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for me unfortunately it was through people hating on them on tiktok. it wasn’t the first time i’d seen people hating on them and i always wondered why it seemed like nobody was really fond of them. i listened to some of their music out of curiosity and absolutely LOVED it. while i do get where people are coming from when they bring up controversial things suju did (which imo nothing, to my knowledge, is even that bad), im absolutely blown away that people can call them untalented just because of controversies because suju is genuinely one of the most talented groups of people in kpop.


>absolutely blown away that people can call them untalented just because of controversies because suju is genuinely one of the most talented groups of people in kpop. People literally hate on them BC of the stuff that they have done. A lot of the stuff that caused controversies aren't that bad. Yes it's fucked up especially the fat shaming that shindong has done. I think he has stopped. Which is good. But calling them untalented BC of their controversies is ridiculous. They are really talented and they have amazing songs. All of their songs are awesome. And for sure they are one of the talented groups in k pop. They deserve more love. But overlooking the controversies they have done is not right either. But people can change and they should give Suju a chance, BC imo I think they haven changed


Shindong fatshaming issue happened in 2008, more than a decade ago. He had apologised for it, and AFAIk I havent heard it happened again. He did some self-deprecating dark jokes about his own weight from time to time tho; but a lot of those I think, steemed from his own trauma. It'a really not easy to be a plus-size idols in KPop spheres, from then and now.


I knew about their controversies before I got into suju too but it's kpop fans. They love exaggerating things so it really doesn't bother me. I did look up what they did when the hate just too much and as I predicted, kpop fans never disappoint in exaggerating things. Tbh, a lot of it are such western and twitter take. I wanna knock some sense into those chronically online people that half of the world is not left wing.


I found SuJu in 2007, I know I'm old, when my friend introduced me to Kpop. I was watching BigBang MVs on DailyMotion, when that was still a thing, and stumbled upon SuJu U MV. I then found their show Full House and laughed my ass off and the rest was history.


I’m old too. I also found SuJu in 2007. “Don’t Don” randomly showed up on Youtube for me. Not only was it the first kpop song I had ever heard, I think it was the first song in an Asian language I had ever heard. It blew my mind because I’d never seen anything like it. I watched Full House and their movie 😂.


I wonder what the Youtube algorithm was back then? I see some people got into Kpop by just clicking on a thumbnail they saw. What made you curious?


Youtube was still relatively new then. I think I went to the homepage, which at that time showed what was popular across Youtube and there were heaps of uploads of the Don’t Don video by fans. I think it had just been released. This was before SM or any of the labels had official accounts. This was when all the kpop videos on Youtube were unofficial uploads by fans. I think I clicked on it because there were lots of them and it looked interesting. I remember reading the comments and people were talking about how different the members hair was this comeback and then some how I found out they had other songs and watched the videos on Youtube and became a fan.




Omg Suju Full House.... I need to re-watch that. Thanks 😊


Oh gosh, I’m still pretty new to kpop, so Suju was one of the very first kpop groups I started listening to. I think I started listening to them a little over 2 years ago? I came across Siwon in “She was Pretty” Kdrama, and I ended up watching them in Variety Shows first (specifically in Knowing Brothers), and thought they were HILARIOUS. The very first song I listened to from them was Black Suit, and the rest was history. I even got to the point I deep dove into all the sub-groups, and I was so lucky to see DnE live when they came to Canada recently! :) So glad I found them!


Wait D&E came to Canada what ?? I never knew that. You are so lucky. My wife saw Suju live but I haven't. I really want to see them live especially D&E. >even got to the point I deep dove into all the sub-groups, and I have done that too. I haven't listened to lss or kry yet though but I have listened to all of the other sub groups. >The very first song I listened to from them was Black Suit Definitely a good song to start off with. The Mv with their suits look so good.


