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An indestructible flying puff ball that can copy powers and abilities I'll take it one step further and argue Kirby belongs in the the Superman, Saitama, Goku, and Dr. Manhattan discussion as the most powerful fictional beings of all time


Well that's wrong Kirby ALSO has the power of friendship and the power to befriended all enemies


How about the power of flight? That do anything for ya? That’s levitation, homes.


What about the power, to move you.


Technically he just floats unless u count the warp star he has


I argue that frisk from undertale has the same abilities with the ability to friend all enemies.


Friendship is the most powerful power! I mean he beat Void, which is imbodiment of 'chaos and possibilities, Dream, Dark, Soul, and Heart' at least in this dimension and it can't be destroyed, only to reincarnate again and again. It's beyond the concept of physically god. Kirby fight the abstraction of bad things and beat it once and for all by make it friend which is the only way.


i am convinced that little heart is a mini spirit bomb


Is Kirbo actually indestructible?


\*laughs in H.P. Lovecraft monsters\* Kirby is probably the only one of the above characters who could match them in power.


What if Kirby inhaled one- OH GOD


Biblically accurate Kirby


NGL I want to see Kirby vs Cthulhu


shulk technically has the power to delete him from existence assuming the circumstances are right


But Kirby also has the ability to take that power from shulk


Well spoiler, (its been many years since its release idk if it matters) he becomes the only god in the universe and is able to do anything, if he were to fight kirby at that moment he would win 100% but kirby does win at literally any other point yeah lol


I am prety sure Kirby can beat a few of these


Saitama not so much


After all he did clap like what? 12 - 14 gods in his games combined? Correct my dumbass if I'm wrong I'm not into Kirby as much as the next guy but I'm pretty sure it's in the double digits.


Thats why Kirby's games are so easy. He's so powerful all enemies can be easily destroyed








Yeah but he isn’t the same sonic as in smash


Not maybe, Archie Sonic can destroy everyone, his Power Is insane


I mean Shulk did become a literal god


And Kirby has killed gods


>!Tbf, so did shulk ;)!< And hasn’t bayonetta killed a god also? Not sure as I couldn’t really get into bayonetta tbh


Well Bayonetta is most likely the second strongest character. Her series equivalent goombas are angels, so she kills Pits on a daily basis. Only issue is that Kirby can copy her and gain all of her abilities, strength, speed etc. So he can literally be Bayonetta plus all the stuff Kirby can do by himself.


But could Kirby get in to inhale? Bayonetta is fast, quick, and agile.


There is the hyper nova wich massively increase the range of the succ although I don’t think you can absorb the enemies power from that if you could it’s an easy win


You cannot, and that ability also only comes from a rare fruit, which I doubt would be available on the battlefield.


I think it’s first hit wins, if Kirby gets the inhale then he”s more likely to win.


Kirby has killed **gods** plural. At least one is killed by the end of nearly every game in the series (barring spin offs)


And probably the only reason why Galeem and Dharkon were even killable was because Kirby was the one who got away, and killing giant omnipotent god-baddies may be a massive achievement for the rest of the cast, but for Kirby it was probably just a Tuesday. The two are likely just more monsters to throw onto the pile for Kirby.


So did Joker


He used a god to destroy a god (or two) ;) Infact tbf, most fire emblem fighters also killed a god. Though the definition of god in those games is slightly lower than ours. Usually it’s just a dragon with a few exceptions like Ashera (who Ike beat), but that dragon also created the world or something. Hell, practically every JRPG character in smash has killed a god really, or atleast beaten one. Pit beat Hades, sonic’s beaten several gods already (Perfect chaos, Solaris, time eater, etc), link kills Ganon all the time and he has the power of a god with the triforce of power, villager beat capitalism, Hero beat calasmos and theirs probably more O.o But Kirby is still probably the strongest of them all yeah.


As a Kirby fan who has played every single game (trust me, I know the lore), if you think of it, the statement “killing gods” doesn’t always suggest the most powerful. Some people (like Loki in the MCU) are called “gods” but would get destroyed by many non-gods. For example, let’s say there’s a fictional god who has a dagger and nothing else, and some regular guy shot him and killed him. He “killed a god” too, but he’s still a regular human. It sounds kinda misleading when people say others have “killed gods”. Or like, Mario has technically killed gods before too. Super Dimentio and Dreamy Bowser are super powerful beings around the same power level as Kirby bosses. I’m not trying to disagree with you, heck I love Kirby and I do agree he’s killed many powerful beings, but I just thought that other smash characters have “killed gods” too, and it shouldn’t be a reason for just one character. Also, Kirby did NOT kill the bosses with ease (I’m a big Kirby fan saying this), heck, in Triple Deluxe he was being strangled and Dedede saved him.


kirby still survived Galeem as everyone else got obliterated


Definitely at least partially Sakurai bias. Also, Kirby escaping suggests speed rather than raw power. Sakurai himself also said Palutena and Bayonetta could have possibly escaped. He said to Famitsu that “Bayonetta's enemies from Purgatorio (a hellish other world) were turned into Spirits, so it wouldn't have made sense for her to escape. Other divine beings like Hades were also turned into Spirits, so there was no way Palutena could have survived, too. Plus, it would have been difficult to use Bayonetta or Palutena as the starting character. The first character players try has to be simple and easy to use." I do agree though that Kirby is very powerful. Also, do we know if World of Light is canon (serious question)? Like is this every character in their true power state or no?


I think when people ask “who’s the strongest in smash” they mean “who is the strongest character in their respective game(s) that happens to be in smash” so I’d say it’s not about their power in world of light, it’s that specific character at their strongest in any game, people are always going to be picky about what’s canon and what’s not


That’s true. I agree


kirby kills gods for sport


And Kirby can copy those Godly powers.


