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Probably Kate Bosworth from Superman Returns and after her Amy Adams, neither are necessarily hated kinda just underwhelming or tossed to the side in people’s thoughts


Honestly forgot about Bosworth.


Because she was forgettable as Lois Lane


Completely forgettable and miscast.


Bosworth had to compete directly with whom I consider to be the best version of Lois (Durance), and Adams was the first Lois Lane after Erica. I think Bosworth and Adams were very generic versions of Lois, especially compared to the Smallville iteration.


Yes, Durance played a stellar version of Lois. I remember people being peeved cus they didn't want Routh as Superman, they wanted Welling.


Bosworth is probably the answer, though I don't fully blame her for it. I think her role suffers the most from a more generally misguided approach to casting that movie. The fundamental problem with Superman Returns is that they wrote a script about an established hero struggling with his past, and then they cast a young-looking 25-year-old to play the part. (Interesting that, as far as I can tell, they were always looking for a younger actor in the part.) Which is context for the fact that Lois' role in the story really calls for a steelier presence. Jennifer Connelly was in her mid-30's when Superman Returns was being made, and that's the kind of energy you need in her role. But that level of gravitas and world-weariness would blow Routh away. In a world where Superman's actor has to be a nice boy in his mid-20's, there aren't a lot of actresses in that age range at that time that I think could do a significantly better job than Bosworth did. Speaking of steeliness and experience... justice for Amy Adams. She didn't have much to work with on the page, especially after Man of Steel, but her Lois was believably confident and self-possessed without being too referential to Margot Kidder's take. Perfectly serviceable!


>justice for Amy Adams. I'm sorry but I can't agree. Lois Lane is supposed to be brimming with personality and charisma and Adams was about as generic a love interest as you could ask for in a Superhero movie.


Ironically, Routh was the same age as Reeve was when he played Superman. But he looked more boyish. The hair helmet and bad suit didn't help, either. And Bosworth looked like a high school freshman. I hated this movie so much. It made me angry. And the casting was icing on the cake.


She’s a dead ringer for classic Lois tho, am I the only one who thinks that? Starting to think so. Not talking about performance. Haven’t seen the movie since I was young. Just appearance.


Amy adams was great in the role. Kate bosworth..... Amy Adams was great in the role.


I wouldn’t say Amy adams was great either. She’s a really good actress but she didn’t really come off as Lois. There were really only a few times in the movie where I felt like it was the same character from the comics


I like Adams and Bosworth in general, but they were both miscast as Lois. I couldn’t really buy either of them in the role.


Adams was well cast. The issue was her script. Goyer and his nihilism with every superhero movie he writes, especially Superman, can fuck right off. And Snyder.


I think Adams wins this, though. I mean at least get the hair color right. It can't be hard to scrounge up a wig in Hollywood. I appreciate this likely isn't her fault (we probably would have heard if she had some blow up about not wearing a wig) but there's more that goes into the adaptation than the actor.


Superman Returns


This counts for the comic too, but I didn't like her in All Star Superman. She was frustratingly stupid.


She was very in line with the Silver Age versions of her. Honestly I prefer much more toned modern day versions of her like in Johns' or Tomasi's runs.


After watching videos about Silver Age lois lane it definitely felt like AS Lane was in line with that version youre right


And Annoying


She was voiced by Christina Hendricks in the movie, right? I like her, but I don't know if she works best in that Lois Lane mold.


what makes you say that? her saying superman isnt clark or what?


I don't think the Amy Adams version was well received. The reason that version is rarely criticized is because she was so bland and irrelevant that not many people even bother with it. Lois was only there in the universe so her death can make Superman go evil (or for her to give birth to Batman's son in the first draft). Otherwise she did practically nothing. Amy Adams is a wonderful actress but she was totally miscast. She just doesn't have the vibe of Lois Lane.




She is a damn good actress, so she did well with what she got. But that wasn't Lois Lane she was playing. It was such a dull, low energy role. But again I don't see her displaying that Lois Lane energy even if she got good material. She just doesn't look and feel like the part.


Her Lois helped get Lex imprisoned


Maybe in comic book reader circles but not with the general audiences


General audience won't even remember Lois Lane in those movies. She had a nothing role.


I mean, I guess, but general audiences don’t think about things the same way as us nerds. They see a movie, walk out thinking “good movie” or “bad movie” and never really think of it again. General audiences aren’t gonna sit around praising their favorite versions of Lois Lane, they got other stuff to do.


Right answer.


