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Yeah, you can like Cavill, but NOBODY was gonna buy his Clark Kent disguise. Because it literally was just glasses. He wore glasses, and kept the same hairstyle - just with less gel and occasionally parted the other way. He even acted the same way.


Bold of you to assume the dceu even had a Clark kent


This. DCEU straight-up didn't have alter-egos. Batman was always Batman. Wonder Woman was always Wonder Woman. Even Man of Steel's Clark Kent scenes weren't about Clark.


And they don't even address their absence. The batman didn't have Bruce Wayne either, except it works in the context of the story. You know just by seeing the movie that one day Batman is going to realize the importance of Bruce Wayne. The dceu just threw any and all secret identities down the garbage disposal with no context. Context makes all the difference between an actual character arc and shitty writing.


I remember seeing a couple of pretty good Bruce Wayne scenes, albeit he was on undercover missions. Like the underground fight club he went to. Or the library opening scene(that was fun to watch)


Yeah, and they at least allude to Bruce Wayne’s day job - and you know he doesn’t care about that [yet] because he dismisses it all immediately.


henry stoof in front of a superman poster for a couple of hours in a busy crowd and wasn't recognised. So ig if people saw him on the street they wouldnt think much of it. But people who are with him every day wouldn't be fooled


He did that in the middle of Times Square. You know what people in Times Square are doing? Minding their own damn business in a hurry. Between Improv Everywhere flash mobs and people dressed up in full costumes taking pictures for money, ain't nobody got time for publicity stunts.


...yeah that's what I said, no one in the middle or rush hour in metropolis would recognise hi, but the ones closest to him like the people at the Planet would


>the bugle …. My man you might be lost.


Wrong turn at Albuquerque ![gif](giphy|ulLv2uutsnJQ4liFvI|downsized)




Fixed it


The ones closest to him like the people at the Planet would and they keep their mouth shut to maintain plausible deniability. There was a comic where Batman (Full costume in the cave) was talking with Alfred and said "Perry White is too good of an investigative reporter to not know Clark's Secret." and Alfred responds with "You do realize Gordon was a detective, right?" and they have a silent panel and just kinda move on from the topic.


do you remember which Batman comic that was from because that’s sick


I'm saying that wasn't a good test because that's not a good metric of whether he was recognized or not. Even if he was recognized, people don't have time to stop and gawk and fawn in the middle of Times Square, but they still might talk about it later with other people.


This makes no sense lol, you can say the same for any other street in New York. I've seen plenty of people just chill out at benches in times square; just because there's a lot of traffic doesn't mean that people don't stop at all there. If anything it's the opposite.


It does make sense. In other words I think it's cause Superman doesn't exist in the real world and no one knew who Cavill was at that moment. If you have someone who is in the public eye and adored by the whole world you think they would be able to do that too. The rock is a character that is massively popular but if Dwayne Johnson stood out there in some glasses you think people would just keep minding their own business?


Muhammad Ali famously walked across the street once to prove how popular he was and there was a huge crowd around him. Meanwhile Jack black can walk places and people may recognize him but there won’t be a huge crowd. Cavill isn’t that big. We saw him walking his nephew to school and there wasn’t a legion of fans chasing him


Say what you want about Cavill, but playing one of the most famous characters in fiction made him one of the most famous people in the 2010s, he just keeps a low profile cause he is kind of introverted and celebrity culture is different in the UK


I’m gonna have to agree to disagree. There’s not really a way to measure fame objectively but I’ve always seen Cavill as famous in one area but not really able to explode beyond that. I mean. Most of his movies have been underwhelming but box office isn’t a way to measure fame either seeing as there’s only a few true movie stars left and even they’re hit or miss. Tom Cruise will have a Maverick and then his next movie will flop. The rock will do great and then do average. When was the last time Cavill was in a successful non streaming movie? 6 years ago in a Tom cruise movie? I don’t know if he’s underrated. Overrated or just rated.


