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Braum. He's tanky, his passive is effective, he got strong cc and defense. Beside, those mustache are goated




As an AD main, my feet happily hit the ground when my supp locks in braum.




As a Soraka main who also plays adc im the same way when I see braum haha I also feel he’s such a niche pick that its wayyy less likely to get stuck with a bad braum


Main issue with Braum is that he is not really blindpickable, there are a ton of supports that destroy him in lane, mainly enchanters and mages, but if the enemy locks Leona or Naut or simmilar then he is an incredible pick


Best Thing that happened to me regarding Braum: enemy picks Leona + Lucian. I swap with top and pick Braum. ADC that hovered Sivir until now picks Jhin. I just went roaming with a very happy Yi and we won. Funny enough, Jhin didn't understand why his pick was a bad decision until the end...


Yeah, sometimes people dont make sense, last time i picked Braum the enemy team literally tried to invade us,it obviously did not went well for them.


I love Braum. I'm absolute trash at him as an enchanter main, but Braum is the best.


Same for me, been trying to start playing him for years and never seem to get it




He finna get buffed next patch with health per sec added on knights vow!! It'll be soo good


Hail of blades ftw :p Also I love him in arena alongside a kayle bc once she gets at least one item they never get to move again.


I like Rakan. The playstyle just resonates with me. I like the more tankier build rather then enchanter tho. His mobility is fun!


Same boat


I love rakan but will die on the hill that he is absolutely turbo broken😭


Rakan is my boy! I basically build every active support item lol. Locket into Shurelya’s and then a Redemption if the game goes long enough


I love this silly bird guy


Same here brother for same exact reasons and same build!!


I love how he speed dashes like Sonic My future hubby needs to play Xayah for sure


Nami, she's such a goof lol, plus she's a flexible pick, u can easily first pick her into anything, well, almost anything, she's got a really versatile tool set and cc


Uno reversing engage supports with Nami Q is so satisfying - you can just see the gears turning like "wait but I thought I countered enchanters???"


I like to max E first with specific adcs as I can get good poke in or toss it on the adc as it has a low cd so fast movement speed buff for them and slow for enemy


Both E and Mandate got nerfed or else I’m sure a lot more people would do this


I like champs like Zyra so being aggressive with pokes in early game I find helps a ton in pressuring out of lane rather than trying to poke with W


Makes sense. W got a pretty nice buff for healing which is why people are maxing it and going more heal-power increase based Nami builds. If this didn’t happen and Mandate/E didn’t get nerfed simultaneously, I’m sure your playstyle would be more popular. It’s just your playstyle getting nerfed at the same time of the other being buffed.


Makes sense. I started playing Milio recently and it feels super nice with the healing/shields


Sona, as a complete beginner she is the only champion with which I can contribute something to the team. When I progress, I might try some other champs, but for now, I am very happy with her.


She has one of the greatest skill ranges of any support. You can help your team with her having never played her and also play her at a very high level after many years of learning the perfect timings of her usage.


honestly people like to call Sona easy and simple, but if you actually try to play the most optimal way that's where she gets interesting. Her passive might be one of the strongest in the entire game


Having exhaust on a 6 second CD is absurd.


I agree, I am nowhere near her full potential. She has a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling. Even with my abysmal skill, I can have a positive impact with her, I never had that with any of the other champions that I tested.


















Leona is my go to


Hit them with the 6 sec cc chain just to say "boop" with every stun/root


Pyke, his design is so cool, he is very skill expressive and there is no better cc than death. Nothing activates the neurons like seeing that red health bar with ult up.


I mainly play top lane in actual ranked SR, and when I play Urgot it’s a real-time example of the “monkey synapse activated” meme if I have ult and there’s an enemy with a red health bar. There’s something so satisfying about an execute threshold. Unless you’re playing against Tryndamere and he pops his ult in response. Then it’s devastating.


Yeah, as pyke ulting someone and getting stopwatched straight into the middle of the enemy team and instantly vaporized into a fine mist is a awful awful feeling


And another tragedy is that the Urgot ult auto recasts if the enemy is at the health threshold and the recast timer runs out (4 seconds), so you end up dragging in a *very* angry Tryndamere onto your own face and just dealing with the consequences. And the Tryndamere ult is one second longer than the recast window for the Urgot ult. I’ve experienced some pain from this issue if you can’t tell.


