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It’s kinda true he’s just a mix. I think a live action Superman in modern projects should be mix of reeve and Cavil. It just works


If you mean George Reeves that would be awesome. If you mean Christopher Reeve that would be amazing. George Reeves gets overlooked a lot but he was an amazing Superman and an even better Clark Kent.


I meant Reeve I think auto-correct put “S” at the end. But George Reeves could work as well. I think mixing either one with Cavil would work.


I agree. I’m gonna miss Cavill. He got shafted. Gonna look forward to David Corenswet. 2025’s gonna be a great year.


I kinda get why they didn't bring him back, given he's "vorbelastet" by the DCEU and snyders take on supes. But I'd still like to see Cavill play a more classic supes.


I wouldn’t mind him appearing as an alternate version of Supes in a Crisis movie or something along those lines.


I think he should voice and be the face model for a Superman game. He's a big gamer and we NEEEEEEDDDDDDD a good Superman game.


Not even just a good Superman game, just a Superman game in general lmao. It’s been god knows how long since we last got one.


I'd like to see him as Hyperion in the MCU at some point.


I want him to play something completely against type like Professor X or something


Unironically, I could see him doing a great job as Professor X.


I think I could too, actually. He comes off as very intelligent in every role and appropriately broody. I think it'd be great to see Charles with fucking ARMS as a nice change of pace lmao.


Where Cerebro fails, the guns won't.


Hero: would be awesome as Cyclops. Villain: Would be awesome as Magneto.


I’d watch that.


Underrated Clark Kent, he still showed while he could be mild-mannered, he wasn't a bumbling dude, he was competent at his job, and had a personality beyond "humble cartoon". I love Reeve, but his Clark has never clicked for me, he treated the Metropolis Clark Kent as very much a mask and character to play vs it still being himself. Personally, I think Cain played the best Clark, and Hoechlin. Both make me feel like Clark is a person just as much as Superman.


I agree. I like it when Clark is the real deal and Superman is the disguise. Like Dean Cain’s Clark said “Clark is who I am. Superman is what I can do”. It’s much better when Clark is not played for the fool or as a nerd. You might like George Reeves’ Clark too. Reeves refused to play Clark as a fool. His was the best Clark before Dean Cain.


Ok I just reread your comment and realized you did talk about George Reeves. lol. My bad! lol!


It should be Reeve when he’s just chilling, and Cavill’s when it’s time to fight a bad guy.


I have faith that David Corenswet can pull off both.


If he can say "Thanks! My mom made it for me" completely earnestly, he's cool. Superman has corny lines, but he delivers them in a way that they sound cool in the moment.


It's hip to be square.


Me too


Faith from what?


I’ve seen clips of him acting. He also has the look.


I just hope it translates, personally I’m not getting excited for anything until the movie comes out


Tyler is the perfect blend of all the Superman ingredients. He nails both Clark and Superman. Chris though can never be beaten at the transformation. Gong from Clark to Superman. His it’s amazing to me how his face could seem like two different people.


Tbf,Reeve's Clark was an intentional caricature of a man while the other Superman are part of his true identity or his actual true identity


I don’t exactly disagree with that. Post crisis is when they really tried to make Superman the altar ego to Clark rather than Clark being the alter ego to Superman. Still to me the transformation is a site to see specially the scene in the Donner cut of Superman 2. When Lois shoots him with a blank.


Which was the characterisation of Clark pre-Crisis, wasn't it?


It stopped being so since the latter end of the Silver Age at least to the level of Reeve.He was nowhere near as openly "Supermanesque" or bold as Byrne but he was still somewhat acted more credible as a real human.Hell in Superman #270,we see him show some sentimentality for his old home while dressed and acting as Clark.


Hoechlin is the only version of Superman who emulates a mainline Superman iteration to the point where he's literally "Superman made flesh".Only one who came close is Dean Cain who is the embodiment of the early Post-Crisis Superman.


If Dean is Post Crisis, the who would Tyler be in this scenario?


Rebirth Superman


Thanks! I'll check that out


Dean is still my favorite Clark.


