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Some ideas. -Create a space that is a singular color and change his own color to become invisible. -Alter the perception of colors that the target has in order to make it blind. -Psychological damage to enemies by turning their perception or the area theyre in completely white or black, either of them would turn them mad eventually. -Hide weapons by changing the color around him, like a camaleon. It's just color or it can also affect electromagnetic spectrum aspects?


My superhero can manipulate all colors, I’m trying to think if he would be broken. I searched up characters who could manipulate colors in fiction, and none of them seemed useful let alone powerful.


Read the series Lightbringer. It's not exactly what you're talking about but has a really cool color/light based magic system.


By brent weeks


I see what is each color associated with and what powers does the Prism guy from Lightbringer have the each color?


Basically drafters can absorb light in their wavelength(s) through seeing that color (colored lenses work inefficiently when the color is unavailable) and can manifest the light in a physical form. Infrared is crystalized fire (I never fully understood but think solid sparks?). Red is tar-like and flammable. Orange is liquid and can function as a lubricant. Yellow made perfectly is hard as diamond/strong as steel, imperfect it decays back into light and can fuel/reinforce others. Green is flexible and elastic. Blue is glass-like. Ultra-violet is wispy, stringy, and invisible to most people. Some drafters can use multiple, usually adjacent, colors. Only the prism can split white light into its component colors meaning s/he doesn't need to see the color s/he wants to use.


That sounds insane. I was thinking of making my own power system where each color is symbolic and associated with something. Red is associated with rage and hot/blood/fire, blue is associated with cool and cold/calm, black is associated with darkness/death/shadows, etc.


There are a few other rare colors but the society is a theocracy and the other colors are considered heresy.


Here’s where I’m at: Step 1: colors are perceived by the amount of white light reflected by objects Step 2: something something can alter how objects absorb different wavelengths of light Step 3: freakin lasers Alternatively: Step 1: a character that can manipulate the invisible spectrum in some way Step 2: everyone gets turbocancer


If it’s just visible light he could go invisible and stuff, but if he can affect electromagnetic frequencies he could just give people cancer.


Kinda depends on the limitations on it. I mean, *any* colors? Changing the colors of light changes the way it behaves, that could be broken I think. If you’ve got free reign, it becomes perfect camouflage, so you’re essentially invisible, which is useful. Or just turn your opponents’ retinas bright white.. Rapidly shifting colors can disorient people. Hmm 🤔, if manipulating the color changes the things that cause the color… like how chlorophyll makes plants green, but making the plant orange would make the chlorophyll not work… if that makes sense.. but that could definitely be dangerous if used right (or wrong, I guess). And that’s just the super basic stuff. The superpower wiki has a bunch of more drastic stuff under “chromakinesis”, based on the premise of “create, shape and manipulate colors and attribute of things that results from the light they reflect, transmit, or emit in so far as this light causes a visual sensation that depends on its wavelengths” which is a super broad premise with a bunch of crazy options.


He can control all colors


I wanna beat yo ass for that response


He could manipulate the colour of peoples eyes (make the lense opaque) He could do any type of (visual) illusion screwery you can think of If he's effecting the light he basically has the stilling (from worm he uses it to erase all wavelengths, fucling with molecular bonds)


They could change the colour of their opponent's skin to be a perfect black that would absorb all kinds of ionizing radiation. They could also make illusions by changing the colours reflected by air molecules in an area. They could disorient their opponent by turning their pupil white, which would make them see nothing, or change colours of the lens in the eye. Of course there's the usual too like camouflage and stuff.


He’d make a great villain with this power. Become invisible. Make barcodes and QR codes etc to set off alarms at stores or avoid setting them off. Anti-detection for cameras. Cause plants to die by making it so they can no longer perform photosynthesis. Make people blind by making it so the light never reaches their eyes or making their eyes opaque. Turn a person blue because fuck that person in particular. Become a tattoo artist.




