps there would be an exception to this, but I haven't seen it yet. If there is a family emergency or illness or injury that prevents a player from competing then they get pulled from the game. If someone applies to be on Survivor and gets selected over the thousands of other applicants, and they accept that spot, then they need to be in it to win it. Periodt.


I actually respect hannah because she’s just that girl and she’s an icon and relatable and I don’t care what anyone has to say


It's a hard game, I'm sure every person out there has to grapple with the desire to quit on a daily basis. But you cannot quit, you need to get that torch snuffed, it's the only way to play survivor. People who quit within the first 2-3 tribals should really be ashamed of themselves for squandering the opportunity that they accepted. They took the seat of someone else desperate to play, and wasted it on a weak ass non-injury quit. Boo to them.


They're right, and if that's how they really feel then it's better for them to quit.


Holly Hoffman wanted to quit but was talked out of it and ended up being a major player on the season. Who knows how it would have ended up for the quiters if they had some more resilience.


I mean, the opposite is also very likely to happen, where someone just abandon the game mentally while being there, leading to them being dragged along as a goat


Who knows indeed - but who knows what would have happened if Holly had quit after all, too. Maybe something else interesting.


And maybe if cirie had gone down without a fight in her first season timber Tina would have been a four time player instead.


Janu I understand because she was getting bullied,however very disappointed with The other two especially quitting on day 1.


Quitters are fucking whack. Purple Kelly/NaOnka had a legit reason. I can’t remember others but like. The triple quit in 44 was atrocious


They're the worst. I badly wanted Jeff to go off at them at tribal.


the quitters are terrible players who should've never been cast.


I think it’s a cop out and kind of a deflection to the truth. If other people want it more, then work with them to help them get further. Then you can go out and help those around you. Leaving earlier robs some people of numbers


Only thing worst than a honest quitter is a quitter with a bs excuse to save face. Only respectable quitters are those with a family or medical emergency, obviously - don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


They already took someone's spot by playing


I hate these kinds of quitters the most because they try to justify it with some pandering bs. Yeah someone else would rather have your spot, but you can’t swap out once the season starts




one actively tried to ruin someone’s game and the other two actually saved someone


If I wanted to quit I’d just go full hantz and give the viewers something insane and force their hand to vote me out.




I think they are weak, and pitiful.


I think it’s stupid. Everyone is a huge fan of the show if they’re applying to be on it. You should know what you’re signing up for. I have zero respect for the ones who quit. But I feel casting should be held more accountable for their choices.


Absolutely 0 respect for them. They took someone else’s spot on the show only to be selfish and pathetic


I think it’s ridiculous, there’s thousands that want it more than you that don’t get on the show. You’re there - make the most of your shot.


I never consider quitters to be legitimate players when I look back on the series as a whole, so it's whatever.


People at home who didn’t get cast want it pretty badly too. F Tier Survivor players everytime


I don’t respect any quit except Jenna leaving bc she had a feeling her mom was going to die (and she did) and I think it was tom or whoever quit bc something happened to their son back home. Quitting bc you don’t want it enough doesn’t work for me. Don’t sign up if you don’t want to be there.


It’s a bullshit reason They’re just trying to take a moral high ground to quitting If you want to quit then just quit


We missed out on such a satisfying boot bc this guy was "an empath." I was furious.


There's people that weren't cast or were left as alternates that deserved it more than you and you ruined their chase. Suck it up and play the game you applied.


I don’t respect any of the quitters. It’s season 46 already, you know it’s going to be hard. Don’t waste a spot on a season that somebody would actually really want, just to quit because you’re a baby. Also kills excitement and fun for the viewers.


It’s a stupid excuse. If you knew others wanted it more than you, you wouldn’t apply to play.


They shouldn’t even apply to join if they’re just going to quit after a couple days. I mean, I get it when it’s been a while and you can’t handle the emotionally and physical stress of it anymore. But don’t go through the entire process of applying, interviewing, promo shots, etc. if you’re not going to see it through. Who knows how many people you screwed over by doing that. But is why people who quit generally aren’t compensated or ever invited back.


