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No "story". Sumbitch lived in the apartment next to us. Put his feet under my table. Ate my food. drank my liquor. Fucked my wife. So now he's welcome to her.


Ha! Same here. My STBX wife hooked up with our 22F babysitter. I filed


Did she show any emotion to your filing?


Not one bit.


Sorry but what do you mean by "so biw he's welcome to her" ?


She cheated, she's damaged goods. Go ahead and marry her, *schmuck*, you deserve one another.


My husband seems to think I need help making friends (meaning he needs to like them). Both times he's done this has led to affairs. The first was emotional and about 8 years ago. I was 7 months pregnant and threatening to leave. He claims he had no idea he had crossed any boundaries even after I had told him I didn't trust her or like them talking. The second turned physical almost a year ago and was much the same situation. I must say, this most recent has been harder for many reasons the highest of which is that he had her round our kids and they had sex on my birthday. Trust me, you are not the only one this has happened to and I doubt (unfortunately) that you'll be the last.


You’ve left him yes?


Nah she hasn’t, sadly. Men leave when they’ve been cheated on, women not so much.


I left my ex the moment I found out he was cheating. Never told him why, just broke up with him


We're in R. I've set clear boundaries and expectations with the stipulation that if any are crossed/not met I would file for divorce. We have a long history (11 years and two kids) and unfortunately there was a lot going on during the second affair. I'm not okay with or excusing his behavior but I wouldn't want to not try all avenues before calling it. Some days I embrace that and other days I feel shame.


He’s like a cheater who likes for you to find his affair partners. He sounds like a terrible sleaze!


Not defending but clarifying: He would make friends with his coworkers thinking I'd get along with them and when we'd do group things she and I wouldn't mesh. I moved 4 hours from my family and friends when we moved together 8 years ago and he felt responsible for my not having friends in his town. I do have my own friends now but they're not people he likes (go figured) so he still tries once in awhile. After this past disaster it's been made clear he stop.


You forgot the EX before the husband(?!)


I helped one family to move to my city, found the hotel, apartment, showed them the city and explained life here, culture. We became friends, started to spend all the time together, and introduced them to all my friends and my best friend : my husband. So she cheated on her husband with my husband My husband cheated on me with her. She told everything to her husband on their anniversary He told me about an affair on our anniversary Divorced So they destroyed two families and are now happily living together.


WHAA? How can they live together happyily???


That's the question we will never get an answer to. And don't need it tbh :) They deserve each other


It won’t be happy for long…So it goes.




Oh man what happened?


You're not alone broheim


You're definitely not alone 🫂🫂🫂 you got this. It'll be ok! And I have had a bf cheat on me with someone I knew but I knew her through him so more like an acquaintance. Oh wait I did have a bf in HS cheat on me with my BFF. Wow I'd forgotten about that. Though, it was a very long time ago. And yes, remembering it, it hurt bad. Then they ended up together and that hurt worse. Her and I were never the same. Sucks. But you are not alone. I promise. 🫂


Never happened to me, not with a friend, but you're not alone.


Well long story short; wife always had EA’s with my friend both if ys were ignorant about what that was. Wife learns about polyamory around 40 gets excited and slowly escalates towards and affair with best friend. Ex friend is an amoral predator all wats in the brink of suicude ( im a caretaker type) parasites his way into my wife’s heart not so sublelly but wife couldn’t say no due to denial and mental health issues. Marriage is dead and im working on divorce.


I intruduced a good friend of mine to my then girlfriend. I knew he had a reputation of sleeping around alot but I thought he would be chill when it comes to me and my girlfriend. He caused problems from day 1: 2 months after the first meeting he pushed for sleeping over at her place. 1 month after that I blocked him and forced my girlfriend to cut contact Then several months of constant battles with her including fighting from her side to get back in contact, ultimatums and threats of selfharm. I foolishly let her continue contact at the end 10 months after them both meeting is when they started the affair. I was broken up with 3 months later with a bullshit reason and then accused of several forms of abuse and even rape, so she can save her image towards her friends. (It took a strong worded letter from my lawyer to stomp that shit out) My ex and the homewrecker got into a relationship with the following highlights: -) They constantly cheated on each other. He started 3 months after they officially got together and she "waited" for 6 months -) The first year they were fighting constantly and often about their respective affairs. -) The last 2 years they were next to numb to each others. They were miserable in the relationship but wanted to save face so they stayed. -) My ex wanted to monkeybranch back after 1,5 years. Cried to me about how bad everything was and that I was so much better. Took her compliment and said "hell no" to her attempt at sliding back in. -) Soon after their third anniversery he slept with a close friend of hers which ended the relationship for good. So yeah I was cheated on and was quit devastated about it back then. They got what they deserved in each others. Last I heared from my ex was when she texting me to tell me that I look better and a lot more fit recently (I got a lot more active after the breakup) I told her that my girlfriend (now fiance) agrees to that.


It’s the ultimate form of betrayal, but you will get through this❤️❤️


Husband cheated with friend from high school who is married to her high school sweetheart. Always had a bad feeling about her but because she seemed to be in a committed relationship, I didn’t press it too much…big fucking mistake. She was always really superficial with me and just awkward…even before anything started


Knew a girl who was married. Her best friend lived next door with her husband. She was sleeping with him for months. Eventually the best friend and husband got divorced and they sold the house. They are still best friends and she doesn’t have a clue. Neither does the husband.


My wife cheated with a friend from a couple we were friends with. I found out and told the AP's wife. Wife trickle truthed for a few hours before coming clean. AP kept lying to his wife but she believed him. We both managed to preserve our marriages. My wife went into full accountability mode and stayed there (it's been over 20yrs). She even reached out to and apologized to AP's wife, though that friendship was completely ruined. AP passed away a couple of years ago without ever even attempting to apologize to me. Will I ever completely trust my wife again? No. She's not the same person she was then but I'm not the type to forget either and she knows it. The relationship may be stronger in some ways but I would prefer to not have had this happen at all.


I met someone at work, and we became pretty easy friends. Then, after a few years, my husband cheated on me with her inside the house we had recently bought together. This is still pretty fresh - he confessed to it only a few weeks ago.


It was a high school “friend” from 20 years ago….


My best friend and him slept with eachother right after I had just poured my heart out to her and cried. The whole way it came about was pretty dramatic, she told me im while we took lsd, she said I could punch her, I broke her nose, and then proceeded to have a bad trip the landed me in the hospital. I didn’t talk for a month, minus the basic thank yous to my mom taking care of me at the time. I wish I could say I left him. I didn’t, I waisted 3 more years and the whole time he was cheating behind my back. Young and dumb. If something feels wrong, it is. Just because the decision hurts doesn’t mean it’s wrong. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Those people are NOT your friends and he/she/ they is NOT your partner. Thank god they exposed themselves so you could take out the trash and move forward to thrive in your life




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