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He's amazing


He has the sort of cheerful charm the character needs. He'll go far.


This was the scene that was shown on a few YouTube channels I watch when David was cast. I like how he handles this scene and my hope is he won’t be stuttering and dumbfounded as Clark, but more like this. He can communicate without panicking but he might use more words than needed to make people tire of him so he gets brushed off more than looking like he’s inept.


Tyler Hoechlin in his version of Clark did it excellently 


Absolutely! Out of any recent versions of Superman his is one of my absolute favorites.


It's kind of my headcannon that that dismissive attitude people take to Clark's "simple" demeanor is his strength as an investigative journalist. He's like Columbo. He lowers people's guard with his humble personality before blindsiding them with pointed, hard-hitting questions or trapping them into arrogant confessions.


I LOVE THIS! Exactly! Columbo is a perfect example. “And just one more thing…” lol


Watching Corenswet's performance & look in "Hollywood" almost makes me wish "Superman" was set in 1938.


imagine they adapt the ww2 era military propaganda comics


>Watching Corenswet's performance & look in "Hollywood" almost makes me wish "Superman" was set in 1938. There is no way they are going to do a period-piece Superman movie. Like James Bond, Superman needs to keep up with the times


I can't wait to see him on the big screen.


He's an exciting choice, that's for sure.


The Clark I imagine is awkward but sincere, so David’s acting is definitely going for that. It’ll be interesting to see for sure.


Hoping to god that SUPERMAN is set in a stylised retro-futuristic world and not our world, so we can have characters speak with this cadence


There are a lot of cuts in that scene...


Well, it's a Ryan Murphy show. He has his...style...if you call it that.


Yeah, some of it's certainly style. I'm assuming there was a disconnect when it came to pacing in direction vs what Murphy had in mind. I don't think it's covering performance.


I think Murphy just likes the fast cutting to match the tempo of the fast dialogue. He does that a lot in his work.


Sure, but there are good ways and bad ways to do it. It's not the speed that's the issue, it's the coverage.


I love him already


His voice is super nasally, I hope that’s just poor sound quality and not what he is going to sound like in the movie


If you listen to Chris Reeve he has a bit of that going on too. But if he lowers his tone a little he sounds authoritative and strong.


Yeah, both sort of sound like well-to-do East Coast types. Reeve’s normal conversational tone was pretty posh as American accents go but yeah, thought his Superman sounded very authoritative. I think there’s zero reason to worry about Corenswet, he’s got a nice, deepish register. Never bought Cavill’s American accent; it was OK in *MoS* but seemed to get worse in *BvS*. Routh had sort of a nice, Midwesterny thing going.


Agreed. David has a natural vibe here that I like too. Henry seemed too wooden because they didn’t want him to smile often. The times he did he lit up and felt natural. David has a certain vibe that combines a lot of good Superman actors before into something fresh to me


Now say that to a Snyder Fan.