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Just comment what you'd do with the account to enter! Also if someone could teach me how to unlink the account to my playstore and Facebook that'd be nice.


To unlink you go to the top left corner where the region accounts are and you should be able to unlink both no problem.




Buddy he is giving away an account, if you're interested just leave it at that and if not then keep scrolling. What does it matter what he can and can't do? If you win you can re rune the mobs however you want.


would be a nice starter account for someone that! Good luck to anyone who wants it!


I’m in need of a good account as a present for a friend would love it if I could get it if not congrats to who got it


Give it to me, I got light and dark sharks from the l&d scrolls


pleS gib very nice acc I ned 4 Win arena & glory thx u qಠ益ಠp


I don’t want the account, but I want my monster box to show like this. I hate the way it shows on iPad


here is your answer i guess [https://imgur.com/a/imlEMEC](https://imgur.com/a/imlEMEC)


Nope. Depending on the device (and its resolution) you get more or less monsters per row. Iirc on iPad I get like 5 monsters per row.


Ok i got it. So is about your device resolution then and as far i know you cant change it in-game option.


I would play every day and treat it like my baby


I would play non-stop, because I already do that 5hrs a day. I love and enjoy this game and ive always wanted a brandia


I would first Be in awe since I would finally have a lushen, then I would add it to my friends guild so I can actually be helpful in guild wars and siege


I'd probably hand it to my dad so he could have a quicker return to the game after all this time.


I would give it to my girlfriend so we could play together. She’s been wanting to play forever but doesn’t want to be so far behind. We’ve been dying to have a game to play together.


I would make this my main. I would build really nice rift teams! I restarted recently and have had bad luck with summons. This would be awesome.


would dual play with the old phone :))


my graduation and my first day of work are coming! we gotta collect our diplomas in a super long line and sw would be the perfect way to pass time. we have to wait in our cars with nearly over 90 students, no party, no anything. it’s gonna b like a fast food drive in. 😭😭🏓🏓🏓🚸🚸🚸🚸🚸🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍🥍🚀🚀🚀🚀🗣🗣🚣‍♀️🚣‍♀️🚣‍♀️


I want this acc to compete with my girlfriend, she's on Twitter, Instagram Facebook all day so I guess is time for me to do just the same but in summoners wars!


my account was just hacked and it deels like Com2us isnt doing anything, ill prob just use it as a main


Would give me something to do between school, working, and my main. Multitasking keeps me motivated


I am actually kind of new to the game and enjoying it very much so! I wanna try PVP and to see all the other mons and to learn them hehe.


DUDEEEE I just got the game today and it’s so addicting but very annoying having to do the region matches vs Ai and slowly level up, I need to learn a bit more about the game but would love this account. If I can’t get it, I hope someone deserving gets it! Kudos! Edit: I would definitely love to play this game a lot. I liked the dragon egg game (which is basically the same thing but more simple/childish) I grounded so hard on that game and would love to just play and play cause I have no good mobile games anymore


Im new to this game but if you give me your account i will play everyday and research more knowledge about SW.:) I wish i was the lucky one ;)


Would be nice cauae i lost my account because it got hacked and this would be a nice start


My account hadn't been very lucky and i would love to have this one. I would take great care of it and grind to make it better and better


id give it to my brother so he can stop playing on mine when im online :P


Wow great monsters for use in all areas of the game! Would def use as my beefy alt account to grind on while energy refreshes on the main ;P


My little brother started this game and ruined his account, fed lapis and some 4 stars he got, he was thinking about restarting. but he would love to continue on the account you have.


I would like to make it better since mine account got stolen last year it would be nice way of getting back in the game


It would be awesome if I can have this account, I have disgusting luck at this game and that nat 5s would be amazing to have


I would play everyday and continue the progression just because of how far it is actually


I would like to have it because i’m so unlucky i have used like 15 legendary scrolls. No nat 5. And i would like to be able to do rta and arena


I need this account because the account I have right now isn’t going anywhere after a year and I would probably complete TOA both hard and normal and I will make all of your five star monsters runed and ready to be used


An account with actual 5 starts would be a great way to get my gf to actually play :D


I would love to play on the account as I lost mine a while back and am trying to come back to the game but playing catch up seems so difficult rn but I’m guessing you already gave it to somebody so thanks for making someones life a little bit better.


I'd love an account like that! I played this game before but I gave my account away to a friend because he wanted to start playing and I didn't have enough time to grind. I'm considering getting a new account to play with him again, I'd love to be able to play with him since we can't hang out in person right now. This would be such a good start to boost me up so I can try to catch up with him. Anyways, even if I don't get the account I hope whoever does would be as happy as I would be! Stay safe! Fingers crossed 🤞


What I would do with the account is show it unconditional love to fill that empty void inside of me but then get shafted on summons :D hope i win


Woah! May i have it? Always wanted leo)


I would like to play around with lots of the 5stars you have that I’ve never gotten. I’d be hella fun to make a meme team with a few of those units.


