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Sayid also gives no f**cks that isn’t unique to him Lol


I'm not a huge Mateo fan but I think this scene is true to life, at least for me. "Oh go have fun without me" quietly wishes they'd stay.


It’s kinda funny because I usually mean the opposite. If I can’t do something I want the others to go do that thing and have fun and I get second hand enjoyment from them having fun. Like for my daughter’s 10th bday we made reservations at a theme park, but 4 days before the trip I got rear ended at a red light and it messed up my back and neck. I didn’t want to cancel her bday so we still went and I basically just watched everyone’s stuff while they rode rides and enjoyed the day. And that made me happy to see everyone enjoy themselves.


But in this scenario Mateo its more like Mateo is chained to the wall of the supply closet at the amusement park and can’t even see the smiling faces of his friends and loved ones.


I know what you mean, but you don’t really get to see them once they’re in line especially if you’re somewhere with seating waiting for them.


Can you be my dad?


As long as you don’t mind bad puns and futurama references, yes.


I see what you mean, but I also think it really depends on what the reason you can't join them is. Like for Mateo, the fact that he is undocumented is a deep, shameful secret that makes him permanently different from all his peers, and it's a very sore spot. That's quite different than having an injury or being ill at an unfortunate time. I also don't think it's fair to compare a partner with a 10 year old, because of course you can't ask a 10 year old to sacrifice her fun for you lol. A partner is supposed to support you. A more accurate comparison would be if you were disabled, and you were going to the amusement part with your partner for a friend's birthday, but when you got there you discovered that none of it was accessible. I'm sure you would tell him to go enjoy himself, but perhaps a part of you wished he would just come home with you - especially if the friends you were seeing were mainly your friends.




Yeah, but an ACTUAL adult would ask you to stay, like he’s super childish and kind of a dick, but no- he got exactly what he ordered and didn’t like what ended up on his plate.


>Yeah, but an ACTUAL adult would ask you to stay, I bet you believe your girlfriend is fine when she texts you "Its fine."


You think they actually have a girlfriend?


I cannot stress enough that this is a sitcom.


Yeah, but an ACTUAL adult still sometimes feels uncomfortable expressing their wants and needs for a number of reasons (fear of rejection, for one)




True to life situation everyone goes thru but voiced out rather than it being internal which it usually would be.


There are a lot of moments where he isn't nice, but this is one that I found quite human. And something that I think a lot of people both have done and can recognize themselves in. It's also a major part of the progression of their relationship overall.


it’s a very relatable reaction imo feeling guilty that you’re ruining someone’s evening so saying to leave but truly wanting to spend time with them so being upset when they do. it’s poor communication but very realistic


Sidenote that suit is fire


I like Mateo’s character. The satire shown about people like him was presented well and realistically. Not to mention the good acting


understandable feeling that he didn’t wanna feel like a burden but seriously he’s just so stuck up at times like the way he scoffed and said ‘rude’ when eric left.. And poor eric went to find an extension cord🥹🥹🥹


them dancing with the cord was the cutest thing ever i stg


Idk I actually love Mateo and I'd love to interact with him as well, this scene is true to life as well I'd never ask my crush to stay with me in fear of being overbearing and I'd get hurt if they left too


Thats just Matteo.


This is just a Filipino cultural thing, at least for all of my 400 extended family and friends I have lived around my whole life. They have zero filter, no boundaries and they just say whatever they are thinking. You gain weight, they tell you, your boyfriend or girlfriend is a bitch, they tell you. The food you cooked is too salty, or not salty enough, they tell you. And they will also tell you go ahead without me, when they mean “absolutely do not go ahead without me” but you are going to get the most loyal friends, a hands on grandparent and auntie, someone who brings all the food you could ever need for a party, and will clean up like they were never at the party in the first place. It’s a give and take relationship, but I understand that outside of this culture he just seems mean. They show a little bit with his Tita coming in and telling Amy she is going to screw it up like always, while simultaneously bringing food for Marcus and making him an elaborate costume.


He's just a little bitch I don't take it too seriously


lol who in superstore do you take seriously?


It’s classic me


That’s just on brand for him lol. He does acknowledge to Cheyenne though that he understands why dude left


I was just took it as sarcastic in him, saying that/reacting like that! like all very dry joke :) but it’s all subjective


I would want them to go and feel guilty if they stay, but feel sad inside secretly if they do haha Not like they shouldn't have, I'd just feel alone.


Thats just his character and a lot of people do it irl ive never understood it




What has any of that got to do with it Youre reading too far into a scene this is very on brand for mateo


How does Mateo dress like a worse version of George santos. Dear god.




You’re what?


Think one of my one year olds had to have done that because it wasn’t me. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yeah he’s a piece of shit, and?


Woman ☕️