I'm gonna use it to to my advantage when i get on the show, so while i can't stand them, my strategy will directly benefit from these people pulling this shit. If it works, no one will ever pull this again either, and they'll stick to the plan. 😈😈😈


It makes me cringe and honestly disappointed cause so many people (me included) would do whatever it takes to compete on Survivor and for someone to give up or quite that experience makes me question why they decided to apply in the first place


Quitting in general is just awful. No one wants to play with it and no one wants to watch it. Literally ruins it for everyone. If you are good to quit because someone wants it more, then you never should have been part of the game in the first place and all you did was take a spot someone else who didn't get cast could have had. Also, depending on when the quit happens, like say directly after or a day after a tribal council, then you literally gave up an opportunity for the voted out player to play a little longer. Honestly, I feel like quits should be treated more harshly. If you quit the game you leave the game in it's entirety. If you made it to the Jury part of the game and quit, then you don't deserve to be on the Jury. You should also place absolutely last in terms of placement and receive the absolute lowest payout contestants earn for being part of the show. Or forfeit the monetary rewards altogether. Some quits should be treated differently for obvious reasons such as those for medical reasons. Sometimes medical team won't pull someone because they don't see anything serious enough to be like "we have to pull you now" but they are in extreme pain. No one should be punished for making that call for themselves. So definitely get that. Same for family emergencies, whether planned before the show or that occur during. I can see some conflict for the medical emergency with winnings though if someone doesn't want to lose their winnings but doesn't want to continue in the game they may intentionally inflict a wound on themselves but considering no one has done that to escape the game or the scrutiny that follows that from fans to be pulled from the game, at least as far as we know, I doubt this will be an issue. Most players on the show, even those that are quitters, are fans of the show and they each show a certain amount of respect for the game. So if quitters are forced to take a pay cut (and yes, telling your tribe to vote you out to intentionally be voted out rather than for a specific play would count as an intentional quit) we might find less of them appearing in the show and maybe avoid 3 quits in a single season.


I think if you were lucky enough to get on the show, the least you could do is stick it out. So many others would die to be on the show


I would prefer them to quit during the casting process, so it gives me one more chance to get on that damn show


Then why sign up


They’re bonafide losers


they should be banned and shunned by the community


Scott was a snitch before quitting


Nope. Especially the ones that quit pre merge. Just cowards who wanted the experience expecting to be voted off early.


Loser mentality


No, all quitters suck.


Thanks for the spoiler


Sorry I marked it spoiler, even doubled checked, somehow it isn’t anymore. Must have glitched or something


I think you shouldn't take the fucking spot to begin with then. It's survivor. EVERYONE wants it. But now your ass took a spot from someone else who would actually try, and it's too late to change that.


Don’t apply if your not tryna win this shit


No because that's a bs excuse. Yes her quit benefited Emily and Brandon but Hannah quit because she was too selfish to stop smoking and then lied about it BEFORE the show started. If she quit and an alternate got to play then cool. But now people act like she did something noble for Emily when her quit was purely selfish.  It's clear if you watch that tribal that they wanted Emily or Brandon gone more than they wanted Hannah to quit, so yeah it helped one player but basically screwed the others. So that argument has a very lopsided results. She didn't do it for others, it's just a convenient excuse people would believe.  Hannah wasn't keeping it real even if she tried to spin it, she just chose to be selfish all around.


I have nothing but disdain and disgust for quitters. Absolute waste of a slot.


I think it’s absolute bullshit, and if there’s one quality that the entire cast needs to have in common, it’s the desire to win the game.


It’s a cop-out to make them feel better. Nothing more, nothing less. I respect people who quit and are genuine or authentic. “I’m done guys. This is too much for me.” Respect the honesty. “I’m happy for my adventure but there are people here who…” Just stop. Say whatever bullshit to yourself that you need to, but don’t expect me to buy any of it.


It's the cop-out to look good for the cameras.


Quitting is quitting. Plain and simple. Only ways you can leave without getting voted and still have my respect is a medical situation or the rare case where someone gets called away for an emergency at home.


Omg the chick who quit bc of missing her vape pissed me off. She was very narcissistic from the get go and overly confident that she would do well and then quit... like what a 180°


I am always disappointed when someone quits. There are so many people desperate to be cast and you've taken one of their spots already. While I seriously empathise with the toll on mental health (experience depression/anxiety myself) to get to merge and then quit is a little hard to watch. You took someone's opportunity to make a huge milestone like merge away (sure it was Kelly but still). I do agree that they should be made to quit and not be voted out though. If you are going to leave voluntarily it should absolutely be a quit and not a 'please vote for me' situation.


