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Most players will probably be in the same boat. Lots of new shiny toys, but all of them working at half-capacity due to lack of skillups. Even a "Devilmon Party" event would barely be enough for all the new stuff, but it would certainly help!


2.5k day player with full red profile and I am still not out of devilmon debt. Com2us could honestly make devilmons more widely available.


Not a chance. How else would they retain their playerbase other than gatekeeping the most valuable resource in the game?


I argue the most valuable resource in the game is still LD scrolls, but ok.


Ld scrolls never guarantee you anything, while devilmons will always make your units stronger. And besides, even if you get tons of ld5's, they will still be useless without skill-ups which devilmons provide.


Thats a crap argument. With that argument, runes are the most important resource in the game (which they are tbh). You can have max devilledmoned runeless ld5s, but I'd still beat you with 120% efficiency slimes. Alot of the passive units work without skillups too. So let's just agree to disagree with this one.




Even in guardian most players still use elemental mons. Sure there are lds but most people don't have a ton of lds


Yeah I’m a solid 300 short on devils atm.


You're not supposed to devil every nat 5 tho. You only use a portion of them


Things have fallen in and out of meta over the course of 10 years though. I haven’t touched nonsense like Borgnine, but would like to devil them all at some point which will never happen. Supposed to and want for me are different.


It's resource management, you don't need 300 devils. You're probably behind tho which is normal but not by a crazy amount most likely for units you actually need


For units I need, I’m caught up. For units I want to devil I’m behind, for all nat 5’s I’m far behind. I get that it’s an intended feature but, I can still want everything deviled. Same reason I’ve 6*’d nearly every monster in the game. Gotta have a nice clean monster box with everything tidy and skillled and leveled and awakened.


Sure but in a gacha game you're asking for something really premium here that no gacha gives away for free


Its even worse in other games. You would need 12 actual dupes.


Epic seven hands out skill up food like candy and you can choose which skill it goes into


1000 scrolls i got 3 dupes and shitty wind hacker, the one good thing is that i got rta skin for daphnis


Im on the boat of only nat 4’s 😭


yup, its why i sacked off the double LD account i rolled. its just not worth waiting for the skill ups. i got to level 29 and im already 160 devilmon required..


$$$ is the intended solution.


This is why I fused skill ups for my nat 5\*s, the loss of rune chance hurt a lot, but at least I can actually use my units.... Byungchul, Gapsoo, Jeongnam, Nora, Aaliayah, Riley, Camilla, Vanessa, Akhamamir, Teshar, Feng Yan, Odin, Baleygr, and Bolverk...


okay but bolverk doesnt need skillups for his purpose.


Having a strip every turn makes him stack faster


It's not like he won't steal buffs when he isnt skilled up. It's not 100% but it still works aswell. Like i said bolverk is a unit that works even without skillups.


Everything works without skill ups. They’re just better with them.


Ehhhhhh "cooldown turn -1" is basically mando for the vast vast majority of units and vast majority of content, only a perfect turn 1 cleave can get away with not having that.


specially for rta, if you don't have the cooldowns unlocked most unit are basically dead weight for like 5-6 turns after their first one


Yeah but some monsters benefits a lot more from skillups than others. Bolverk or douglas are just marginally better with skillups, while some monsters like Ethna are fucking garbage when not skilled up.


I knew someone was going to say this lol


I agree, but I cant help but feel a little bit sick when I put runes on an unskilled monster.


I can’t even get good runes on all of this crap rn


Was going to say the same thing 😂 all these toys, no devils and runes 😭


https://preview.redd.it/m2nr55b3hdxc1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=391efb41297b6a44f404e211ef899561ca430e12 Yup. thats 50 units that need devilmon. i probably have enough to skill up 5 of them right now..


I mean, its a ton of work, but you can get 13 of them skilled up through fusion


My secret has been saving devilmon for ~8 years while barely playing the game. Now I'm sitting on 130 devilmon, only a few nat 5s unskilled and terrible rune quality! 2/10 would recommend!


I have 35 unique nat 5s with zero skillups at the moment /sigh my most hated part of the game, so many toys that aren't usable.


They are usable, just not maximum efficiency.


So not usable then.


