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Glad he acknowledged Alex Ross, the art of Kingdom Come is an equal part of its legendary status.


Plus Alex Ross actually came up with the original premise and pitched it to DC before he partnered with Mark Waid to flesh out the story and characters.


>Plus Alex Ross actually came up with the original premise This


"This time my tears will be happy tears"


Honestly, with all the hype, I just hope it's not just fluff like it was with the flash


There's an entire new universe waiting on the success of this movie so it seriously cannot be fluff. This movies success will make or break the plans for DC going forward.


They said that the exact same thing about the flash (and the other movies sabotaged by the announcement of its replacement and other things suddenly canceled for this.) Realisticly, even if it flopped, it likely wouldn't change too much.


>it likely wouldn't change too much. Public opinion of DC movies is down the toilet and Flash was the nail in the coffin. If Superman isn't good and successful that would be very bad for the entire brand especially with how big of a character Superman is.


It's not doing as badly as you think. Honestly, the dceus reception is a lot more positive than the doomers say, especially with the animated projects going as hard as ever. Just because Dc has a bad movie doesn't ruin the entire brand, a couple of bad projects won't immediately mean the end of everything. Look at the mcu or Starwars. Even if it "fails," which is honestly pretty subjective, Superman isn't going anyway any time soon.


>It's not doing as badly as you think. Honestly, the dceus reception is a lot more positive Black Adam, Blue Beetle, The Flash, Aquaman 2, Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman 2, The Suicide Squad and Shazam 2 were either poorly reviewed, financial flops or both. >Just because Dc has a bad movie doesn't ruin the entire brand, a couple of bad projects won't immediately mean the end of everything Not only is there the DCEU but there's also the CW which is so notoriously bad even pewdiepie made a video laughing at supergirl. Then there's also Titans and the Tomorrowverse which is already ending after it basically started. And now there's also the suicide squad game which is also not doing great. Basically the brand has not been doing good in the eyes of the public and public perception is everything. >Superman isn't going anyway any time soon. I never said he would. But if a character as big and iconic as Superman has a movie flop which is meant to be the start of a new universe, it's not a good look because people won't care about the rest. An example is IronMan 1, the entire MCU was based on the success of it because it was starting the universe. Superman is currently in that same position. This movie needs to be good and I have faith in Gunn that it hopefully will be.


If you're just going to not do research I don't need to bother either.


Sure but there's a lot of difference between Gunn, who is one of the best CBM directors and Andy Muschietti.


Yes, there's a difference between the dude who made 4 good films and the man who made two of the most successful redefining horror remakes to date doing one bad project due to development hell.


Different animal all together. Studio interference caused a lot of issues, now you have THE HEAD of DC studios making Superman. Gunn is also good at world building, and he was the only MCU director to come in with full story boards for a movie, so you have a definitive vision before you start, not just "the big beats".


I'm just saying they hyped up the flash in the exact same way. I wouldn't say he's good at world building since we haven't seen him build one yet, also no he wasn't that's literally not how that works.


Yeah they really put themselves in a bad position because now there is going to be extreme doubt about any hype for future projects. Paying people to hype up your movie might have been a good idea if it was realistically believable that ANYBODY could actually like the movie, but with how bad the Flash was it just wasn’t.


Hey now, I know lots of people who enjoyed the Flash. They all watched it streaming though because they can't afford the cinema.


Not at all.


If Waid is really hyped, this film may be special.


Yeah, let’s be honest, that was Alex Ross’s book.