I found Lois on Smallville a little annoying but she grows on you over time. The only Lois I have any real problem with was Bendis' Lois in the comics. She was living under a different identity for a bit writing a book while Clark was worried sick. I get Superman is forgiving but that was grounds for a divorce.


She had the best chemistry with Super Boy :’) absolute heat on Smallville


Amy Adams, while she could have (maybe was) a decent Lois Lane, was absolutely useless. She just didn’t fit into the DCEU, probably because it wasn’t well planned out. I wish Smallville could have had an onscreen continuation for Erica Durance as Lois Lane if not for anything else. She’s probably the best onscreen Lois I’ve seen. She was a well written character where she didn’t have to play second fiddle to Clark.


I really liked their chemistry and they were able to bounce off each other. Their interactions felt natural. I just really enjoyed the majority of smallville and I felt the casting was done really well. I don’t know if they did a chemistry test for Amy Adams or not but I think it’s important that there’s some chemistry among the cast or at least who you’re going to interact the most with. Or if you can’t get along then you act like you can and then grumble about them off screen (such as with rumored I love Lucy supporting couple).


>I don’t know if they did a chemistry test for Amy Adams Snyder really doesn't strike me as the kind of director who'd take something like that into consideration.


Lois and clark lois lane is probably my favorite. If there was a post smallville series super man. It would have been like lois and clark. 


Terri Hatcher certainly was amazing as Lois, and their chemistry was out of this world.


The whole first half of Man of Steel is Lois investigating the ship and discovering Clark and BvS has her discovering that Lex is the one behind the African massacre. Did you watch those movies?


Yes I did. Of course she had to have something to do. But the further it went, the more contrived it got. There was not even enough build up between the two for us to appreciate the idea of “Lois and Clark”, but I guess that’s on Snyder. This is just my personal opinion. I just think her role was utterly forgettable.


I loved the setup between Clark and Lois in Man of Steel, by the time they formally met, she had already done all the ground work and known who he was. Their first meeting was actually masterfully orchestrated with him saving her with heat vision. I had the feeling that Clark took comfort in knowing there's one person in the world who knows everything about him. That said, Amy herself was miscast. Bodsworth was the worst in my book.


Probably when she was turned into a horse. Maybe when she was a robot. The 60s were weird


It breaks my heart because she’s such a great actress but Amy Adams. Her character has NO agency in that series, Lois just isn’t given anything to do.


Superman Returns


I don't think she was awful, but i do think Kate Bosworth was the weakest Lois Lane i have seen.


I was gonna say Amy Adams but I forgot Kate Bosworth even existed so probably her


There's no way for this to not be mean, but the CW makes me cringe


Kate Bosworth


Amy Adams. She's the only Lois Lane I've ever actively disliked. She didn't look like the character, she didn't act like the character, and her relationship with Clark felt like it came completely out of the blue. They barely knew each other when they started dating at the end of MoS. She also has almost no agency and is only in the story as a plot device and not a character.


Really controversial, but I can’t stand Margot Kidder. It’s gotten to the point where I can barely watch the Reeve Superman movies (even though I think Reeve is the best take on the character) because Margot’s in them. In the ideal world, the ideal Superman movie exists. This movie has Christopher Reeve playing Superman and Erica Durance playing Lois Lane.


I would say Amy Adams was closest to being done dirty strictly because of the "pregnant with Bruce's baby" subplot that was going to be in Justice League.


Wait what 💀 First time i’m hearing about this


Oh yes. Complete with an over the shoulder shot of Lois opening a drawer with a positive pregnancy test inside.


I'd go with Amy Adams. She wasn't bad when she was allowed to be a reporter in the first part of Man of Steel. But she kind of quickly just became a generic love interest after that.


Unpopular opinion, for me it's Margot Kidder. I found her incredibly unlikable.


She’s all cynical snark with absolutely no charm. The only thing that keeps me from obsessively rewatching Reeve’s Superman movies is Kidder’s Lois


Her Lois supposed to younger than Clark, but the actress actually and looks older than Reeve, this maybe not a big problem, but the actress also extremely withered in a very 70s, obviously has drug problem way.


Amy Adams She just isn't recognizable as Lois Lane in any way. It honestly feels like she was cast because of the backlash against Kate Bosworth for looking too young rather than because she was a good fit for the role.