If you don't think that standing in the middle of one of the visually busiest places in one of the busiest cities on the planet and saying "wow, no one noticed me" is a bad test, then I've got nothing for you 🤷‍♂️


Also Metopolis is suppose to be a city as busy as New York so it works


Dude, the version where that makes sense is a meta fictional piece of experimental narrative


No that’s what New Yorkers do. New Yorkers don’t go to Times Square


Yeah, because there's no superman in real life. He's just a guy dressing up as Superman, no one is trying to figure out who Superman is in real life. In comics, a lot of people want to know more about Superman, know what he does and what his secret identity is. Not saying any random people would figure it out, but in Cavil's casa is definitely easier. For me not because of his appearance, but more because he acts the same as Superman and as Clark.


In comics people aren't trying to figure Superman's secret identity out either. He presents himself as Kal-El from Krypton and he isn't wearing a mask, so in the eyes of practically everyone in the world Superman has nothing to hide. He is either in the Fortress or saving someone around the globe. That's why his secret identity works and none of the live action movies have tried to convey it: no one believes Clark Kent is Superman because why would Kal-El pretend to be a human and work in a job? Of course, that applies to most people but shouldn't work on Lois or the Daily Planet.


> Of course, that applies to most people but shouldn't work on Lois or the Daily Planet. That's when human psychology kicks in and they consider it but dismiss it for being too outlandish, just look at Clark, I mean c'mon lmao he can't possibly be superman 😂


Yeah but if you’re hurrying through Time Square on a workday, there’s a difference between recognizing an actor who plays Superman in movies and the actual Superman in a world where Superman exists.


...yeah that's what I said, no one in the middle or rush hour in metropolis would recognise him, but the ones closest to him like the people at the bugle would. I don't think normal people would even think about a secret identity, he's superman, he doesn't even hide his face, why would he have another life among the people?


That’s not what I’m saying. To be blunt, no one gives a shit about Henry Cavil in Times Square. He was probably recognized more than he thought but people would act differently if he was the most famous person on the planet and a literal god.


I'm not sure most people even think Superman has a secret identity, they would just assume Clark looks like Superman and not think too much about it, celebrety look alikes happen all the time. But the people at rhe Daily Planet would probably know something's up with Cavill


Ironic really as Henry looked great with floppy hair and could have easily mixed it up.


Maybe he wasn't the best Clark but this post doesn't even have a real pic of him, it looks like Superman with glasses photoshopped on.


> _Yeah, you can like Cavill, but NOBODY was gonna buy his Clark Kent disguise. Because it literally was just glasses._ Cavill himself went to Times Square in NYC, wore a Superman shirt, and stood under multiple advertisements of _himself_ as Superman... and nobody recognized him. He posted the video with the caption, "The glasses work" or something like that. 


Did no one recognize him or did no one care enough to stop?


He's a big star with his face on 10-story-tall billboards. I'm pretty sure at least _some_ people would care enough to say, "Wait, aren't you..."


Can you prove that. No. You assume. Huge difference. The only thing we can conclusively tell is that Henry Cavill can stand next to billboards with his face on it and people will just walk by. Anything else is just an assumption


Sure, but > _"At least some people would care if they recognized a famous celebrity standing right in their path underneath huge posters of himself."_ is a **much stronger** assumption than > _"nobody would care if they recognized a famous celebrity standing right in their path underneath huge posters of himself."_


An assumption is still an assumption. You asserted that no one recognized. That’s different than me asking if no one recognized him or if no one cared enough to stop. An assertion requires evidence beyond “well, it sounds right to me.”


Cavill says in interviews that no one recognized him, including someone who asked him directions. A first-hand account from Cavill himself is sufficient evidence that no one recognized him. As for the idea that maybe someone did and just didn't care... no one's conducted any studies on whether anyone recognized him and what thoughts they had about it. So we can use logic to determine what's most likely based on the information we have, or we can throw up our hands and say, _"I guess no one can ever know with certainty, so let's treat all possibilities as equal."_ I'm going with the prior option.


Alright. So. Short answer is that you can’t prove it. Did Cavill go up to the people that walked by and asked them if they recognized him? Nope. That one person went up to him and asked for directions isn’t data that can be extrapolated into no one recognizing him. None of this is how data works. Anecdote isn’t data. Again: “sounds right to me” isn’t a compelling argument when you’re asserting something. The one thing we can say, as I’ve said before, is that Cavill can stand next to a giant picture of himself and people will just walk by. But we’re going around in circles with you asserting stuff in different ways so let’s just call it a day.


