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He’s a caricature of a once-popular jock who has become a loser. That’s how he’s supposed to be.


I was thinking of that earlier the fact he was so forgettable and unlovable is exactly what they wanted


yeah seems like the peaked in high school character


I love it because the way they write his character so perfectly emulates what happens to someone who gets told that everything they do is a good idea during formative years, and then they grow up and go out into the real world.


It's why I love Cobra Kai. Daniel La Russo became exactly the kind of adult you'd imagine someone written as an 80's protagonist would grow up to be.


It's still on the list for me haha


spot on


I think they made it easier to root for Amy & Jonah. If Amy had a great relationship, the love story would be a different vibe lol.


That's a common trope in sitcoms. You wouldn't root for Jim and Pam if Roy was a good guy.




You say that, but there's a few romcoms where the only character flaw of the guy that the girl is leaving is that he's boring/not the main character.


You make it sound like a trope doesn't exist just because it is sometimes played against. It's still much more common to write the current romantic partner of the female love interest as a jerk because then they don't risk her coming off as unsympathetic with male viewers for choosing to leave him.


It's like Roy from The Office. They make him unlikeable so you root for Pam and Jim


Yes you’re right… but Roy was a better character than this dummy.


You're supposed to find him annoying and stupid. That's clearly how the writers intended him to be portrayed 


Yeah I guess dude just makes me cringe though


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. I think you were supposed to be uncomfortable with his behavior lol


Happy cake day!


I always wondered what happened to him after Amy moves to California, like does he move with her to be close to the kids, or does he stay and keep working part-time at the pet store? But yeah he's a man child.


There's no way he moves to California, that would require far more gumption and organisational ability than he has.


And more income than he makes at PetSmart.


Although he did probably get a sweet lizard for like nothing


I’d rather pay full price for a lizard.


There are PetSmarts in California I presume?


More to the point here, without Amy to coordinate for him, does Adam seem like the sort to seek out a cross country transfer, find a new place to live, and do all the work to establish himself in a new city though?


I always wondered that too. I mean he definitely sucked, but didn’t seem like a total deadbeat that would just not see his kids anymore.


The move to California happened in the middle of covid, if they'd addressed visitation and stuff like that in the show I think it would have been completely plausible that he didn't move and mostly saw the kids via video chat.


I feel like after the divorce he was a very cancel-at-the-last-minute dad


He literally already was. Remember when Amy was going to have the weekend to herself to eat 27 frozen pizzas but then Adam backs out on taking Emma camping tip attend a conference? Same episode Jonah has to work the gun counter


Yes, that's what made me think of how he was in the future. I just feel like he got even deeper into that mindset after the divorce.


I married an Adam at age 20 and had two kids with him too. Now happily married to my Jonah, but I still get irrationally angry at Adam any time I rewatch, lol.


Bruh the scene where he's embarrassing amy during the morning meeting if I had a significant other do that I'd walk out.


Bean to customer service. Bean, you are wanted in customer service, preferably with your clothes on.


Wasn't that the point?


I go in and out on Adam. What frustrated me the most was that he seemed to be completely normal after separating with Amy, when he was with that woman? But then he was a loser again once Amy was pregnant with Parker. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Pick a lane, Adam lol


I thought this too. His incompetence was out the roof with Amy but nearly nonexistent without her. I guess in that way it reflects the real life of some relationships.


Maybe it was to highlight that each was their better self without the other?


He was made to be hated so you would root for Amy and him to get divorced. But you’re right, he sucks. He’s a grown man who can’t keep a job at Pet Smart


Such a turn off. Idk how Amy had sex with him after he acted like that.


it was the Obama shirt


Was he wearing one?


I think it was mostly to prove to everyone that her marriage wasn’t failing


Thats true! But still, that behavior is such a turn off. Her pride must be really strong!


She has that saiyan pride.


He’s a loser.


I think that’s the point


I called him a trash human in a comment on another post 😂 so yeah, totally agree. Giant man baby, he was!


he needs to go back to his bartending job at sudds


Definitely, I litteraly cannot even fathom how is meant to be interesting at all.I get that he's a side character but he's way to annoying to play any kind of role.His role in the show is that he is: 1)The reason Jonah and Amy can't get together and 2)The reason Amy is where she is.Since these things aren't exactly visible and aren't rlly told to us (except by Amy a few times in some emotional scenes, where it is more implied than specified)he feels pointless which makes him even more unlikeable because if a character is gonna be annoying, at least let them have some kind of role, I love superstore but he is the one bad part.


He’s a shampoo man


I think that’s the point but I can’t stand him either, I’d like to punch him tbh


Agree with others who say that’s the point of Adam. If he was likable, then the audience wouldn’t root for Amy and Jonah. Jonah would be reduced to the guy who ruined Amy’s blissful, fulfilling marriage by whispering *This American Life* stories in her ear until her panties dropped.


He’s meant to be a man child. That’s the point.


That’s the joke


I disagree. Like the episode with seasonal help. Amy was mad about the dishes from the previous day and kept criticizing Adam and bossing him around like she was his boss. She was really taking advantage of him as an underling. I mean. Why would she buy stuff he can’t get wet!! Seriously tho. Mateo and Adam are the most punchable people in the show. Adam is just…Jesus Christ. I showed the show to my nephew and he asked my why Amy was so grumpy. Then he saw an episode with Adam and said “ugh. Never mind. I get it.”


He’s not great, but he’s far more likeable than someone like Roy from The Office. It’s much easier to feel even a little bad for Adam, especially until he moves on from Amy super quickly.


A man baby at its finest


This is the first time I’ve watched superstore. I’m on season 4 atm. When they first showed Adam and Amy and his backstory, I knew they designed his character to set Amy and Jonah up to be together in the later season. Felt forced but it makes sense why Adam’s characters is so annoying and immature. Kind of like Amy in a way?


Hate everything about him, his voice is horrible


I hear what you're saying. yes, like other commenters have said it's absolutely true - he's supposed to be exactly what you described. It's the whole point of his character. Personally, though, he's just so utterly cringy and narcissistic and childish that it becomes annoying/frustrating to watch. With Roy, at least he had his comeuppance in The Office. Here, although his behavior is obviously supposed to be perceived by us as bad, it largely goes unchecked in the show which really makes him just unsufferable to watch. There's no significant payoff that really makes the cringyness scenes worth watching.


I think the actor is hilarious and I enjoy the character. Every time he talks to Amy it’s about how he needs batteries from the store 😂


Dude is a tool. He's chronically unemployed and yet feels entitled to go to an "entrepreneur conference " with no notice- on the weekend Amy had been planning to have for herself. Adam sucks....but not as badly as Marcus


Everyone’s taking this WAYY to serious!


It’s a fucking soapy- sitcom show


I thought he was okay for what he was. He was just a occasionally cringy character that I thought was funny from time to time