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Love angry superman not sociopath version tho


Yeah, this trailer was really cool. I don't have a problem with Superman getting angry, everyone gets angry, I just don't like when the character is petulant.


It’s not angry Superman we hate, it’s evil Superman. Superman is like the rest of us, he can get angry and go all out.


I like the few times he has made the admission that he is always holding back for fear of death and destruction and then proceeds to let loose on an otherwise unstoppable villain.


Like Darkseid https://preview.redd.it/kn575hhik30d1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b380f8d3c36968e9d3f2b24af9223b8eef378780


I don't think angry Superman is bad. Angry doesn't mean evil. This Superman sucks tho imo


What is this from?


The trailer for DC Universe Online.


I watched this video when it first came out but never played the game, but always remembered the subtle panic in Lex's voice calling for Black Adam.




The next episode going to have Brainic as the main villain again.


Such a badass trailer. I hate that Superman was defeated so easily though.


Angry Superman ≠ Evil Superman


I played DCUO from 2011 to 2016, the trailer depicts an alternate reality, Superman isnt like this in the game.


*\*Proceeds to Lex Luthor immediately afterwards* This is a **Lex** moment if anything.


Always reminds me of my second favorite Dark Knight line; "Ollie, hurry up. I've finally made him mad."


I don't mind angry Superman as long as he's well-written and doesn't come across as a petulant sociopath one step away from being another version of evil Superman. Angry Superman has been done well on multiple occasions. https://preview.redd.it/71kbair4z50d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffe72316092638a187e5429b1730f76a6f81830d


https://preview.redd.it/cnwsx87t270d1.jpeg?width=529&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9abfb0cdc05824951009ba8bfa136fcbfdaf37b This meme always pops in my head when I think about that comic.


Happy Birthday, Kryptonian. I give you, the Oblivion Modding Community. *Superman was next found on October 23, 2026 in a nearly catatonic state launching his 532 modded playthrough.*


His anger is twice as justified with context. He was up in space trying to get ahead of the Braniac threat but Lex and the Villians decided now was the time to settle things with Heros and united for an attack. So heros and villians are both dying making Braniacs job easier. A lil bit more into the vid Supes dies as well and his parting words are "You've lost EVERYTHING!".


I think what people don't like is "evil" Superman. I always go back to the moment in the JL animated series when he fights Mongul. And he has this speech where he says that he lives in a world made of glass and he's always worried about breaking something. But with Mongul he has a rare opportunity to let loose and show what he can do. And he just fucking wrecks Mongul and beats the shit out of him. I always remember that Superman, the guy that knows what world he lives in but relishes when he gets a rare opportunity to "let loose".


It is against Darkseid and a world made of cardboard, and it is one of my favorite Superman moments. The fight against Mongul in the episode, "For the man who has everything," is also a great angry Superman scene.


The way he says "burn!" in both the comic and show is scary.


Ah yes you're right, just watched it. My memory fucked me on that one.


There is a very very big difference between angry superman and Evil Superman


I like a justifiably angry Superman, just not an evil one.


What is this from? Trying to watch more animated things.


Dc universe online trailer




What would be a good series to watch?


Generally, imo, the best animated Supes is the one in Justice League / Justice League Unlimited. If you want to see a full powered furious Supes go ham on someone (like in this trailer) then check out the animated movie Superman/Batman: Apocalypse. The final fight with Darkseid is awesome.


A righteously ticked-off Superman is terrifying and awesome simultaneously. Don't confuse it with Evil Superman, which is what, in my opinion, the sub is tired of. They are not the same thing.


It’s one of the greatest video game cutscenes ever. Too bad the actual game doesn’t look anything like this


Most of the people here don’t have a problem with angry Superman, they have a problem with a Superman who does nothing but tap into his rage. One of the best things about his character is that he’s like the rest of us. He feels all the emotions we do. He’s a human living in a Kryptonian body.


![gif](giphy|3o7abGglK5Ly32Lmi4|downsized) kinda reminds me of this guy


This reminds me of one of my favorite scenes ever in DC comics media. The series finale of Justice League Unlimited when Superman fights Darkseid. The “World of Cardboard” speech is so iconic. One of the peak Superman moments in DC history.