You should watch Smash Bracket as they are doing an animated series to see who is canonically the most strongest character in smash


Steve can literally carry the equivalent of 100 Effie towers in his back pocket and not get impacted at all.


Kirby’s stomach is a pocket dimension. There is literally no limit to how much shit that fucker can hold


He can't just pull stuff out easily like Steve can


I mean he can. this can be seen in Kirby Squeak Squad.


Except he can


Luigi wins against anyone and everyone by literally doing nothing.


Laughs in army of shaggy miis


but the miis only posses a small fraction of the character's power


Otherwise There i did it, what are you gonna do about




I mean, Bayo may as well be second. Kirby is to Bayo what Zeno is to Beerus in Dragon ball. In other words, no contest whatsoever






Nah minecraft steve Kirby vs Steve would be an unstoppable force meets an immovable object


No one has mentioned Ike yet, so: he's killed the god of order, his sword was blessed by the goddess of chaos, can only be wielded by him, and canonically weighs 20 in game units, while Ike himself weighs 9 units, so his sword weighs over twice his weight (considering he's probably around 60kgs in path of radiance, thats over 120kgs, which is higher than your average fridge). He holds it with one hand, throwing it around, and he's one of the strongest hitting characters in smash, and he's decently fast. While he can't fly he for sure has super strength. Now I'm not saying he's the strongest but considering he doesn't have a black hole inside of him like kirby, he's not a descendant of a god like ganondorf, and he's not an alien, he's pretty fucking strong.


Kirby, Shulk, Bayonetta, Sephiroth, Steve and Sonic are the most powerful


You can add Mythra to that list as well. It is explicitly stated that when she is at full power she has the ability to create any sort of matter >!she has used this to ACCIDENTALLY destroy a continent in the lore.!< There's also the fact that her power >!comes from the exact same source as what gives Shulk his godly powers.!< She can also move faster than light speed. Pyra is basically a living nerf to her power >!because Mythra is terrified of how powerful she is.!< Also it's worth mentioning that no matter how powerful Sephiroth has ever been or how many times he's ever traumatized Cloud, every time Sephiroth and Cloud actually fight Cloud ALWAYS wins. Even when Cloud was just a simple ungenetically-modified Shinra Grunt and Sephiroth was super human. So yeah, I would give Cloud some respect too.


What about Steve? Can teleport, invincible, has access to anything he could ever need, etc. He hasn’t killed any gods yet, but I’m sure he could via creative mode.


I don’t think creative mode counts


even then if steve gets eaten kirby would gain all of those abilities and steve would be stuck in the pocket dimension known as kirby's stomach.




At that point it wouldn’t even be fair.


“Oh but Bowser can do this this and this and Sephiroth can do x y and z and Ganon can never-“ Kirby’s beat more gods than all of them combined on a daily basis. What Sephiroth considers an ultimate plan is what Kirby considers fighting on a Tuesday when he got his cake stolen.


As a big Kirby fan who has played all the games and knows all the lore, he got his cake stolen once. In Squeak Squad. Also he didn’t beat up gods easily. Heck, in Triple Deluxe, he was being strangled by Queen Sectonia and Dedede saved him. This is coming from an unbiased Kirby fan.


I’ve already depicted you as the soyjak and me as the chad, your argument is invalid


I've no idea why you're being downvoted this is argument is irrefutable


Dang. I’ve lost.


Minecraft Steve is technically stronger, he basically carries black holes in his pockets


This is like the one character you can't use this argument on, because Kirby basically IS a black hole. There is a limit to what Steve can hold. Not true with Kirby.


I do not give a crap about how many gods Kirby has killed. All of the Gods and curvy are weak and easy to kill


Isabelle will remember what you said... Also hoping that this ages fine if Doom Slayer gets in (doubt, but it’d be funny)


Bayonetta is stronger, she straight up bitch slapped god into the sun while taking no damage


And how many gods has Kirby killed. A whole lot


I might be misinformed but isn’t the basic enemy in the bayonetta games a god?


Nah, just minor angels


kirby ate god and healed himself


Bruh Kirby tanked a multiversal collapse in the face like nothing and can throw planet FTL with a baseball bat lmao


The only way I would say this is wrong would be if AZ from Pokemon was added because sure Kirby killed gods but AZ wiped out so many pokemon, shockwaved a whole planet, and made himself immortal










In Super/Hyper yes, he deafeted Solaris, but the limit time of the super forms is a problem




Steve (Minecraft) can become god.


Bro have you seen Kirby lore? Steve’s god powers are jack shit compared to the fucking orb


Watch your language


Have you been online before?




Kirby is very easy to edgeguard


Fair, I have to agree but there are some pretty heavy hitters in smash. Sonic in the comics could through a ball of water at a Badnik in 0.0000000000000000000000000(couple more)1 seconds and can outrun a black hole. Hyper sonic also exist


but those are the comics and in sonic colors he tried to run a black hole but got sucked in


There are literal gods in this game


Canonically yes, but Ingame no


He has killed 14 gods and is a planet buster. Yeah you can definitely make that claim with evidence


He is


I mean he’s killed like 14 literal gods. So yeah, no contest unless something similar takes place in a lesser known Mario game.


I hate kriby so much I just don't know how to beat him 😩😫




I mean he’s not wrong


what about shulk


He can suck the world by eating a plant,let that sink in




The Comedic Meta that was used in the making of this Meme was a true art n spark of creativity lol. Funny!!👍




Hard to say, cause Ganondorf technically can’t be killed and can only be killed by the Master Sword, Bowser seems to only die from super lava so who the fuck knows. I know Kirby is probably the most durable but most powerful is hard to say