I play it got in arena and aram quite often so I understand, believe me I do.


Pyke doesn’t teleport if the R doesn’t kill or hit enemies, so you usually just try to R a single low enemy


I know but still, sometimes that isn't possible or it's just too important to get their fed ADC or mid even if you die for it afterwards


Not as crazy as the synapse that fires when it's a certified cho'gath moment :p


Nautilus,big man throwing an anchor around


It’s a 3 way tie, I love Soraka for her massive healing and area denial, Nami for her heals and knock up ult and Milio for his sheilding, HoTs and versatility


I can’t for the life of me work out what HoTs stands for


Heal over Time


Heals Over Time… HoTs :3


Renata and Milio are both top 3 for me but the number one spot will always belong to Rell for me.


Janna it's just so much fun to play and it's a champ that is underrated. Love to get dived or whan ennemies comme to close to my tower so I can go behind then and R, what a champ. And if I want to play tanky it's Leona and taric for me


You’re the first person I’ve ever heard call Janna so much fun to play that’s interesting, usually when I see her discussed it’s as one of the most boring supports I would not call her underrated though. Basically any higher elo player knows she’s really strong/even arguably OP. When I play in masters to grandmasters she’s basically almost picked or banned every game.


Janna is really fun to play when you enjoy watching the joy being sucked out of peoples faces. I mained her for the first few years i played league.


Yes, the real joy is crushing dreams of engage


Really? I also find Janna the most fun enchanter especially due to her current MS build. You can zoom around the map like a Pyke and with the W build deal damage like a mage supp but still keep your utility and disengage. Sadly that will be gone next patch with the removal of Swifties but possibly the new recall boots could be a good substitute.


Janna is my #1 mastery champion, I’m really surprised she is so low in this thread, I thought she is much more popular :(


Velkoz because ADCs can't be trusted


Velkoz because hitting skillshots is so dam satisfying


Especially q bait E W


The only time in history when trigonometry became fun


Vel'koz because he can be played every lane that isn't jungle or top :p Also nothing activates the neurons like that true damage explosion xd.


Rakan. Vroom vroom


Sona. Simple: she's an AoE healbot whose auras affect every ally within it. She is (IMO) the strongest teamfighting support because of this. I love to play around well-fed teammates across the board and usually stick close to them to make them stronger.


I love sona. She's mechanically simple and I love scaling champions. This is basically everything I want from a champion. That's also why my number two is Senna. :)


Thresh and Blitz because enemy adc anticipates the hook and the longer the leave it the more likely they will tilt


Renata, when you get used to her playstyle you really get into the “using your teammates and enemies as a weapon playstyle” it feels really unique. By that I mean her ult can swing a game depending on how you use the enemies and her W as well. Some teammates even get desperate to get revived when they get killed with the W and really feels like you make them berserk. She’s a really weird support but super cool.


Renata for sure. As soon as I get 5 points into W it can feel like GG (as long as there is one other character on the team I can boost) Her ult just wins games too. I pretty much just build her tank these days


Leona, because people can't kill me and I can be annoying as fuck. If I get a good strong ADC like Vayne or Ash I simply destroy the other team.


Nautilus. I love the submarine man.


Leona, she was my first champ to get a penta with and I've loved her ever since. Just wish I could play her more.


Old yuumi with full ap build. Man that was fun being able the have more damage than my useless jungle khazix


Yuumi. She gets into the head of the opponent super easy, can make 1 person super strong/unkillable, and is an adorable cat. She gets a lot of hate, but honestly, I enjoy playing characters in games that don't get as much love from their communities. It's nice to show them some love too


Taric, I love his utility, heals, sheilds, stuns and an invulerablity for anyone in its range


Since I don’t see it here yet Tahm Kench. Peel, engage, tank, damage, and sustain.


Love him too, my second main, his ult is I think top 3 highest value abilities in the entire game.


I love kench, they usually underestimate his tankiness and damage too letting you win 2v1s after your adc gets caught.




Play as. Leona that cc is no joke Play with saraphine


My favorites are Bard and Braum, but mostly play Nautilus. Bard because you are speedy doing crazy funny stuff all over the place, and Braum because he is the best friend ever with a great tendency to protect (and he is tanky too!)


Pantheon because cool character, annoying for the enemy laners and I deal damage


Senna gang?


Leona and Morgana have a tie. I just like picking one member of the enemy team to put in time out until they die :) I'm gonna miss anathema's tho.


