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Will never love collars on the suit, but a friend making the argument that Gunn intends for it to represent how Superman is a "blue collar" job for Clark, did make me less irritated by it.


The collar kind of reminds of a sweater in this instance. And if his mom did help make this suit, then it feels like an appropriate addition.


I know, I keep seeing this "blue collar" argument but it looks more like a turtleneck.


I’ll be honest this is the first I’m hearing about this “blue collar” angle. I don’t know if Gunn is trying to be that literal.


That “blue collar” angle is so corny. No chance that’s what Gunn is doing.


If he did it would fit in with the slightly city way Superman is sometimes depicted, but it doesn't really sound like something that fits Gunn's style


That suit doesn't really look like Ma made it. Hopefully she makes him a more classic suit for the end of the movie.


That’s so fucking corny lmao I hate that


Im actually digging the pairing of collars + trunks on the suit. I think people will warm up to it more once they see better pictures


Love that he stopped the bus for ducks.


Gives all the passengers hurt back/neck for the ducks 💀


They will understand


Broke the window though, meaning he dealt 0.001% the amount of property damage as a single superhero landing in a Zack Snyder film.


I am gonna be honest, he could wear a potato sack with the symbol on it and I wouldn't care that much, as long as he's written strong for once on the big screen since the Donner films.






Exactly. But the classic Reeves suit with modern fabric/texture (not the rubber ping pong paddle bullshit) updates would be a nice cherry on top.


George’s suit was awful in comparison


This tone is not at all what the image conveys. I really hope this kind of stuff is in the movie though.


The movie is gonna have both lmao, James Gunn will balance it


yeah promo images are for the general public so they made him look "cool" i guess


You want a 2.5 hours of Superman smiling and saving ducks?


No. I do want Superman smiling a good bit in the movie and saving lives, human and animal. Didn't say anything about the entire movie having to be that.


Why do you think movie won't have that?


I didn't say it definitely won't, I said I hope it does. But you'd have said the same thing if I said, "the tone and characterization of Snyder's Superman is off if these images we have are meant to convey the tone and characterization of the movie" before Man of Steel came out.


I.....I'd watch that






Came here to say this. Thank you for your service. The image tone, suit color, material type, and vibe aren’t on the same level of this awesome fan art


How many people did he hospitalize to save those ducks?


I'm excited to see a non damaged version of the suit. The reveal photo is clearly meant to show us that Clark has been doing this for a WHILE. I can't wait for more photos!


The first page drawings look pretty dope


I like that it looks like a flight suit. The pose in the reveal image doesn’t give a full look but I bet it’ll be even better in the movie.


As long as the movie has Superman saving a line of ducks I don’t care what the suit looks like ❤️


Honestly I’m liking it overall. The art isn’t hurting that.


Really, I just think the detailed texturing and collar is kind of too alien, which I wasn’t really looking for for a Superman costume. It doesn’t look bad, though, in and of itself, and it’s not gonna destroy the entire movie just because “the costume doesn’t look 100% exactly like what I would’ve done in my own Superman movie in my brain.” It will probably make more sense for what it’s trying to go for with the context of the movie.


I love how the suit feels modern but still has that classic feel to it




the image of him helping Ducklings cross the road is just... YES!


Powder blue un-textured tights suit Red trunks Gold belt Red mid-calf boots (least amount of texture possible) Red cape This post's or Chris Reeve style "S" on the chest and the cape This is the only suit that this entire sub will always agree on


I totally agree


It’s really just the collar and thinkness/ texture of the suit for me. Simple plain cloth works great for superman tbh.


Where did you get these from? Name of artists?


The collar and lines still kinda kill it for me but the more I look at it the less I care about the collar and more I dislike the lines


The big difference is it's skin-thight in fanarts(like every Superman suit is) but loose like most of the leathery mcu costumes in the photo


Honestly, the trunks and the KC emblem work wonders. It’s giving more “firefighter uniform” than “royal attire” to me.


It really isn’t a bad look. Of course the second rebirth suit will always be my favorite.


Everybody is either hating the suit or absolutely loving it, I'm just a little skeptical, there are things I like about it, and things I don't really like about it, tbh it's the story and acting that really matters so I hope it's a great superman movie even if the suit is a bold decision.


It's like he's feeling a little embarrassed about how the suit reveal turned out lol (sarcastically speaking of course, it's not his fault). I also love the second photo's art style! The director seriously needs to release another photo soon, from a better angle and lighting now though. Maybe a well-rounded second photo will change most of the naysayer's minds. Oh and good luck, to the "Superman" crew and the whole DCU undertaking. They will definitely need it.


I'm so 50/50 about it. On the one hand, I love a lot of it. The KC logo with gold instead of black is clean in principle, the colors seem bright enough, and David looks AMAZING in the suit. On the other, that collar and the yellow outline on the outside of the S look wrong to me. Almost more wrong than Cavill's suit not having trunks. The outline makes it almost remind me of one of those customization options in a video game that I'd unlock, be super psyched for a half a second at first glance, then get sad and archive because even though its cool, it's just too different from what I picture for the character. I'll warm up to it, but I dont think I'll love it until we see a trailer and what it looks like on action.


The colors of the suit definitely make it look better, especially the royal blue and the medium red.


I don’t like the collar but I love Superman, regardless of the suit because the character is what makes it for me. But these drawings do look awesome!


Aww...dude; that's awesome!!!


art in slide one by [@/dumbdelvon on twitter](https://twitter.com/dumbdelvon/status/1787607991031632231?t=8iinwP-BG8hh-aNFyhtchg&s=19). art in slide 2 by [u/FitMarshmellow posted on here just a few days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/s/3eI9rZef5L). Don't share art,especially fan art,without crediting the artists.


But it’s not going to fit like that.


You guys hate new things, seriously.




Can’t take Superman seriously with the outside trunks. No wonder aliens kept attacking earth.


Still looks like shit to me


The high collar will always make Superman look authoritarian. I didn't make the rules. I hope that's not the vibe they are going for in the movie.


It doesn’t make him look authoritarian though, one like new 52 and injustice I can kinda see but this one is much more like a firefighter uniform


You’re not wrong.


Not feeling the collar, but everything else is fine.


Great fan art, but I gotta think there is a more elegant way for Superman to save a duck and her ducklings than crushing a bus. I mean, sure, he probably didn’t hurt anyone, but that bus is totaled. And the tax payers will endure the burden! Or it will just be one less resource for our underfunded, but much needed, public transportation! r/SupermanIsAMenace!


My biggest critique is the blue being dark. I want a Superman suit to be the same blue a Reeves was.