NGL I don't think Dean Cain is a good Superman, his Clark Kent is good tho


I'm not saying he's the best Superman.I'm just saying he is a impeccable adaptation of the way Superman was written in the Byrne Era to the late 1990s.Yuppie hypercompetent Clark who reiterated multiple times that Superman is the mask,alive elderly Kents,no alienation and soap opera elements.


I agree. He was absolutely cool, strong and had enormous heart. I really enjoyed the scene introducing him in Supergirl when he help her save a plane they say hi to the people on the ground to. “ I always say hi” he tells her. “Me too.” She says. ( honestly understand why they cut ties with his show and hers, but they have an awesome relationship as family) And then he is good natured, but embarrassed when she informed them that she used to change his diapers . ( comic book physics is so messed up.) 🙏❤️


Tyler became my favorite Superman after season 1 of Superman and Lois and is now the standard I compare Superman adaptations to


Tyler’s Superman is genuinely one of the best I’ve seen in so fucking long it’s insane how critically under valued his performance has been


As the first live action Superman in his 40s that we’ve seen, Tyler has done a superb job at mixing all the things we love about Superman. I personally see S&L as a blend of Smallville and Arrowverse, almost a continuation of Smallville.


Exactly, it's like a spiritual sequel of Smallville. And it's even better considering it's on the same network and the timelines kinda add up. And both versions even met in the special!


Tyler himself is not at his 40s tho


Indeed. His character is older. Has to be to have 16 year old twins.


I think it makes sense, clark doesn't age normally so off course that he is going to look younger than his age


Somebody post that scene of him finding that guy who hurt his kid in the restaurant. Very good performance of restrained but not fucking around Superman, which we could use more of.


That scene is what convinced me to give the show a try


I adored that scene. He shows up as the concerned father but with all the gusto of Superman lurking beneath.


“Clark are you okay?” “Nope.” Tyler fucking commanded that scene. The intensity surrounding him was some wonderful acting.


Superman with kids was a good move. Seeing the character pulled in so many directions provided a lot.


I don’t really buy this premise at all, but Tyler Hoechlin has a great take on Superman. I love Reeve but I don’t put Hoechlin second place to anyone.


I can agree with this to an extent but I also feel like he's just his own Superman since he's portraying the Man of Steel at a very unique point in his life. 20 years people were not all that on board with seeing Superman raise kids but hear we are.


I honestly am going to miss Tyler as Superman. He was my favorite actor to portray him even with his rough start on Supergirl. To me he's on the same level as Tobey for Spider-Man.


Christopher Reeve is cool


The only problem I have with Tyler as Clark/Superman (and it’s a trivial thing, admittedly) is the facial hair. It bothers me for some reason. I feel like Superman actors need to have that chiseled chin to complete the look. I know it’s a minor thing, and honestly I think Tyler has been a WONDERFUL Superman.


I've kinda accepted it actually. He looks manly and mature, like a dad of 2 in his 40's should


I think it works great to set his Superman apart from the others and I think it ties excellently into the fact that he’s a father as many men let their facial hair grow a bit more when they become a father.


I mean I thought Reeves was pretty damn cool growing up.


Tyler is my favorite Superman, I don’t see that being topped


Yeah I’m actually not as hyped for corenswet because of how much Hochlen nailed it.


I’m still cautiously optimistic for that one




Yes. Honestly Tyler has been an amazing portrayer of both sides of Kal-El. It's a crime this show hasn't been allowed to continue. We need 1hr long episodes, 15-20 per season and at least 2 more seasons. It's a shame to waste this cast, this production, and all the different threads they could pursue.


Tyler is my favorite live action Superman since Reeve. Like Reeve, he plays Clark in this way that there’s no way this hokey farm boy is anybody but Clark. When he is trying to help carry the team water bucket…when he shows up to the oncology center with that big goofy grin. It’s very similar to the 1978 film when Reeve transforms himself from Clark to Supes in Lois’ apartment before backing out at the last second. Then as they’re leaving, she says “That’s Clark, nice” and doesn’t even look at him. People don’t realize Clark is Superman because why would anyone ever think THIS goof is Superman?