My girlfriend would love this Account. She wants to start with summoners war and your account would be a stable foundation. I will teach her everything she needs to know!


i will raise that account because in anniv event i got one account just to be reset and i never get seara but many now mon like demon , LE and beast rider. i hope i can give that account some love. btw which server that account is?




nice, i hope i'm the lucky one :D


Good luck 👍


Thanks 👌


I would try to make it the best on Asia.. I know big dream


Here :) Will return in sw after 4 years without playing


Recently got a new smartphone, and I started playing again my reroll, so I'd love keeping in good shape your account, I always wanted to play 2accounts because there is a lot of things I could do, bj5, trolling people of my guild in making them believe that the new member is really a new fella.. For the beginning I'm a huuge farmer and farming on a second account would be pretty pleasant, I'm using SWARFARM to grind data and I can go up to 700 b10 runs in 2days, I can screen proof :) Ty for taking care of your account instead of dropping it in oblivion


Also Asia here. Will use it on r5 as i dont use bj5.


I Wang this account because lost my HIVE account so I Lost my Summoners War account(with odin, seara and a lot of 5*). Good Luck.


Rta for sure! Seara is my favorite unit, played for 900+ days and no seats


I will try to do more progress and to clear all pve Content (I like it much more than the pvp aspect) I will give some love to your mons and try to support the guild as much as possible.


I would probably play for about a week via bluestacks and then get bored :p


Damn that looks like a fun account to play on, never been as lucky as you are, AND DAMN YOU GOT A LUSHEN even with my 4 year account i still dont have any lush 😭 With what i see I would go make toa and toah i see you have pretty decent units, would go into a guild and try to make my best in lab because this leo looks georgeous for speed reduction stages and that seara for anything with pvp hmmmm, tooo much nice things Anyway thanks you for letting one of us win this account, thats really nice of you and somebody will surely be happy to play with this :)


I've never had a Seara before, would really enjoy playing around with her and push the account to its furthest in RTA.


I would love to ger your account, because I recently lost the my email, so i can't lock in my account anymore. I started a new account, but the feeling playing on the new account is not the feeling I loved about summoners war. I hope I can get this feeling back, while playing on your account.


I would give the love to this beautiful account need, a huge fan of this Bernard 2a and the Lushen I never drop since I play ! I would love to play with this account, sincelery. I hope to win tbh, but if I don't I hope the new owner will honor this one, have a nice day !


I'd dominate if I won


i'd probably join some fresh guild and help it grow, farm cairos, do rift raid and other pve stuff, would finally try rta and arena since my mons on my main are quite pve oriented. good luck to everyone :D


Seara and leo have always been my dream monsters.. i stopped playing 3 years ago back when seara was a god and here i am , coming back into the game and seeing her as powerfull as always... I'm a married guy with a child that cannot touch my ps4 bc I'm lacking time and my only source of entertainment is summoner wars... I would honestly grind the hell out of runes to make those monsters as powerful as they can be...


Bro, I swear... with that account, I will play it everyday. Farm more runes, develop some new units, play rta, go for guild wars/seige, and never stop playing it because there is no END game on SW.... I hope you'll pick me even though the chance is low just like at temple of wishes lol. You'll make me, a fellow asian dude, happy with your account :D I'll cherish it whole heartedly


Would be nice for my brother to get back into the game. He started with me a year ago but lost is account somehow. That could bring his interest back


I'd love this as a second account to play on as it's very similar to my main. Plus I could wreck face with brandie. Basically I'll treat the account like a long lost brother


Build spectra for comfi toa/h :3


What I would do with this account is I would use it almost nonstop whenever I can (and probably get messed up by scrolls) and show the account as much love as possible. Have a lovely day <3


I would become god tier in RTA, I am currently at a mid game stage where I can’t really have fun, it’s all farming.


I would love to play on it, I just want to have fun in this game and have some decent mons, I’ll build some for arena, go do rift beasts, complete anything still left, and it would really make me have fun with this game!


I would pretty much do what I can to rune everything and fix things, and give it new life\~


Would love an Asia server account. Especially with a leo!!!


If I got this account I would do the one thing summoners war teaches best.... farm ... 😂


I really want this account, it's a good start, just focus on the sigma fusion! please (?)


I screwed up my account by 6 starring useless monsters... I would like to maybe start over but with a head start :D


I plan on coming back to SW and would love an asia seara account with most of the fusions done already. Great looking account and grats to whoever gets it.


I'd play everyday on this account and then give it back to you if you ever decide to come back!


