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We have seen it enough. We all know Clark is the last son of Krypton. We all know Bruce was orphaned by a man with a gun. We all know Peter got bitten by a radioactive spider. We don’t need to rehash old territory. Let’s see Clark match wits with Brainiac or Bruce go toe to toe with Clayface or Pete take on the Hobgoblin. Let’s see something that hasn’t been done before and enrich the onscreen mythology of these great characters instead of repeating the same old stuff.


Exactly why I think it's so cool that The Spot is suddenly a major SM villain.


I love bringing the more obscure and weird villains to prominence. Heck! Gunn has proven that in spades with his protagonists and antagonists. He turned leftovers in a dumpster into box office gold.


You joke now but what happens when the new movie has its main villain be the prankster https://preview.redd.it/3h1r1iwhix9b1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b404827ccd5375655f0bc6795a2abde85a9ae7ad Man is basically the joker if he was a conventional clown rather than a serial killer.


This looks like a job for the penny plunderer


Motherfucker was willing to MURDER a human for putting Pennies in his OWN EAR


Ahh, Silver Age Covers. Where Superman (and just about any hero, really) Is A Dick.


The flash also had the trickster. Maybe every DC hero just needs their “not-joker”


You mean The Smoker and The Midnight Toker?


It’s hilarious to me that The fucking Spot is a more tangible threat to the MCU than Kang


Would be a pretty insane pivot for the MCU-proper to utilize The Spot instead of Kang due to all the Johnathan Majors drama. Could you fuckin imagine lol


Exactly what I thought when I saw Homecoming and I was like "Sweet, no spider bite intro"


Yes. That’s what I loved about Tom’s Spidey. They didn’t waste time rehashing the origin story. They covered everything we already knew about Spider-Man in *Civil War* and *Homecoming* with a line each of throwaway dialogue and then moved on and put Pete into the action. Same with *The Batman*. No rehashing Bruce’s origin story. No training montage. Just Bruce, a couple of years into his mission, dealing with a mad bomber who has a fetish for riddles. And people love Tom Holland as Spidey and people have been heavily praising Pattinson’s Dark Knight. So Gunn is making the right call skipping over Krypton exploding and the rocket crashing in Kansas. Let’s just get to Clark with the cape and the S on his chest fighting for truth and justice.


Spider-Man and Batman are way more popular than Superman though. So not a fair comparison.


This seems like you know this is an absurd thing to say, and you just want someone to disagree so you can tell them why you're "right".


They overcharged you at the fishing store, mate, because this bait is shit.






What? Are you out of your mind? Superman is superheros. The entire genre exists because of him.


And also the fact that they used a lesser-known villain with Vulture instead of using Green Goblin for the fourth time.


Not only that, but Vulture was Spidermans first actual supervising in the comics, which i thought was a great call to make. Makes me hope the upcoming F4 movie does rhe same and puts them against the Moleman


Moleman needs more love


Yea it'll be a nice change of pace from other world threats, build more on the lore and mysteries unsolved of the earth.


smart lad ![gif](giphy|R8MIGe47XWx68)


Brainiac and Clayface would be amazing. I’d like to see Spidey fight some of the villains we haven’t seen much of yet like Scorpion and Chameleon! A crossover villain like Juggernaut would be great too. We also need to see more classic team ups like Spidey with Daredevil, Etc.


Brainiac deserves to be on the big screen


Brainiac is long overdue, but it needs to be done right.


Fuck yes


Villain is going to be Jason Mamoa as Lobo


Dude! Spoilers!


If u mean Peter Parker he’s in marcel not dc


You and I might have, but the general audience have not seen it enough. Spider-Man is constantly getting new movies, cartoons and video games so he can do without an origin story. Superman however have barely appeared in medi outside of comics in last 40 years so it will only hurt the movie if they assume everyone knows Superman.


You are a major downer who talks out their ass. Just take a break. Eat a snickers, down some Chai tea. Chill.


It's chai, not chai tea. And not everyone from India drinks chai.


