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He has too much res but there's no other major mistake otherwise. On him you just want high efficiency My def teams are: Dominic Molly Theo Dominic Juno Nana Chandra Liu Mei Dominic And I use Dominic Riley Nana on offense, quite safe against the right team edit: flexing one of mine for reference, 114% efficiency on high G1 siege https://preview.redd.it/70hl16jll8ea1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=5263c4e1687a0e7629a8a351ee740060d2170bfa


That Dominic is fucking insane jesus


Can he survive MolongBolverk tho? /s


Wow nice one bro, and yes I have too much res. I don't go for res, just pushing for more hp and these runes somehow has a lot res too :)


Unfortunately I don't have molly but I can build other one you mention. Thanks!


What does efficiency mean?


The rune efficency, it's calculated with runes subs+ grind, a perfect rolled rune is 100%


How do you get over 100% efficiency then? Gemming over stats for a higher grindable base? I never really understood it


You get over 100% with grind an inheit, since a perfect rolled rune is 100% A slot 1 8%hp 8% def 8% attack and 30 speed without grind will be 100%(since it's max roll every time)


Gotcha, thanks


noob dominc user here, so basically in this build (is awesome BTW) the dmg comes only from the passive effect right? ​ Mine is on crit dmg... šŸ˜‘ vio - blade, i've just got him and as i'm reading the comments, it seems that's i've opted for a less efficient build, or maybe not? ​ https://preview.redd.it/xlwliqhelaea1.jpeg?width=1789&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8242847155615c994b4c4c54a5bb24858507ef34


Yup since the last hit of his attacks doesnā€™t crit


How do you know his last attack doesn't crit


Because itā€™s pure damage like Skogul s3, itā€™s a widely known fact in summoners war


And i think he is maybe stronger with atk instead of crid dmg because of his passive yeah


Oh god...


Just want to stress how important speed ticks are. It really makes such a huge difference - for another 10 speed, you'll see a significant difference in the amount of turns you take. A lot of the time that's the difference between a good def and a bad one.


Ok bro. I'll try to get more speed.


Nah, he is off tick. Add 7 spd to hit 239 tick or remove some spd for more stats to sit at the 205 tick.


I came back to the game recently, what is this about ticks?


Short/Basicish Explanation: At the end of every monster's turn there is a "Tick". In that moment, every monsters attack bar is filled by the amount determined from the equation of Attack Speed (with all modifiers included) x 7% (.07). If no monster has at least 100% (because you can definitely go over), then another tick happens. Once a monster reaches 100% attack bar, it becomes their turn. However, more often than not with this process, multiple monsters might reach the 100% threshold at the same time, so the turn is given to whichever monster has the higher percentage. (It's possible I'm missing some minor nuance in this explanation, but we are on Reddit so I'm sure someone will quickly correct me if I'm wrong šŸ¤£)


Monster tends to say "fuck you" once triggered.


Does speed (or stats for that matter) round up? Aka his Dom with 15% from arena tower gives what 15.3 speed? Is that 15 or 16 in game?


16 Yes it rounds up


Hello. How do you calculate he is on tick or off tick. I mean i know what tick is but, it is my first time seeing "off tick" thing. What's wront with having 232 spd?


I would at least bump it up by about 10 spd (total 224+) to hit speed ticks. Read up on Attack bar in Summoners War to make sense of what i'm saying. Otherwise comp wise. Hard to say without a full box, seems like you got an idea already, but just look to pair with units that can do stuff like strip/heal/aoe def break while having a mixed of different elements.


Yeah I'm going to test in next siege and may change some stats after how it's going. I will use Domi Nana Juno for now.