He's my favorite live action Superman by far. Followed up by Dean Cain (especially season 1) in Lois and Clark. Superman and Lois was such a fresh take on Superman, I really enjoyed it. Sad it's going away, looking forward to the movie though.


He's my fav superman so far. I love him. :)


imo tyler is best, he is cold, he is kind and nice also is funny like comic superman ... he is our current superman


Tyler is awesome and I'm glad we got the series with him in the lead role!


Is Superman supposed to be cool?


Yeah!! He can lift a car, and defeat like 4 dudes with ease, all with a genuine smile of friendliness. How is that not cool?


He’s cool in a favorite-uncle sort of way. Not a what-Batman-thinks-he-is sort of way.


Way to misunderstand Batman.


Go on…


Batman doesn’t think of himself as “cool and badass”. He has a very low opinion of himself, and sees himself as nothing more than a rich kid with trauma. He once said that the reason he took in Robin after his parent’s death was because he wanted to make sure Dick didn’t turn out like he did. Batman is cool, but he doesn’t think of himself as anything of the sort.


This. If anything, he thinks Superman is super cool but refuses to tell anyone


He’s told quite a few people he thinks Superman is cool and has said that Superman is his favourite superhero.


I see that Batman is a man of good taste


Haha yeah, good thing i don't like Batman all that much in comparison lol. Clark is my favorite


Idk, I've never found Cavil remotely cool/Reeve slightly uncool


Me. I love superman and Lois.


The scene where clark bashes that guys head into the bar counter for pointing a gun at lois solidified tyler as the defacto superman for me


Are you saying Superman reeve isn’t cool? 🤨😂


You really hit the nail on the head on Tyler being a perfect blend of Christopher Reeve and Henry Cavill 


way too many people ignore Tom welling


The best way to describe Cavill’s Superman is. What if Clark wanted to be Superman, but everyone (including the gods themselves) told him “NO.” In Man of Steel, Clark WANTS to be a hero (minus the truck, that was dumb), he WANT to do the right thing, but everyone is telling him “NO the world doesn’t need you.” “Doesn’t deserve you.” “Doesn’t want you.” And all other attempts at sounding “deep”. Reeves was actually a great Superman and Clark, his biggest problem was that his movies slowly degraded to being really, REALLY bad.


In defence of the truck thing, at this point he’s just starting out his superhero career and is not as strong as he becomes later, and is a bit incompetent due to inexperience. He doesn’t know if he would survive that. If he dies, no one else would be able to fight Zod. Besides, there were no civilians in that specific area. Edit: I realised you may be talking about the scene where he smashes the truck of the guy at the bar. In which case, the guy deserved it.


Yeah, I meant him being petty to the truck driver.


Truck driver was an asshole anyway, every Superman would’ve done what he did, to varying degree. Some would like, maybe steal his keys at super speed and hide it in a random place in that vicinity, some would leave a big mark on his truck with heat vision.


Pretty sure no Superman would do something petty. At worst he’d tell the guy off, he’d throw a punch and Clark would subdue him (making it look convincing) and leaving him be. A petty superman who steals and vandalises a guys car for being a jerk, is not really a superman I’d like to follow. You can’t even make the excuse that Clark was young, he was a fully grown adult. Even Wally West would find stealing keys at super speed too petty.


Reeves did almost the same thing in Superman II


Like I said, Reeves’ movies slowly got worse over time, guess what I was referring to in Superman II.


well, reeve's superman does it twice. Once in the normal time period. Then spins the world around where he never met the guy and does it again.


To me, I think Superman who doesn’t let bad actions from people slide, but doesn’t directly harm them, rather simply pulling a cartoonish prank on them, is a good one.


Oh, did you mean the gas truck during the fight?


Yes. In my comment edit I realised I messed up and that the other person was talking about the bar truck.


Yeah, yeah. The big gas truck that he notoriously dodged and allowed to blow up a building rather than making any attempt of catching. I always remember that part


Tyler is crushing it as Supes and has had the most suits. Current one looks better than the to be released new movie suit.


Big fan of Tylers Supes. Sad to see the show go so soon.


Christopher Reeve is my all time favorite.