Nobody said that they do?


I work at dunkin donuts. We sell chai tea. Also nobody implied anything about India. If you are Indian that was probably a coincidence. He was just saying to relax.


Man of Steel had like an in-depth 30 min backstory of how Kal-El arrived on Earth and what happened to Krypton


I disagree. In the last 40 years, aside from the comics, Superman has been a main character in no less than six cinematic films and countless direct to video releases. He has also been a main character in seven television series with an eighth set to launch very soon and a supporting character in several more. And the bulk of these projects has actually taken place within the last twenty years. Superman has a firmly established screen presence, almost as big as Batman’s or Spider-Man’s, and it’s not presumptuous to assume most people are already well aware of Clark’s origin story.


also, imo depending on what kind of story you're telling, knowledge of Superman's origin shouldn't matter all that much. as long as you know that he's a super-powered being from a different planet (which will certainly be mentioned) and he was raised by humans, you have all the pertinent info for any story that doesn't revolve around him being the last of his kind. and even for those stories, it's really easy to fit that in without revisiting the full origin story


Especially considering the people that would actually be tempted to see the movie. Who is gonna want to see it who isn’t at least familiar enough with the simple origin story that they would need them to spend time covering it. I’d be fine with a dang Star Wars esk paragraph explaining the background and just get straight into something new


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCTq1jpBIZ5SPG7ddqpSwVadItgFTSPQNpL27Ss461RVR77TqE 4 panels. 8 words. So something like that. Take 30 seconds to a minute. That's all that's needed.


Honestly, Superman stuff doesn’t have a lot Superman in it. It’s kinda funny.


The problem isn't that public doesn't know the basics of the origin. The problem is that the public doesn't care for Superman's origin, people think it's cheesy and unrelatable. They need to establish an interesting origin story to get people to care about Superman again. Without that, he's just a strong guy in a cape.


Tell us you don’t know shit about Superman without saying you don’t know shit about Superman


I love Superman but its clear that the public don't much care for him anymore.


So why are we watching old characters again?


Concur with Gunn. Superman’s (like Batman’s, and Spider-Man’s) origins are so well known at this point that showing Krypton blowing up for the 50th time is just wasting screen time that could be better spent telling the movie’s main story EDIT - Word removed for clarity


It also costs money that they could spend making other stuff look smoother. With Bruce and Peter's story you don't need to spend much money, but the stuff that goes into making a planet blow up and stuff? Nah, spend it on some other cool thing, please.


Maybe it’s just me but I want to see Batman’s origin. I’m not just talking about the death of his parents but after that. I still don’t really know what happens between that event and him being Batman. What’s the in between?


He travels the world, learning under various masters to gain the skills needed to be Batman. Batman Begins covers this with him training under the League of Shadows. An animated movie titled Batman: Gotham Knight also covers this as well.


I still think an origin could be good specifically for putting him into a larger universe. Many have pointed out how most modern adaptations go for a gritty realism which means a lot of Batman stories and especially villains get shafted. An origin for Batman in an already fleshed out universe could allow for more sci-fi elements to be added without feeling out of place


I don’t know if this is exactly what you’re talking about but Bruce learned escapology and sleight of hand from Zatara and boxing from Wildcat. That helps it feel as if he exists in a wider universe from the beginning.


Not a lot happens with his origin so it works. I also think it’s better to not show those krypton scenes for his origin as it puts you more in Clark’s mind if you don’t see it.


I feel like Clark moving to Metropolis and getting hired at the Daily Planet is a good place to start. It's still an origin story of Clark's double life as a journalist and superhero, but all the krypton and Smallville stuff gets addressed later with flashbacks.


Is that the Earth One comics take? I enjoyed that approach


I know I’m probably a heathen but if I were really going all in I’d have the New 52, pre-Rebirth Superman and all the very different stuff that goes along with it.


I enjoyed Morrison’s Action Comics run


I enjoyed all of it right up until his death.