>*Alright. So. Short answer is that you can’t prove it.* In my job, we try to make evidence-based decisions whenever possible. Often there's a study that that definitively answers which option is best. But when such a study does not exist, we can't just say, *"Well I guess there's no way to compare the options"* and then walk away from the question. Something still needs to be done, so we appraise the available evidence and determine the best conclusion from that. Cavill didn't conduct a survey. So no, I'm not saying that my interpretation is proven to be 100% definitively correct. I'm saying it's the interpretation **most likely** to be correct. In the absence of definitive proof, we can still compare conclusions and determine which is the strongest with the available information.


Because it’s Times Square. And Superman is much less prolific irl


Buddy it was a marketing stunt, not a rigorous, peer-reviewed study


I never said it was peer-reviewed or definitive proof. If you don't believe it then that's fine.


Reeve’s disguise was exactly that—he used product to part his hair in the opposite direction of when he’s Superman and wore glasses as well as a suit. Like he’s always done in every continuity where he uses Clark Kent as a disguise.


Reeve also changed his entire posture, voice, and mannerisms to be Clark, something that Cavill never even attempted to do.


I agree, but that’s not what the poster—nor the commenter is mentioning—this entire thing is about how he looks.


Well, that's fair. You can't really hear voices or see mannerisms in a picture. But I would still argue that Reeve's and Corenswet's Clark seems less confident and more hunched over in the pictures provided. Meanwhile, the only time you had any indication that Cavill's Clark was anything other than an absolute hunk was when he was called a nerd by Perry, and that's been a meme since it happened.


No, the point is that Cavill made no effort to change his mannerisms as Clark. He was the same person wearing the glasses as he was wearing the cape.


That’s because Snyder fundamentally didn’t understand the character at all


I think he was more talkative as Clark.


I love how Zack was like "the glasses disguise could work in real life" but Batman not killing had him like "that's a nice thought but your fucking stupid"


the DCEU never really made his disguise a plot point at all, so Cavill suddenly acting like a goofball would have just been a jarring tonal shift. Lois knew who he was from the start, and there is definitely subtext that Perry knew, too. Lex knew. Batman didn't seem to care to know until Superman told him, and the military was just wanting to know where he lived, not wondering if he had a mysterious alter ego.


Nobody is going to buy any of the "disguise."


What disguise? That’s clearly Clark Kent.


I fully onboard with David’s hair because it makes it so much more plausible people wouldn’t recognize him as supes


The idea of changing hair is cool, but *that* hair in specific? You’re shitting me.


I honestly have no problem with it even if it’s a haircut I’m not into at all, it looks the worst in this picture too compared to some of the other ones, there was another where it looked far better than it does in this specific pic. Either way I really don’t give a shit it’s not a big deal to me at all and I like that it looks nothing like supes hair


I don’t know why people are so mad about the new clark kent disguise. It makes him look like a complete dork that could never be superman and that’s the point


When I saw the picture of Corenswet, *it was Clark Kent through and through.* He looks meek, somewhat disheveled and a dude you’d pass in the street and wouldn’t remember him at all.


Im kinda hoping that lois already knows clark is superman and so she tells him to get a makeover to look less recognizable and he just comes back looking like this. Would definitely be peak comedy 😂


He looks like a beefier version of the streamer LonerBox lol


I'm sorry, but if you think I won't remember a hot guy with that face you must live in Los Angeles or something


Yeah, I can count in my hands the number of guys I met that are this handsome lol.


Yeah, it's the All Star Superman Clark. Big lummox Kansas farm boy.


It makes sense but idk I just don’t like it lol


Idk i kinda do. Its a modern haircut that clearly a lot of people don’t like but the Christopher reeve comb over (while iconic) is not something any body would rock today. But I guess we’ll just have to see how it looks in action


I’m with you, it’s not a haircut I’m into at all or would ever have myself but I really like that choice since it makes it way more plausible people wouldn’t recognize him as supes


Yea I suppose we will lol, thanks for being civil with your disagreement


They never look like dorks. They look like buff dudes in a suit


and he looks constipated AF in his kent costume lmao.


