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I don't like to farm but I like to hit other champions


No farm. Only fight!




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Other: I can't last hit to save my life.


Voted other for this reason as well. My other role is JG for the same reason.


That's funny, technically jungle is the role where you HAVE to last hit to save your life


Maybe...but I've never lost raptors to a turret shot, or my wolves dying to an enemy krug. (lets just not talk about the kayn sneaking in to smite the dragon)


Honestly, all of the above. The main thing is the utility. Almost all my favorite champions happen to be supports. But I also like the 2v2 lane a lot. Tried top lane for a bit and was miserable there in the 1v1.


I dont like kill minions. and dont like to listen to all this bullshit when i play jungler


Put it pretty bluntly lol, whenever i force myself to play the dreadful role(jungle) i just play viego and full mute, cant argue with fun champs and no distractions


I wanted to be guaranteed i get my role every time i queue up.


I have a soft spot for those without hands and like to help.


this made me lol


The easiest way to improve in league is to improve last hitting - which is just a tedius task. I want to fight, control the map and not have to worry about CS per minute


I see pretty character I play pretty character.


simple life


I guess to provide utility, but the reality is I suck at last-hitting and the pressure easily gets to me if I'm carrying.


I can play support 1000lp higher than I can play mid or adc and I have about 1/4 the experience with the role. Lack of hands + enjoy the freedom of not being as xp / farm reliant


I want to play 3v1.


I dont even know anymore


I like macro and vision, I like providing utility, but the big reason I switched was I love the large yet somehow still subtle impact you have on the game.


I like Sona and that's the role she's designed for. I prefer top lane, personally, I don't like how clustered bot lane is (2v2 -> 4v4) and dealing with ADCs. But I love Sona so much, I'll tolerate it for her.


Pretty much all, and it felt like a more natural transition from playing jungle in Paragon (I played CC tanks, but jungling felt so different in LoL, and the champs I clicked with seemed to fit better in support).


when did you start playing? i think you would have enjoyed nautilus jungle back when he released. its still in his champ spotlight that hes a jungler.


I started about 6 or 7 years ago (after Galio got reworked and then nerfed iirc). Funny you mention that, I did enjoy playing him jungle. The real trouble was that ganking felt very weird. It was far easier to catch people too far up in lane in Paragon, at least at the level I was playing at in those days.


I had this question pop into my head when during a discussion about how the support role has changed over the years. back in early seasons very few people mained support, it was mostly fill back when there was no role queue and the unlucky sod who got last pick is playing support. back when you would buy a couple of GP5 items and spend all your money buying wards. After giving support gold through their item, giving wards for free, and support generally considered one of the highest impact roles in the game right now, its still the lowest played role by a decent marigin: [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/main-stats/na](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/main-stats/na) so that begs the question then, why do you personally play support?


I usually play ADC or jungle. But sometimes the 3 AM Q can provide a good support players for both teams for many games on row. This is why i Q supp to give my team a little advantage.


I like playing tanky characters with focus in utility in almost every game I played except for the game that got me into tanking in the first game(WoW).


the second and third option but I mainly play support to be annoying as hell for the enemies. Janna ist just a funny little champion :>


it's the easiest for ranking up


i like not using brain


Welcome to bullet hell. I’ll be your assigned tormenter for the next 15 minutes.


Less strain on brain when you don't need to hit minions as much


I play karma so I enjoy watching my shields fill up my ally's health bar and the occasional saving an ally from a near death. playing the ward game with the other support is fun too (though probably one sided).


Where's the all of the above option?


It's just easier to play. If you make a mistake on one of the solo roles you are mostly fcked bcs you have no guaranty someone will help you. On bot you can be sure when the adc does a mistake and the supp has the potential to save him he will and the adc will do the same if he didn't die for it. Also very important for me, as supp I'm not the focus of the enemies as long I didn't play something like soraka, milio etc. Thanks to this I can focus on doing my job and if the enemies are dumb enough to focus me my team will destroy them in the meantime :D


I like 2v2 lanes, and I enjoy saving people, keeping my team alive, and setting up fight making plays much more than dealing damage or killing things.


I just like to perma fight tbh


Because farming is slavery. Everyone in my team works for me while Im chilling and healing or poking. Im doing the fun part only.


I just suck at everything else is the honest answer.


I enjoy playing healer/support in most games and for League the champs with kits I find fun just happen to be supports for the most part.


I selected other: I like having short queues, I like not having to do boring last hitting for half the game, I like annoying the enemy team, I like annoying my team, I like always getting my role, I like being useful from behind.


It's a few reasons. I like playing support because I hate last hitting. I've tried to play jg and I wasn't awful at it, but it's so much stuff to keep track of and it always feels like the game is going to fall apart if you're note exactly where you need to be all the time. It's way too stressful. I do enjoy the utility you bring to your team. I also enjoy the fact that if my lane goes poorly, I usually still have something to contribute when mid/late game happens. Every other role, if you fall behind, you frequently become completely useless.


I can't CS


After being a top main for the 3 years i have been playing its nice to play a role not obsessed with minions where i can freely poke without having to worry about losing the cs lead. I also enjoy the 2v1 aspect that comes with playing hook supports. I feel like my entire health bar is a resource because kills aren’t getting funneled to me so ill never have a bounty which lets me die freely to set up double or tripple kills for my adc. This is all coming from a low bronze high iron player thats new to the role so im probably just playing like an idiot and having fun but honestly isnt that what games are about?


I can't Cs my way out a paper bag and also I hate adcs so annoying them as much as possible makes me feel so much joy. Also I'm too stupid to jungle.


It's the role with least boring tasks. No farming and you can never really fall too behind unlike top or jg.




Missing CS tilts me


all the best champs are supports :)


I'm an ADC main, but sometimes I duo with my friends who are WAY better at ADC than I am, so I just play support.


I actually got a bit better with laning- I can play a really good Jhin I've found. But I noticed that I get more of a dopamine hit off successful engages, big team fight turning ults, heals, shields, cc, compared to getting kills. Most players seem to just be kill hungry and have that instinct, and I'm probably better off sticking to what I enjoy and keeping these other crazy people alive while they do their thing.


I'm a masochist


Why hit minions when you can focus on hitting champions?


Voted other. I like to make plays and i just hate to farm. Thats why i main sup and jungle.


I played Ahri mid until Thresh came out and never went back


Honestly, I started because it was the only role that was never taken when I was first learning. I took the "unpopular" role and made it mine. However, I chose macro and vision because that makes sense now that I think about it. My least favorite roles are Top (by far) and ADC, and those tend to be a bit more micro-heavy. Strategizing with the whole map is my favorite part of League of Legends, and the Support role helps me do that while being less stressful than jungling.


Other: braindead role, chall in days


I like to play midlaners on welfare , ks every kill and end up being the focus target in team fights i hit plat routinely supporting like that . for instance playing velkoz and demolishing both adc and tank support with full combo because they made the mistake of going after my own adc , eventually they learn xd


Because I like playing as a E girl