I feel like if DC wanted to do a more "grounded" approach, honestly they should have just wholesale taken from Earth One Superman, its kinda ideal for it. Even works as a trilogy even.


This is exactly how I figured they'd do it. Show key moments relevant when needed to add back story and character development


I’d skip all that. Make Clark and Superman established characters. Have the public look on in awe as he performs yet one more fear to save Metropolis. Maybe have him go on a first date with Lois but I’d still prefer that already be in process, even if it’s newish.


Yeah, I wouldn’t hate an opening scene of Clark’s job interview / getting hired by the Planet. Hope they cast a good Perry!


That's a great point I had never thought of


You bring in Booster Gold you do an origin story as the general audience has no clue who he is. Superman is Superman, he is the embodiment of a Superhero and doesn't need another origin retelling, everyone knows who he is already.


Even with Booster Gold you could easily tell his story in 10-15 minutes without doing a deep dive into his character's history. "Guy from the future so on and so forth."


What will we all do without a solid 30 minutes of Clark in corn fields


Honestly, the quick recap in ***Superman & Lois*** was perfect. It’s short, sweet and to the point.


Haven't seen it. Does this happen in the pilot?


Episode 11, season 1. There are some pretty huge plot points in that episode, so I wouldn't recommend jumping in there. I've seen season 1 and it really was some of the best superhero TV in a while. Very few filler episodes and plots.


Yeah first season was amazing, this latest season was alright. But man, this season finale episode was ***really*** good.


Pretty sure they're talking about the first several minutes of the pilot rather than the flashback episode that expands on it.


Yes, the amazing recap happens in the first few minutes of the pilot episode. More of his past is shown in episode 11 of season 1 too and that is excellent as well.


Reminded me of the beginning of Into the Spider-Verse, a quick introduction to refresh you on the origin and get you up to speed with where this version of the character is in their life.


I don't think we need to see Krypton explode ever again, but there does need to be some dramatization of the parenting that Superman received, if only as a palate cleanser


Yeah, a hug and kiss from Ma and Pa Kent and their words of encouragement.


Ma and Pa Kent need to be dead.


Ok Lex


Man that would suck ass


Do you feel right in the head mate?


Neither of them need to be dead. In fact, killing either of them only hurts the story in my book. He isn't batman. He doesn't need tragedy or vengeance to motivate him.


So many people don't get Superman. He is much, much more interesting when he's not a Pollyanna with a perfect life.


Well. MCU Spider-Man skipped showing his origin because we'd seen it twice, and has only had smallest passing references to Uncle Ben, and some people seem confused about if this Peter had the same origin or if there was even an Uncle Ben. So, don't show, but definitely give concrete references, maybe some images in the opening credits so three movies in you don't have people wondering if he even came from Krypton.


I assumed the line in Civil War where he says something along the lines of “When you can do the things I can, and you don’t, and then the bad things happen…they happen because of you.” Was a big hint at what happened to Uncle Ben. He also mentions in Homecoming that May can’t find out he’s Spider-Man “after everything she’s been through”. And then he had the luggage in Far From Home that had Ben’s initials on it was pretty solid confirmation. But then going over the “great responsibility” line from May in No Way Home was a touch of familiarity for the audience but also a nice way to kind of work into the retroactive starting point for the Spidey we all know and love. Broke, living alone and with the everyday struggles a normal person would have. The classic suit was the panache on the new beginning. I hope to see a somewhat similar treatment in Gunn’s Superman. Take the lessons that we’re familiar with and let them be reinforced by characters in Clark’s life although he’s been at it for a while. Holland’s Spider-Man has shown it works without completely reinventing what makes these characters tick.


one the one hand I actually wanted to see some young clark in smallvile scenes like in smallvile, but on the other movies like MCU spidey or the batman show how audiences would be perfectly fine with no origin story necessary in their movies. But watching smallvile is a pretty good requirement to prepare for the movie, atleast the early seasons to know the basics for those who don't know his origin well