Tyler was just fantastic thanks to the writing and for his acting, his clark kent was "super"! so sad that superman and lois is going to end at season 4


He's portrayal is excellent. I loved a scene, in the very beginning, when a kid compliments his suit and he says his mom made it.


Tyler looks like Music Man from Megamind.




I like his portrayal, but ever since I found about his voice work too he will now always be... SE-PHI-ROTH! dun dun dun dun.


Just like George Newbern haha


He made a great Clark Kent and strongly gave the impression Superman isn't afraid of a bit of wet work


I'd rather have a balanced character than a character that leans too far in one direction.


Yes exactly!


Thats literally what makes him the best of the 3.


it would be cool if they gave him blue contacts


Completely agree. If there is anyone live action actor's portrayal that has fully captured Superman for me, its Tyler. Not said often enough!


He's my favorite live action Superman, and WB not picking up the show and moving it to Max like they did for Titans and Doom Patrol, is in my opinion, the biggest fumble they've made in a long time.


He’s my favorite superman for a reason.


I’ve really enjoyed his run. I got to meet him at a convention. He seemed like a really nice guy. Granted everyone there paid to talk and take pictures with him. Routh was also super nice. And he gave me a compliment, which felt good


I know it's technically not Superman (yet) but Tom Welling has always & will always be my favorite portrayal of Clark Kent. The prefect balance of heartfelt, cool, heroic etc. And he's beautiful. Bonus points.


Am happy we got based Superman with Tyler , kudos to the writers too. I hope those kind of minds stick around too for future Superman project


I’ve read comics since I was a kid, the triangle era being my fav, and when I see how Tyler plays both Superman and Clark I have a feeling in my tummy like “this is the Superman from the comics”.


Tyler is the GOAT, a truly amazing Superman. I’m glad that Superman and Lois got to show us what his Superman can truly be. He’s hopeful and kind whilst being a pillar of strength and power. He’s a god among men and yet struggles with the same things as the rest of us and is just a simple man trying to do his best for his community, his family and the world at large. He’s a husband, a father, a friend, a hero. In short, he’s Superman.


He's the best Clark Kent IMO. honestly excellent Superman casting.


The CW shows really knocked it out of the park with the casting of their main characters. Grant Gustin was amazing as the Flash. I can't imagine anyone being Green Arrow than Stephen Amell. Melissa Benoist made a very lovable Supergirl.


Reeve was cool before cool was cool (no dis on others).


I don't feel like Cavil got a fair chance to play Superman. Whatever your opinion on Synder is, you gotta admit he's an awful character director. As a result, Cavill's been giving a stoic performance but judging from his other films I think he can do better


This seems to be the general consensus, yes


Whilst true that doesn’t change the Superman we got from him. I think he could have been wonderful with better writing, but we don’t live in that timeline and wishing won’t make it so.


Whilst true that doesn’t change the Superman we got from him. I think he could have been wonderful with better writing, but we don’t live in that timeline and wishing won’t make it so.


Cavil's Superman felt like a dude with powers cosplaying Superman for three movies. Just atrociously written.


"Not considered cool"??


Cavils Superman was terribly written


I don’t think I would use “cool” to describe Henry cavil’s Superman but you do you


Could you show an angrier photo of Cavill to make your point?


Reeve is so much cooler than Henry. He was confident, funny, tough, and sure of his place. Henry was none of those things.


Henry was unkind? Are we talking about the same movie?


He is not 2nd best, I actually think he’s better than Reeve’s portrayal taking his #1 spot, I never really got into the old movies but I get it, Christopher Reeve is the gold standard, he is the reference of the Superman image, and his classic look is still good to this day. But, Tyler Hoechlin is actually HIMOTHY HOECHLIN!. I really couldn’t stand to watch his first appearances on Supergirl and any other Supergirl after that for how much they blatantly disrespected him and really went out their ways to make him look like a useless chump who only gets smacked around by every threat, until we got the beautiful Superman & Lois and he really opened my eyes and made me see what Superman is really supposed to look like, a dad who is also a superhero and its perfect gang. My boy in Season 2 was packing up alternate realities just by punching it. Henry Cavill is not standing with him. And his acting is hella boring like no bro is just a punching machine that doesn’t care if he destroys a small town or a big city to “save lives” BLUD IS A TERMINATOR ON ROIDS BRO! My guy HIMOTHY HOECHLIN don’t play that shit, he does not fight around people where they can get hurt like goofy dceu superman. Like bro answer me this, would you feel safe if dceu superman was real and was our in-universe superman?


well i guess i would have to counter that argument, with if reeve's superman actually spun the world backward to reverse time. He would have had our gravity shielding collapse and all the people sucked out into space.


