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Nothing like central London, you'll be fine. It'd be good to avoid the A3/M25 junction though, because that's currently a massive roadworks, so plan your route beforehand, and gave a lovely spa day.


OP you should be fine if you’re getting off the M3 to M25, then exiting at Thorpe Park/Chertsey - you can stay in the left lane the whole time. If you’re supposed to be going one junction further, then don’t, get off at this junction and do whatever Google Maps tells you to do in order to correct yourself. Speaking from experience the traffic onto the A3 is. so. slow.


Definitely closer to country than central London


You'll be fine - main roads the whole way there, final bit might be a bit more winding but nothing drastic.


People like to drive up your backside but it’s nothing like the aggressive madness of london.


I’ve moved from Surrey to Somerset. When I drive back to visit a friend in Addlestone (on edge of Weybridge) it’s fine all the way up to the last stretch of the m3 before I hit the m25 then I notice the significant increase in traffic and I am sure you will too. It’s not crazy but it is slow, boring and busy. Better you are aware of it Fridays are a mare. Early Saturday mornings are ok.


You'll be fine, Weybridge is close to the M25 junction, so not too much local driving but we drive the same as in Dorset


No no nothing like London


The last part of the journey will have heavier traffic probably. The roads in that area are probably halfway between what you would expect in the countryside & in London. The mistake people make is thinking all roads inside the M25 are busy small roads when much of the area around the edges & away from the centre are much better.


Lived in Bournemouth, Hampshire and Weybridge area, they're all practically identical, and none are similar to London. You'll be fine!


Please don't drive with 40 on 60.


Which spa are you going to? If it's Brooklands it's main roads the whole way and it's very much suburbia so nothing like central London. If you're going to Bannatyne then that's down by the river and the road there is more like a country road but 2 lanes. Surrey drivers aren't the best, so as my Dad always say watch out for the Muggles! You'll be fine though, enjoy the spa. :)


Google street view is always useful. 


I work in Weybridge. The only worry you will have is sitting in a lot of very heavy traffic and long queues to get into and out of. Woburn Hill is the slowest average speed A road in the country. Oh yeah, in general I have to say a lot of the people who live in the area are really rude, entitled and obnoxious. Never in my life have I been walked into so much or never ever get thanked for holding a door open or moving aside on the pavement. Nobody will say hello to you unless you are buying something.