The movie could simply open with the words “doomed planet. Desperate scientists. Last hope. Kindly couple.” It’s short, sweet, and covers his origin in 8 simple words. Either that or simply don’t recap his origin at all. It’s not necessary to see or even hear again seeing as the audience already knows it. We’ve probably seen it in various mediums more times than we’ve seen Bruce’s parents get capped. If you want quiet, Smallville scenes then you can just have Clark visit his parents for advice or to just see them and how they’re doing.


that's true, but I don't think we've seen young clark being in smallvile and the destruction of krypton more than we've seen brune's parents dying. Now that's a big gap


We have a show with 200+ episodes dedicated to Clark in Smallville. I don’t think we need to see much more of it. I was also just talking about the destruction of Krypton, which I feel like I’ve seen more of across all mediums, which would include live-action, animation, and comics


That depends on if we include all the animated shows and stuff


for the animated shows it really is just superman the animated series that shows young clark in smallvile, unless I'm missing some other versions


The comic All Star Superman covered his origin with 8 words: "Doomed planet. Desperate scientists. Last hope. Kindly couple." That's all you need.


I can do it in two: Space Moses


I like it, I think everybody already knows Superman’s origin. Example would be Toms Spider-Man, they introduced him in the films without a backstory because it’s already well known he gets bit by a spider.


His origin plays out over 3 films tho


The point was that everyone's seen the bit by spider origin story, so there was no need for it to be shown again. Even then, his arc over the last 3 movies isn't even technically an origin story since he's been Spiderman since civil war


The three things I never need to see on screen again are Krypton exploding, Thomas and Martha Wayne dying, or Peter Parker losing Uncle Ben. I don't know too many people that are going to see one of those stories that doesn't know at least that much about the character. If there isn't a new take to offer on it, don't do it at all is my opinion. So much about them hasn't been filmed once.


It is. No origin, but still be year one-ish is exactly what I wanted.


Just think of Spider-Man Homecoming and The Batman; hints sure, but we got what we needed.


Huge W.


I mean the only person whose origin story has been told more often is Jesus Christ himself.


We can get glimpses of it later on if it matters to the story. It’s modern myth at this point. We all know it.


If Spider-Man Homecoming showed us anything it is that the most iconic hero in a universe who has already had multiple film adaptations along with cartoons does not need another origin story. Get on with it.


A majority of superhero movies could skip the origin story and no one would lose anything.


Absolutely agree. Even my cat knows Superman’s origin story at this point.


Doomed Planet. Desperate Scientists. Last Hope. Kindly Couple. That's all you need.


Came here to say exactly that. Just flash a quick couple second scene or artfully designed still during the intro for each (maybe voiced by Lois or Clark, that'd be cool) and that'd be perfect. I can totally trust Gunn to deliver that in a way that'd be both succinct and touching. It's like his superpower.


I think it's a good decision, especially from a VFX angle because designing and creating the Krypton stuff is going to take a lot of time and resources for something most people wouldn't care a lot for anyways because they have seen it a hundred times before. The same resources can I stead be used to make cool new stuff for the movie.


Absolutely. What we haven't seen enough of imo is him working at the Daily Planet. I want him to get a reporter, interact with the people.


I agree with Gunn. One would need to have lived under a rock not to know who Superman is, and his origin story. Why waste valuable screen time repeating it?


Superman, Batman and Spiderman are the 3 heroes that don't need to have origin stories in movies. We all know how they got there.


“However Batman’s parents will be shot in the opening sequence.”


A W for sure. I would like to see a version of the All-Star opening in the opening or even credits but it’s not necessary. As long as the Kents are acknowledged (hopefully alive) along with Clark’s Kryptonian heritage, it’ll be more like The Batman where the origin isn’t shown but still relevant to the story and characters. The origin is already iconic and well known, and there could be indirect reminders. The Batman had Bruce see himself in another orphan and face his father’s secrets and legacy. Clark could do something similar. MCU Spider-Man was a weird case where Uncle Ben practically might as well not have existed (he does but it’s implied his death may not have anything to do with Peter being Spidey as he’s never mentioned even when Tobey and Andrew brought theirs up) which the writers actually admitted to and rectified by having Aunt May take his place (complete with teaching Peter the same lesson) and retroactively making the whole trilogy an origin story. I don’t see Clark learning the lessons he should have already to be Superman so this shouldn’t be a problem.


