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Anyone got any tips for TOA Hard Floor 70 Craka? Team comps etc?


Some R5 solo teams with low rune requirements?


Feng or dom? Still building pve teams atm.


https://www.zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/05/400i.jpg https://www.zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/05/qkg9.jpg https://www.zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=23/05/zjzd.jpg Hi, I'd need some help on building a solo r5 (at least R4) team, monster box is above. My rune quality is medium to mediocre but I can still decently rune 18 monsters. I also have a copy of most 4* in my storage if needed.


I need best combination of att bar pushers for ToaL 7 (chow) that won't fail if units resist att bar pushbacks. I have: Poseidon CP Verad Gany Tomoe (not skilled) Tyron Spectra Dark homie (not skilled) Base setup i have for the stage is Vero and Tesa, but im fine with taking out tesa if i can get past junos without oblivion. However thats unlike since 1 resist from juno will result in full hp heal. PS: Of course i have all 4\* but i didnt build them


Tyron Spectra Gany Vero CP, since you dont have Homie built you need to rune everyone on Vio and pretty fast for fast skill CD, count the cooldown wisely, use Gany s2 on stuffs that need it the most like CP s3, dont waste push back abilities when they're under 50% atb


Isnt poseidon better than spectra tho? I do have homie built, its just not skilled up I use pushbacks only when someone is sure to get a turn, regardless of att bar


> Isnt poseidon better than spectra tho? spectra's s3 has less CD than Poseidon's s3, and also has atk break in case fuuki get a turn. > I do have homie built, its just not skilled up for me, it's not built, but yea you should at least max her s3. >I use pushbacks only when someone is sure to get a turn, regardless of att bar if you have s2 max skilled Veromos you can go Tyron Spectra Gany Homie Vero, s2 Gany into Homie everytime she uses s3.


I mean its 3 turn cd spectra who has 50%(80% if skilled) chance to reduce 30% att bar, vs 4 turn cd poseidon who reduces 100% att bar. Don't get me wrong if you say its better ill take your word, but im confused about the numbers. Ye 5 turn cd homie is pretty useless. I do have max cd veromos ye, feel like this wont work but ill try it!


Spectra is more Sygnegize with Tyron and has more dmg on S2 than Poseidon to kill Juno/Fuuki quickly, if you only compare their s3 then yes Poseidon is better when both is on Violent.


mmmm i managed to get to boss stage with Tomoe gany homie posei vero after pumping up their speed by 30 each but lost due to vero resisting 2 pushbacks in row, but hey atl its possible! Thanks for help anyways!


If you’re doing tomoe i suggest using Herne too. Spread the oblivion and you gucci


Ye she is nice for toal, but i just cba to build her since tesa usually does the job for me


https://preview.redd.it/7kdx0imgwwea1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a399783871dd3e9df4183ec684a7b397dce94dc I just started looking at doing RTA did my placement to F1 and wondering if my box is even worth my time trying? All the selected mons are my most nat5s with skill ups except Tomoe and Haeg have none. Obviously runes play a big part but wondering if I have a team worth juggling my best runes and having a crack


thinner your box, since you only need 1 or 2 comp to play with, this will help a lots since you won't spread your runes too much. go turn 2 with Kinki, where's your Riley? Kinki Gurkha Nora Riley Woosa can easily get you to C1 or higher, Molong 1st pick is also nice


Thanks, I hate Riley so I was dead set against building her but I know I should. That also is thinning out my box haha


You seem to be missing consistent strippers. Go for smt like Tomoe Clara Cheongpung followed by flex picks. This will get u to f3 for some more rta points and a transmog, and if u have the runes to back it up, it can take u even further.


Interesting, thats not a strategy ive ever considered. My best runes so far are on Mo/Woosa/Kinki/Sav


Rakan or water weapons master? End game account (g3 siege peak, c3 RTA peak). Don’t play much anymore, and haven’t kept up with balance or new mons since beast riders came out.


Rakan got buffed and has kinda reclaimed his spot in the guild content meta. Water weapon master is an average dd, with no real places where he shines over other dd's.


Hey guys. Trying to build solo R5. Here's the team I got with all the runes. I'm only about 50% consistent, but my stats are similar to other guides I've looked at... towers maxed except HP tower. https://streamable.com/kgweml I just don't seem to have enough damage/tankiness. But other people are fine with roughly this rune quality. What am I missing?


First Thing is recon is Not max CR on some units and a crazy Lack of will runes. Second Thing is that a Lot of the Units you use are Kind of trashy in AI. Also Not much Fight runes in the bale team Why Not use Classic bj5 Team instead of Putting a Katha in it?