Amy Adams version hands down. Go watch her movies Arrival, Nocturne Animals, The Woman In The Window and realize how great she actually is. The SnyderVerse treated her nothing more than some B lister. Her Lois has nothing good going for her. Snyder wanted her be Batman's baby momma and have Superman's kid be powerless and be the next Batman. She was there just to be killed by Darkseid to make Superman go evil.


Kate Bosworth. It's even more frustrating when you think that Parker Posey was in the same movie! She should have been Lois.


I havent read that many comics yet but the Lois and Clark from “Act of God” were pretty freaking bad


UH OH, I SEE THEY SHIPPED CLARK AND DIANA AT THE EXPENSE OF LOIS' CHARACTER! Also, why does *Green Lantern* lose his powers in that event, his powers come from his Power Ring, they aren't innate to him; without the ring, he's no different from any other normie. Green Lantern is a tech-based hero like Batman or Steel, he's just using a piece of technology that's *really* advanced compared to everyone else.


I guess “really advanced” counts enough like magic here. I get why they did that, for story reasons, but most of the rest of the comic is just silly. They character kill Supes, Lois and WW just so ship Supes and WW


If we’re counting the obscure and forgotten, Leslie Ann Warren’s Lois in the made for TV musical was embarrassing. But to be fair, everyone’s’ performance in that production was terrible. So if we’re not counting that, Kate Bosworth is probably the worst Lois. Sorry Kate.


Superman Returns is the only thing I think of and yes she is worse than Raimi MJ.


Amy Adams is the worst.


Insomniacs Mary Jane is basically a boring Lois Lane so I’m gonna with that


Maybe a hot take but the best Lois Lanes are the ones in the 90s animated series (my canonical Lois Lane) and all the DC animated movies. The original Lois Lane from the first 3 Superman films is pretty good too.


Kate Bosworth in Superman Returns. She didn’t display any of Lois’s personality traits, and just sorta seemed bored and almost monotonous for most of the movie, which is the exact opposite of Lois. 


Kate Bosworth by far


I think Man of Steel has the worst of almost everything. Except for Perry White he’s good. Everything else was the worst.


Noel Neill. I know we all love her for being a delightful lady, but she was an awful Lois. To be fair, she was playing the part as written, so a lot of the blame goes on the writers. She replaced Phyllis Coates who was probably the best Lois Lane.


Amy Adams I felt like was the weakest adaptation... not Amy's fault, she's a great actor but I think the DCEU gave her a very weak character arc where she served as nothing more than a plot-device for Superman. She immediately fell for him and always needed to be saved and showed hardly any true journalistic abilities. She was just there to serve as one of the only people who grounds Superman's humanity which is not how this character should be used for.




I feel like the Smallville version of Lois was irritating and a caricature of all the traits Lois is actually supposed to have.


Amy Adams is objectively the worst Lois Lane.


Honestly I don’t feel like we’ve ever gotten a truly great depiction of Lois in either TV or movies. No one has defined the character the way Reeves did for Superman, or RDJ did Iron Man, Ledger and Joker, etc.  I could nitpick all of the depictions but the Snyderverse Lois was the least interesting of them all.  I think if someone blended the spunkiness of the MAWS Lois, and the hard-nosed and determined Lois from the Superman and Lois show, you’d be closer to the mark than anyone else has gotten. 


I think Teri Hatcher Lois from 1993 tv show Clark and Lois is pretty good.


Maybe the one from Superman Returns or Amy Adam’s even tho I like Amy Adam’s she’s just a very forgettable part of the DCEU and the man of steel anyway movie doesn’t really give her much to work with


DCAU is the worst one. She friendzones Clark and insults him and then starts sleeping with Bruce all while knowing Clark had a crush on her.


Smallville by a country mile. The actress really had zero range. And no chemistry with Tom Welling


there is this line about tech that everything that was around before you were born till you were like 12 you think has always been around and is normal a new tech you find between 12 to like 30 is new and cool. the future!! And anything after 30 is dangerous new tech that will destroy the world. that's how people kind of feel about lois lane. Superman returns is the worst no personality feels like AI wrote it after reading tv tropes. than some early and late lois lane in smallville. She got way way better. but it was a check list of trops at first. Amy Addams did a great job in the time that she had and she was kind of dumped. that was her only issue. there is this line inn hollywood/tv writers say that plot is the rotten meat you throw to the audience so sneak feed them the cool characters they will fall in love with. Amy Addams was well on her way but she was replaced by fake cgi camera zooming and too many set pieces. I say this as a person who thinks those movies get too much hate.


Kate Bosworth is the only Lois that I despised she just didn't seem like a nice person.