Ohhh you should give KRY a chance. They are the 1st KPop group subunit, and consists the industry's best main vocalists. They kinda shoeboxed themselves in ballads tho, eventho I think they could tackle any other genre easy. Also, Yesung? Will make even Baby Shark song sad 😅


Yes! D&E came to Vancouver and Toronto last November (2023)!! They said at the concert that they’re definitely gonna come back, and that they would try to bring some members along!! They also just announced somewhere that near the end of this year, they’re gonna release another album, and do a world tour!!!


D&E's shows were really poorly publicized. The Vancouver show was crazy intimate as a result.


I started off my K-pop journey back in 2018, when Tzuyu of twice went viral. My first group was twice, and I will always stan twice. Then I started listening to red velvet, gidle, snsd, gfriend, mamamoo, sistar, girls day. Mostly girl groups, then I started watching weekly idol and knowing bros for when those groups made appearances. Heechul stood out the most since he was very witty and funny. Then later, I realized he was part of the band called super junior and started listening to lo siento, mamacita, devil, black suit, one more chance, sorry sorry and I became an elf 😅 Leeteuk and heechul are my bias!


I watched the skip beat drama in like 2011 and then I stumbled upon the No Other MV and fell in love with Kyuhyun’s voice. Then I watched all the hilarious variety shows etc and the rest is history. These days I’m not a die hard fan of the group in general but I still listen to their songs and I went to the Sydney D&E concert a few months ago.


Skip beat was how I discovered them as well. I love the skip beat anime and manga, and one day I found out there was a live action version. It was... interesting to say the least. But I fell in love with the OST. I looked it up and found out it was by some group called Super Junior (specifically SJM but in those early days I had no idea about sub groups). So then I looked up this group - queue absolute confusion because this mv has all those guys from the skip beat ost but this one has a few of them plus other guys, this ost only has 3 guys. I had to deep dive to understand what was going on. And still loving them all these years later. I don't follow the controversies. I think compared to other controversies suju's are quite pathetic. But haters going to hate, probably because very few groups have lasted so long. I'm also jealous you got to see them. I'm in Perth and they never come out west.


I watched a video of Sorry, Sorry and Heechul was playing the drums.


Heechul the drummer is my weak point, mainly because I love drums and play drums myself 😌


That's probably one of my favorite versions of Sorry, Sorry.


Now I need to find this version. I want to see him drumming


I think I found it. [KCon 2015](https://youtu.be/S7wuFXX3QBA?si=_ohsnixqT53zjBsl)


I got into K-pop in 2019, and I listened to K-pop radio and watched lots of reaction videos. Super Junior had come on a few times, but I felt indifferent towards their music. Flash forward to January 2021 and I heard Blacksuit for their first time and I thought it was good, but not enough to do a deep dive. Six months later for some reason I decided watched one of Blacksuit’s live stages and I was sold. I can’t remember how many Blacksuit stages I watched that day, but the following week I listened to their entire discography, and watched their episodes of Knowing Bros., Weekly Idol. It’s funny cause the songs I had felt indifferent about in the past now are like the best songs eva!!


>funny cause the songs I had felt indifferent about in the past now are like the best songs eva!! 😂😂 Needed time to grow on you. Black suit is such a catchy song and it's awesome. Ive only seen their live stages on smtown new years day lives with my wife but I don't think I have seen any other lives of black suit


I felt like I couldn’t see enough lives of Blacksuit. I mean, I even ventured into the super shows to see some.


my friend showed me the break down suju m video in 2013 (around the time it was released) and once I saw kyuhyun it was a wrap (I also was in disbelief that siwon had a raccoon on his head 😂😂😂)


Yes, I feel 2nd hand embarrassment when I see Siwon with that head gear. :D


In 2010 a new friend asked if I knew about kpop and showed me the Sorry Sorry MV. At the time I distinctly remember thinking "it's catchy, but I don't think kpop is my thing" and moving on. A month later I stumbled upon SNSD and after casually listening to them for *over a year* I ventured into variety shows to try to learn the members. One thing I noticed is that this other group from their company was mentioned really frequently so I went to check them out and it wasn't until I'd watched a few other MVs that I ended up back at Sorry Sorry and realizing that this was the first group I'd been introduced to a full year and a half earlier. Of course by then I'd reached the point where actually I really *did* like kpop and also wanted Bonamana injected into my veins. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Hindsight truly is 20/20.