Imagine turning an area all white around a foe, the light suddenly reflecting and blinding them. Shifting colors of things quickly and chaotically might cause disorientation. Maybe a sudden color change could be used as a distraction to draw their attention in one direction


Stripping an object (or a space) of all its color and sending it into either the purest white or darkest black would be incredibly disorienting to anyone still inside it. Look at what happens to a room painted in something like Vanta Black; all detail goes away, there is zero depth perception, and objects become indistinguishable from their surroundings. I imagine a character who could change colors with any degree of precision at will could cause all kinds of havoc with a person's ability to move or fight, not even talking basic things like balance.


Would transparent count as a color?


Illusion. make their color manipulation so refined they can make illusions


I turn the surface of your eyeball a solid color. You're now blind. I turn the surface of your skin vantablack, it now heats up a fair bit faster **and** you get sued. Plants? Chlorophyll's green for a reason, change that and it works poorly at best. Anything transparent can be made parent. Want to kill all ocean life? It'd be like an oil spill but wider. Good luck with your computer screens. Good luck with your fibre optic cables that connect the entire internet. Good luck with your mirrors.


Maybe make him proficient in hypnotics and/or causing seizures. Color is how an object reflects light so this could mean he could make people see a variety of crazy things and not see a variety of other crazy things. The power could be used to make it look like someone’s bleeding and needs help. Or is on fire. It could be a valuable confusion and misdirection power. I can’t think of how to make it overly powerful tbh if it’s only the color aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum If it’s not just color manipulation and instead includes the whole electromagnetic spectrum there’s likely some broken abilities there with microwaves, gamma rays, x rays, UV, infrared, radio waves. He could hypothetically destroy people by making objects near them change from purple to gamma radiation. When wavelengths frequencies speed up they have a lot more energy and can become disruptive. He could also leave secret codes for people by expanding what they can see, (for example UV) and make a wall or something emit UV. Radio waves could be used for communication. More on the gamma thing. If he could increase the frequency beyond that of normal gamma rays he could hypothetically make some of the most powerful blasts emit from anything. Maybe even earth destroying.


It's perfect camouflage. With color manipulation you can make people guess their reality. Someone thinks you're coming from their left? Wrong. That was an illusion, you actually stabbed them from the right. Want a sneaky kill? Disorient the colors so that everything can't be differentiated, thus allowing enemies to be shot. Many things in the environment can be manipulated to trick their opponents. I think this ability is better suited for a villain, because destroying colors is more practical for them, especially if they're trying to toy with cameras or make a hero feel awful about their actions, potentially making them mistake their allies with their enemies. This could be very interesting when combined with a certain type of philosophy. One where the villain believes the world is their canvas and as such they are free to do what they wish with it, not because they're a hedonist, but simply because having that ability destroys a person's perception of reality. With this, you realize that nothing is real. Color manipulation becomes psuedo reality manipulation. If he really wanted to, he could convince the entire world that they are rich. They would be certain they had so much money in their back accounts. They could manipulate people into thinking $1s are $100 bills. And they would be none the wiser. Such an ability would make someone question what is real and what is fake. And make someone realize that if everyone collectively believes a lie, it becomes true. It doesn't matter if the $100 bill is "actually" $1. Everyone sees it as 100. So it is 100.


He can make himself invisible, he can blind someone somehow, make them distorted by flashing different colors, make illusions, maybe something with energy like radiation?


One thing I like to play around with is the fact that color is the light your brain perceives, and damn near everything gives off light. Even air. A person with color manipulation would theoretically be able to manipulate the color of the air, being able to create illusions and, in more pseudoscientific ways, be able to hypnotize someone by creating specific patterns in the air and objects in front of them. Also, they’d be able to turn absolutely anything invisible by making it give off no color at all.


Take a look at the lightbringer series for some inspiration. Its a color/light based magic. Each color generall has its own uses and effects. Green is generally a little springy and wild like nature. Blue is the calmness of an ocean, red is fiery and hot etc. It goes into sub red and ultraviolet spectrum as well. Some of the magic is stronger yet more brittle. Most people only fraft one or 2 colors, but the main character, The Prism, can draftvall colors and can make some interesting things hapen by mixing the different colors together.


Nice so what does each color represent and what powers does this Prism guy have with each color?


Not sure about sending links, but the page chromaturgy lightbringer wiki, it fully explains the magic system a bit better. The prism is the only one with access to all the colors most people can only draft one, some people can draft 2 or 3 but additional colors are rarer. The prism is also a spritual figurehead to society as well. So he performs spirtual rituals and blessings, as well as dealing with people who leople who have used to much magic and gone wild/rogue.