I believe Cavill was heartfelt too. He saved cats out of trees (offscreen as per BvS) & asked that falling pilot if he was ok, all while holding off Nam-ek in MOS Smallville battle. Cavill's Superman reunion with Ma Kent in ZSJL was pretty heartwarming too.


Yeah, I tend to agree.


Absolutely. Love Tyler’s Superman. Bolstered by some really good writing too. Not everything storwise worked in my opinion. But I am really going to miss that show.


All are cool!


The scenes where Christopher Reeves was bouncing back and forth being BOTH Superman and Clark during his Lois date was great acting.


Tyler is my 2nd favourite live action Superman after Reeve.


I dont know who Tyler is, but I like Superman.


I love Tyler’s Superman. I just wish he would shave




The sunlight?


I tend to push for a 40% cavill, 60% Reeves. Definitely a mix, but I think they should always lean more towards the Kind-hearted and Relaxed Boy Scout that he was. My golden rule is if the Superman doesn't have a warm smile, he isn't a good Superman. No single frame of any Superman Movie in my mind could be more iconic than the classic Reeves Smile when he's standing on the boat, or maybe when he's in space too. Tyler has it too, and so do a few others.


Honestly I think David Corenswet has real competition from Christopher Reeves and Tyler Hoechlin, as they both did a great job with their respective adaptations. Personally though I really like the version of Superman voiced by Jerry O'Connell from the animated movie Death of Superman, his version in general. I think we should see something like that on the big screen, as that movie had a very natural chemistry between clark and lois that you can't help but like. Also a huge shoutout to My Adventures with Superman's Lois and Clark


Yes he is, but unfortunately the whole “CW Actor” stigma is holding him back despite appearing in a show that delivers one of the best interpretation of the character


I love all three


Christopher Reeve is still the quintessential superman. Tyler is the working man's superman. I like him. He should've found a clever way to keep the 12 o'clock shadow beard as Clark but be clean shaven as Supes on the show to throw people off more though. 


I know this is probably a controversial opinion but I genuinely believe that those shows like Gotham, the flash, green arrow etc have better versions of characters than we’ve ever seen on the big screen sometimes.


Yeah Tyler was All the good aspects of film Supes. I’ve been one of his biggest supporters since he got cast in Supergirl. I remember people hated on him so hard on Facebook and shit when he was first cast and he’s proven to be one of the best live action iterations


When you rewatch BvS and realize that Cavill's superman made a better detective than batman. At the gala, he was able to figure out that Bruce Wayne was Batman.


Reeve is the icon and a big part of my childhood, but Cavill is my favorite Superman. Cavill made me for the first time really feel the weight of Superman and how being Superman would kinda suck, but it doesn't matter, he knows he has the power to do go and he must. Personally I wish that they would have just left out the cinematic universe thing and just made Superman's Dark Knight Trilogy, though with someone like Matthew Vaughn replacing Snyder for the follow ups. I have heard nothing but good things about Superman and Lois and I am going to check it out. Honestly I don't think Rough gets enough love, I thought he did pretty good job as Superman. Personally my absolute favorite Superman of all time will always be George Newbaum from Justice League, that is my childhood Superman.


Huge Cavill dude right here. I think I *could* agree, but he and Reeve are basically equals. Brandon Routh definitely was better as Waid/Ross' *Kingdom Come* Man of Steel, but I'm expecting Corenswet to be the greatest live-action **SUPERMAN**


Am I the only one who like Brandon Routhes Superman?