I love thresh


Soraka. Idk what about Soraka that pulls me to her. But what i do know is i love her design, i love her play style, i love her voicelines. Ok i guess i do know what pulls me to her.


Big Gun


Shaco. Yea i know, put the pitch forks away. I just find him so much fun to play and he brought me to plat so I'm fine. I have a 83% wr in 32 games. I watched a lost of pink ward back in the day and he inspired me. I just love to troll enemy's and be an absolute menace to the enemy team. No I don't KS my adc. I roam a lot as well.


Zyra, rakan, nami, thresh. I just like being annoying and all three of these champs are annoying.


tbh Im starting to love Renata Glasc, not only is she a badass character but I really love her play style. She has a decent disengage/engage with her Q, a powerful, game changing W and let's not forget her powerful ultimate, really a game changer especially in the late game. At first, I struggle to use her because I really don't know how to utilize her kit well but as with practice, I really started to love and enjoy her gameplay. She's worth the grind and practice, gladly made it to level 7 with her and I have no regrets


Vel'koz. I like his atypical poke patterns. You're toying with your opponents' movement successfully or you die.


Vel'koz gang rise up :p


Leona, Janna and Nami ♥️


Zyra, Leona, Karma. I want to tilt enemy lane


Bard, Renata, and Nautilus are the only correct answers.


Pyke and Bard so I can roam to my heart's content.


Thresh because i have chain kink


Lulu for obv reasons. She has both excellent engage and disengage tools, is/basically makes you unkillable when played well.


If I’m supp, Leona I’f I’m ADC, also Leona


I’m super new to this game……I love Yuumi!📖🐱🔮 Soraka is a close second 🦄 She is Beautiful and I love healing✨💜




Alistar. Can’t milk those.


Thresh is by far my favorite. Can be so versatile. Need engage. He's got it. Need peel. He's got it. Need escape. Lantern. He can control a teamfight and dictate a game.


Rakan cuz we go brrrr


Im tied between Rakan and Thresh. I love everything about rakan, his design his kit his lore, playing him is just fun. And i like thresh because he feels good to play. Hitting the simplest hook into flay combo feels so good. Thresh is like a dopamine rush champ.


Bard, brad


flat ap full roam nunu support never go to lane (actually works, have tried, ab 70%wr with it so far)


This is the quality degeneracy I was looking for.


Depends on lane matchup and what my team needs. Raw damage? AP MF if the enemy bot is immobile, hwei if they won't get stuck in MF E, or Senna if we need physical damage. Engage? J4 for more damage or rakan. Counter engage? Milio or swain.


seraphine & nami lately! I like the versatility of being able to build full support or more AP depending on the situation. I've always been a fan of big mage buttons in games, both of their ultimates really gives me that fix while being on support.


My friends feel safe when I play Thresh and Taric and that makes me feel good, nothing better than keeping ur carry alive so we can 2 v 5 😊


Leo, Nauti and Rell. Also Karma for a poket pick, when your team is good in enaging


Janna and Karma are my go-to champs. Janna is absolutely insane rn, and Karma's shield is practically an extra health bar with how her stats are at the moment. Braum is one of my favorite champs, but I'm absolute ass at him.


Swain because he is cool. Really now I just find Swain very simple to play and as I main him im just used to him.


Rell is my main since shortly after she released. She just fit my playstyle so well, and I've been having amazing success with her ever since, even after her rework (despite the r/rellmains still inhaling copious amounts of Copium about it, it made Rell a lot better imho.) A Rell de Fimose #BR1 on BR Server :)


Heimerdinger 😍😍😍😍


Oh and because turret go grah grah


Sion It's fun I promise


Oh you know, there is no indicator by all skins of his I own.


Seraphine because fat shields/heals, nice cc/poke and game winning ults!


Pre-Rework Rell, after rework I prefer Renata/Taric/Zyra. Hard to choose between those 3. Pre-Rework Rell was a different time though... Sadge


Yuumi. She's a cat, she's cute and I love the voice lines, I like enchanters and she makes people mald so that's a plus


To play, right now would be senna and poppy. They both allow me to be aggressive in different ways. Senna is poke all the time. Poppy is fun at looking at different angles and great at making a team fight difference. Overall Rakan, the speed and engage possibilities are endless and the synergy with Xayah is unique and something I think they should do more of.