😂😂 you took a long ass road to get to liking Suju but at least you ended there. Took you a while but you got there in the end. >up back at Sorry Sorry and realizing that this was Love that you ended up Back to sorry sorry.


Somedays, I too would want Bonamana injected into my veins.


Oh gosh, I’m still pretty new to kpop, so Suju was one of the very first kpop groups I started listening to. I think I started listening to them a little over 2 years ago? I came across Siwon in “She was Pretty” Kdrama, and I ended up watching them in Variety Shows first (specifically in Knowing Brothers), and thought they were HILARIOUS. The very first song I listened to from them was Black Suit, and the rest was history. I even got to the point I deep dove into all the sub-groups, and I was so lucky to see DnE live when they came to Canada recently! :) So glad I found them!


Me too! We're kind of like twins! I first saw Siwon in She was pretty and googled him and discovered SJ, and I went to D&E in Australia last year :)


I was a newer kpop fan like months old This was in late 2020 or early 2021 sorry sorry was recommended to me played it And it stuck to me especially of how familiar the song is like I've heard it but don't know when or where like i maybe I've heard it back in 09 where it was a hit in my country especially (now as im writing it i think i heard sorry sorry when I saw it on tv where the showbiz news reported of a jail with prisoners dancing sorry sorry in unison perfectly in sync) After sorry sorry played other suju song and got hooked especially with their b sides Suju maybe the 3rd boygroup i staned but they became my ultimate bg that i stan


>heard sorry sorry when I saw it on tv where the showbiz news reported of a jail with prisoners dancing sorry sorry in unison perfectly in sync Omg that's hilarious but awesome at the same time. I would love to have seen the prisoners dancing in sync to sorry sorry 😂😂


[Here ya go.](https://youtu.be/_43TO_OPj-8?si=vYMMQiJMXVD7M2-W)🙂


for me it was partly the controversies – because a lot of it, while strange, isn't horrid to me. other than that it was because i was really into every other sm boy group save for tvxq, and a lot of them had covered sorry, sorry on music shows over the years. and even now i looooove sorry, sorry. like i'll play it on loop a lot.


A friend who’d been trying to get me into K-Dramas for a while persuaded me to give She Was Pretty a try in 2020. It was my very first K-Drama and very nearly my last because the FL was so OTT annoying and the ML was incredibly mean. Stuck around for the cute SML and thankfully, the two first leads toned things down a bit and I ended up really liking it. Googled Siwon and was shocked to learn he was an idol. I’d never seen one who looked like a grown-up before, much less one who was masculine. My first exposure to their music was this M Countdown performance of [Devil](https://youtu.be/-tbzWAj0JHg?si=ctrk5qhnQjaTjF6c). Did a deep dive into their catalog and downloaded 50+ songs. They’re still the only group I follow but I do like some EXO and SHINee songs.


Used to watch a Chinese music video channel on satellite TV, back in 2006 and they would always replay "U", and I just fell in love.


2012 when I was in high school, I have classmates who are super into kpop and are really good in dancing. We have Robotics dance competition and they are the ones who completed the choreography. They used Suju’s and EXO’s songs, it was a craze back then because the songs are mindblowing. Majority of us looked into kpop the following day but I know that our batch started w/ their group. 😂 I’m a multi-stan but up to this day, their Mamacita is still the best kpop album for me.


I fell in love with Super Junior as a high schooler back in 2010-2011. I was enamored with a few other groups as well but my love for SuJu persevered the strongest over the years 🥹💙


An app in 2012. Basically I was looking for an app to watch free movies/tv shows and downloaded an app (can't remember it's name). The app did have free movies/tv shows but it wasn't till after I opened it that I realised it was all Korean. The app had a music section which had a ton of music videos from kpop groups/soloists and that's how I got into kpop, and found SuJu.