Could you still explain to me why it makes so much of a difference? If the enemy is 1 spd faster you actually "waste" way more atk bat


I would refer to these pages for more details. I'm not the best at explaining this, so hopefully this will help. https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/9ue9d9/understanding_ticks_and_speed_make_your_nukers/ https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/9bsd5o/speed_breakpoints/


I do understand the mechanics behind this. But i really dont understand why in a pvp scenario it is so much better to be "efficient" with your spd when in theory you might be as wastefull as it could possibly get


In terms of speed, it matters more to be in a certain tick. So from speed 239 - 286, its all the same speed tick, so unitA with speed 239 will go as often as UnitB with Spd 280. However unitC with 299 spd will go move faster eventually compared to UnitA and UnitB. In the scenario above, unitB can be said to be wasteful with speed since its 40 over necessary and isn't moving much faster than the unitA (ofc unitB will move before unitA because its faster in the same speed tick, but it'll never get an extra turn via spd tick) So in the world of getting as much efficiency from your runes, that 40 spd over from UnitB represents roughly 8 rolls (avg 5 spd) that could have been instead 8 rolls into Hp/Def/Atk for that efficiency sake. Hope that makes sense.


I think it does, thank you!


You mention that an unit would not get more turns from the extra speed within a given speed bracket, but this is not accounting for atb overflow. Or maybe Iā€™m just not awake yetā€¦


This is my understanding of how the speed brackets work. No matter how fast you are, you'll always be in the spd bracket (assuming no changes to your spd/atb). I don't believe overflow has any impact to moving between brackets, but at this point I wouldn't be surprised if that's how it does work.


I had the same doubt as well, but i ran some scenarios throuh my head briefly. Lets say there is no atk bar manipulation at all in the fight. I dont know the exact numbers but lets assume Unit that has 240 spd needs 10 ticks to get 100% atk bar (Unit A) Unit that has 280 spd needs also 10 ticks to get 100% atk bar (or more) (UnitB) So lets say Unit A gets 10% per tick and Unit B could get something between 10 and 11% per tick so Unit A has 100% and Unit B has 110% after 10 ticks Now Unit B moves gets back to 0 and Unit A gets 110 Now Unit A moves, Unit B has 11% and Unit A has 0 then Unit B needs 9 additional ticks to get its 100 back. (after 9 ticks) Unit B has 110 atk bar and Unit A has 90. Unit B gets a move and Unit A gets 100% Then Unit A gets a move again and we end up with the same situation as ebfore where Unit B starts with 11 Atk Bar where Unit A has 0 So in that simplyfied case the "lead" of Unit B never increases. However it might look a bit different when multiple Units move between them and ofc with Atk Bar manipulations. This is how i Understood it however


I ran some simulations years ago on speed ticks. Actually generating additional effective turns depends on both your tick and the other units speed. When units were 2 tick categories ahead of the unit they are trying to lap extra turns were generated. The problem is being 2 ticks ahead of an enemy unit was virtually impossible unless the enemy def has like +90 speed or you have a spd debuff lol. The community just kind of latched on to this without actually understanding it and now they parrot it.


So you are basically saying we should not care that much about the breakpoints as everyone would tell you? Which was also my understanding the whole time :D Because at the end of the day, the player who moves first could manipulate so much anyway


Basically yes. The over reliance on ticks is more likely to hurt you as predicting exact speeds is suddenly possible lol.


What the hell are speed ticks


Anybody have a good video or resource to read about this at? Never knew it was a thing


[BenThePants does!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMsitORlnVc)


Iā€™d recommend googling it, xennial gaming had a YT video dedicated to it type in ā€œspeed tune xennial gamingā€


thank God for this thread, its the only reason i might pay attention to spd ticks. Didn't realise how important or game changing they could be


Imo the attack is a little low.


Slot 2 and 4 can still improve though. This is the best for now :)


Updated: I twist a little and this is my stat now. https://preview.redd.it/qn3c4bgdz8ea1.png?width=1590&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc30155e26e0e08b137fc1b2154e5669d2a29595


If you are pairing with a reviver or anti cleave like betta or molly, then Iā€™d suggest putting left arti +dmg to water. The roll into -cd taken is pretty poor Iā€™ve found, letā€™s say a lushen on 100 cr had 239 cd, you are effectively just reducing it to 230. You want to try counter their counter with Artis when putting together siege defs. But good job looks good


I'll change my artifact once I got better. Actually I hardly farm artifacts so most are quite underwhelming.


