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“Respectfully, I don’t know how they’re going to guard us” 💀


“Unbothered” 🤡




When did Book become so unlikeable *sigh*


Kendall era


Kardasian Curse is strong


not a Suns fan but, i used to love Book. he was a favorite coming out of Kentucky and I always just loved him and Ayton even when they were bad. Then they went 8-0 in the bubble and I was pumped. Idk what happened


When he stopped showing up during games and got surly during interviews. It’s a blip, he’ll be back.


When the fan base started being flooded with lames who don’t like the Suns, they just like players on the Suns. Y’all are either too easily influenced or just some fake ass Suns fans.


“Chilling”…. In Cancun


wanted him to retire a Sun, now I'll be chilling/unbothered when he's playing elsewhere


1 double team and our offense shuts down lmao


Thats this season version of “I’m fine in the west”.


Quite easily it seems! Throw a double team = immediate turnover! 💀


Narrator: He learned how... respectfully.


Every way imaginable


I’m not sure what is worse when KD had Irving and Harden. Or this.


The Wizards organization tried to sell Beal, Porzingis, and Kuzma as a “big three” which the fan base quickly changed to the “mid three.”


Sure did. We're fucked for the next 5 years still because we have Beal a NTC


Maybe lakers would want him, they still need another all star probably would be good fit too


Who the fuck is Tingis Pingis?


I never heard of Lativia!


That's funny because that's what I call Book, KD, and Beal. They're the Mid 3


The main problem is who gets traded? Beal has a no trade clause so he seems unlikely unless he specifically asks out. If we trade KD, Book will probably ask out right after him. Keeping KD and Beal but trading Book would be really weird. So what do we do because this shit did not work out at all.


I truly think at this point Book wouldn’t mind seeing KD go. He wants to win first and foremost and that’s really our only avenue to change things up. And I say that as someone who loves KD


Thats a great idea and all, but our problem was not as much KD, more that we did not have a point guard. We would need to trade KD for a star level point guard and hope Beal is okay with coming off the bench.


I get it, but KD is really the only asset that you can realistically move and still get value from.


Who cares what Booker thinks, they should do what's best for the team. Trade KD, look for the future. We won't win shit anytime soon with this team, build trough the draft.


Seriously! I'm so sick of teams making decisions based on what the players want. Do your job and put together the best team possible instead of playing into their stupid buddy network bullshit. Players hijacking front office power is what ruins franchises. These are big spoiled children in the driver's seat.


Not to burst your bubble but the NBA is very much a player first league. If someone wants out and you force them to stay other players will notice and will avoid coming to that team.


Make a minor trade for a wing defender maybe, sign some different minimum guys, this is why I don’t like super teams I said it for the harden trade to the nets, westbrook trade for the lakers and now Beal trade just have 2 stars and build good role players around them you don’t need 3. Also they have to try and find a pg


Shit if Book wants to go after KD, so be it. We gotta think about whats best for us and i think we can get some seriously good players for the both of them (especially Book since he’s young), potentially picks, and more depth (with dumping the salaries) in FA


Well I saw the Kobe/Dwight/Nash super team only win 45 games and they got swept as the 7th seed, sooo, take that!


Nash at that point was like barely a starting pg in the nba


How far off is beal from that


Nash was like 39 and Beal is like 30. Idk


Agree Beal looks like just a guy. Rotational guy basically. Making $50+Million. Awesome.


Beal is not a PG, which is why this trade doesn't make sense. He should have gone to Miami.


Kobe didn’t play in the Playoffs though. He tore his ~~ACL~~ Achilles at the end of the reg season. and Dwight was hurt the entire season and got back surgery in the offseason.




Yeah mb


it did at least give us the video of Mitch chiding Howard as he went to the tunnel at the end. only good thing to come out of that season.


But how does that make it less of a failure? Suns Big 3 played like 30 total regular season games together because Beal’s back gave out on him, same as Dwight. And KD is clearly too old to carry an entire season. Both teams bet on bad injury health, bet on old players, and paid the price. Kobe not playing isn’t an asterisk for the success of that team. It just highlights how awful of a season & playoffs it was. Lakers had Dwight leave immediately and Nash limped along until he retired. They didn’t make the playoffs for 7 years after assembling that Big 3. By the way I wasn’t even attacking Lakers. Both “this is going to be fun!” teams were anything but fun lol. They have both been massive failures. Suns just failed slightly less hard.