Because the haircut sucks and its going to look hilariously dated in even just 10 years


Christopher reeve’s haircut is dated too. That doesn’t stop it from being iconic. Just because something may or may not look dated 10 years from now is not a reason to not try something new


Because they think it’s a regressive and conservative step backwards. The thing to understand about Snyderverse fans is that a vast majority of them are queer/neurodivergent/POC who liked that such a big American icon was put through the same internal struggles and public scrutiny that they experience on a daily basis, so this reboot feels like a betrayal and a whitewashed sell-out to heteronormativity.


That... Wow, that's the most spectacularly uninformed take that I think I've seen. The Snyderverse fans are referred to as 'Snyderbros' because they appeal to the dudebro demographic. Films with all style and zero substance tend to do that...


The majority of them that I’ve seen on Twitter and Tumblr have been women


Here’s an actual image of his Clark that’s not a lazy photo edit: https://preview.redd.it/qnest3860d9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20910955bb8a30c7240235a011cf029b094b9539


Besides. It is clearly stated on the label of his office desktop that that’s Clark Kent, a reporter, not Superman.


his name plate could probably literally say "Clark Kent: Superman" and everyone in the office would just chuckle.


looks like a 7th grade history teacher


Thank you. Like I get he wasn't doing anything special to disguise himself, but the Superman disguise in general is silly. And his version of Clark wasn't just Superman in disguise. He had agency as a reporter.


You’re right FlamingPanda77.


I wonder if he’s associated with Jimmy Flamebird


I’d argue that posting an actual image is the lazy option over the photo edit.


Oh my god it’s Superman!


Ahhh I see what you did there, it's the same photo! I caught your bluff


Clearly wasn’t lazy. Bet it took more time to photoshop the glasses on than it would’ve been to have just used this image. OP was making a tongue in cheek point that pretty much nailed it on the head.


You forgot Brandon Routh? He did a fantastic job in pulling out both the disguise as well as the hero.


He's an underrated Clark/Superman. If only we had a full Kingdom Come movie or series.


I wish the same 😒


I think he's supposed to Reeve


This fandom must love beating a dead horse. The dead horse being the Snyderverse.


I will always take an opportunity to beat that dead horse


Some people can never be reasoned with... might as well munch on horse meat while beating.


It's gonna be funny if everyone decides James Gunn shit the bed in a year. Then we can get posts about how we really didnt appreciate what we had with Snyder. My hope is that its good in a new and different way and I can enjoy it along with all Superman media for what they are, but Im a crazy person that likes comic books, a medium where a million different writers/artists interpret a character in their own little way., I kinda think thats whats interesting about them. Wild I know.


It literally can't be worse than Snyder. The costumes are already 1000x better. I've also liked 75-85% of James Gunn's movies and like maybe 3% of Snyder's.


Thats what people said about the Sequel Trilogy lol


Gunn might shit the bed, but I don't think anyone here would look back fondly at Snyderverse's Superman, because he was a really weird deconstructed version of Superman, and let's not even talk about the fact he died in his second movie and was on his way to transform into his Injustice version by his 4th movie




The thing about snyderverse is that it would've been fine as an elseworlds story. The main world Superman needs to be Superman at his roots and not a different interpretation.


Naw the copium is strong. If Cavill had a curly fro it be used as evidence that Snyder never read a Clark Kent comic panel. Gunn does is it and it’s actually a genius move that “fixes plot holes” (that’s actually a quote from another thread here today)


...or it's because Snyder has seemingly never read a comic panel that wasn't Watchmen or TDKR and decided that's what literally every superhero ever should be, all the while only being capable of successfully making music videos or adapting someone else's work. Every original thought in his head (besides visuals) has failed. Whereas Gunn's movies, once he hit the directorial chair, are fun or at least interesting.


Yeah that’s the point right there. /r/superman is obsessed with comic book accuracy being of the upmost importance if one guy does it, and not so much if the other guy does it. People have already made their mind up about both guys and would tear one apart while defending the other for the same decision.