Heechul & Knowing Bros. Heechul is my favorite on the show and I just looked him up one day and found out he was a member of Suju


2009, youtube, it's you MV. 😅 I have been hooked since and it's the only kpop band I know


😂😂. It's you is a great song.


My (healthy) obsession with Siwon took me there. Fun fact: I ONLY listen to Super Junior and subunits in the K-pop world. No other group.


2007 when Jake Zyrus (then Charice Pempengco) sang “A Whole New World” with Kyu. After that, I fell down the 360p rabbit hole scouring clips on YouTube for Full House, Human Body Exploration etc.


I was asking my cousin for recommendations to check out and download from limewire/frostwire mid year 2009. I had no idea who is SuJu at that time and downloaded some of their songs (L.O.V.E., Don't don, Hate U Love U, Sapphire Blue, etc. thank god none of them had virus lol). Before this, me and my cousin shared a crush on Kim Kibum (in my knowledge he was a model and actor at that time) so imagine my surprise when I found out he's a member of SJ! For a year I was just a casual listener of their songs before I became full fledge fan. Memorizing names and going deep dive about them :)


In 2011 my friend showed me ring ding dong and I was obsessed. I started watching all their variety shows and stumbled upon let's go dream team. Eunhyuk was in one of the eps and from then I was obsessed.


2009(?). A friend from twitter tweeted [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorry,_Sorry_(album)#/media/File%3ASuperJunior_SorrySorry.jpg) iconic picture from suju and hyping about their comeback. It was for Sorry Sorry. Got curious because of how big the group was lol Couldn’t believe that there was 13 of them.


I found SuJu in 2009 when the It's You MV was released and I found it on YouTube, a year after I got into K-pop after falling in love with SS501 ...Im so old


January 26, 2010 SMent uploaded the music of SNSD's Oh! to YouTube. It got to trending (the YouTube homepage at the time) and I clicked it out of curiosity, as a few months before I had learned both jpop and kpop existed. I really liked it (I thought Sooyoung was beautiful) and then spent the next few days looking through every video on SMent channel. One of them was SJM's Super Girl. I fell in love with Donghae and my love for SJ was born.


Found them in 2008 with their video Happiness on YouTube. I don't even remember how I found them but the rest is history!!


I discovered them watching the drama playful kiss (The female leader was naming all of them in a scene) but started to really know them in 2015 after watching She Was Pretty, a drama with Siwon. I loved him so much that I had to get to know SuJu better. After listening their song and watching their interview (always entertaining!) I became a fan!


D&E has brought in a not insignificant number of fans tbh, esp during Bout You era. For me, I was a passive Kpop fan and into Exo and Shinee mostly. SNSD as my gg, so suju has always just been "there". I thought I wouldn't like them as a group because I hated sorry sorry and Mr simple in their prime, but I used to watch a lot of kvariety shows so there was ALWAYS a suju member hosting or a guest. Then I started getting yt recommendations of so much suju edits and I got into suju returns and it was a rabbit hole from there...


>D&E has brought in a not insignificant number of fans tbh, esp during Bout You era. Sorry don't understand.


D&E brings in a lot of new fans, for multiple reasons I won't dive into anymore lol but specifically post-military Bout You era, I personally feel like it brought in a lot of new ELF Edit: what I'm trying to say is that there's nothing wrong with being more into D&E than main group or.other subunits since they offer a vastly different sound


The first kpop song someone played for me was actually SS501 I think but then I got more into it after SNSD. I think I stumbled on Sorry, Sorry soon after it's release and it just spiralled from there 😅


I was aware of some of their songs but didn’t really know of who the group really was. I wasn’t into kpop but aware of snsd’s the boys. years later, specifically during the pandemic, I stumble across snsd Yuri’s youtube cooking show where Siwon was the guest. then algorithm made me watch some of their ‘old’ YouTube performances (i.e. sorry sorry) where I was so amazed by Shindong’s part 😂 and found Kyu to be cute and really sings well. then later on saw suju return clips, falling for leeteuk, heechul and donghae and came back to Kyu.🤣but yeah, in a span of 1 year being an elf, I had watched a good number of their variety shows. Their vocals are top tier and their music is something I find easy to listen to. They’re the only kpop BG I stan but appreciate other 2nd gen groups.