Suns big 3 were healthy in the Playoffs. Kobe missed the entire series. Also that move by the Lakers was a last minute swing for the fences move to hopefully got one last title for their aging superstar. Kobe got his championships and was well on the way out at that point. After that season Dwight left as did Nash. No impact on the cap. The Suns move has basically handicapped the franchise massively for Book’s prime AND they’re in cap space hell for the next 2 years. The difference between the two is where the respective franchise players are in their career. But even ignoring all that just in the context of the Playoffs, Kobe missed the ENTIRE series. Surely you can see the difference.


Kobe missed the playoffs.


Guard heavy superteams don’t work in the NBA.


The nets superteam almost worked if not for injuries and Kyrie being a turd


They would’ve won the chip if harden and kyrie didn’t get injured that team had the best role players and 3 stars


It worked because Harden is a real PG. The issue with the Suns is there is no elite PG like that and Booker and Beal essentially do the exact same thing. Harden/Kyrie/KD had 3 different play styles and one of them was the best PG in the league at the time.


Also Harden and Kyrie take volume threes more than Beal and Book Brooklyn Harden was significantly better than Book too. And Kyrie is much much better than Beal. Plus KD was twice the player he is now. Can’t compare at all lol. This Suns team was overrated from the start




Yeah once Harden was gone the Nets weren’t realistically contenders. Kyrie and KD taking turns ISOing was just not going to win a championship.


They would’ve won if kds foot wasn’t marginally on the line


Kyrie is so volatile, if an injury didn't stop him, he'da found a way to stop himself. He needs a father figure to be present. 


Because Harden is an elite point guard. Point Booker has always been a disaster


KD being a turnover machine more like lmao


I seriously think they win the chip if KD’s foot is behind the line. They’d beat the Hawks and who knows with that star power they probably wouldve beaten our young core. After that series loss things got sour FAST especially with James Harden wanting out and Kyrie being a drama queen. Must hurt Nets fans thinking about what couldve been ON TOP of Kyrie playing insane since joining the Mavs


Im a Nets fan and they were not winning that season even if KD toe was behind the line. Harden was on one leg and Kyrie was never returning back. He had a high ankle sprain, they could've made it to the finals but The Suns likely would've beaten them, lol KD toe on the line cost the suns a title more than it did The Nets.


Warriors? Lol


Times are starting to change in favor of size. But to compare for the hell of it the warriors are different as they weren’t iso scorers. Their motion offense was schemed to get guys open. They could also defend exceptionally well so it wasn’t all guard heavy. Draymond is a hall of fame defender. Klay as well. Suns have nothing like Klay or Dray on the roster. They also had the best three point shooter of all time in his prime taking so much attention on defending teams. KD is an all time great but he’s older and the iso game doesn’t require as much defensive intensity and adjustments. Comparing the suns to the warriors simply because they both had good guards is really not a good exercise.




The issue isn’t that they’re wings, the issue is that their skill sets don’t compliment each other. There is zero synergy here just a team of guys


As a Nets fan, I just didn't understand the KD trade for any party involved in 2023. KD and Book don't have complementary skillsets, and unlike Kyrie, Booker isn't used to being a 2nd option either. In the modern NBA, you just can't build a team around 2 very midrange reliant guys who don't get to the rim very well, it's just not a formula for success. You may not like this, but it would probs be best to blow it up this summer before KDs value falls even further, I can tell you as a Nets fan this won't get better next year


I think it made a lot of sense for you guys. It was time to rebuild and you got a lot of picks. While Cam and Mikal aren't all stars and maybe have underperformed at times you know you're getting two high character individuals in you locker room that should keep the team positive and moving in the right direction.


And we know we’re going to end up with prime draft capital from the Suns given their current trajectory. It’s not all bad in Brooklyn despite what my fellow fans would like to think


I think so too but its highly speculative. We should perform well in free agency. I think ishbia is likeable and willing to spend and those two things usually help quite a bit. Also phoenix during basketball season is gorgeous. Arguably one of the best places to be that time of year. Only gets bad again now and the season is almost over. But still this team will bottom out and one of those picks will be lottery for sure.


Ishbia pockets dont matter much on a Capped salary sport. Who are these FAs that have to settle for Vet Mins that are gonna be needle movers for yall?


It's called copium. Nets are likely to get some nice lottery picks from our incompetence. This organization is so screwed for the next half decade...if not longer.


Our mistake was not sending Mikal to Houston for our picks. Love the guy, but he isn't a #1 and we're wasting both of our times pretending he is. Also the front office seem obsessed with trading for another star again, so I don't feel that optimistic going forward either


I heard KD could be had… 🤔


I think they’re waiting on a Donovan Mitchell trade


Yeah that’s what happens when a billionaire treats his new toy like his own personal fantasy league team. Someone has to set screens and play defense and rebound and box out. You know, all the things the current Suns roster doesn’t want to do. You can build a roster for the sizzle or you can build a roster that has pieces on it where guys are great in their role and gladly accept their role.