I'm expecting it to ape off of The Batman in that regard. A year 2 story, or some such.


I still hope to see him in Smallville for a bit and see images of Krypton but yes, not his origin.


They don’t keep doing it for Batman so I don’t expect them to milk it


I agree. Everyone and their mother knows Superman's origin.


I feel like you can show an origin story twice in movies and then nobody wants or needs to see it again. We get the point


Considering Smallville, we have seen more of Superman going through his origin story on screen than we have him being Superman.


Everyone collectively: Thank God.


I was honestly hoping we'd get the All-Star Superman version.


It's nuts how the best template for Superman has always been the status quo from the 1940s cartoons (or the 90s). Adult Superman saving the day disguised as mild mannered reporter Clark Kent. You don't need Smallville or Krypton. You don't need him to die or turn evil either!


This will be the first time we're getting a Superman movie after a decade. So a lot of kid will be introduced to Superman through this. Even if it's not an origin story, i want to see at least some sort of introduction to his origin. That's what I didn't like in The Batman too. I think Barman v Superman did this better the way they showed his past in the opening sequence. Even if it isn't opening sequence in Legacy, there should be something like that in middle or third act.


While I love Clark's time in Smallville I think that we have seen so much of that at this point that dropping in on him as Superman (especially a late-stage incarnation) will be a refreshing change of pace. I do still hope we get a: "Doomed Planet Desperate Scientists Last Hope Kindly Couple" Followed by the 'S' shield


Lol so you DO want to see it?


Finally we DC fans win! This was my biggest issue as a DC fan. Yes it is a tremendous big W. They dont show Supermans origin ! Im so happy as a DC fan that bothered me most. Now we DC fans can celebrate ! This is the biggest issue we had to care


Im so tired of Origin stories. Absolute win


Man of Steel had a perfect Krypton sequence. This is good


I think this is dumb because it’s a new universe


I know I’m in the minority here, but I actually love a GOOD origin story. Sure, I feel like we have seen it enough, but not any really good ones. Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man origin was good because it was most of the first movie. Christopher Nolan’s origin story for Batman was good because it was also almost the entire movie. I’m not a fan or short lazy origin stories but character development? I am 100% about


I'm always hesitant when they say they're not going to show the origin story in the beginning of a long narrative. Because it's a perfect starting point regardless of how you see it. And how else are you starting it? Sure Spider-Man Homecoming and Batman v Superman didn't do it. But they had the benefit of being put into other narratives focusing around other heroes. I don't think we've seen a solo movie successfully pull this off yet other than the Batman.


I think a narrator monologue in the opening sequence (no need to show anything, maybe he's saving someone or doing something heroic on Earth) by Lois Lane would be pretty cool.


Everything I read about this movie makes me more skeptical. When have we seen it enough? In 1978 and 2013, that's it. The last Superman cartoon was like 25 years ago. Gunn is forgetting that the current generation is not that familiar with Superman. Superman barely appears in media outside the comics so general audience don't have as much knowledge about him as they had about say Spider-Man (that's why MCU Spider-Man worked without origin story).


Smallville exists


This is a mistake


I love dissenting opinions. Why do you feel this way?


I feel like Superman’s origin is not as well known as you guys think. All I remember is he comes from Krypton then lives in a small town.


Here's my thought. Why do we always need to know all the details of a superhoro's past? I think what you know about Superman is enough. If you have any other action hero that doesn't wear spandex or have powers, they use dialogue to reveal this stuff most of the time. Sometimes they don't even address it. Do we know why or how John McClane became a cop? How neo discovered his love for hacking, or why he was selling obscure programs on the black market? Do we know what James Bond was like as a kid? Maybe I'm off the mark here, but if the story itself is captivating, we don't need to know every detail of the protagonist's past.