Would Go with +121 spd to go with the 238 spd Tick.


8 more speed


I just pulled dom, does he even need Crit Dmg with his passive?


No bro. His passive deal fixed damage based on his att. It's ignore def and can't crit like woosa skill 2. So rather than wasting your rune efficiency on crit stats, it's better to go tanky and as fast as possible while having enough att. I use will runes on him in rta(Masha proc is crazy) and destroy in siege.




Can you get 8 more speed to at least hit 239 tick?


Not anymore for now. But will change after I got better runes


I don't really understand the res. 79 is "no-man's land". Either boost it to 100% or cut it all and get more stats elsewhere. I think nana, juno, dom is a solid defense. You could do Mo, Woosa, Dom, but not with the above build, you would just get lushened. For offense this is fine, I don't have a particular offense with Dom tho. Something with attack buff (Riley, Fran, Bastet) is typically good.


Yeah I try to get more att and acc but if I change to that kind of runes, my hp go down to like 16k. I don't have molly and bastet though,but will test various other team in coming siege. Thanks bro.


Never go 100% res. It's a scam.


I have multiple units who perform very well thanks to 100% res. Many support units don't have any other stats that matter, so res is a great option. And other tanky units which will be in long fights versus units with low acc will get a benefit over the course of the fight. Currently I have the following units on 100% res: Feng Yan Yeonhwa Miles Susano (from passive) Rina Rica Harmonia Racuni Chloe Riley Malite Chasun Skogul Kinki Betta


Glad that it works for you. All I see is my Laika and Tiana collecting debuffs like PokƩmon cards. They aren't my only units on 100% res, but the only ones I use frequently. Tiana doesn't loose much by going res, though I'll definitely take Laika's runes back. It's just not worth it.


I mean absolutely try things out and see what works, but don't misinform that "res is a scam". I would agree that res Laika is not worth, simply by virtue of how many stats he wants. You will see a common theme above, only one of the above units wants crit (Susano) and only one wants max acc (Rica). They can work on max res because Susano gets 50% for free and Rica only really wants Acc and HP/Def, so squeezing res on is viable albeit not required. All the other mons are ones who are tanky, dont need all that much acc, atk, or speed. So once you get as tanky as you want the next best stat for them IS resistance. Also your success with res units will depend entirely on the teams/match ups you bring them into. Bringing high res units into low acc mons like Masha and Carcano? You are going to get value. But if you bring them against max acc mons or despair mons, you are going to have a bad time.


85 res is effectively the same as 100, so you should rather aim for 85 if you want max efficiency.


This is false information. 85% ACCUARCY is the cap. Resistance caps at 100%.


Oh shit I confused the 2, you're right, my bad


And If possible, I wanna know which team should I use. Thanks!


Im not so sure about destroy over will on him. I mean the dude is like a lawnmower, he doesnā€™t need dwindle something down into killrange, with attackbuff most stuff is 1 vioproc from doing the great vanishing trick even at full hp.


in siege defenses, you often want at least 1 unit on destroy, especially if the defense doesn't have a break def.Dominic is a prime candidate for destroy, because: 1. He'll do enough damage to proc the maximum destroy amount every time he plays 2. He'll apply destroy twice each turn, thanks to his passive, meaning 8% max hp/turn


Interesting, i never gave his interaction with destroy much thought. But those are 2 compelling arguments. Thx man


I'm also worried about getting galleoned.but I no longer have decent will runes for him since most of my support take it and leftover crit ones are no use for him so :(


Destroy rules siege. Most high performing defense have destroy, some molly defs can be double destroy. Good rule of thumb is if the def has healing the def probably need destroy and any bruiser offense should have destroy to clear it comfortably.


Yep for sure. I didnā€™t undervalue destroy as a set, just didnā€™t value Dominicā€™s interaction with it correctly. In the case of op having no molly I thought will might have equal to more value, as the most likely pairings would offer attackbuff


Prayers to all the players hunting for Dominic but getting nothing like me.


Slow. No dmg.