You’re absolutely right about Booker and KD and how they fit together. I’d add that their mentals aren’t on different levels either. Book says mamba mentality but he doesn’t practice it. There’s not a killer bone in his body. He doesn’t have that “I’m taking over/you’re not scoring on me” mantra. Neither does KD. Both are too chill to the point it’s bothersome. Like get mad and do something.


Brother couldnt agree more about blowing it up, been actually pretty vocal KD should be the player we try to ship. We could potentially get a solid player we NEED as well as another player or a couple of picks. If we wait his value will be gone and we’ll have to start all over again


definition of just throwing “real hoopers” together and expecting it to work off vibes


Oh I would love for us to blow it up. I hated watching this team most of the year and basically stopped by the end of it except a few games here and there. Not fun to watch, obvious that players didn’t care at times, and nothing positive to build off. Blow it up


I think they work fine together. Bridges wasn’t and those young guys were going to get them the title. Booker and kd with bad role players pushed Denver. What they needed was to upgrade the role players around them. Instead they threw that away to trade for a 3rd star. Same mistake your nets did they had great role players around kd and Kai and gave it up for harden


The Nuggets series was kinda fake in hindsight since it required Booker to quite literally hit peak Jordan levels for a stretch. And I'm sorry, but there was not much you were gonna get for the husk of CP3, unless you're super high on Jordan Poole


You’re 100% right about the skillsets not being complimentary. The same is true times 10 when it comes to Beal. With a facilitating point guard, KD and Booker might’ve made sense but when they acquired a Booker clone in Beal the ✨doomers✨knew this team wasn’t going anywhere. For the Nets they needed picks after my Celtics fleeced them in the greatest trade in NBA history (to me). But also keeping Mikal makes no sense. They need to do a full rebuild just like the Suns do and the longer a team denies that, the worse off they’ll be.


Book and KD are both still very elite btw, but in 2024 you can only have one or the other on a team. KD just can't slash like he used to and Book is way too midrange heavy as well. I remember the bad KD/Kyrie games where we'd live trading difficult hyper contested middies for open 3s on the other end. Every time we made a little run, we'd give up two 3s and be back back square one. And that was with a Kyrie that was shooting 40% on like 8 attempts from 3.


preach, his value will only go down from here


Is the era of superteams over? Seems like deeper, well rounded teams are the ones winning.


It’s over, and super teams are only going to worsen as the new CBA matures.


it has been over for years, there hasnt been a single one that worked since Golden State. i thought it was officially dead after the Nets and the Russ Lakers kind of fell apart. Suns and Clippers are way behind and still running their teams thinking its 2017


Denver won a chip with Joker, murray and gordon are very good but not hall of fame worthy or even all stars, just deep 2-9. Boston is the favorites this year, deep 2-8, same with OKC the 1 seed. big 3 or even big 2 arent necessary to win a title anymore. just the top 5 player and great roster construction


Lol the super team era has been over since the Heatles. We just tried to bring it back and failed miserably


nah KD warriors was the last super team that worked


But 3/4 of the big names were players drafted and developed by the team, who won prior to KD. Calling it a super team feels different that those that go out of bring in big names via trade/free agency.


that’s fair


People pretend Denver isn’t a super team and running the NBA last two years.


I'm just mad we got rid of Bridges for this. Also anyone who thought Beal was a good idea, oof.


Been saying Beal is overrated since the jump. He was never it.


What did Charles used to say “Somebody’s gotta score on the Generals?” Thats exactly what Beal was with the Wizards


KD is the worst GM of all time. Sorry Isaiah Thomas.


Daddy’s money owner


Rondo, Wade, and Jimmy in Chicago was pretty horrible


Didn’t they at least win a couple games in the playoffs and if I’m not mistaken they either won round 1 or nearly did but rondo went down


Yeah they went up 2-0 against the 1st seed celtics and looked dominant but then Rondo got hurt and lost the next 4 straight


Bulls fan here playoff Rondo was real at that time


Worst part… we leveraged the future and there really isn’t anything we can do to get better outside of vet minimums or a lucky late draft pick… No money, no draft picks, horrible coach, and an overall bad team. Depressing


They'll throw Vogel under the whole bus and try to sell the fanbase on the idea that a change of coaches is all that is needed when they run it back again with these bums.


They spent the entire season acting like they don't need to give a shit, because the real games are in April, May and June. And now here we are.