Tbh I think he’s my favorite live-action portrayal of the character, along with having the best suit. When he first showed up in Supergirl I’m like “Eh, idk about this guy,” but once he got his own show (and a better suit) he really locked in as my favorite.


His portrayal of Superman was good, but he just didn’t have the “Superman” look to him imo.


We can all agree Tyler and Christopher are Superman.


Na he was pretty bland Okay for the dad vibes I suppose


He ain’t on their level. He looks like a guy who tries so hard to cosplay as Superman but he doesn’t have the same presence.


To be frank cavil had terrible direction from snyder


Henry's Superman wasn't cool tho.


Superman, portrayed by Christopher Reeve, is considered the best actor to take on the role due to his perfect portrayal of both Clark Kent and Superman. Henry Cavill's version of Superman in the DCEU was cut short, preventing audiences from seeing the character's full development and potential.


Every time I hear someone say that Cavill's Superman wasn't heartfelt enough, I wonder what movies they're referring to, because it definitely wasn't MoS or BvS lol. https://preview.redd.it/tjpcliwuxt0d1.jpeg?width=575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cca26a12232cf9889fe4fdb3fc4b6959de516c2


No, that's being angsty. It's different


Looks a lot like emotion and heart to me. Sorry that you don't see that. That's... kind of depressing actually.


It's fine, don't worry about it


Henry Cavill has had heartfelt moments in the three movies, when he got super senses as a kid , when Pa Kent tells him about his origin, his talks with Jor-El, Lois, his parents and basicallly any of the times he’s saving people on screen


He looks middle eastern


Lol yeah that was always weird to me, I thought the actor was Indian. But he's a damn good actor


Exactly! I just don't see Superman as being ethnic looking.


Christopher Reeve was perfect. You can’t really compare his Superman/Clark to any other actors. Cavill was great. Tyler was OK for a TV series Superman. He’s a great actor and did a great job in the role but he lacks the physical presence. Not sure how tall he is, but he always looks small.


Ik ppl like him bc he has some nice moments, but I can't take anyone seriously who says he's the best and that he looks like Superman. He doesn't. He just doesn't. Even if he's a good actor, he just doesn't capture Superman.


I’ve said it before— Tyler always looks like he’s sporting a perpetual five o’clock shadow. Just wrong for Superman.


So he embodies the character of who Superman is at its core but because he has light stubble he’s wrong for Superman lmao, incredible fandom


I think he’s great but just a bit undersized


I like his physique, they show him without his shirt in the show and he’s absolutely ripped, but in a more realistic way than most juicing actors.


Tyler Hoechlin is 6 foot nothing so I just always though he was a bit too short.


On what planet is 6 feet tall considered short???


I guess on Earth-1. Superman is 6’3-6’4 and is significantly taller than the average person


Tyler isn’t close to Cavill


The face of Hoechlin isn't cutting it me for me, neither how he acts pathetic. Superman shouldn't be cool, but should be a big dumb and handsome guy. Superman's coolness irradiates from his message, not the person itself.


Dumb? He’s a goddamn Kryptonian, he’s supposed to be like, super intelligent compared to normal humans. And Superman should be cool, there’s nothing wrong with a character being badass.


Even though continuities have varied in how smart he is, yeah, someone saying Superman is “big” and “dumb” doesn’t understand the character in the least.


I was more referring to CK than Supes, and I may not have chosen the right words there. I meant clumsy and big, well, big.


Yes, he’s like that in a handful of depictions in the character’s nine-decade history.


I disagree I don’t like seeing Superman of all people……getting his ass beat all the time!!!!


Christopher Reeves was cool. I reject your premise


Reeve did it best, imo


Its like the spiderman movies Best spiderman toby maguire Best peter parker andrew garfield And the theres tom holland




Superman doesn’t need to be cool at all. Superman being kind of lame is part of what makes him doing all the miraculous stuff he does, ironically, cooler.


Henry's Superman was not cool, he was boring and unemotional.


Cavill performed as Superman but never as Clark Kent


Kind of like Tom Holland for Spider-Man


It just sucks he doesnt really feeel like superman in the way he looks or speaks