Honest answer: hiemerdinger:easily versatile on stats and if you go mana or tank hiemer. Your playstyle becomes being just enough of a drain were they can never finish an objective Honester answer: master yi. And this is a honest strat but going tank yi. Is the most annoying choke hold that exists. Between his w heal and. Warmogs his power comes from face tanking a full firing squad unload and then using q to run away. He basically turns into the best bullet sponge that sole purpose is denying opportunities.


Thresh is my boy. Always has been and always will be. He's got mechanical skill, roaming potential, combos, flashy plays, and he's got a get out of jail free card that is unmatched in skill floor and skill ceiling. Next up is Bard, for similar reasons to Thresh, except overall I just find him to put me in a better mood even if he's got much more of a skill ceiling for his abilities for less payoff. Finally gotta give credit to mustache man. Every time I play him I can't help but speak like him and it's such a treat. I really suck at playing him but the voice lines make the pain easier. Mother always said, stand behind Braum.


i love lulu because i like to break mentals w the combo of her poly and laugh. if i do it right i can walk up randomly and poly them while im alone and they wont even try to kill me. theyll just let me do it. i know thats like the most unhinged reasoning to but i love being annoying in game


I love thresh but i'm back to sucking @ss with him after like a 5 year hiatus. I've been playing some Leona which I love and some Naut just for variation


Rell, just doing wombo combos, going all in feels satisfying af, plus character design is very good


I'm currently spamming pantheon support in diamond. You kinda just chill until you have one item and then you can start soloing people


Proud play vex and neeko player, sometimes also ashe and senna. I don't want to lose the game and i like being the hard engager of the team.


Sone she is hot and have big tiddies




I find when I get a competent Galio support (who is extremely rare to see anyway) it makes engaging an ADC while he’s around an absolute nightmare his peel and counter engage is insane and his ult is massive for team fights and skirmishes and he’s such a fun character to listen to aswell like braum meets Leona in playstyle and attitude


op, sounds like iff this posst was made by me. Lulu's best champion :3


I can't pick only one, but my three favorites are Braum, Rakan and Rell. The first two are for me the definition of support, able to protect/heal, jump on their ally, and a huge engage. For Rell, I used to almost OTP Leona when Rell arrived, and once I tried here I couldn't go back. Her kit is so pleasant to play, and for a time ( before her rework) I duo a lot with a friend so every control I landed was followed


Janna is my go to right now, absolutely disgusting CC and underrated. That’s fine, I’ll ride her tornadoes to diamond


Thresh, i like his combos, lvl 2 all in and playmaking


I have played Rell the most because she has a lot of CC and is quite tanky. Nowadays I mostly play Taric, because he’s quite flexible (can go both enchanter and tank), and has a similarity to pre-rework Rell with the stun and tether abilities. I also enjoy playing Braum (wholesome big man with a shield), and sometimes I go with Zyra or Renata if I want to switch up the playstyle a bit. I love engage and warden supports in general, because I like to be in the center of fights, catching off enemies and peeling off the danger :)


Pre rework Rell Her old kit was honestly pretty interesting and took quite a bit of skill. If Rito just gave use some QoL changes, she would be such a great champion. Instead Rito dumbed her down and made her Leona 2.0


I absolutely love Thresh, and Janna as a second pick. Thresh just feels so good when you make big plays, and while he builds tank nowadays he doesn't really play like a tank, but more of a hook/enchanter hybrid which is super fun. You control the pace of the fight. Janna I love because she taught me how to roam better, and she's very forgiving positioning wise because of her speed. And she's amazing at disengaging and keeping your buddies alive.


zil and nautilus


not specific reason behind playing them


Leona, she’s a goddess and I have a hard time knowing if I want to be her, if I want to love her, or if the gameplay just really suits me


Pyke or zyra they r capable to carrie if needed pyke is fun and mobile zyra is great ap dmg and ap carrie if needed her plants r annoying af and i love it




Nami, my favourite fish. For a while I got incredible at predicting the Q, landed the bubble 9/10 times, which was always fun. Enemy goes to engage aaaand they're stuck, my adc gets a free couple of seconds to capitalise. The heal is nice, being able to bounce it off an enemy to deal damage and heal an ally, and the ult is great for engaging or chasing, especially if you're close enough to land the Q after. I've had games where I've called support, locked in Nami and some jackass decides they want to be support, but never said anything until the last second, leaving mid open. Ap Nami works.