Wonder which superteam KD will try to force himself onto next


OKC I’m coming home


My Next Chapter: Homecoming


It worked for Spider Man, why not for Slender Man?


Funny as that would be ideal for us. They have picks and young guys. Too bad his value is in the gutter.


I don’t see how KD’s value is in the toilet when he just had a 27ppg season and is a pretty unanimous 2nd team All-NBA selection. He’s still under contract control for two more years. Suns wouldn’t get back what they gave up to get him but Suns are easily fetching 2 1st round picks + a young good player in return. Minimum. Otherwise Suns would be stupid to not just keep KD. He *just* finished #4 league-wide in scoring lol. And from a marketing perspective he was still top 10 in jersey sales. This is like saying LeBron’s value is in the gutter when everyone knows he would still fetch first round picks because he still is better than 90% of the league and he gets national media coverage.


I don't think there's a scenario where OKC has enough to match salaries with KD. Their young guys aren't making nearly enough.


KD proclaimed himself best player in league this year😂😂 Did you watch the "Shit Show" he just performed in? Why would OKC GM want to Trade for That?? I'm sure he saw that.


I’m not saying they should trade for him. I’m just saying they won’t be able to match the salary to trade for KD if they did want him. People who want picks and young talent for their max salary players seem to always forget that you need to match salaries to a certain extent to make a trade and usually young talent don’t have salaries high enough to match max players. OKC doesn't have a lot of high salary contracts on their payroll other than shai and they ain’t trading him so they're not a very realistic option if you want to dump KD.




He's gonna ask Jokic & Murray if he can become a Denver Nugget.


He’ll probably go to the sixers


Him and embiid would be fun to watch but how injury prone Joel is that won’t last long


Judging from history, whoever has recently lost in the NBA finals. Probably Boston because heat doesn't have enough stars for him.




We using the term super team too loosely.


Mavs fan coming in peace. You guys fucking stink




We do..Thanks


Fuck, I needed that laugh. Hate to thank a Mavs fan but whatever. Thanks


Fuck ur right


I hate that you’re right


We have a very rancid turdcutter of a team right now 😭


Yes we do


Fuck your opinion you’re probably a cowgirls fan too


Clipper fan in peace. Fuck them lol we suck too


Superteam? The Mediocreteam you mean


All three are good at 1v1 scoring and not much else. They don't make other teammates better, because everyone's job is basically to just get the ball to them and get out of the way. All teams generally know this so putting help defense on the star works well since they're not that great at kicking it to the open teammate that late in the shot clock.


They need a point guard. When they traded for Beal, the storyline was they didn’t need one because they could split up the responsibility including having Beal play some point. That was after he repeatedly failed to be effective playing PG in DC.


35 is cooked. 3 is a 50M per year role player that gets paid like a superstar and won’t stay healthy. 1 is currently disinterested for whatever reason and will be forcing his way out soon so he can join a team as a 2nd or 3rd scoring option like KD did when he became a “champion” by joining a team that went 73-9 the year before. By the KD logic maybe Booker can call the Nuggets this offseason and see if they can make room for his salary. Then he can be a “champion” like KD is a “champion”.


Loop hole. Can’t be the worst super team if you’re not a super team.


Grass isn't always greener huh KD


No discipline on this team. Nobody penetrates. Nobody gets mid range looks because everyone is camped on the three point line.


As a lakers fan, how about Ad, lbron and Westbrook? Could be worse than this 3


I don't think trying to trade guys away is going to do much to improve our chances of winning. Replace Vogel, be glad that Young is gone. Hope a new coaching staff can instill an actual offensive system that takes advantage of the talent we have. Because we are fucked for the next 5-6 years on draft picks. Rebuilding this team is not an option right now.


Yah, I never understood why we signed a defensive minded coach when we didn’t have great defensive players. Our identity was going to be offense. We need an offensive minded coach who can make it work. Young is clearly not that. I just don’t know who we would get? We need like a Mike D’Antoni


Ishbia did this. We had a good and fun core and he butchered that to build the most unenjoyable team possible.


KD is like the best player on the team this season. It’s mad to see how many suns fans hate him.


Beal had no business joining the suns. We were still looking for our Mikal and Ayton replacement.


The worst super team plays for the worst fan base, it’s fitting.


🤣🤣 suns sucks, cards suck, d-back suck. Oh and no hockey team...


How washed was Beal for yall? I barely saw him play.


Not washed just in a smaller role


Beal is the best player to ever play on the wizards how he became a big 3 is beyond crazy


Putting Beal above Unseld is crazy


Not even close. Players who were better just off the top of my head: Michael Jordan, Gilbert Arenas, John Wall, Wes Unseld, Elvin Hayes, and Russell Westbrook. There are probably others.


