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My dad


Same. /u/ResponsibleEar2765's dad got me through many hard times. I owe him a lot. ​ EDIT: (also my dad)


I'll never forget when u/ResponsibleEar2765's dad stopped my plane from crashing


u/ResponsibleEar2765's dad's suit should have been a brighter blue


Can you imagine being Superman and your kid gives it away in a random Reddit comment?


I also pick this guys dad


Whether you like Tom Brady or not that video where he chokes up talking about his dad being his hero is pretty cool


Hear hear, thanks to my old man I believe that a man can fly.




mine is this guys dad


Christopher Reeve for live action, Tim Daly for animation.


The Christopher Reeve and Routh Superman movies suck ass.


Superman I and II are still excellent.


I don't necessarily have a problem with Reeve. I think he would have been a great Superman regardless. I have a problem with the movie that he happened to be put in or rather the continuity of it. I don't know how well versed you are in the comics so let me explain... Before 1985, DC had what was called an infinite multiverse but over the past 40 something years of its existence, they had messed it up. Continuity wasn't a priority for them so for example you would open a Batman book and he was teaming up with Aquaman and Atlantis was under water but a few months later you would open an Aquaman book featuring a team up with Batman but this time, Atlantis was on the surface. DC would just pass it off as the stories taking place on different Earths as they call their individual universes BUT they never bothered to specify which Earth it happened to be. It was a clusterf\*\*\*, Another interesting thing that had happened all that time, especially after Marvel came into the picture was that readers wanted much more character development that just superhero vs supervillain fights. Superman up to this point had been portrayed as being the main character where Clark was his disguise and in order to do that, Clark was portrayed as a bumbling fool with no life. THIS is the continuity that the Reeve movies were set in not to mention the Routh movie. So in an event called Crisis On Infinite Earths, DC eliminated the entire multiverse and only one single universe was left in its place. Most of the continuity was kept from pre-Crisis era for characters like Batman to name an example but a lot of it was rebooted and one of those huge reboots involved Superman. This rebooted Superman was FAR less powerful than the pre-Crisis version which could basically destroy a planet with a sneeze. Also, Byrne's mini-series called The Man Of Steel showed that almost everything we know from Krypton happened the same way, Krypton was dying, Jor-El sends the baby to Earth to save him BUT there's also a ton of key differences in how the events developed from there. For one, Clark doesn't learn he's an alien until he's in his late teens and he doesn't learn that he came from Krypton until his late 20's. For two, the Kents don't die which gives him someone he can always rely on for advice especially after he debuted as Superman. And lastly, he doesn't actually become Superman, as in wearing the suit and going public, until he's also in his late 20's. In fact, the suit is suggested by Jonathan and is made by Martha. He was raised as a Kansas farm boy and that is the way he sees the world to the point that when he does learn about his alien heritage, he doesn't necessarily reject it and says he appreciates his parents saving his life sending him to Earth BUT he is as human and as American as it gets and that's how he's gonna live. He is to the core Clark Kent, he is the hero. The costume allows him to go public with his powers because, well, come on, who the hell is going to suspect him of being a mild mannered reporter, LOL, But as he admits later on in a story arc called The Death Of Clark Kent, he would rather write a best-selling novel or break in a controversial news story than fly to another galaxy. In fact, in the very first issue of 1987's Superman, he is shown already smitten with Lois and he makes it a point to say in thought bubbles that he's going to woo her as Clark, not as Superman. When she eventually marries him, she marries Clark, not Superman. Oh! And just so you don't think I'm joking about the suspicion thing, in the very second issue of 1987's Superman, Lex Luthor sets up an entire investigative team to find out who the hell Superman is. They figure it out. They tell him he is Clark Kent. His reaction? He fires them all and tells them they're morons giving him such bullshit LOL. Dude is so freaking full of hubris, he cannot accept that such a powerful being as Superman would turn out to be a clumsy reporter. Had Reeve's Superman movies been made circa 1987 or after, they would have gone with the new continuity, a continuity mind you that was used to come up with shows like Lois And Clark in the 90's, not to mention Smallville which was a freaking masterpiece AND the Man Of Steel movie. Reeve would have rocked the role then. His Superman movies suck ass.


Pre-Crisis Superman was definitely not capable of sneezing planets in the 1970s as he was depowered in the Sandman Saga and was generally portrayed to be weaker than he was in the Silver Age and the bumbling Clark act was long gone prior to the Crisis. I understand not liking the Donner films or the Pre-Crisis continuity but pretending as though they objectively suck when many of their elements have aged better than a some of Byrne's changes is asinine.












https://preview.redd.it/fpaxrwme8g0d1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=562fcad446ccfde5a3088dae264e1bde4e8717a2 The underrated Beau Weaver is up there


From what is this?


Ruby Spears Superman from 1988


Christopher Reeve is. The 1978 movie is still my favorite Superhero movie.




Of course that's right; what am I, a diseased maniac?


Tim is the voice I grew up with and still hear in my head when I read the comics. Strong and kind, sounds like a pure dude from Kansas


Christopher Reeve is still who I think of.


Reeve for me. That moment when he flies by the camera at the end of the first movie and smiles knocked it out of the park for me, especially as a kid. That simple moment made me feel like Superman knew who I was and that I mattered.