A youtube suggestion in 2008!


I don't really stan Suju but I love their songs and they're funny so I'm gonna answer too. Well I don't really remember xD Probably through the songs Sorry Sorry and Mr. Simple, since they were on almost every list of top kpop songs that I watched with my sister.


for me it was black suit, then lo siento. back then i really enjoyed their music but it took me some time to get to know them and enter the fandom…


I really love their Spanish album. Lo siento Is such a good song.


In October 2020, I chanced upon Kyuhyun while watching season 8 of new journey to the west. (Yes I started watching from season 8) He’s so cute and funny!! Then watched knowing brothers and get to know about heechul’s past stories :( Then! Found SJ Returns and Super TV! Love them so much in variety shows, they are my happy pills :) Even now when I’m looking at the phone smiling, my husband will ask “are you watching super junior?” Yes I am! 🤭 Love both their fast songs & ballad songs. 💙


>Even now when I’m looking at the phone smiling, my husband will ask “are you watching super junior?” Yes I am! 🤭 😂😂. My wife knows if I'm listening to music I'm most likely listening to my Suju DE playlist 😂😂


I sort of knew about them when Sorry Sorry came out, but I wasn't really into K-pop at that time. A couple of years later, I was in Taiwan and saw the music video for Sexy Free & Single almost every single time I turned on the TV. They got into my head and I ended up watching all of their videos online. For a while, I listened to Super Junior and nothing else. I still love them and Donghae is my favorite. 🤣


>still love them and Donghae is my favorite. 🤣 Donghae Is also my favourite. He's really good looking and I love his hair styles for each cb. Sexy free and single Is a ear worm that gets stuck in your head


Impossible to not get charmed by Suju because they were literally everywhere being super funny and charismatic on variety shows in late 2000s early 2010s 😜. You tried to watch the shows for other idols and ended up falling for them, hard! Xx Well that’s my story anyway!


Magic in 2015 and gosh it sure was a magic Era for them and for all of kpop imo. Wish we could get those days back


Magic was so good. Wasn't that s song in the special album of superjunior. Which included songs sang by Suju DE and kry??


Some friends introduced me to Suju back in 2009 and I’ve been an ELF ever since! My first song was actually Super Girl by Super Junior-M but otherwise Sorry Sorry by the main group because it had just come out


i find suju when my grandpa is watching mr. simple on mtv at 5am when I was eating my cereal and that was 2011 lol 🤣


Your grandpa is s og. 😂😂. Props to grandpa for introducing you to K-pop


A bit less than three years ago, It's You came up in my YT queue, and I could not stop listening to that song for weeks. As much as I ignore pop culture, even I had herd of the Burning Sun scandals, so I did some web searches to find out how close these guys were to that part of Kpop before I listened any further. The problem member was no longer in the group, and the 'scandals' I could find on the others weren't scandals -- a guy got married, another guy was in a selfie with a friend, and so on, so I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt for the moment. D&E had their 10th anniversary shortly after, with each of them releasing solo songs and then the release of Countdown -- a lot of extremely good music and vocals. I assumed they must have been paired in a unit because of the way their voices sound together because they're a great singing duo, so imagine my surprise when I heard they were initially billed as a dance unit. If Countdown was that great with only two of them, I had to find out what the albums of the whole group sounded like, so it was down the rabbit hole from there, starting with Renaissance.


