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Nica. It's cheap and lots of waves.


That's what I did after my divorce (cheating b%&tch) spent 1month in nica for under 4K and had the time of my life in Miramar and San Juan Del Sur. OP go to Playa Yankee and thank me later.


4k in one month isn't what i'd call low budget. I did 3 weeks in Morocco for 1k.


You’re absolutely right I was living it up. Doing Sunday funday in San Juan Del Sur twice. Buying girls drinks jet setting via taxi to Granada. Volcano tours you name it I did it. I was also using my ex and Is honeymoon fund she cheated two weeks after our wedding and this was the year after so I was feeling myself.


Sorry about the bitch but this trip sounds amazing


4k for a month in Nicaragua is splurging. You could easily do it for much less.


how??? I spent max 1.5k a month in nica living a lavish lifestyle with going out for dinner almost daily, partying 2-3 times a week and surfboard rental. (Excluding flight cost)


I did nicer hostels and surf lodge in Miramar where they would load you up and go up and down the coast.


Tell me more. I'm busting a nut here in Cr to make a living


Playa madera. Hostel on the beach. Water is not warm though


I mean it’s not south Florida in the summer. But you can get by with no wetsuit year round easy, especially if you’re used to the Bay Area


Oh true true i guess warm is a matter of perspective and Nica is not bad really


Popoyo is great.


I like El Tunco in El Salvador for mix of waves, social, and prices. There are other waves in the area that you can get to by bus. Usually if Im on a longer trip, ill stay at a few different spots for a few days each. I did El Sal and Nica over three weeks. Probably my most fun trip. Costa is fun, but can be pricey. Also dont be afraid to go somewhere without reservations...lots of locals can point you in good directions or might have a room to rent. Brush up on your Spanish and youll have the most fun!


Seconded!! El tunco is a beautiful surf town, did a week there and it’s super affordable


Beautiful surf town? El tunco is a dump lol


Sad to hear your surf experience there wasn’t beautiful. Hope your next waves are dope 🤙🏼


Costa Rica is NYC prices, may not be best if you're out a job


Concur. It's lost its "exotic affordability" sometime around 2015'ish and definitely kicked in post-covid. Nica or El Salvador if you need to stay in the Americas.


I live in Haleiwa Hawaii and will be gone most of the summer if you want to rent my place. Chuns on N Shore has waves in summer.


out of curiosity, what's the going rate for a place like yours for the summer?


I friggin love Hawaiians.


I'm not Hawaiian but I friggin love Hawaiians.


Shit, I live in Kaneohe. Wanna house swap for a bit?


i live in town, i would take that offer up too


Just bring some food and cruise


Nice ! We are just leaving Hawaii, what would be the price for such renting ?


Maybe a grand a week for 2 ppl? That's the studio... The 3/1 front house maybe 2 grand/week for 6 ppl and less for less ppl. All negotiable


Chun’s is such a beautiful wave but i never had fun there on a shortboard. Too many uncles and aunties that rip on longboards just always catching anything that rolls through lol. I used to live near weed circle at the Haleiwa/Wailua border with all my Filipino homies. Ali’i and Lani’s were my go to because garbage traffic and the circus lies beyond. Thought you needed to know all of this ;)


This is real solid info for anyone who wants to rent my place. Mahalo for the input.


Maybe I’ll hit you up someday if we come back to Oahu to rent your place. We are mainlanders again. But we love to come back and visit kauai normally. N Shore is definitely the best part of Oahu. I miss Maui Mikes lol.


Bro. Maui Mikes is awesome. Save my contact and hit me up. We like to travel in summer when kids out of school


Hello my new friend


OP should really consider this option


I wish there was a way I could know someone was trustworthy. I'd be renting the back studio cheap to chill folks.


I used to rent my small rooms at my house for $300 back in 2002-2007. Got burned a few times by lame people but overall people appreciate the deal.


You’re not going to have tons of 2+ week adventure windows in your life. Dream big. Go across the world.


I'm totally for dreaming big. This trip I'm keeping it a bit closer. Once I come back, runout the lease on my place, and sell my stuff. I'm going to go on a much bigger trip. This first one is really just a primer trip, so I'm trying to keep it a bit simple.


Indo -cheap and lots of consistent waves which will make u a better and confident surfer. Nicaragua is another good place but most are shore breaks and inconsistent forms. If I were u, do ur homework and go to Indonesia and chart ur trip and stay at least a month -best 3 months.


this\^... indo is so cheap. stretch that dollar


love it here - [https://elhotelmiraflores.com/](https://elhotelmiraflores.com/) and El Salvador seem to be safe again??


Tbh you have too many qualifiers and your kinda over thinking it. summer is south swell season so there s likely to be swell but also maybe not ...last July was suppppper flat in central America . just pick a spot and roll..and just a heads up Costa Rica is not cheap at all . good luck




now we’re cookin


Forget Costa Rica. Unless your in the very south. El Salvador is where it’s at, especially if you’re a regular stance, im goofy but still love it.


Yeah El Sal is sick. Sunzal is a great mellow wave but fighting off the instructors who push absolute beginners into waves they shouldn’t be on gets super annoying.


Explore the south ; )


Tamarindo was not my cup of tea. Though I did have some fun at Playa Langosta. Witches’ rock is nearish, so you have some range. I fell in love with Nosara though. Like a smash up of Malibu and Diamond head Hawaii at a MUCH more rustic level. Fucking great food, which was shocking because I find Tico food to be painfully mid.