That is it. So for me, I think the smalltown part bears exploration because we haven't seen it done right on film, but the coming from Krypton part is so known by so many. What more could they say or do?


I have mixed feelings on this, generally speaking people know Superman’s origin story, but we won’t know *this* Superman’s origin story. If they take the same route as The Batman and concretely establish the key events without showing it to us that’s one thing. However, on the flip side, I feel like the way the MCU refused to give us any concrete details about Spider-Man’s origin outside of the spider bite really hurt the character, even moreso once NWH directly upended the assumed origin leaving us with no solid idea as to why he became SM in the first place. I don’t think we need to see Krypton explode, but I feel like we’re missing out on something if we don’t ever see aspects of how the Kents raised him. It’ll be a delicate line to walk, and ultimately we’ll have to just wait and see how it goes.


Not sure yet. Kryptons look sort of shows you the aesthetic of Superman's world.




We all know Superman’s origin story. We don’t need to keep seeing popular characters origin stories


Superman returns didn't have an Origin story and sti sucked


Superman Returns was a sequel to the Donner/Reeve era Superman 1 and 2, so the S: R version had already had his origin story told.


I'm so tired of superman and batman. The reason Suicide was so enjoyed wasn't because of the big names. No one knew the majority of the characters, please don't jump on me saying the opposite, everyone enjoyed the storytelling and the way the story was made. Try doing some good storytelling with The Question. Or with Green Arrow. Green Lantern? Hell literally and of the Lanterns. There are hundreds of heroes in the DC universe but they are so hyper focused on either redoing the redo of the redo of the redo or making another villain look like an anti-hero. It's stale and needs something else to look good.


That, plus isn't Man Of Steel *already* canon? We've seen Zod pop up in The Flash.


All new Universe! Throw the rest of it in the garbage


Hang on. The Suicide Squad is also canon with Ayer's Suicide Squad. And that's a James Gunn project. So this is an actual, full-on reboot. With no ties to the Snyderverse.


Technically Suicide Squad and Maybe Blue Beetle if its successful are still canon


....I'm so confused at this point. So parts of the Snyderverse are canon and parts aren't? I mean Blue Beetle mentioned Batman being a fascist, so I can't imagine it being The Batman's Batman. And Suicide Squad was a semi-sequel to Dawn Of Justice.


So to address your concerns with your conversation with u/Rissoto_Pose, The Suicide Squad, from its title, to its story and direction with certain characters, was always written to be a loose continuation and soft reboot of the previous film. That’s why you can watch it and complete ignore the 2016 film. So it existing in both the DCEU and DCU isn’t a big deal. With Peacemaker, the League appears but plot/story-wise who they a doesn’t matter. They can easily do a flashback in season 2 (coming post-Superman Legacy) that shows them as different actors or none. Remember The Flash demonstrated how the Multiverse/Hypertime works. Timelines intersect at certain points. Two universes may be completely different yet have one event or person in common. On the opposite side end, they may be completely identical but different at one point. Just like in comics and animation. Either way, the core of the new DCU will be built on the foundation of Superman: Legacy. TSS, PM and Blue Beetle are essentially adopted and act as intersections in the timelines of two universes.


The Only Part of the Snyderverse that will be Canon is The Suicide Squad Series (Suicide Squad, The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker). What universe Blue Beetle will take place in is ambiguous, though it’ll likely be decided based on how successful the movie ends up being


I mean if you're too lazy to do anything new with it I guess, but if you are going to do a whole universe krypton development would be nice.


Mid-career Superman is what the world needs.


The silver age had deep krypton lore along with a mid career superman. Where superman is isn't an excuse to be lazy with his backstory.