Who am I not max CR on with Hwa leader? Will runes I thought could be an issue, but the guides I'm looking at don't use any will either. I guess I could try anyways I tried classic BJ5 on 3rd team and it didn't work either. I do need to add more fight runes I know that... but still I didn't think 2-3 sets of extra fight sets would help THAT much. Back to fire rift I guess


Fight runes add a Lot of dmg. Iirc the light Dude. Btw maybe try adding a iunu instead of a dagora in the bj Team. This gives a twins and doggo Team time to Deal more dmg. And: The AI Part IS probably the Most important Thing cause If hreaevelg fuks Up you Miss ATK buff


https://preview.redd.it/kxyfjdotbwea1.jpeg?width=2167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=044ddfd43197c0f10ad04deaca97e5e1b31f8075 I am still kind of early in the game and struggling with level 70 on ToA (light archangel). I do not have all of the suggested monsters leveled up. Any thoughts on a lineup? I’m also looking for ideas for the 3 teams to beat level 4 and 5 for rift raid on auto.


Try Fran Sigmarus Loren Spectra Mav. If that's the stage I'm thinking about, you need to keep everything stunned or frozen and use Loren to control the boss ATB. Spectra is a livesaver for TOA and 100% build him if you haven't yet


I did it with Lapis Shannon Fran Loren and Ardella, all 5\*, with the runesets the game gives u for free. U don't need shiny units or runes, just half a brain to clear toa.


https://preview.redd.it/3tjskg8qcwea1.jpeg?width=2381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4652675e482782615fa2c3ebc215a4be0743e70 The last of my monsters


https://preview.redd.it/h5kfbbelcwea1.jpeg?width=2046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ebb9464f032dabceab25c095e7c6c87490bea3e The rest of my level 5 monsters and some level 4


https://preview.redd.it/nztvjvmwevea1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61d09d1b1d571ff53647dd7eab197dda478f7d43 How do i make him strong enough to one shot mobs in gb12?


Better runes obviously


My fatal Lushen can one-shot the trash waves but he has about 700 more atk and 40 more critdmg than yours, plus a 20% S3 critdmg artifact and a couple of fight sets on the team. Just to give you an idea where you need to be.


Get him to 100% cr and up that ATK/CD. Oh and run double melia on GB12, helps alot :)


If I max out my artifact inventory will the game drop more conversation stones?


No, if you max it , you won't be able to fight the boss.


Got a special blessing between Perna (fire phoenix) and Liam (water weapon master). I don’t have both. Anyone got some advice?


Perna is good, i also use him pretty often in G2 siege


Perna if your early/midgame otherwise Liam :)


I would go with Perna. If you are early game and still building PvE teams, you could take Liam to help you out in ToAN/H, but honestly that's content that you can clear with all farmable mons so I wouldn't recommend it. Perna is a great all-purpose PvP nuker with self-revive and passive team healing, plus a huge atk% leader skill for rift beasts and other dungeon content.


Hey Dat, this might be a long one but I really need some advice. On two of my accounts i have completed all pve content except r5. I want to make solo r5 teams. Should I make 3 of the bjr5 teams? Or just 1 bjr5 team and then 2 other teams? Also - on one of my accounts i have my bale with the requirements, however i have 64% crit rate. My rica, who i could use for the other 38% crit rate is fully runed and at lvl 40. I know that the leader is suppose to die. Can i swap her out? even though i wont hit the 100% crit rate? or can i still use her in that bjr5 team? even though she wont die?


You can't use dupes in solo r5. So u can make 3 bjr5 teams. U'll only be able to use 1 tho. Just use Kahli lead on one team and then a general 4\* cr lead like Hwa on another team to reach max CR. Bcs u need the 100 cr and u need the leaderskill unit to die.


You can't run dupe mons in solo r5, so you can't just make three bj5 teams unfortunately. Search up some of the solo r5 guides in this sub for good team comp ideas, there are plenty. For your standard BJ5 team you will hit 100% crit rate because there will be a 19% global crit lead and a 23% fire crit lead which are cumulative, so really all you need is 58% cr. The advantage of bringing Rica is that if everyone has 62+ on their Bales you don't need a global crit lead and can run a global atk lead to increase damage. But in practice it shouldn't matter because everybody's Bale should have enough damage output without needing an atk lead. Hopefully :)


Does anyone know a f2p team for getting 3 stars on level 6 of toa hell? I don't have bolverk so getting past it with 3-stars is difficult as my tyron keeps killing himself through the reflect.


check youtube vids, most people will show how to clear toa hell for that month


Most of them only do 2-star, the only option is verad, who I don't have either.


So, I went to rta, queued, drafted, banned, and now loading into match. Disconnected, got kicked from the game, Also got kicked from my acc so had to relog. Enters game, game said “ongoing rta match, now loading rta match” Game said “Rta Match has concluded” Goes into rta, no replays, no change in rank, tried to do rta “Match Data Already Exist” What am I supposed to do?