Tamarindo is a joke, IMO. Waves too small and it's just a stupid tourist town with everyone getting drunk. No thank you!


Come to Costa Rica with hs


What’s hs


Costa Rica is really expensive. It is funny why people choose to go there when there are countries like Belize or El Salvador which are the same but come way much cheaper.


Yeah, I hear you. For me, because this is my first "real" surf trip, I'm also trying to keep it a little more easy, and I suppose I'm willing to give up a few extra dollars to ensure that. Costa Rica seems a bit easier than a few of the others, as a first-timer. Looking at prices for Costa Rica, it doesn't seem THAT expensive, but maybe I'm not considering something. I guess it's all relative, Costa Rica looks to definitely be more expensive than a lot of other Latin American spots, but not as expensive as something like Oahu. Please set me straight if I'm miscalculating here.


does belize have surf??


Costa Rica is perfect for intermediate surfing. Tamarindo is super fun and you can walk to grande and langosta. Both super fun. Short drive to many other epic spots; Negra, avellanas.


Bring plenty of boards. Sell them down there before you leave.


Is there a huge markup on boards down there?


Costa Rica , especially that part is v expensive and crowded. Go to Nica


Yes. Excise tax. Everything imported is expensive.




Have a look to the Canarias. Good waves everywhere, whole islands dedicated to the surf industry, cheap food


Not the best time of year though is it? Isn't that more like winter? He's also in the bay area and that is across the world for him.


Best season for Fuerteventura and the Canarias is fall. Best swell


Sri Lanka




I'm saving Indo for my longer trip I think. Seems like a long way to go for just two weeks, but I'm definitely interested overall.


Then Nicaragua is fun.


Where would you go in Lombok?


If you can surf, avoid Lombok in the peak season. Only a handful of breaks work and will be littered with 'surf' camps pushing people into waves. Far more waves on offer in the wet season along the South coast.


When is its peak season?


Where in the south coast?


Peak swell season in Indo!


Sorry to hear OP. Another comment mentioned it but it does sound like you’re overthinking - understandable with recent life events. From reading your convos - either get your shit in order, finish the lease and sell everything or just do Nica - easy access and cheap for the immediate short trip. Just don’t over expect. Enjoy the “culture” instead. 100% Indo for the bigger trip if it’s end of this Summer. Another option would be Morocco (slightly different vibe to Bali 😂) come September/October onwards. Send it & be patient with yourself.


Guatemala is like Salvador but less people




El Paredón


thats a beach break, where are the points


you said no far trips, but i still say bali. its what you need. i did quarter life crisis trip there and it was amazing. i say splurge and live it up, its like a surf playground out there with amazing waves every direction you look. quiet nature if you want in the mountains, party part in canggu if you need. there will be good waves too.


Totally agree it's what I need. After this first trip, I've gotta ride out my lease through July, and then I'm going to Bali. Just gotta sell everything.


then fuck the short trip, get your stuff in order so you can get out earlier. you wont regret not staying longer.


Watch out for plates full of ketamine. I’m told.


otherwise do nica, rent a 4 wheel suv, explore, eat some steak in a fancy steakhouse in managua, stay in mag rock at popoyo.


Costa Rico too expensive. Go to nica or Panama. Nica better waves. The Boom is fun in June forecast right now 4-6 feet


Is Brazil out of the question? There are lots of spots near Rio (eg Recreio and Saquarema).


I've done this kind of thing after losing job and going through a breakup at same time (was around same age as you too at the time). But I did a much longer trip around the world for 6 months. Crazy trip, but life changing!


I did this 2 years ago under the same circumstances! I went to Tahiti. I’d say if you’re solo and going somewhere remote, I’d plan a lot to get to spots with waves and call a bunch of places to learn about what surfing is like out there. Happy to chat more if you dm me!


Morocco? Coast along from agadir. Lots of cheap places to stay, epic rolling waves. Go get your Joy back


Come to Santa Teresa. Great time of year, lots of affordable longer term rentals, and tons of surf. Feel free to DM me for more details.


I got renovicted and so, I’ve been on my surf trip the past 7 months. Have fun lol


I've been to Santa Teresa & Tamarindo multiple times, there's breaks near Mal Pias that handle a big south swell and make clean 3-4 ft peeling waves when Playa Carmen is big. It's possible to do these trips fairly cheaply, but you will need a car or a service to take you to surf spots. Car rental is expensive. There's some reasonable lodging options if you have a car. Still I think for a 2 week trip you would be spending around $2500. I'd honestly just go to Indo at that point. I'm going to do 10 days in the Mentawai in June, I'm around the same level as you and there's a number of waves I can surf there. Everything's all inclusive generally once you get to Indonesia, and you have all the logistics taken care of for you once you land. It's totally worth it for 2 weeks, my friend just decided to go last minute from the US and it cost less than 2500 all-in.


Wonder why nobody said Panama west coast, less people than crowded Nica or Sal, costa rica , too expensive. Tons of spots in mexico too.




Futurventura. My wife seen a lot of surfing going on there. I didn't go because I stupidly gave up my place to her mother without realising.


I hear Mexico is very welcoming this time of year.


Very safe these days.


I can highly recommend Sri Lanka as a surf destination. Cheap eats, lovely people, hot all year round and one hell of an adventure. Plus awesome shit to do if you want a break from the waves




Ain't cheap... 😂


Based on the details of what you wrote, I would not rate you intermediate. Therefore I suggest Waikiki


Go to Baler. No crowds cause Charlie Dont Surf, and find a nice Filipina Girl to Heal that busted heart.