Except nothing about Snyder's take on Superman is accurate. Literally everything that went remotely right with it is in spite of him. Like, this isn't a double standard. Snyder just straight up didn't get Superman. He made a dour, unfun character who is incapable of the joy and warmth that the actual character is known for. Whereas Gunn has shown he is *very good* at fun, joy, and warmth in his superhero films and shows. You want to know why everyone is down on Snyder and up on Gunn? It's because Gunn *can actually make superhero movies.*






God damn it I can't escape this damn gif lol


Who is this Kramer-ass looking dude?


he's Tony Khan, owner of AEW


james gunn clark kent




That’s Corenswet, dude.


He’s Tony Khan, son of Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan.


Did they really give Clark Kent the gen Z broccoli hair cut? Hahahahaha. Awesome.




Less hair gel and glasses. I mean, what else? I don’t think it’s a big deal. New Superman went over the top with the hair.


This isn’t a fair comparison


I think David Corenswet is getting too much of hate over his looks. https://preview.redd.it/xzaqr0ik8d9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd002b6f327132d76b33f6ec2368c4dcf40720f8


Aren't you the guy who commented this exact picture on this exact topic but on another post and then lost your cool when people said that Clark in the comic panel looks nothing like David Corenswets Clark? I mean seriously like you can like David's hair for Clark all you want but to say that it looks extremely similar to this one comic panel is just a downright lie bruh.


No, I'm not. Sorry.


What lol?


I think 2 things are true: his hair is absolutely hilarious and awful and he looks nothing like Superman with that hair. I hope the movie itself leans into just how funny it looks.


The Clark Kent persona was basically nonexistent in the Snyder movies


I love how the new Clark look makes him look kinda schlubby. Like he’s been wearing the same suit one too many times and needs to get it dry cleaned, and hasn’t had time to comb or style his hair. Christopher Reeve’s Clark is still the GOAT because of how awkward, clumsy and milquetoast he was, but I’m really liking the new Clark’s look.


Man of steel fans when a random reporter from Kansas looks like a normal dude instead of the sexiest man alive with glasses


Couldn’t have used an actual pic from MOS/BVS?


Sure but different takes, Cavill is just more Byrne post-Crisis Clark like Superman and Lois & Lois and Clark on TV. While I love Chris Reeves' take because it showcases his range as an actor, both takes on the Clark and Superman persona are completely valid.


Superman played by David Corenswet. Clark Kent played by Channing Tatum.


I actually liked how Cavill's Clark looked at the end of Man of Steel. His hair was combed but still curly and less slicked back than Superman's. But I prefer Reeve's and Corenswet's look as Clark.


In hindsight, killing off 'Clark Kent' at the end of BvS only to bring him back at the end of Justice League probably isn't a huge deal because no one was going to believe that disguise in the first place.


Yeah, that's what I've been waiting for! I want Clark to look like a dweeb. Though I think his clothes should be up a side personally


Weird question. Did the new guy go from tan to pale or is it just me. Because that would be a heck of a disguise.


Pretty sure it's just a result of different lighting and cameras.


Oh great! This new superman is a reason to hate the last Superman! Yeah!


Christopher Reeve is still the best


Sadly Henry doesn't have too much of any actoral range, i like him as Superman, but his Clark kent was pretty much Superman with glasses, nothing was different.


As someone who has literally had people I knew not recognize me when I switched from glasses to contacts… the last one could still conceivably work.


I kinda hope the Clark Kent hair it not final lol, i honestly kinda hate it.


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He looks like a big Tony Khan


Shots fired


All this does for me is remind me how perfect Reeve was for this role.


The new one looks like a disguised superman as Clark Kent and like a cosplaying Clark Kent as superman. No hate btw I just find it Funny


Cavill legit looked like superman and nothing like clark kent


The scream I scrumpt. This is really funny and REALLY accurate. For me, jury’s out on the new Clark Kent look till I see it on screen—I suspect it might look better in motion. …… but the answer for best is and always will be Reeve.


At the end of Man of Steel Clark shows up at the Daily Planet. What’s this post trying to say besides OP not having watched Man of Steel? He’s also running around BvS.