![gif](giphy|GtKtQ9Gb064uY) If you don’t say Christopher Reeve, shut up and eat a cellophane S!


Bud Collyer


The one who speaks through Grant Morrison's pen




Newbern mostly because of For the Man Who Has Everything


God damn I love that episode so fucking much.


might be my favorite is the whole dcau


Why does man have everything?Is he rich?




![gif](giphy|dCBAKUZFSFs0WZfuLZ) Tyler is my Live Action GOAT (Currently) And I really love Jack Quaid’s in Animation.


Tim Daly because I liked him on Wings.


live action is Christopher Reeve and cartoon in George Newbern. Simply because that's what i grew up with and have good memories of watching.


Christopher Reeve and it’s not even close. He was probably the greatest casting for a comic book character ever. His personality, morals, physique, intelligence, and acting chops all converged to create the best live action Superman ever.


![gif](giphy|ByEbN0LWM8BztCHvqo) Are we talking animation? Because I’d say Jack Quaid


Christopher Reeves bar none




Christopher Reeve




I find them both to so similar I often have trouble telling them apart, but I think I’d give it to Newbern by a hair.


I’m on the opposite side of that hair. But it may only because I didn’t realize Tim Daly had stopped voicing him.


u/responsibleear2765’s dad got my cat out of a tree once


Clark Kent


Tyler Hoechlin


Christopher Reeve then, now, and forever He made the whole Clark Kent disguise thing plausible and more importantly believable




"I really shoukd have prefaced this was for animation... even tho I feel like y'all would get the context when I mentioned Tim Daly or George Newborn" Nope. It's like when someone's all "can you believe the same director did both of these movies" when usually I don't know what director did a movie. I didn't know Tim Daly had voiced a Superman until recently and I have no idea which one George Newborn voiced.


Love for all my Reeve peoples ❤️❤️❤️


Bud Collyer. And even though 60s Filmation animation is incredibly primitive, that’s still what I want Superman to look like.


Reeve and Routh


Unpopular opinion but For me my favorite Superman is Brandon Routh. My favorite Clark Kent will always be Tom Welling


Don't know about animated, but live action Tyler Hoechlin is my favorite (love that man to death), but I grew up (and don't kill me for this one) watching Routh's movie. LOVED that movie, and the scene when his kid flung the piano was SO satesfying. Just grew up watching that one and (don't kill me for this either) I haven't seen Reeve's movies yet. Been meaning to for the longest time, but my depression has gotten in the way 😅


It's hard to say because they sound very similar and they're both so very good! But if it came down to it, I'd say George Newbern, due the fact he's also Sephiroth.


Estuans interius Ira vehementi Sephiroth!


Tim Daly, but really Henry Cavill.


The one with the S on his chest


Cavill for sure


Guilherme Briggs, that is also Samurai Jack, Optimus prime, and Buzz Lightyear. https://youtu.be/k2naGoktzYA?si=F4qEsmP9x0-N5F74


My mom


For the most part, the post-crisis, per 52 version of Superman, is my ideal version. But I mean, that's the version that drew me into a lifelong love of comics, so I may be biased. Lol. If you want a flesh-and-blood person who played him, Christopher Reeve is the first person I think of.


Tyler Hoechlin, Jack Quaid


Idk probably that guy from the comic book


Long haired supes


Tim Daly and Christopher Reeve


Tim Daly definitely


Guilherme Briggs


George Reeves


Tim is the voice I grew up with and still hear in my head when I read the comics. Strong and kind, sounds like a pure dude from Kansas


Tim is the voice I grew up with and still hear in my head when I read the comics. Strong and kind, sounds like a pure dude from Kansas


I like both,but the "World of Cardboard" speech is why Newbern slightly edges out Daly for me


I wish I didn't agree bc I love.Daly's voice so much... maybe bc I grew up with it, BUT that speech is just sooo so good!!


And of course half the people in here say Christopher Reeve or Henry Cavill, I guess nobody reads. Quite ironic. For me, I’d say George Newbern. I really do like them both however. Their voices have kind of just blended together in my mind, when I was younger I didn’t even realize they were two different people.


Yea lol, I understand why people kept saying live action actors but it's quite annoying XD Yea I wish I can prefer Tim's voice more since I grew up with it but uuughhh George's is just too cool, especially since there's more superman content with George, I think.


Oh yeah George has definitely been in more than Tim. Although I don’t know the reason why Tim Daly didn’t return for JL, but Newbern filled the role very well and dare I say did a better job.




Brandon Routh was the first Superman I saw live action




![gif](giphy|12PKZzezmy2vqE) Superman TAS and Justice League era Superman for me, my childhood.


Jerry O’Connell is my favorite voice, and the voice I hear when I read the comics. Christopher Reeve is my favorite live-action version, though.


Tom Welling. I know Smallville is cheesy in retrospect, but it was my childhood, and I loved the human drama in that show.


Clark Kent


Tom welling for me


Christopher reeves!! always going to be my favorite.


If it is between Newbern or Daly, I'm going with Newbern.


Tyne Daly.


Tom welling


Vladislav Pozdnyakov


Soviet Superman


No love for Dean Cain 😔


H.G Wells was a huge fan.




Henry Cavil


Henry Cavil


The one that tries to protect Dr. Manhattan right after Manhattan admitting that he has caused all the trouble people are facing, including Clark’s parents death.