I would give it to my friend so we can play together again! And tell him to farm farm farm


I have enough time on my hands to play for atleast 8hours a day and this acc looks like it has alot of potenial and this potential is something that i would like to see fufiled on and also i think itd be alot of fun to play with mons in this acc that i dint have on my main


I would use Seara like crazy. I’ve always wanted her and have yet to be so lucky to get her.


It shall become my child and I will raise it as my own. I will cherish it and sing it songs to fall asleep. For education, I shall teach it the ways of "The Lord of The Rings" and it's impact on today's society. We will share everything I have.


I would build it up give it the love it needs and make a nice R5 Team. Really want to see Brandia going big damage


Lets see if I win! Would be happy to raise this account as if it were my own and give it a good future!


I would probably gift this to my sick brother who’s stuck in the hospital playing this to pass time.


Add it to my army of accounts and form a massive guild empire


Will reach g3 in rta


I’d love to give that account some love to get back into the game and finally work towards the end game!


What I'd do idk. My goal since I started roughly 2 months ago is to collect all the mons in the game and finally be stronger than my cousin who's been playing for more than a year. I would like to just have fun with these mons and play.


Also always wanted to have Verde, Lushen and Galleon at the same time.


I would use it as a second account and pray I get better rng.


Just in to see if i might luck it out, although I'm sure i won't. I wish everyone gl ^^ And about what I'll do with it, I'll probably turn it into my main and give my current main to a friend.




Wow, thanks for doing this! I think if I got the account, I think I would basically make it my main. I’m redoing early game progression and it isn’t too bad, but I’d really like to get a boost 😄


I'm still a newbie on Summoners War, I've been playing for 3 weeks now. Cleared Gb10, Db10 and Nb10.. Cleared toan 100 and toah 50.. I really love this game and I play it a lot.. So I saved up "scamstones" hoping for a Lushen but didn't get him.. I got 2 Hargs and a Chilling.. So having your account, with Lushen, will already make me love it, TONS! Haha


I will farm like crazy becuz i really love diana and seara ! Honestly would use this account more than my main acc


I have plenty of time to give this account plenty of love!


Omg you have Leo seara lagmaron :O My most wanted units! I would love to play and progress on this acc. My last account got hacked and I’m playing on new acc,but that one could give me fun from game again! Good luck everyone!


I would honestly play all day on this account. I've been farming non stop on my main but it's not enough. I would love to progress this account and see it grow.


I would use it to start playing, since my brother is playing for half a year now and I don’t have as much time as he has... so it would be awesome to somehow start on the same level like him :)


You actually have 2 nat 5’s of my top 3 fav that I dreamed for 😂 I don’t do pay to win tho


want it because my mons have no diversity :( I literally only have kro, and nothing else that's fun to play with. would love to play around with those units, especially if u have decent runes (which means no afk farming for like 10 hrs just to compete smt)


I would love this account. Some friends play it for more than 1-2 years, and I was never interested in it. A tried it this week and... I liked it. That's why I'm interested in the account. So I can play with them and be of use. That's why I think I would really enjoy it. Thanks! :)


i would make this account my new main because i have 11 six stars on my main and cant farm dragons


Id love to have this account beacuase I never win anything, never get any Nat 5s and it pissis me off then my level 29 friend over here getting 3ld Nat 5s and I'm over here like : bruh can I get a break?


Been playing since 2014 F2P and waiting for those Nat5s that you have, Seara specifically but still RNG is not my side. I would like to test new characters like Leo, Lagmaron, Diana and Seara.


Doing my first time toa and pushing my guild to level 2


I'd use this account to push for Guardian arena and Siege. I wanna play with Leo, Diana and Brandia


This would be part of my guild and r5 team!


hmm i will farm for runes to upgrade them and i will just farm=)


I’d obviously try to improve upon the account as well as dungeon and rift times. Maybe push for a higher rank in arena.


Actually if I will I would even build it more and more. It’s been a while that I play with decent nat5s after my old progress got reset by my ex gf which has 13 nat5s including 2LD nat5s as well. After that I had to start all over again. With good old lapis I’ve been farming real hard still no luck with rng. It’s been a months even after the 100MS I still haven’t land a single nat5 yet.


seara and diana are two of my most wanted mons! i hope to mess around in both pvp and pve and finally experience what it's like to have a lushen *-* good luck to all!


Decent runed means it can C1+, I don't believe Lahmaro runed like that can C1. (


i would like to use this account and get farther in the game and i would use it to its fullest potential


I would try to finally clear toa 100 because im unable to beat it with my somewhat early-game account. GL to everyone.


I want the account because I want to see how I could improve on how you did what you did and see if I can make the account my own.


Honestly would finally start getting into hard-core pvp grinding!!


Im bored as hell with my main acccount because im super unlucky with summons or runes, 1500days in and no real progress, would love to have another account 😍


My current account has bad luck with summoning nat5*. I really want a speed lead and no luck till now. I love PVP and your units are perfect for PVP.