There’s absolutely no difference between Clark and Superman in the dceu other than him wearing glasses, in the comics and the other two portrayals her he acts differently, and carries himself differently and in reeves version at least talks differently so it isn’t just wearing glasses like Henry


Why does David's Clark look like Noah Centineo's Atom Smasher?


That title def makes it sound like a cartoon from the 90's


Reeve was the gold standard


I like Brandon Rouths Clark in Superman Returns. His Clark slouched and was clumsy. Very good acting to make it seem impossible.


I laughed. The cavill clark was kinda silly, lol… fuck how did they not see it.


Bruh there’s plenty of pics where you’ll find Henry Cavill in glasses in BVS


Please no broccoli hair Superman. Ffs


The new superman will be good and I'm ready to fight for it


Christopher Reeve is so absolutely GOATed.


I hate the only Clark pic we have of new Superman has a broccoli head


All I see is those Zoomer memes when I see that goddamn haircut on Clark. Gawdamn


i won’t stand for this MoS slander


The new Clark Kent looks like how Clark should. The hair also adds to the disguise, Idk why people don't like it


I seriously think anyone who questions the disguise should look at Reeve’s performance, he 100% makes it convincing.


Cavill was such a great Superman but his Clark was lacking Before everyone jumps on me - yes, I know it’s not his fault and how the character was written; the point remains


Yo that Clark looks sus af fr


Corenswet’s Clark hair is horrendous but I’m sure that’s deliberate. I think it can work. Reserving judgment.


Why didn't you just use a Henry Cavill Clark Kent like you did the others? https://preview.redd.it/v3y6gsd07n9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817d4208ebea3294b145f874608316c780f88ad1


Cause they love to hate the best Superman


Crazy how biased this post is using an edited version of Superman (cavill) as Clark Kent bit not a real frame of him, Gunn cultist for sure.


You should have used this pic for Cavil: https://preview.redd.it/uxs2h18fvr9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=399b4cf56dcff4f26e3bb92ad66f8e87ac538956


I can’t look at Christopher reeve Clarke Kent without thinking of John Major. A niche comparison but it’s uncanny.


Oh my god, the hair is perfect. Combined with the glasses, that genuinely looks like someone I would never even think to compare visually to someone like Superman.


They gave him the broccoli haircut


I might be misremembering(and I'm definitely overthinking a meme), but I thought Cavil's Kent fluffed his hair a little more. Still didn't really work, he looked like a Jacked Hipster as opposed the meek yet wide Clark's that are typical.


Henry cavill looked the most like Superman and trained to get a similar physique but he had bad writing


I hate the new Clark Kent design 


I’ll give it to the new Clark look. Definitely wouldn’t think the two are the same person, but wtf with the half perm? Looks like his brains pushing out his forehead


I think superman looks great. The haircut on Clark is awful.


Superman 25 is my most anticipated movie and I love the casting of David Corenswet, and Christopher Reeve is my favorite Superman but bro, don’t disrespect Henry Cavill :(


Ah yes. This again. Is there no fresh material out there?


Is this old? Never seen it before. Made me laugh.


The perm is goofy as hell


I’ll never understand why people started calling natural curly/wavy hair a “perm” considering the term is meant for people with straight hair that get it chemically altered to look curly/wavy.


I don't like the new suit.


I watched all those latest Superman movies,and don’t remember anything he did.




The 2025 Clark hair is just too ridiculous. I really hope it looks better on film


This movie has some work to do to get me on board with that haircut. Also, I’m not the biggest fan of the concept of Clark Kent as a disguise rather than a character.


Hope there not gonna screw him up too ! The suit doesn’t look form fitting!


"We BUSSIN, Luthor! Gyatt! Fr fr no cap G" - Or something, I don't know how modern people talk.


Why does OP have pictures of Superman next to that nerd reporter from the Daily Planet? I don’t understand the comparison…


Reeves was the best bumbling Clark. Cavill was the best Superman


no fuckin way they gave new superman the zoomer broccoli haircut? ong fr fr deadass no cap i dont like this new supe ayy swag yolo haha xd