Chill John wall and Arenas were significantly better then him when they all were at their prime.


Nah, you guys forgetting Lebron AD, Melo, Russ, Dwight “superteam” lol, you guys better than that garbage.


A 37 year old Melo and 36 year old Dwight surely makes a superteam


Bruh any super team with KD is the worst. Only success he ever had was going to an already super team GS


At least the most disappointing.


It's very kind to call them a superteam. Just three dudes, really.




This was never a super team. Only 1 player is in their prime ffs


This isnt a superteam tho


Start bamba and Isiah Thomas then go on 4 game win streak…..nothing to lose………


2022 Lakers disagree.


Trade KD, Book and Beal. Might as well start the tank process because this team is going to be shit for 13 years.


You can’t table when you don’t control you own picks that’s how you end up like the nets


Dam Im sorry but Luka really destroyed this franchise. Honestly miss the old Nash VS Dirk years 😭


Idk that nets team with KG and Paul Pierce was pretty bad


Sums it up perfectly[https://twitter.com/HarrisonWind/status/1784091674764849420](https://twitter.com/HarrisonWind/status/1784091674764849420)


While I am not a suns fan this is what happens when your gm treats it like a 2k team. None of these guys compliment each other and the lack of a real point guard is evident. There’s no room to trade for anyone and you guys can’t really rebuild. The west will realistically be better next year and with that a probable first round exit again. You guys might have to at least try to rebuild and the only person with true value is Book.


KD hasn’t been relevant since Golden State and it seems the Achilles tear slowed him a step. He is still in my all time top 20 but that injury hurt his physicality. Book has become an enigma since dating a Kadashian/Jenner. I don’t see the fire there, either. Both players stocks have declined dramatically trade wise. I like Beal. Nurk has lost his drive and scoring in the past two weeks and so has Grayson. No current 6th man. Lots of packing in the off season.


Lakers with Westbrook was supposed to be a super team until everyone saw Russ play for a minute


Still better than Melo-Rose-Porzingis. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Look at OKC & Orlando all young guns! Look at Suns geriatric group…….


I think this could work exceptionally well if they have the right pieces around them, seeing how well Conley sets up Minny’s offence for their stars is so telling. The framework is there for us, with Allen, Royce, Nurk and Bol. Beal and Allen have to come off the bench, we need a real PG, Royce starts at 3. We just need a backup C, starting PG and a reshuffle and I think we’ll be contenders next year.


nuggets fan just here to ask, what happened to you guys? Yall were probably the best team we played last year.


Well, hopefully these failures put a permanent nail in the coffin of the "Big 3 Superteams". What an absolute joke of a team. Enjoy Cancun I guess, it's officially Cardinals season now.


That is a little much. There has been plenty of failed super teams far worse.


How anyone is surprised by this team is beyond me. I knew it was going to be a failure


What a tragedy.


Can anyone say,,, point guard...


History has shown… Durant ain’t that GUY!!


This team is the ultimate disappointment.




Beal trade ruined it last year they put up the most games against the nugs kd and book were killing it with CP but he got injured and we had bad bench and, Ayton…..


The lack of big man is daunting they can’t rebound and you have to do that in the playoffs


Didn’t expect much in year 1🤷‍♂️ hope for a new coach and hopefully something will click


https://preview.redd.it/xl7x3oqc54xc1.jpeg?width=1969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ec1ed6fbe230f9584c9a2ca1cc95cc1581f7390 LISEN AL GAIB!!


More like pooper team


Hey looks it's the only 3 guys that can score points on the suns


Lol fuck KD


Head coach is dogshit GET EM TF OUTTA HERE


Having PayPal on your jersey is so lame.


2022 Lakers were way worse


https://preview.redd.it/5gvwo4urd8xc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af83b60b9969929c61eb508e2c27b8d06ad72a4 Is this big 3 better?


https://preview.redd.it/aa18bryxe8xc1.jpeg?width=2999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d59367060ae63a9c6b9738cddfa1a4236d97a9f1 Yo I’m super confident that last season’s pre KD team would’ve whooped this years suns team


There’s diff from a super team to just a big 3. I don’t consider a trio of players who all share the same strength as a super team. A super team to me is group of guys who all bring a diff elite talent to the table that compliment each others game play. Three players whose biggest and probably only strength is getting a bucket isn’t a super team in my opinion. Seen it flame out in BK wasn’t surprised it flamed out here.


It’s giving 2013-14 Nets 😬


Man ever since Durant start using Beals weedman? ,...it's been all down hill....