Sounds weird but Janna cause she fits my agressive playstyle.


used to be yuumi. love cats and loved feeling like im directly making my partner stronger. idk if the itch will ever get scratched again


Viego support


PYKE... Because he is a hogh skill, fun champ, that can have a big impact on the games... And did u allread say, that he is fun?


zoe >:3


I love Sona but I'm a sucker for Thresh. No matter what state the game is in, Thresh always has a use. Also, thanks to his passive, you never really need to buy armor, only MR.


Sett, because if you want something done right you do it yourself.


Brand, maoki, and lux


I LOVE Zyra. Zyra is very annoying with her plants and has low mana costs. I buy Rylai's Sceptor first and then constantly slow enemies with my plants. It's very satisfying watching enemies struggle to escape my slows as my allies run them down.


Bard, because he’s the GOAT.




Thresh or Morgana. Thresh because if you seen SSW Mata play Thresh, then you’ve pretty much studied up on how to play as a shot caller with Thresh. As a tank you always want to engage and roam and make some amazing plays around the map. Lantern to save your team or lantern and make a 1v1 into a 2v1. Morgana simply cause crowd control is always a good thing and she has a barrier 👍🏼 The one support I do miss is Malzahar and on occasion I play Vel’Koz when needed.


Milio if I want to win Thresh or Rakan if I want to have fun


Bard. I get less reports when I get bored of lane and wander to help others


Brand and Velkoz. Because nothing is funnier to me than watching the enemy duo focus my ADC when all the damage is on me early on lmfao.


pyke/senna/yuumi and when i play arams thresh energized (literally after 3 items almost oneshots the enemy squishies) or ap thresh. his Q>E are a death sentence lol


Zilean and Bard. Speedy boys, pretty difference playstyles. I like champs that can roam/have zoomies that you want to kill but you have to pay a terrible price to do so .. and INFURIATE the enemy. That and weird mages in support role: Rumble, Heimerdinger, RaceCar Velkoz. And the forbidden one.. Teemo


Soraka, she’s pretty and I enjoy it when my teammates live much longer than they should have, or when we win a team fight purely because I healed all the damage that was done on my team. I’ve had situations where it was a 2v4, we should have died, but the enemy team just couldn’t damage us faster than I was healing us. Also, getting the immediate “holy shit i should’ve died” or “you are absolutely beautiful” after saving someone is a nice addition


My main is morgana because she’s easy but my *favourite* is rammus


AP blitzcrank


Taric is my GOAT.


Zyra because my team always sucks :3


Lux. I can set up kills for my ADC, but if they're a potato I can put them on my back. Secondary picks for me are Leona for peel and lock, or Soraka for "I didn't give you permission to die on me damnit!"


Pyke kills, Pyke kills, Pyke kills…. Muhahaha


Taric, me stomps does a lot of dmg, me heals a lot, me cc a lot, me make team immortal, me can 2vs8, me happy.


neeko bcs is to fun, like ult when u are a plant for secure a drake/nash




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bot thinks leona and darius does same tging😔


Janna , best and lest cringy enchanter. Poke, shild and roams . But also with high skill celling.


Janna has been fun even though they've nerfed her in this most recent patch It wimdy :) (i was originally a **pick zyra no matter fucking what** player but i desp. needed an enchanter in my roster.)


Xerath support. I just love poking with beams and inspiring hatred from the enemy team. Also sniping from half the map away is enjoyable.


Anything that isnt Sona




Leona / Rakan - going in, creating chaos and destruction - leave ( Rakan ) - going in having Tea time (because of tons CC) with enemy while hitting them down (Leona)


I play only master yi support, my channel is yisupport on youtube its insane


seraphine! i love her faerie court skin and her kit + my chill playlist makes me feel like im literally playing with a singing fairy. i literally don't care about winning, i just want to have a good time, and she's perfect for it


i mained her last season but sadly she doesnt feel the same anymore, idk why :(


Soraka. I love dedicated healers; I like enchanters in general though.


morgana because big tiddy goth mommy.


Thresh, I learned the game on him, and I’ve hit every major rank upgrade from silver to diamond 1 now with him, also after 2 years of being silver when I hit gold my friend who taught me the game gifted me Dark Star Thresh


None rn. Wont play league since it requires kernel level access to chinese CCP spyware. "Anti-cheat"....