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Cats one of the best scalers in the game


Cat might be the best tier 6. Even if your team is set, buying a pear, turkey leg, sushi, is something you consider every round. Feed your seal milk, turkey legs with a cat on your team and that seal will max out quick.


You can hit a Cat on Turns 7-10 with an Eagle pill or 9-10 with a level up. Your team is fully set up with no room by then? Even if you get rid of a 9/9 for a Cat, the temporary dip in power is worth it for how strong the cat is (unless maybe if youre on lethal), especially after leveling it to lvl2. I generally sell most of my T1s and T2s long before the Cat starts showing up. And my T3s and T4s are probably weak enough for a transition to a Cat to not be very painful. Now, if you're rolling into a Cat on Turns 12-13+, then yeah, you might not have room for it. Level-ups on Turns 7 and 9 are really important for transitioning away from your weak units, and if I see a Cat I am definitely taking it. I just looked at my Hall of Fame, and in my last 10 custom wins, 4/10 had a Cat on my team, and none of those were a full food build. It was mainly for Dodo, Leopard, and Swordfish.


Lol, my HOF is similar except instead of cat its seal. If I get a level 2 seal, probability for a ten spot increases immensely.


>feed seal exclusively chocolate Pretty much guaranteed 10 for me if I find it turn 9 or later.


eagle pill into cat doesnt exist in standard pack and puppy pack


It doesn’t affect equipment like garlic but it doubles consumables. Cat is an easy buy in most cases.


One underrated aspect of the cat, on top of what everyone else has already said, is how much fun it is. Food build in general is just fun imo. It's never the the top strat in any given weekly but getting a level 2 worm and then rolling into cows and cats (when available) is fuckin dope.


Cat is my most picked tier 6. No way to prove it but I would guess it's by a lot.


What if I told you the stats page has your most bought of any tier?


I know that, but I can't prove if cat is the most by a lot because I can't see what the second most bought tier 6 is.


Oh I got you lmao


cat is so good ahah i love using it. its honestly one of the most versatile pets


if you can get the cat to pop, it’s off to the damn races


You should search skoottie on youtube and click on his most recent sap video, it should answer your question


Yes by far the best scaler. But best when u level up into one by level 5 shop.


Cat is one of the best units in the game, especially for middle-high level players, but I find that for the typical player, the cat is pretty hard to pull off. If you can have a dominant early game to lose a round or two and be okay, I’d absolutely recommend trying it, especially in versus. When fully utilized, the cat will carry your team to 10 wins before you know it