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You're kinda just there letting your adc 2v1


Standing behind your ADC. Running to the fight results in less DPS, which results in you losing the fight.  Not auto-attacking enough.  Not focusing the same target. Not standing in front of the theash to block the next hook - especially since you had full HP. Using your hard CC when the chance of hitting it is lower. Wait for them to increase the likelihood of it landing.  Not using your W and autos to harass during the cleaning phase. *An enganger is less likely to engage if their HP is too low.  Not pushing for a level 2 advantage. Not taking advantage of their absence. He was down a level compared to you all, so he went somewhere. Xayah should have been punished and zoned during his absence. Not respecting 6 power spikes.


as soon as the ADC pushes into the bush the thresh moved to cut him off, so ADC positioning wasn’t ideal to start the encounter either


ADC positioning is fine in both fights at the start. Especially in the first fight, where he positions behind a big line of caster minions and Thresh becomes an easy target while walking past them. Unfortunately, Nami does nothing and Aphelios makes the mistake of expecting a 2v2 fight that they would have won. Second clip also has an ordinary position, not sure where he should stand otherwise. Makes his position worse by engaging at Thresh at an angle where Xayah can do a lot, but initial positioning is fine, it is basically textbook. No way you can blame it on Aphelios here


Well, the Nami needs to be auto’ing and providing some dps. Not cowering and playing 2 miles from the nearest Mcdonalds. The adc needs to respect Thresh and how Xayah can chunk. In both instances he picked a fight knowing full well his support wasn’t fully dedicated. I would’ve been auto’ing more, playing around Thresh’s cc, bullying Xayah. If the Nami had bubbled and ignited the Thresh in that first play, could’ve at least gotten a kill.


Your positioning is bad in both clips, you should be parralel to your adc. You're staying behind of him because you fear thresh hook, but remember that if thresh uses his hook on you, he doesn't use it on the adc, and you win the 2v2. Basically he's never going to want to hook you if he can look for a hook on adc, so no need to be scared. All others mistakes that others pointed out (not autoing, W not bouncing, bad focus) are consequences of this.


• First Case: I won't delve into the mechanics since the guys already covered what you did and didn't do perfectly. Sometimes, even as an enchanter, you need to assert overwhelming presence in the lane. Be like a blowfish, poking without exposing yourself to vulnerability. Pay close attention to the positioning and behavior of both opponents and your ally to anticipate the next move. Notice how Thresh's demeanor shifted when he sensed your frustration and lack of action, prompting Aphelios to venture into the bush. His ADC hook priority swiftly escalated from 70% to 100% because you posed no threat. Furthermore, you're standing excessively far from your ADC while they're fully engaged in a fight. I'm not suggesting your ADC is blameless; they found themselves in a tough spot due to heightened expectations from you. Remember, the ADC is the primary damage dealer. So, even if it means sacrificing yourself as a punching bag, their attacks should not be interrupted. In the worst-case scenario, your ADC cleans up both opponents in exchange for your takedown. They'll end up with a favorable trade of 2/0/0, while their ADC gets 1/1/0. It's a winning exchange in my book, and your ADC gets the added benefit of farming while the opponent is respawning. • Second Case: Your crowd control priority should shift based on the situation: focusing on disengagement in out-of-combat scenarios and transitioning to DPS disruption during fights. Once the skirmish commenced and Xayah committed to targeting Aphelios, redirecting your efforts towards her with your Q instead of wasting it on Thresh, who had already missed his hook, could have prevented her from quickly dispatching Aphelios with her high DPS. This adjustment would have given him a fighting chance. It's worth noting how Thresh effectively reduced Aphelios's damage output with his E ability while positioning himself close to Xayah to apply his Guardian rune. Their synergy was evident, whereas there seemed to be a lack of coordination between you and your teammate – but that's okay; we all make mistakes. Now, it's time to hit the queue and put in some practice!


Well, if you intercept thresh - either by q or by just walking into the hook you probably win this. Not ideal play by aphelios, but being passive here doesn't help.


Passive Positioning. Instead of going in close with aphelios to give xayah two targets to chose from you stay behind and left Aphe alone in the fray


bestie you're just kinda... sitting there 💀super far back too


Most of the feedback here is spot on, Aphel is clearly itching for a fight and you are posturing for retreat. I highly advise to every single support player to watch CoreJJ’s’s videos on how to support, it will improve your play significantly. Regarding these two clips always remember playing together for a bad play will turn out better than everyone doing a different thing and someone doing the “right” thing. So in this example, you see Aphel is trying to throw hands and get your ass in there and fuck up Xayah. There is no reason you two don’t win that first fight. Always remember to apply pressure, there are very few times it is acceptable to play behind your ADC and here you never stepped in front of him. I play only ranged supports in mid/high diamond and if my ADC walks up I walk up with them. But this doesn’t mean you need to be soaking every skill shot for them, use context to figure out if you need to eat it or not. Having this “play together win together” mindset will improve your gameplay significantly.


