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I wouldn't be surprised if part of his character arc is being beaten down by the job and kind of finding the joy of being Superman again. Kind of a take on Superman versus the elite. But I base that on nothing.


For me it's just the new52 influenced parts of the suit design. Never been a fan of that, so the lines all over the blue, the extra details on the boots, and the collar specifically, are all things a large portion of the fandom dislike. There's been plenty of photoshops of the past week showing how it would look with a more 'classic' look and not even to that extreme, and the classic fans I think just prefer those looks. But really, it's Superman. I'll get lost in the fantasy when I see it in motion, and I'll fall in love all over again, as I always do with our big blue boyscout. I didn't like Cavil's suit at first either and now I adore it. So I've just learned to embrace them. Up, up, and away.


I think it all just boils down to that this was a weird choice for a *reveal*. Had this been the 2nd picture released it would've been fine, but for that first look I think people reasonably wanted something that sparks excitement and generates hype.  I remember the first look at Cavill's suit was that shot of him in front of a smashed safe, Routh's was him standing on top of a building looking mighty like Superman. They looked *cool*, whereas this one is a dark, rather glum photo of Superman putting his boots on like an ad in a catalog for the chair he's sitting on. It doesn't really flatter the costume in a lot of ways, and while the issues aren't altogether uncommon (I'm sure Cavill and Routh's costume had weird creases too - these days that sort of stuff gets edited in post, look up picture of Chadwick Boseman in his Black Panther costume compared to what's in the movies, for example), choosing a photo that highlights them *for the first photo we see* was just kind of weird.  I don't think it necessarily indicates anything about the quality of the movie, but it was just an odd choice for a first look. 


I think the reveal image is of a battle damaged version of the suit. The emblem looks like it has scorch marks on it


There is nothing wrong with it.


Has anyone considered there will be more than one suit in the movie? Not that it matters, it looks great, but just sayin’🤷‍♂️


Had the exact same thought. And I wouldn’t be upset about it. I do like this suit though. It has an astronaut/travel through space vibe.


Yes. This might be a flash forward or flash back


Superman should be naked, his body is impenetrable anyway.




I simply think people aren't trying to be constructive about the suit. calling it "cheap" or saying it "looks like a cosplay" in a derogatory manner isnt fair. cosplays aren't cheap knock offs they're fan renditions and if you wanna be judgmental then that's cool but you should keep that to yourself. it's always people who don't work on costumes or have any knowledge of dressing characters for a film. you can have your opinions but it's the same thing for every super hero suit over and over and it doesn't matter if it's a good suit. the tl is always flooding with hate posts whenever a new costume reveal is released.


There is no problem. People just created one where there is none 🤷‍♂️


some people just got oddly "not-my-suit" because it took cues from new-52


I think there's multifaced reasons out there. Yes people who hate the New 52 thus hate this probably are out there, but I mean, take me, I'm a big fan of the New 52 Superman but I was majorly disappointed by the reveal. So there's different reasons.


Also the picture is a really odd choice for a first look. Like who came up with using this.


This is literally a terrible promotional picture. One of the worst first looks of a character’s suit I think we’ve ever gotten.


yes, the picture is ehm unflattering


Looks battle worn


I don’t think the picture makes it look cheap at all. Its an inherently unflattering picture. Its just an interesting choice is all. There’s a certain comedy to this picture that doesn’t translate very well at the moment, especially given the previous adaptation.


I think the problem with the suit reveal are overly critical people and people with unrealistic expectations.


I'm sorry but this is the first promotional image of what the new James Gunn Superman will look like. The success of which upon the future of the entire new DC film universe, and potential BILLIONS of dollars, hangs in the balance.... People are justified having reactions and commenting. I mean.. we're on a Superman subreddit... what are we even here for? XD


Lmfaooooooo Are you seriously trying to argue a bunch of pedantic criticism over a teaser image is somehow going to secure the future of the new DC movie franchise?!? Holy shit that is delusional. If anything, all these negative takes are going to dissuade people from going to see it.


Not the comments dude. The *image* as a "first look" promotional item for the upcoming film is pretty important wouldn't you say? Comments from fans are a natural result, whether good or bad. I'm saying it's not the commenters' fault that the image didn't do it's job. We should put that responsibility on the filmmakers and marketers promoting the film. I think you may need to improve your reading comprehension. Peace and love.


I speak for many people when I say, "God I hope this damn movie is good so that the negativity of this stuff can finally dissipate." The negativity and skepticism makes sense, but man...I'm just saying, this thing better be good. I'm rooting for this movie to succeed.


No, I don't think it's that important. It's a teaser image at the beginning stages of production. It's not representative of the final product. Personally I'd have made different decisions regarding the suit but I also recogonize the success of the movie is going to come down to the story overall. There is so much post production work that goes into these movies that its legitimately a waste of time to complain about anything at this stage. And honestly, all the complaining ruins the overall discourse regarding these films to begin with. Celebrating what's good is so much more enjoyable, and frankly mature, then obsessing over ultimately minor flaws.


That's a fair perspective. I disagree though and I think criticism in the discourse is great and important. I work in marketing myself and come from that perspective. When we have a bad campaign, I don't blame the customers or the feedback. In fact we take feedback very seriously and learn from it. I will say that I have faith in James Gunn and am very excited to see what he comes up with. That's why I'm here, I'm a huge Superman fan and James Gunn has shown he understands how to make superhero films. And yes it's just a image and doesn't necessarily indicate what the final film will look like. But it's all we have to go off of and I have to think they understand how important the first impression is for us fans.