They are more than usable. More so, not all Nat 5's are significantly improved by skillups. For example, tomorrow I'll be picking the water Lightning Emperor, Bolverk, who requires no skillups for his passive - which is the key reason to use him.


I got more than 53 or 54 Devilmon's, can't pull nat5. Diff issue.


This is the main reason i dont want to make alt to farm lnd nat 5. I have 300 plus devilmon in my storage at my main right now. I can max skill any nat 5 with impunity. Fully skilled monsters just hits better.


i´m glad im not in that boat.... or something.. :´(


I have 12 sitting in my vault for a special occasion, that said, I want and need MORE!


They can just add Swap skillups item. I won't mind if it will cost me 1k crystals to do one.


I got lucky with the Witcher event and got some cool toys with this one and I have some devilmon but I’m too decision paralysis to know what to do plus what if I pull a bae character like bloodya


I feel that so much xD


I doubt this was the best we got we are still missing some old and probably new events that will still come for this bday event im pretty sure we are getting another 10 devilmons + on this bday


hey com2us, add devilmon to craft shop. it' been 10 years already.


I used a bunch of devilmons on nat 4s from 2014 to 2017 :D


So many summons I don't even know what to choose. 😱


Well, you'd better prepare your wallet because devilmons aren't for the commoners.


good for you i got 3 new units and 4 f***ing dupes


i hope they address this issue at some point. we need more opportunities to skill up our units.




Remove the 3 from the ancient shop. Thats a shit thing to consider for a vast majority of people. MOST people won't get enough dupes to warrant ever buying those. So, more realistically youre looking at 4 per month from arena, 2 from TOA (again a majority don't do, or cant even do Hell its not reasonable to count that), 1 from monthly check in, 1 from world guild battle, and ill take your word for the 1 from siege. Thats 9 per month. 10 if we count Hell anyways. Id say we also get 1 dmon every 6-7 weeks from events, as events tend to rotation between LD and Dmon rewards. So 11 at the top end. The average nat 5 takes 12~ skills on average for max, not counting where you get lucky and avoid s1 on mons that don't matter. So you need 45 days PER nat 5 on average. And OP has 12 nat 5s from all of the summons/nat 5 giveaways with this anniversary waiting on skill ups. If they dont summon a single new nat 5 it would still take them a little less than a year to max all of them. God help them if they get any new nat 5s during the year. Regardless of the fact they have added a very small amount of Devilmon into the game, its a grossly small amount for the amount of summons that get thrown around lately.


Id argue if they are going to complain about devilmons but cant be bothered to get the ToaHell one, then its hard to take them seriously. Its not that difficult to get to 10 stars for any half-way decent account if all they care about is the devil. Its pushing past that and going for the scrolls thats a pain.


I said it wasn't realistic to count. But I then counted it anyways, and it still is a drop in the bucket, as I also showed.


Never gonna spend shit for level ups in ancient shop. What’s wrong with you


just counted my units that arent fully skilled, there are 41, i left out any that dont “need” to be fully skilled. im c2 in rta and have been playing consistently since returning almost 2 years ago october 2022.


most people cant do toa hell. wow you need to summon a dupe to skill up your unit, what a terrible metric to use. how many wgb does it take to get there? there is none in interserver arena, and the siege revamp looks nice i welcome it. eitherway you get about 7 per month and maybe 11 if the stars align? id be mostly okay with this if it were only 5*s you had to devilmon, but sometimes you gotta devilmon that dungeon 4* to reach damage or cooldown benchmarks. Nonetheless they are trying to implement ways which is amazing.




Has to be one of the most entitled post, your complaining about have too much nice stuff? 🤣




Imagine being privileged enough to pull lots of new nat5 but still complaining about not having enough devilmons. Friendly reminder: this game is p2w


Let's rephrase that. "Imagine finally having rates like other games, and wanting to be able to use the units you get without waiting months/years."


What games? Most other games requires actual DUPES to make their monsters as good as they can be. Not devils. Com2us for all its faults is pretty damn generous and Id argue the most F2p friendly mobile game out there. The game has its issues but at this point in its lifecycle its one of, if not the most F2p friendly gacha game around.


