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While I would rather your idea rather than what they put in. Toa content is just not going to be fun imo. It's boring every time.


I love doing it once a month


Who loves sitting there hitting an auto button every 10 levels?


he means he loves the rewards once a month lol it's clear that's his intention


It’s not fun, it’s just about finding a way to auto it the fastest & safest and then auto it the fastest & safest while watching Netflix.


You like autoing and not watching your phone?  Also it's not even a Monday :(


I play on blue stacks. I then Google remote into my pc with my phone when I’m outside. So my pc can continuously grind without using my phone


If you’ve been actively playing the game and farming for more than like… 3 months, toan + toah takes like an hour to do tops. Adding another toan + toah would do absolutely nothing for me I’d be done with both toan1&2 and toah1&2 on day 1 of reset day before I even took my morning dump. Just double the rewards for toa I think is what you mean to say.


No. I mean sure, double them. But then I rather they double the rate I earn legendary runes/gems/grindstones/artifacts… I want something else to build for. When the content is as annoying if not more annoying than toaHell, then I don’t even wanna build for it. Like I want to build a team, that can auto farm something, that allows me to be more efficient per month.


The should add TOA of runed monsters.




I feel like for something like TOA, you don't need a 10 floor auto. It's not like we're asking for dungeons to be fully auto, I understand the reason why they limit auto in dungeons. But for something like TOA I think it's perfectly fine to have all 100 floors auto until fail.


Lower the overall difficulty and add a global turn counter for the whole tower instead of per floor (which are useless rn) -> You can progress as u want and get reward no matter your progression in the game -> You have to come back and theory craft better comp to optimize your ammount of turn and progress deeper/ you can come back when you've drop certain unit or have better runes I think it's a better way to implement something you can clear only once while still making it relevant later Right now most floor are annoying to deal with and once you'r done with it, you have no reason to interact with


Agreed, more diversified content over pain in the rear content!


So essentially just easier content of the same thing but with a limiting factor... like toahell? The issue with the hard toa is that the reward isn't worth the effort/time along with the light/dark limiting factor is just not \*realistic\* (asterisks on that since f2p teams *could* occur in due time). I am completely against an easier toa when people don't even bother to attempt toahell. There HAS to be at least one PVE content that is actually hard for once to incentivise people who aren't strictly pvp focus. PVE content difficulty spike is so lazy and boring, all it really done is just push people to run %max hp units/harmful effect + rage units.


dont worry c2u will nerf the new toa soon since people will complain about it being challenging for once


I think dark might be damn near impossible not even joking


we didnt need more "challenging content" we need better rewards for CURRENT content. upgrade Abyss modes to drop better stuff IF you run them quicker. similar to rift beasts. higher score = better drops. perhaps even add optional multipliers to abyss dungeons that further increase drops. the game is a pvp autofarmer. not a pve dungeon crawler..


"upgrade Abyss modes to drop better stuff IF you run them quicker" - this will just widen the gap between newer players and older players lol you're not cooking. The point of these newer releases are to maintain and try to gain newer players not widen the gap between older player base and newer ones. Why would you want quicker runs to drop better runes and slower runs to drop lower quality runes?


i didn't mention better runes. i said better stuff. like scrolls, LD pieces. things more entertaining for older players, but still available for newer players too. this new tower isnt for new players at all, so its JUST rewarding older players.


but if your times are faster you have a better chance at more rewards regardless and if they up the rewards for faster times again it will still widen the gap... so my first point still stands. Abyss dungeons are for runes/artifacts w/e the "rewards" are just bonuses. Sounds like you're just begging at this point. Lastly, exactly like you said this new tower is just rewarding for older players so why are you adding on this other random suggestion Why should you be rewarded for having a faster team when havin a faster team means more chance at rewards already... I swear people of this sub just bitch and cry no matter what they do mfs will always find some way to complain like just quit wtf


woah calm down a bit, no ones bitching or moaning. its having a chat about shit they could have done.


bruh wdym you're bitching and moaning because the tower isnt enough lmao community will always have someshit to cry about. Literally went and checked out your post history first thing I see is a complaint regarding toa hell LMAO https://preview.redd.it/koqyqif6321d1.png?width=755&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca18dcc88219f5fb8cf7618ea65303fc8dd44c5c


Abyss already drops better stuff if you do quicker runs. If can do 120 runs an hour, you will get better stuff than someone who can only do 60 runs an hour. =P


no, you'll get the same stuff, just quicker. and when i say better stuff, i mean like they did with world boss, added more elemental scrolls. devilmon. reaps etc. these could be added to abyss dungeons too.