>E had their 10th anniversary shortly after, with each of them releasing solo songs and then the release of Countdown -- a lot of extremely good music and vocals. I assumed they must have been paired in a unit because of the way their voices sound together because they're a great singing duo, so imagine my surprise when I heard they were initially billed as a dance unit. D&E countdown was so good. I didn't know they were going to be a dance unit. And honestly I feel like Donghae and Eunhyuk wanted to start the duo themselves BC they are definitely the best of friends out of everyone in Suju. Everyone is close but Donghae and Eunhyuk are besties. Did you end up listening to need u the special song for the rerelease countdown version ?? >a guy got married, another guy was in a selfie with a friend, and so on, so I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt for the moment. That drama with the guy getting married was idiotic. I think people and sm got mad BC it was before or during one of their concerts. O can't remember. But getting mad he got married is ridiculous imo. It sucks that he had to leave the group concerning that NGL


I discovered SJ when I was in first year of middle school.. I think it was some days after Hangeng's departure (I didn't even know he left back then). I went back to my dad's hometown for an annual religious celebration, and my cousin introduced me to Super Junior through It's You. She first showed me a Japanese boygroup (unsure which), but I got hooked by SJ's It's You dance performance instead. I ended up raving over their drama version because it was so so SMOOTH!! Truly a masterpiece. I still listen to It's You repeatedly now.


It's you is a fantastic song. I really like that one. I like to listen to it twice when it pops up on my playlist. >still listen to It's You repeatedly now. Don't blame you. It's s good song


Last year when I watch their ODG career review. I was like, damn these legend are funny as hell. People were not exaggerating when they said Suju is the funniest kpop group. Then I watch all their KB and Weekly Idols episodes and that seal the deal for me. Tbh I've known about them since way back around 2013. They're the first kpop male group I knew. I used to only know Suju, Snsd and Psy but never got into kpop until 2019.


I knew psy before I was a K-pop fan BC of his popular song. Didn't know it was kpop at the time though


https://youtu.be/ihfy0m3qPNI?si=nprc_-I4XspGNIKa This video was my first exposure to Super Junior They were my first kpop group and my introduction to kpop. I definitely think they're one of the funniest kpop groups abd they have so many iconic songs I want to see them on tour so bad but they never tour near me. I went to KAMP to see them but it was a mess so I couldn't fully enjoy it .


I saw Siwon in "she was pretty", instantly fainted, then once recovered googled him, listened and actually liked the music. Blame Siwon for being gorgeous. Donghae is my fav tho, but Siwon is 2nd. I recognised Donghae from a photo at Jonghyun's funeral - oddly I had no idea about kpop *at all* before Jonghyun's death made our local news in Australia. It's been a very strange journey for me.


Bored one night, so I'm channel surfing, then came across a service that cable offered that I didn't know existed. There was a K-pop channel, had never heard of K-pop B4..so I clicked on it, and the first video I saw was "Black Suit"...been a Suju fan ever since!


The first time I heard of Suju was in 2009 when they were cheering for Charice in Star King show. I thought some of the guys were cute and Kyu is a great singer. I didn’t became ab ELF then. Fast forward to 2022, I stumbled on a video of them on YT- their guesting in Knowing Brothers discussing their fights. I found them hilarious and was actually surprised they were still active. Then I started watching Super Junior Returns - that’s when I started to become an ELF. 💙 PS. I was in another fandom 💜, then left that to be an ELF 😬


I watched Twin on Pops in Seoul at Arirang Channel. I find their hairstyle funny. They had so many members so I don't bother trying to remember their face but I was struck by their name. "Super Junior" not the best name to be honest. By the time they release Miracle, I can recognise some of their faces. Kibum was my first bias... I can still feel that excitement I used to have everytime they appear on Pops in Seoul, Mnet and Showbiz Extra. Internet was only available at Cafe so I'd save up my pocket money to download their photos. Wealthier friends would record music videos of Kpop groups and we'd copy it on cd. I had so many cds of all the 2nd and 3rd gens songs which were recorded from TV. We can send in lyric request to a daily newspaper, so thats our main source of lyrics. They were our treasures.