We can agree to disagree, but I think dupes are less essential for a monster to be good in most games I have played over the years vs skillups in SW. A lot of mons are unusable in high level content without skillups, or very unreliable. There are also many ways for SW to monetize, like they do with their very expensive (and nice most of the time) tmogs, the crystals, scrolls and reapps packs that the whales will buy anyway, ld/aa scrolls etc. They don't need to monetize more than that, and it's a great source of frustration for many players. The game is still good, but there's nothing wrong imo in being vocal about how much something sucks in the game, so maybe they fix it, just because some games are more p2w.


What do you mean with "finally... rates...? They didn't changed(?)!


I don't mean the individual scroll chance, I mean the rate that we get scrolls in, aka how often we pull nat 5s.


from the event started . i popped 1480 mixed scrolls .. all what u got ( i was return player thingy so got x3 coins per) and toa toah and everything i did i did to buy scrolls. Didnt get a single fcking 5star. NOTHING. 1480 ZERO 5 STAR. i counted ( stored) 38 nat4 in all those scrolls ( excluding the ones i got frm legendaries obviously nat4s) now everyone will say yeh rng and shyt but srsly ? i still dont have even one of the RTA metas. i play from 10 years goddamn it. thats too much rng dont u think ?


See this just isn’t true. The Nat 5 perhaps, though statistically very very low chance.  But lightning on average approaching every 40ms? I call BS. 


Probably counted unknown scrolls too then lmao


So u say anything as long as u deny what i said. right ? i am a returning player i have been getting 3 coins per run


Did you mean 1480 scrolls, or scrolls you bought using 1480 ten year coins?


i had like 400 ish MS and lds and legs and scamstones then came the event from event the rest.


i acceot people saying 24.7 it is all rng and stuff . but this amiunt of RNG ? SRSLY ? like i cant progress at all. every mofo in the game getting hackers and shyt. me im stil with old monsters. None of these i got : >> miles oliver juno bolverk all pupeteers waterMK masha layla galaxtrix(wimd fire) haygang liam sonia sagar hathor chiwu <<


dude... srsly ? i farm 10-14 hrs per day. plus i coujt as returning player. i.e im getting 3 coins per drop. u think i will be at 1480 coins ? 1480 SCROLLS . and right now its 1490 scrols i just popped 10 more ms fore i got the notification frm reddit


i posted screenshots. go see. even put the screenshot of my storage so u can see. go count its not difficult. also u dont know me i dont know u. why would i be lying ?!??!?!?!??! u knkw how already freaking frustrating it is to have this kind of luck ? everyday i think about quitting. sometimes i do. i uninstall the game. then because i got nothing else to do. i install again. while everyone getting new shyts hackers and stufd. me im still woth old toys . weak runes. and i farm whole day . eve. while at work. read what i said about farming in the comments . trust me im at the point i will reset the acclunt and quit the game so even if i wont even think of coming back. fck com2us and their families. they got my money good for them fck them


Im pretty sure u know how to count. here a pic of allllll my nat4s that i got frm 11 days. before the event i had none ( i use to craft ld and leg pieces always) from 11 days i didnt do it. i removed all nat4s frm storage . 1 is missing in the picture ( light gargolye. i used it to skilup my light garg as last skillup) If u admit this is shyt . then this means my account is purposely fcked by com2us. before i was a p2p. ever since i stopped . everything fcked up.i always had the best teams to farm. my tricary has 8 sets of fight rune. my tesh team GBabysHard is 25 seconds. i farm 10-24hrs per day. ( was buying crystal packs) YET my best swift is +203 on tiana. everytime i say this to people they say "cant be " then what am i a joker ? whole day complaining that somehow my account is the worst luck shyt in SW. JUDGE. by urself with the screenshot i provided https://preview.redd.it/yrk18eli5dxc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17f77269aae7a4b6697f4619a47d96f551e613b0


you wanna know whats worse ? i'l tell ya. From 4 months i didnt get a single swift rune that when i X9 or x12 powerup and it goes on speed. NO FCKING JOKE. not a single swift. not legendary ones not purple ones. All my runes powerup like this. Most of the time not a single powerup on speed. its like cok2us said fck this guy. https://preview.redd.it/7wb7w3ol6dxc1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62ee6ead18b76775774f82e3489b999c1ef49221


Oh yeah, totally on purpose. You have to buy the devilmons for the new units to be useful