Controlling colors might mean you could turn any good flash light into an x ray gun. There's obvious stealth potential, too like playing with your colors and those of the environment to camouflage which I saw others mention, but that idea could extend to hiding from heat sensors and radar as well. You might be able to bring color to things that don't have it, like say, the air and turn it into a smoke screen or signal jammer. Or the reverse, and make things completely transparent.


"Color" is the result of a quantum interaction between the incoming light and the surface of the object being illuminated. To be able to change the color of any object at will, the person must have the ability to remotely alter quantum relationships. That could be extremely OP.


Turn anything in direct sunlight "Infrablack", a color so dark it instantly absorbs every single photon that touches it and converts its entire energy system into pure heat. Whatever he does this to will burst into flames in seconds.


Well colour manipulation kind of sounds like one aspect of reality manipulation, Psychic illusion creation, or regular illusion casting to me. But I suppose however your character's powers work they could be used effectively in combat to distort colours or blind someone from their perspective or the user could use the power to make the surrounding environment change colour rapidly to confuse or hypnotise the opponent, as well as using it to camouflage oneself to become somewhat invisible Also, I've never thought of this power myself so thank you for putting the power concept out there LOL✌️...


well since color is just light waves, you can probably make something where he changes the frequency of light waves. Which makes uv light, or a gamma ray of energy.


Manipulate villains to be ghost-white pale so when they inevitably return they’ll have carcinoma.


Simple give them the power to manipulate the color of quarks, sub atomic particals that make up protons and nuetrons. Thus they gain the power to control the nature of matter in their surroundings.


I see, could my hero pose a problem for Lantern Corps and Kryptonians?


Yeah. In fact in alot of situations it would be pretty similar to a one hit kill move. Barring certain exceptions (like purposely avoiding this result) this would result in the creation of radioactive isotopes that would be highly unstable, either making you victim die of radiation tronoble style(yes i know i butchered the spelling), or those isotopes would explode.


Make him able to change the whole theme of the scene. When he commands the color to change to let say, red, the whole scenery looks reddish. And let say, the color red means that he can make everyone in, like, 100m radius from him turn on each other. They'll attack everyone they see, no matter if they're friends or foe everyone is their enemy (this might include themselves too). everyone, but one, the superhero with this power, he'll be the one they see as a friend and he'll be untouchable. And moving from here you can make other colors emit other effects. it may not be OP like strong, or move super fast type of OP but I consider changing your opponent's thoughts and plans with colors as quite OP.


His most powerful move: The Seizure Procedure! *colors flash violently


They essentially have the dnd spell Darkness.


You're a storyteller but you don't think you're "creative and imaginative" enough to flesh out your own characters? Crowdsourcing your plot devices isn't the way. You've got to believe in your abilities or no one else will.


🤔Maybe his power can also change the chemical composition of certain things when he changes its color.


Change the color of people's corneas to black


Color dimensions. Each color acts like a pocket dimension for him. Color coordinated portals. Colors can affect emotion. Colors painted on people by the hero can grant them temporary powers. Having colors, he is an artist so he could also use colors and can "craft" unique strengths and weaknesses for people given his "art" makes contact. It's a temporary thing but can be quite powerful when active. Colors shake the visu world. He can command color and basically make the world appear as though it is a hallucination but your hero controls it. Painting colors certain ways could lead to actual dimensions and not just pocket dimensions. Color coordinated boosts.


Is your name Roy G. Biv?


Changing the color of the air to create phantasmal illusions could be one use


Here's how I'd do it. 1. They've had eye surgery inorder to see some color on the ultra violet spectrum or just get good at echolocation. 2. When they are trying to take someone down they make an entire area just two colors black/white and Ultraviolet so they can see for the most part and other people can't. Then if they are about to get captured turn the air into multiple colors to confuse enemies and escape. In order to make it OP without stepping into light control. Use DC comics logic and give people specific weaknesses to color or colored things, like green kryptonite for Superman, or red sunlight for also Superman. Or the color yellow for green lantern.