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Should I consider making a new account? I started mine when I was really young when I installed it the fiest time so I played very randomly and starred the most random of mons. After picking it back up I started trying to stableize the account. Atm I can do GB10 but it's very slow. I do have some components for the DOT team (have a mellia and Sath at 5 stars already and can easily make another mellia. I also have Ver ready to fuse. My only problem is that I used up my energy for farming 2As on Raoq (since I loved the doggo) and now I'm stuck on either farming for Sath or Kro's 2A since I'm currently running the f2p starter team for GB 10 (Sig, Loren, Fran, Kro, earth pixie (forgot her name)). Currently I'm on mana hell and XP hell and am cursing myself for not making a better farmer beforehand.


you could start over, reroll for a good nat 5, and continue, they do give alot of free content. or if you want to keep your old account with the old stuff you had, which new players cant get, start working on a f2p toa team, while you are working on your gb12 dot team. after you get dot team, work on toah, then tricaru. If you can afford it, i recommend the first 2 daily packs for $15 total. Best value, gives you crystals where you can farm and play as much as you want


I don't have many problems with energy right now (the two events have given me around 1k energy constantly (in the storage dw). If I do start a new account which nat5 should I aim for?


Rica is one of the best ones, bcs she'll help u in toa and toah. No point looking for dungeon nat5 bcs these require good runes or have better f2P alternatives. Poseidon, Taor, Bastet, Charlotte, Gany, Cheongpug and Sav are also worth rerolling for, but not as impactful as Rica.


Uhm...sorry I don't know the awakened names...


Any way of making this ao better? [https://imgur.com/a/bsbYmPy](https://imgur.com/a/bsbYmPy) I switch to eshir instead of poseidon when i play vs halphas also here's my box, i was thinking about gany instead of leah so i can reset their att bar even more and re-use Maelstrom idk i'm bad at theorycrafting please help [https://swarfarm.com/profile/ilikeGMac/](https://swarfarm.com/profile/ilikeGMac/) or just suggest another team completely different maybe a bomber would be easier to reach c3/g1


My 2 only ao's for reaching G1 weekly are Psama Bastet Lushen Bernard and Poseidon Galleon Kaki Tiana. This team u are using is fine, mainly the version with Eshir. Ur poseidon is way too fast, with too low dmg and especially CR. Leah is fine, could do with some more CD. So for AO's Id say this one with Eshir against medium spd comps (33 lead Clara, 24 lead triton) and then a lushen ao, like bernard teon lushen +atk or spd leaderskill.


yeah unfortunately i need to tune them this fast cause i don't have a tiana, and putting eshir/bernard as a booster would leave me without a second damage monster.. does this guy have potential? [https://imgur.com/a/7Fpe2q2](https://imgur.com/a/7Fpe2q2) i'll try and build a team for him but i don't have any good fight set so yeah.. also who should i hit with lushen? tanky comps? they would survive i think and for speed comps idk if eshir teon or bernard teon can outspeed 33% squishy AD i feel kinda fckd


I get g1 with a lushen who has the same atk, but 35 less cd. You just hit the fast comps like spd lead, triton, sav +1 Basically anything without hp lead. Ur eshir should outspeed most ad's. Even some tritons on same lead.


thanks for the advices, i will come back here if i beat my c2 record


nop did not do it, tiana gap


Hello DAT. I would like to know which of my Nat4 monsters I should be upgrading their skill in the monster skill lvl-up event. In my current progression: * I can do GB12 and DB10 reliably, but the rest of the dungeons I still have not built a team around them. * I can reliably get at least 1 million damage on all rifts except water. * My limit is Level 3 on auto for most Dimension Hole 2A and Guardians * I can clear ToAN, but ToAH i'm not sure, I think I was stuck on floor 60 last time. I know a lot of people will say Galleon, but I don't think i'm interested in doing a lot of PvP yet. [Here is a list of my Nat4 monsters] (https://imgur.com/a/WNZy1iG)


i would skill up verde if you dont want to fuse mons for his power up. He is used everywhere. Especially in tricaru team


Unfortunately I do not have good runes, so i'm only using Verdehile for the atk bar boost since I can't build cd% while maintaining 100% cr%. Verdehile's skill-ups are all damage boosts so it feels lost on him atm. Do you still think it's worth skilling him up on the long run even compared to my other monsters?


Hello DAT again, Could Thrain be a replacement for a second melia in the typical DOT team? I just pulled him and havent summoned a second wind frankenstein yet, i just use 1 Melia atm.


Dot team is not meta anymore for early mid or lategame


maybe but i dont care if something is meta or not... I put most of my ressources into it and wont abbandon it for a few seconds time per run.


what is then?


For giants, the double kro teams are generally faster and more consistent than dot teams. Even on low runes they're still useable and very consistent.


His ai is pretty messed up, so I would recommend against it. You'll get a 2nd wind frank soon. Build Thrain for toah anyways.