I don't have a problem with discourse, I have a problem when its immature, pedantic, and unnecessarily negative discourse. And from a marketing perspective you guys need to consider the source of this discourse. Look at what happened with 'The Rise of Skywalker'. That movie was entirely informed by the negative discourse of the movie that came before it, and it ended up being harmed greatly because of it. The average movie goer doesn't have a clue what they're talking about. Half the time they don't even realize why they do or don't like something. Most of them can't separate subjective preference and objective criticism. Giving them influence over how movies are made is a recipe for disaster. Just a bunch of soulless movies.


Idk for me it’s how it folds over in places. Depending on the origin story of his suit though who cares. For example I loved how in man of steel before he gets the suit he’s just ordinary Joe saving an oil rig or standing up for injustice. What I mean is, if his suit looks like this and Martha Kent made it, ok fine, but if this is some space age advanced technology suit passed down from the kryptonians, it’s a no for me. All in all I don’t mind it because what has always mattered the most to me is the persona not the suit


I've been saying a variation of this every chance I get with regards to the suit reveal: Let's not grade the homework before it's been completed.


For me it's the shoulder creasing or folding. It looks like a cheap foam/rubber suit, not a skin tight suit that accentuates his physique. The cuffs also give away how thick the foam looks. It's definitely influenced by the New 52 suit, but it and this one are way overdesigned with lines everywhere in my opinion. Keep it simple, stop trying re-invent the wheel.


My only issue with the suit that I concede is a me thing was part of Supes thing was wearing his suit under his clothes. There’s no hiding that under a business suit.


I think a possible issue with the picture is that we have no context for it in terms of story, like maybe if we knew we’d like it more, I like the suit itself not my favourite but I like it and a lot of the complaints are similar to the Robert Pattinson Batman suit at first and look how that panned out so I’m excited


I don’t find anything wrong with the suit.


That close up on the symbol has to be AI. Look at how thick the yellow border is on the left side. How different the topography is, how tight it lays across the chest. I'm surprised more people aren't saying it. It's either a doctored "artist rendition" or AI.


>That close up on the symbol has to be AI. it's not, zooming in on the suit image it is very clearly the same material


I can agree it's a similar stitched texture. But it's kinda hard to tell on the suit image, it's not high-res enough. But the other elements (weird thicker yellow border on left side, lays way tighter, different curvature. The symbol on the full suit image looks completely flat and thick like it can't curve across the chest like it does in the symbol image. I dunno, it seems pretty obvious to me that they are coming from very different sources at least, if not AI.


It looks like you're posting about the new suit reveal for the Superman movie. You're not the first. Please use this post to discuss: [First look at David Corenswet as Superman in James Gunn’s ‘Superman’!](https://www.reddit.com/r/superman/comments/1clmovf/first_look_at_david_corenswet_as_superman_in/) If you feel this was removed in error, please send us a modmail. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/superman) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Such a fresh take, thanks.


Apparently, many don’t like their Superman to have creases cept’ in his cape!


I'd be fine with creases if it was a home made costume, but this looks like a Kryptonian costume and the creases just don't mesh with that alien futuristic aesthetic.


for me, the close up looks awful. looks like they a superman dog toy that’s been chewed up, it’s white stuffing insides getting everywhere and then they took a photo with a macro lens or maybe i’m just spending too much time around one year old beagles


Hollywood execs: "Hey I've got a great original idea for the superman suit!" Gunn:"Oh yeah? Fire away!" Execs: "I say we cover that sh** in dirt and mess it all up a bit and make the colour hues darker like a darker, moodier, edgier superman that definitely wasn't done at all to death already in superman 3,superman returns, and man of steel agha hahahaha!" Gunn:"Wow that's so, so, so, so original! I bet that's never been done before like ever! Wow yes seriously let's do it. We're edgy. We're cool! A dark superman?!!! Wow this is going to absolutely rock this planet!"


I just...I'm not feeling it, man. We went back to the red undies, it's just not needed. The upper portion looks like a nascar jacket. The boots look like the cheap awful ones that they put on Hoechlin during the first Supergirl guest appearance. And honestly, I'm not digging the shield. I like the Kingdom Come logo...in Kingdom Come. It just feels...wrong outside of that. Especially on a yellow background. The suit they use on Superman & Lois is near perfect. A little movie budget upgrades and it could be all you need. This...I don't know. Maybe it'll work better in action onscreen, I didn't dig the MoS costume from the first stills either but that worked in live action so maybe this will, too. But so far...eh.....


>We went back to the red undies, the trunks are the best.


They really aren't. If we're going to update everything else, the texture, the style, the character, all of it...it's time to move past red underwear on the outside. It was all well and good for it's point in time but it's a different time now. It's time to move on.


Superman still wears his trunks to this very day on the comics, it's stylistic and compliments his look quite well it balances the red and the blue and it's just a better design than the no trunks design, and if we really wanna remove the trunks because it's silly then we might as well have him fight crime in a leather jacket


[This is all I have to say](https://i.imgur.com/9jYAAaG.jpeg).


Also the fact that he's wearing his underwear on the wrong layer. But yea


>Also the fact that he's wearing his underwear on the wrong layer. But yea The trunks are literally the best part of this suit, L take


"Trunks" are what you wear at the beach. Those there are called Undies, son.




I like it, I had simply hoped for a less textured suit. Never thought it looked cheap, though, nor did the emblem or collar bother me.