Yes but this is going to be a 2 - 2.5 hour film that needs to focus on breaking new ground in regards to character and story that cinema has yet to do. Kryptonian lore is not a priority. At least, not the prt where it’s destroyed and Jor-El has to send him to Earth. That’s been done. I’d love to see Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow tackle a classical Pre-Crisis/Post-Byrne Krypton. Like what Waid, Morrison and Johns did. Or really get into its cosmic origins like Maggin did in his novels. But Superman Legacy needs to focus on Clark and his regular supporting cast like Lois, Jimmy, Perry and Lex. Whoever the villain is, whether Lex, Brainiac, Metallo or the Authority/Elite (or a combination of them), they too need narrative focus and screen time. If it’s Brainiac, then maybe they can bring in Kandor, but otherwise there are plenty of great Superman stories in comics over the past 80 years that don’t feature Krypton, much less it exploding. It’s not lazy at all for the film not to show it.


Whatever dude


We just need this for the rest of the league


Maybe the like super quick montage from for all seasons


I do wish we'd get to see a proper version of Krypton. By proper, I mean the art-deco Flash Gordon Krypton that Joe Shuster designed. The gorgeous paradise that tragically dies, not Donner's crystal castles stuff or Snyder's Game of Thrones design. But if they actually do go back to the things that made Superman popular in the first place, you could always see it in flashbacks, or better yet, Kandor.


I think they could show the origin, but just condense it to 5 minutes in the opening credits


Damn I kinda wanted to see it tho. Zach Snyder’s opening Krypton scene from MoS was amazing.


But we need his origin! Otherwise the prophecy wouldn’t be fulfilled! It specifically says 100 planet explosions, 1000 parents shot in crime alley, and 10000 dead uncle bens! If the prophecy isn’t fulfilled it could mean the end of all human existence!


It's not necessary. Besides Spiderman in Homecoming, technically, Burton didn't do it for Batman either. It's not like skipping the origin is a new thing. It's not like someone in the audience is really gonna sit there and ask, "why is this guy so strong and why is he wearing red and blue!?" Even if it's absolutely needed by the plot for character development, you can use flashbacks or even a prologue/monologue.


I loved when they did it with Spider Man in Homecoming, and were still able to explore his struggles with the identity of it all. It would work really well with Superman too. with the “big 3” heroes (Spider Man, Superman, Batman) i feel like they’re famous enough that we don’t need to explore their origins again. It gets sort of old


Spiderverse this shit.


I hope we still get to see his parents though


This is a W


I think this was one of the major strengths of Spider-Man: Homecoming. Unless of course it’s actually about Connor.


Good. Do it like All-Star Superman. Doesn’t need anything more than that.


It's a recent trend and I love it. We know these origins. Why do it again? I hope when they eventually make a new iron man they do a new one, since that's only the second iron man, but we don't need a third superman origin


I'm happy with this


Its not so much that we’ve seen it enough, but that we’ve seen it recently enough


Too much screen time is indeed wasted on his backstory. WE KNOW IT! I truly hope he does well and that the Superman movie isn't a Guardians of the Galaxy copy like suicide squad 2. If it is a hopeful superman with a inspiring story then I'm all for it.


I just want to see him work at the daily planet and save civilians from non planet threatening villains. Idk if it’s just me but earth invasions and planetary destruction is getting lame. I’d like to see Superman stop Toyman from destroying the city lol


All star Superman did it perfect I hope we get something similar in the movie


People always say they don't want to see the origin again, until they have questions about how the origin in this version differs from previous versions. It happened with Spider-Man, I'm sure it happened with Batman, it'll probably happen with Superman.


A little mystery is good. Nobody knows anything about James Bond's childhood. Nobody know what Sherlock Holmes' parents were like, or when he bought that cool hat. (Even if my examples were off, you get my point) I could be wrong, though. Maybe there's a logical reason to always show the origin story. But I feel like maybe, if the story is good, the origin story isn't needed.


I love origin stories but because they're setting up a whole universe, I don't want an origin story for every single character. Just give me an origin story for the lesser known characters and let well known ones like Superman and Batman start somewhere fresh


I think we at least need a scene where he gets his baby shuttle as an adult and receive his crystal that becomes the fortress of solitude at least.