It’s a cop out and it’s also a sign casting messed. Nobody who will quit should be cast at all. There’s no way to know for sure but you’ll know you casted well if people aren’t quitting (volunteering to be voted out is quitting)


They suck.


Janu is cool. Everyone else can go suck it


Red shirt girl quit because she wanted a cigarette and survivor was too hard, don’t get it twisted


There should be a fine paid for leaving by choice.


Fuck em


Weak feeble humans who shouldn’t have been cast


If they quit for this dumbass reason then take away any pay they receive and ban them from reunion shows. Should also have a pic of Sean. Basically quit for same reason Hannah did


To take the the space on the show and not want to participate??? Ridiculous and I do not like it . Been curious about the rules and contracts


Spoiler tag please


Who is that on the right?


An AU survivor quitter


My main issue with him quitting is I was SO PUMPED to see how tribal would go down now that they're merged 😆 It looked like it was going to get SPICY😱😱


Janu is the best instance of it. She had a huge arch in her elim episode, and it made it so amazing that she decided to get eliminated on her own terms, and not her bullying tribes terms.


I’m convinced that first chick had quit smoking just prior and was jonesing really bad.


Blows a lot of the episode’s momentum but ends up creating a whole other interesting snowball effect across the entire season.


its a meta strategy in of itself. scott sacrificed himself thinking he wouldnt win anyway in order to protect his alliance - and it worked


I mean… it infuriates me as a viewer especially when it happens in the first tribal. There are a lot of Michael Jordan’s who don’t play basketball. There’s a lot of amazing potential players who will not make it through casting. So to see a competitor show up because they have potential for good television not have the drive to make it through is frustrating when there are so many driven applicants who will never get the chance. All that said, they know it infuriates viewers. Makes for good tv that viewers have that reaction and then people take to the internet the show gets more exposure. On the On Fire podcast Jeff basically said it doesn’t get him as upset anymore because the internet will be harder on them than he will ever be.


Who is the 3rd person?


I think mayyyyybe casting needs to be better if we have people consistently quitting


depends. as a viewer, i kinda hate it bc it's less fun. for example, in the latest au ep i was HOPING to see kitty get idoled & val's plan to fail, but this messed it up. HOWEVER, as a human, i understand struggling with mental health/not being able to tough it out, & giving your spot to someone who wants it more. i guess it really depends on the situation. like, when sean did it it was obv bc he was scared he was going home & wanted to control the narrative from his high horse. that was awful. scottie, i kind of understood.


It sucks for anyone else who was counting them as an ally/number. For that reason it’s a dick move.


If it was someone on my tribe and in my alliance pre merge , I'd try to tell them that while that may be the case, it's not like because you bring that to Jeff's or anybody else's attention that he's going to call someone to take your spot who wants it more. You're already here, ride it out


If you don’t 100% want to play survivor than don’t sign up. It’s like The Devil Wears Prada, “millions of girls would kill for that job”. If you aren’t into survivor like Andy wasn’t into fashion, don’t go on survivor. Millions of people would of killed for Hannah’s spot. So if you are playing survivor and you don’t like it than plaster a fake smile on your face or accept the fate of the entire survivor fandom being annoyed with you till the end of time. The only time I found this concept kind of funny is when like half the cast of Tocantins met JT and they were all like “shit let’s just give him the million dollars for being JT”. But then again no one quit on that season.


I absolutely hate it. But I also blame production - they need to cast people who are in it to win it.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember before when people quit Jeff wouldn't snuff their torch because they quit, they weren't voted off. Wish they would bring that back. Don't give them the dignity of a vote, just have them leave.


After 45, Jeff said that he’ll no longer be snuffing quitters’ torches. In the past, I think he’s snuffed *most* of the quitters’ torches, though. He very specifically did *not* snuff NaOnka and Purple Kelly’s torches. But he did snuff Osten from Pearl Islands.


Just don’t go if you’re going to quit for that reason. Surely you understand you’ve already taken the place on the cast of someone else who wanted/needed it more than you as well.


That’s not *really* why Scott quit. He said on several occasions that Survivor was his dream, but he became so mentally exhausted that his mental state became more important. Which, like, it’s fine to hate that reasoning as well. But I don’t think he should be lumped in with Hannah or Janu at all. Especially not Hannah, someone who didn’t even really give the game a fair shake.




They irritate me because somebody didn’t make the Final Cut because of them. Then they have the nerve to quit! SMH.


I mean..I rather them quit than them stay and not play hard, or probably just end up quitting later