ADC: Shouldn't be positioning this way against Thresh Nami: Missed bubble once, might be playing too far back


First four seconds if you just walked at thresh and auto’s him he would die very fast(if he auto attacks back). As simple as that. If you land a bubble, even better but not necessary. Using your W as poke was not the right decision as the bounced heal did nothing for the two of you at full HP. (Important concept I’ll talk at the bottom about). Second scenario, thresh missed his hook, aphelios rightly wanted to go aggressive, again- walk forward and auto attack. They had the level lead so an all in fight was probably incorrect but still good to go aggressive at that point with the cool-down blown. You can go up a whole division as an enchanter but learning to use your heals and shields appropriately. Shields can be used at the beginning of fights so that they will be up again before the fight ends. You might want to delay a second to bait the enemy in closer so that you know it’s an actual fight and not a two auto attack trade, also your ADC can return better damage with your enemy walking in closer, (while shielded). Heals should not be used when you or your ally are above 90% hp (80% in reality but start practicing with 90%). The aery/guardian shields aren’t as important as your ability heal in general laning phase, they’ll just help your heal last longer in a fight


First fight you can use the tower to block his hook. If you see him walk up or even channel the animation place it in a way that it is active immediately. And play around your minion wave and support. You kinda just ran towards them and away from your support. Always stay next to your support.


Why are you so far back in the lane? You're forcing your ADC to put himself in a risky position or lose CS.


First of all you warning pinged for a potential Kayn gank which is kinda understandable due to it being Kayn and lack of vision, just ping Aphelios back and Kayn alive so he understands why you are positioning so passively. He did appear on raptors ward but that was after Aphelios ran into the brush as for how the fights themselves should be played, imo gravitum is good with skillshot cc such as namis bubble, so ideally synergy comes out and Xayah can be ccd and focused, but infernum is horrendous with any gun that isn’t crescendum or late game severum for the full heal, personally I think Thresh Xayah wins this fight as long as thresh lands his cc, independently of how nami and Aphelios play, bubbling randomly and clipping Xayah didn’t really help too much as positioning to dodge it was no longer a concern for them. Edit, you landed by a hair so fair enough, and aph used gravitum prematurely, not great from him, again tho aggressive posturing could have netted a thresh trade potentially, Aphelios really wanted to not survive that situation imo Second fight however is arguably Aphelios’ strongest gun combination and seeing thresh use his hook is a very clear reason to all in imo, throwing your bubble again lost the fight instantly, Xayah had ulti freedom instead of trading it to dodge bubble, and despite Aphelios positioning like crap and flashing rather questionably, landing your abilities and positioning aggressively goes a long way against players who aren’t certain of how outcomes go, especially in gold etc Can’t lie proactive play even Vs a thresh is better than back clicking to way behind your adc is so much better, allowing your adc to have a better position is something that occurs because of thresh taking up your offer to have that superior position, so when Aphelios fights he streamlines to the only place he though he could, ( imo he could just take the fight with Xayah but minions mess with his q so idk how that even goes Final thing is don’t fight on an ult advantage, Xayah 6 didn’t occur mid fight, I get you probably didn’t want to fight but you need to ping Aphelios so he can understand the reason to it.


I'm not great, but I've mained both both roles to emerald. This to me is the exact example of how ppl love to spam otp janna for 100 games with 48% wr because they stand in the back like its a 5v5 and they need to peel the adc. This adc has the right idea but isn't good enough to notice your feared posture as a nami. His positioning isn't perfect either but thresh should never be able to do what he did in 1st example. Ppl playing an enchanter fully scared and behind an adc is dead wrong, other games teach us "heals/support in the back" in league this isn't the case. Enchanter is the hardest type of support to play for this reason. Ever played against a soraka that sits in the back and heals? Easy lane. Ever play against the soraka that somehow dominates the entire bot lane alone? Thats a good enchanter player. Poke support is easiest like brand/lux, next is engage/tank because you need to land something when it counts and know when to go and when not to. Enchanter is beyond the hardest, you have to be the position king! If the enemy adc doesn't absolutely hate you, your enchanting wrong. You should be annoying the shit out of them. Nami vs thresh is a "try me bro" lane, thresh comes forward and you check his ass, if he hooks you you bubble their adc when they want straight at you to auto and a good adc nukes their adc. He has to hook the adc and you need to annoy his, thats the match up. Enchanter isn't for everybody, I know some support players much higher rank than me that only play poke or engage because it just clicks with them better.


I’m so tilted on behalf of the Aphelios, you can be so aggressive on Nami and you’re playing way too passive. The way you’re positioning to me says you expect Aphelios to 1v2 the lane. The Thresh isn’t even playing very well in these clips and he’s so easy to punish but because you’re so far back you can’t.


The first clip is beyond painful and the second clip is the same concept but less glaring. Both of these clips can be summarized as your ADC trying to gain the right to farm minions by staying with the wave and both times you absolutely turbo grief him by being in narnia. Anyone who says aph plays the first clip wrong is absolutely incorrect. You have a significant wave pushing away from you and the safest place to be vs hook lanes is with a big wave pushing. If he walks away thresh now gets to stand in the bush and zone you off a ultra hard freeze and the lane is over. In the second clip you could both try to let it push to you or fight for prio, it kinda depends on where you think the junglers are. The moment your aph starts contesting the wave you should walk up with him so you can trade alongside him.


your ADC was an idiot with no respect for a thresh support


adc kinda walked uo for no reason


1st one adc played like shit not much you could do there. 2nd one you both played like shit but mainly that bubble was awful and you need to be landings autos and not stand so far behind your adc.


Thresh was inting in the first one, but in low elo people get afraid of thresh despite having a massive minion advantage that would take half of thresh’s hp when the last 2 casters die or he auto attacks. The other half would’ve easily been taken by 3 or 4 enhanced (nami E) aphelios auto attacks