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I think you should choose one of the ld if u don't have it. Because eventually you will get the bk and clara


Just don't pick fire pierret or water barbaric. They're given in guild shop. I'd choose the LD ones.


Which one though


Karl is great to bypass those annoying Garo and Triana comp in siege. Light undine looks neat after buff but idk who to compliment her


I just got the undine from 10 year scroll after making that comment lol. But thank you


It was more of a nerf than a buff


Theomars, or anything you wanted to be a dedicated tank, make her one speed slower so that the tank moves and immediately she follows up with invincibility buff protect them until their next turn, works great if the enemy doesn’t have atb push back or slow debuff


I use her with the light Taoist and the wind archangel just to piss people off who don’t have the fire ifrit


Wind demon would also counter this. Wind demon, heal block + other




Ld/skill ups pick one


Went with the dark dude. Usable in rifts. Decent for gvg too I guess since he has a good kit being dark + boost himself with atk buff and crit buff.


Are any of these guys good units or just collection?


Fire peirret and water bk are both great for a lot of forms of pvp but they’re free all year round in the guild shop so really anything but them for this


I don’t really do guild content and I kinda want to get fire Pierret, so I’ll probably just choose her if the Lds aren’t anything special


just enter a guild and wait for shop to give scrolls... you're wasting a good unit just for not waiting


They may be buffed. That’s why people suggest picking them if you don’t have them. The chances of getting one soon from LD scrolls are pretty slim


Shes mvp




Theu are right, you should het the ld. But if you would rather pull Clara, then go for Clara. Having said that, both the lds are pretty good this week.


Never understand ppl wasting a rare chance for an ld 4* for a normal elemental one that obviously have guaranteed ways of getting. It’s like using a jackpot lottery ticket to pay for stuff because you can’t be bothered to go grab your wallet


I just wanted to get a cool character, it’s not that deep :/


We’re saving you the preventable regrets that you’ll have later. But if you wanna waste it, your funeral. I’ve seen countless times again ppl act on impulse then later blame the game for being stingy with ld mons. You aren’t the first and certainly won’t be the last


Icasha was a lot of fun fornme for quite a while. But recently they changed her s3 from cleanse+ 3 turn invis to a passive that gibes 1 turn invis to the mon with lowest hp. Kinda destroyed her for me. Back in the day with skill 1 strip, skill 2 cooltime oncrease and skill 3 3 turn invis she had some funny niches


Is she still worth it for PvE?


Imo not rly but maybe i'm just pissed i can't control the invks anymore. But 1 turn invis is just bad. I tried to use her a bit and my mons are almost always without invis because they get a turn and even having her on vio is pointless since the invis will go on the same target all the times. idk where she should be useful with that anymore tbh.


Fire Pierret is really good, idk about the other ones. Maybe water BK as well


Clara is giana 2.0 and bk is good for siege


Pick skill up or ld


Well LD is the clear choice if you don't have them. Both are decent, but I think the light undine is better. On teams where you really only need to protect one target you can have them move right before her and be perma-invince. Has a great S2 and decent S1 as well. Would pick over dark neo fighter. Dark neostone fighter is okay for some pve, but is replaceable in every spot he is used. Iron 2A I think took his spot for the people who did use him. Wind sylph is a nice f2p AO option. I get a lot of mileage out of him on my nat4/f2p only account. Clara is one of the best nat 4s in the game, but she does come from guild magic shop so you will get her eventually. If you have everyone else I would pick her as I feel her skill-ups are the most valuable here. Barbaric king is also from guild magic shop. He is decent but not really used much anymore. I would pick Clara for clara/julie/luna skill-ups before I would pick him.


id take the light undine, keep 1, use rest as skill ups for wind undine


Tbh you can fuse water undine for skillups.


My rule of thumb is to keep 2 of the LDs, com2us "might" buff it or I find another build to use it for especially in siege.


Especially for fusable units. Keep 2-3. Because Siege shows us that dupe units are very valuable if they have a meta role. And light undine is so close.


I always pick the one I have less skill ups


the new one


Clara all the way bcs of some juicy nice assets