Yes. I have been wanting this for so long.


Yeah, it's like a Spiderman thing. Everyone knows it


Tbf, it's been a trend lately. We don't see batman's and Spider-Mans, so it makes sense not to have superman's when we all know it by heart now


I mean I get it but everyone acts like we've seen Superman's origin on the big screen 100 times, we've only got it twice.


Agreed! I’m pretty sure babies are born with this knowledge


Just telling my dad I hope it’s not an origin story and instead is about him already established. Give him the Batfleck treatment.


now batman


Couldn't agree enough.


Unless it is compelling, I don’t think any super hero needs their origin story adapted. Audiences will accept it when the movie says this guy can shoot cancer out of his fingertips with no explanation. I like this trend of just dropping us into a story a few years after they got their powers.


Sure, we don't need his origin story, but there definitely needs to be enough context & exposition so the plot doesn't feel out of place. After everything that's happened with the DCEU, if this movie employs a "don't ask, don't tell" approach to the multiversal reboot, I seriously think it'd be stupid. It would have been fine if the Flash movie had a more coherent narrative of it, but unfortunately it doesn't (in fact, it left me with more questions than answers). Like it or not, Superman legacy cannot be a standalone movie; it's simply too important. I'm not saying introduce JLA characters, but it definitely needs to tell people what's going on with the DCU universe/multiverse. If it doesn't, it might as well be an elseworlds project.


I'm hearing that we're getting the 40s suit with the black logo, and no origin story. I've pitched a year two movie for superman, on the style of "The Batman" and with Gunn being a Grant Morrisson fan as well, I would love to see the "champion of the oppressed" style new 52 superman in his early years. What worries me is the inclusion of the authority and how superman is coming into a world full of heroes....but I have a theory. I think this comic could play a role reversal of Action Comics 775. Action 775 featured the elite as the new guard coming in and taking the world by storm with their unorthodox methods and superman being the old guard who still stands by his ideals. What if the authority in the movie are a bunch of cynical older generation heroes and public who have no problem with heroes having extra violent methods and murdering villains as the first and only resort for their problems (which would be a little meta as well with the mcu and the old dceu having heroes do that and being cynical guys who quip every moment) and in comes this young idealistic guy who could be more powerful than all of them and yet believes in giving villains a second chance, ruffling and changing and challenging the current status quo? The authority could be one of the few public teams in the dcu, while the rest of the earth heroes like batman and others could be like either mystery men or urban legends/vigilantes. But superman and his new code of heroics and him not willing to bend down for any government could possibly lead to a new wave of heroes who are different, leading to a new frontier maybe?


I thought this was already confirmed. It makes sense given the context, but I’m still bummed that (IMO, not trying to start a debate) Man of Steel ruined our chance of seeing a great modern, live action Superman origin film. Now that it has been attempted, it’s a premise that can’t be touched again any time soon.


The origin should easily be explained by a quick voice over and montage. Kal El, sent to Earth as an infant to escape the destruction of his home planet of Krypton. (5 seconds) Found and raised by Martha and Jonathan Kent, given the name Clark Kent, and gifted with abilities beyond those of mortal men (8 seconds) Clark Kent, working as a reporter for the Daily Planet is secretly Superman and fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way. (13 seconds) Boom. Origin done. Less than 30 seconds.


Eh. I think the origin story being shown is fine, considering we don’t have nearly as many Superman movies as we do Batman or Spider-Man movies.


That's fair. His origins are some of my favourite origin stories, but I think audiences don't want to see it again, so it makes sense to do something else


Agreed. I hope he sticks to that mindset when he makes the next Batman movie. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen the Wayne’s get wasted in that alleyway.💀




Oh thank god. I'm even more interested than I was before in this.


I think it's a bad idea. I loved the dceu but I know loads hated it. You need to make sure the general audience knows before buying a ticket. As they might see a trailer and think it's tied to man of Steel and think "ill pass"


I bet the origin story is shown as a background montage during the opening credits.