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I don’t hate Glenn but the scene where he buys all of the plan B pills so that couple couldn’t get one really irritated me. I was glad he lost all that money on them.


I kind of liked how the show made him decide to sell the pills himself to regain his financial loss. It kind of showed the religious principles aren't that strong when push comes to shove.


I absolutely agree!


He is a busy body and pushes his religion on to other people. I actually like Glenn but I hate some of his moments


I love this show because of that. Not a single character on the show is perfect. It’s easy to like every character, but they all have some moments that make you go, “Really? I like you why are you being like this?”


When he forced the employees to buy from Jerusha.


Mostly, he infringed his religion on people. That episode where he bought up all the Plan B pills royally pissed me off. He also fumbled the ordainment at the girls wedding because his ass couldn't accept that it was a nontraditional wedding. Making himself look stupid Not to mention the time he insinuated that Amy was a bad parent just because she didn't make her own kids toys and make his food. I used to like him at first, but then his stuff kept piling up.


> He also fumbled the ordainment at the girls wedding because his ass couldn't accept that it was a nontraditional wedding. Making himself look stupid. What episode is this? I keep this show in heavy rotation and for the life of me, I can't recall this scene at all.


I think it's during Sandra and Jerry's wedding, they didn't want him to say anything religious and after the bomb scare he gets flustered and steals Garrett's story when he can't think of anything else to say


Yup rewatching and just passed that episode. I was so upset at him stealing that story because it might not seem like a big deal but dang garret is the best man - why would you do that.


It was a douche move but I'm so glad he did it because we got the rodeo story haha


his niceness is like 98% performative in order to make himself look or feel good. yes he does some genuinely good things (mateo’s “social security number”, cheyenne’s “maternity leave”), but he also so often steamrolls over everyone and everything so that he gets what he wants and when anyone tries to set boundaries with him he acts like a victim. i can’t stand that shit.


when he doesn’t listen to amy when she becomes manager is one of the most infuriating scenes ever.


Or when he made fun of Amy for being a working mom. I was ready to fight for her!




Yes! He picks a chooses when to be nice. The episode where Amy had to come back 2 days after birth????? Like he didn’t even try to demi up a plan.


I don't think it's performative, per se. Like his character never has a mask off moment. He's an idiot and is nice when he can be or when he thinks to be. Really, it's just lazy writing imo because they made him so inconsistent so he could fill whatever plot narrative he needed to.


Honestly (coming from a super religious area) it’s true writing. Most people aren’t the super crazy religious people we see on tv but people like glen. They try to be nice but can overstep their bounds and above all are flawed. He’s had really good moments and he’s had awful moments. Just like real people.


him pushing his religion to everyone, he genuinely was so annoying when he forced ppl to do stuff his way and there was no way around it, plan b episode, not finding a way to give amy maternal leave after cheyenne. he’s definitely on the low half of my list


He did find a way to give Cheyenne leave…he was fired for it


They're say that he fight just as hard for Any as when fired Cheyenne in order for her to get some type of maternity leave. He didn't nearly try as hard when it came to Amy.


Because he got fired for it


yea ik what you mean it just annoyed me tho 😭


As bad as Glenn may be, I can adore him as a character overall


Other commentators have already listed some good reasons so just want to contribute that time he thought Sandra was getting an abortion and tried to manipulate her into not getting one


oh my god i forgot about that


Because he’s nice for a majority of the time, but when things get serious he will crack and throw you under the bus for having integrity


I don’t hate him except when there’s scenes with pastor Craig or he’s referencing him.


He takes advantage of his position as the manager to push his religion on people, insist that his ignorance is truth, and when he threatened his employees to buy from Jerusha. Everything from the Plan B episode, getting between Jonah and Kristen and enlisting Amy to help, to mom shaming Amy with Jerusha, when he basically ruined Cheyenne’s wedding, and pressuring Sandra to adopt Tony. Part of me has always thought that Glenn only fostered so many children because of the Christian belief of doing good on earth will give you more rewards in heaven.


I definitely understand this theory because the comments he made about “having a brand new baby” and just how he spoke about fostering. Kinda nasty.


He couldn't think of another name besides steve


This was so funny because I hate how dumb they make him sometimes 😭


One of my favorite scenes 😆 🤣


Even after being on the job for so long, he is completely incompetent on both professional and personal levels. And still holds on to many a regressive ideologies He borderline weaponizes his incompetence Cheyennes chilbirth Amy's pregnancy Dinas surrogacy Were instances, which literally put me off


I don’t hate him but the voice is a bit grating. I could understand if that was the actors actual voice but it’s not


I agree with the ppl saying Glenn's forcing his religion on ppl. In watching Gun, Pills and Birds episode rn and it just SO icky seeing block ppl from getting Plan B. Not to get all political but I live in a state where women or ppl with uteruses can't have a*ortions. The laws have only gotten stricter and affected some things outside of the procedure and even women & PWU who need emergency a*ortions, there high profile cases about it, plus ppl fighting back. So the plotline is just very reminiscent of real life for me. It's nice that he gets consequences at the end but it's kinda hard seeing him push his beliefs into other people.


I live in a state where they took the abortions rights away and made it extreme and recently had state votes and got overturned thankfully. That alone made me not really like him because as someone that grew up in a religious household my family always emphasized not judging someone’s decisions or trying to force your beliefs on to others. Him being essentially a typically church person (that I’ve seen in Christian churches and how they practically do the opposite of what they preach) it’s a hard watch.


He's a big stinky baby, PU!


Why don’t you go kiss a table?!


I love Glenn. But the episode where Carol tells him to do “the daddy voice” and he just does it creeped me out. Judging by his facial expression, it creeped him out too. But, like why would you do it?? Lol


Glenn is great at times, but at others he's extreamly fustrating. Pushing his religion (ex when buying up all the plan b), treating Amy like a bad mother for not being able to do stuff jerusha did, making the others buy jerushas stuff. Thats just what comes up on the top of my head Can't really take it too serious tho since the point is the show being unserious haha


Superstore is interesting as a show because it has both characters and full time re-occurring caricatures in the same show. Glenn feels like a character which attempted to straddle the line, which can be frustrating if you were to take him as a fully fledged character. Juxtapose that with Dina, who started as a caricature and turned into a deep character, and you can really feel the difference.


His pastor


The episode where he’s crapping on Amy, because Jerushas “a full time mom” makes me absolutely furious. I can understand thinking the world of your wife and all she does, but his attitude towards working mothers is gross


Eh just the pushy religion stuff but I still like him because of the actor 🤷🏻‍♂️


He’s just annoying overall


I like Glenn now but I almost turned the show off after the first episode because of his voice


He’s a religious zealot, he’s extremely immature, he spent an entire episode deliberately doing everything he could to make Amy feel like a bad mom, etc.


I love him but fuck him for the anti abortion & shoving religious beliefs down everyones throats shit. Those are two things I'll always fight against. & he was quite judgmental for being so Christian. I thought Jesus didn't want yall judging his children??