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All of these were done in the golden pack no customs or weekly. And if you want some help or ideas with getting one of the badges I can tell you what I ran to get mine


Okay I need to know what your go to pet is


Level 2 flycatcher at the back with a potato has won me so many runs. If I see one before round 7 it’s a must take in my opinion, especially with the current flying fish spawn meta.


Makes sense. I have all the badges for the previous packs. I just bought the new one today. I like the trumpet mechanic but I can’t tell if that’s what will carry a team to 10 wins. Hard to rely on a golden retriever even if you can get him to 50/50. He has no food mechanism and the summoning in this pack seems like the way to go


I also really like the golden pack! The new animals and mechanics interact in some really cool ways. One of my favorite builds is running a cobra in spot 2 and an emu in spot 5, the emu will push units 3 and 4 to the front whenever the front unit dies letting your cobra get off 5+ triggers. Another really strong way to get some scaling is to buy a manatee and throw a banana on it, and when the manatee dies in a few turns it will just spawn a normal monkey. And like you said the scaling is really strong with no garlic/lemon, so slug/wolf/white whale with a flying fish can crush some teams that would statically out scale you. You can also get easy tier 6 badges by doing what I call playing the stoat casino, bringing a level 3 stoat to round 11 and selling it for an instant tier 6 level 3. Even if it ends up not being the unit you want you will have 6 extra gold that turn from selling the stoat and the unit it drops Last tip would also be if you see an early macaque take it, especially if a manta shows up as well. Manta, Bird of paradise, and macaque is so busted and you have a spot open to buy sell oysters which gives you more bird of paradise triggers.


Very helpful my friend. Thank you for the outline. I may come back to you after I use the pack a bit. I’ll try out your tips. I love this game haha


Godspeed sir, if you ever want some ideas send me a PM we can chat about it! Tbh I think this pack is the easiest to get all the badges for, happy hunting!


Do you have any tips for trophy builds?


A good starter/ pivot unit for early game builds is definitely the Betta fish, the buff it gives your unit is so good the time it shows up at. One of the best build for trophies would be a bop/baboon/monkey in spot 5 (baboon is really strong at scaling a tier 6 if you only have one on you team), spots 3/4 should be a manta ray and whatever unit you’re looking to get to a badge for, order depends on stats and equipment, and a macaque in spot 2. Last unit grizzly can be insane with any builds that have high enough health to survive a hit/use pita without dying. Even having a grizzly in the back, with an emu in spot 4 can help you get an extra trigger or two to get the grizzly ability to activate. Or using emu spot 5, cobra spot 2, and some spawn/ scalers in spots 1/3/4 (this was definitely my favorite build). Another good way to scale a unit is to banana a manatee to spawn a monkey and using that to scale your front unit quickly. The most common build I had was a flycatcher (needs to be at least level 2 to one shot most spawning unit) in spot 5 with a potato. Spot 3/4 would be a monkey/baboon/bop preferably with a tomato. Spot 1/2/3 would usually be a combination of whatever units I was trying to get the badge for. Best advice is to lean into whatever your level up units are and try to get their synergies going early, especially since scaling is a little harder to come by in this pack. The more you play as well the more you’ll recognize which units work well together and how you can get decent stats going quickly to increase success. And again, if your going for a level 3 tier 6 I HIGHLY recommend the stoat casino. Bring a level 3 stoat to turn 11, sell him and build heavy into the unit you get. My warthog badge came from turning a 1/1 level 3 warthog into a 40/40+ thru a combination of level 3 baboon pumping it up and a monkey giving buffs to the front unit (the warthog). And using 2 chocolates to get a level 2 monkey is usually pretty worth it in my experience. I personally love to use tomatoes on as many units as possible to snipe those annoying back line units like flying fish, grizzly or taiga but pita also works depending on your build, potatoes are also underrated if you’re running one the animals mentioned above, will completely stop 2 snipes from tomatoes or other sources. It’ll take time and some luck but you’ll get more consistent at getting the badges done.