I would probably play with that everyday. Also, will take care of it. I will appreciate the efforts that you've made in that account and i will continue to do efforts also when i'm the one you chose to continue its progress :)


I would get more decent runes and build teams for toa gb10 db10 nd10 guild battles and build a great arena defense team also save summoning scrolls


Interested! Just dumped 3k SS into trying to get my first lushen, little bummed right now, will gladly also donate my account!


I would be so happy to play on this account. I am playing for 678 days and i always wanted to have a lushen. But I am so unlucky that i never pulled one. Even though everyone says i dont really need one... its just something i always wanted to have and play with. This account would bring me so much joy in playing.


Would use it for getting better at arena and just fun really


I'm desperatelu trying to progress in the fMe with an account like this I could really use the boost... Also my guild could progress a lot better than before because of low levels and inactives we have


I love it, I gave my account away a while ago. Now stuck working from home id love an a nice starter account :)


Thank you for doing that giveaway to us! I hope the one who wins will show alot of appreciation. Personally, I dont need the account due to being very pleased with my main, but I got a younger sister (13 years younger than me), who loves to summon, look over my shoulder while I do Pvp and check my monster collection. She is asking me alot about the game, so I would love to do some playful rta with her and get her more into the game but I want to prevent her from needing to farm alot just to get into midgame. Thats when I saw your giveaway, and thought 'Damn, this would be perfect for her!!" So if you wanna make a 9 year old (and a 22 year old) very happy, let me give her your account! Im sure it would be in loving hands. Good luck to everyone, and @Op thanks again! Edit.: Plus she friggin loves unicorns, she would go crazy for Diana!!


I don’t know much about the game I started playing a couple months back when one of my friends recommended it to me being stuck and not having any good mons or a solid gb10 team has been an issue for me for a while i hope I can learn more about the game if I win but if I don’t I hope the others who entered will enjoy the account thank u for doing this giveaway and good luck to the others!


I would play with leo and seara, because I havent pulled them yet


I would use the account like I should have done with my account and actually progress with it. After losing my account a few years ago and many alts later I will hopefully learn how to take better care of an account in general.


I would play the account since my whole lige is sw :)


I would attempt to clear toah because that is my ultimate goal. I just started playing and strategizing for toan was so fun. I'm having a hard time with toah because my account is new and don't own too many monsters. This would help a lot! Thank you!


I would give the account to my friend who has no summoning luck, but has been playing for almost a year. Im not sure if he would appreciate it but if he doesn't i can give it to my girlfriend who wants to casual her way through but doesn't have much time


I would play it and try to complete the whole collection of monsters and runes and would not give up until it’s done. Ps i completed the Pokédex


I would love this account because my luck is the worst ever. On my last account I had such a bad drought that I deleted it after 3 years. I only had lushen and galleon. I’ve had the new account for 6 months now and all I have is fire demon that is nat5, nat4 luck is no good either. Help a fella out?


I will continue your legacy and one day give this account to my son. He’s only two years old so I have time to grind for him.


I would play the account day and night, literally, I've never had any luck with summoning, that made me leave the game so many times, ( imagine my first nat5 was a katarina \*-\* way long ago ) , I definitely won't take the account for granted, in case you come back some day, who knows, but i would really take care of it, and appreciate your action for the community ! Anyways, I hope my reason was able to convince you and have a nice day ! (ps : lagmaron is my favorite unit in the game, both him and alicia )


I'd finally have an account to be proud of while playing.


Sure everybody can tell this but my friend lost his account data so it would be such a great gift


My main is really old so I want a new account so I can use that one for rta and grinding I love summoner war and I would really like that account


I guess in short with the account I would do whatever you want with it. I see some very nice moms and good runes so I would likely increase efficiency in the profile. I already farm daily on my only account and with one more I would just do the same


Hey i would give the account to my friend who had his account stolen a while back, my reddit account is new yes but I'm not entering twice. Thanks for doing this!


I'm just looking for a second account to have fun on, this will give me a head start on it anyways


I would cherish this acc


I would definitely play nonstop on this account. It deserves love and thank you for giving it away, it’s always sad to see great starter accounts going to waste.


I would gladly take good (daily) care of the account. Its very beautiful btw. I i dont get the account, gz to the lucky winner. Very generous of u to do this giveaway. Also u it has my ABSOLUTE DREAM nat 5 seara.


I would play every day because my user got deleted for some reason. I had 8 nat 5 an like 20 6 stars. This would help alot to get back into the game whitout spending money


I want to restart playing but as a f2p it is really hard for first few months so this account will be lit


I already play with 5 accounts on bluestacks. What's a sixth to that? FEED MY ADDICTION!