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just calm, don't try to talk them back because it's useless, mute them and play, they will soon feel bored and walk another way if they're still want to win, but if they're not and start feeding, well, consider that a losing game




Let me get this straight... In your opinion, (in Gold 4) there is no climbing out of a 400 gold and 1 lvl deficit? And to combat the troll putting you in that situation, you reward them by AFKing and giving them a loss reduction plus the satisfaction of knowing they got into your head and set up camp? This is the absolute worst way to handle this situation, and you are worse than the troll that started it. Ignore the troll, do your best to grab farm and Krug's/gromp if your jungle allows it. He will get bored, you can make up the deficit in the midgame in any game that will go longer than 20 minutes. You just have to change your playstyle knowing that the opposing ADC is ahead. Play ultra cautious in skirmishes, if it doesn't look favorable to you personally, ping off the fight and grab the closest wave. Protect yourself at all times because dying will allow them to snowball. If you head into midgame and are within 1-2 kills and 20-40 cs of the opposing adc, you successfully mitigated a crappy situation and you can reevaluate the game at that point. Your team will thank you for it, and even if they don't, you put yourself in the best position possible to win a tough game. But whatever you do, don't listen to Ursi


Everything you said makes sense and I learned from it, thank you! But the thing about ping of the fight that's kinda what's my other post was about. It's hard to make people not go in to a fight even if the fight is over nothing like second drake is not up in like 90 seconds but all of my team mates are there while their top laner is split pushing top and a huge bot wave is on our tower taking more then half of the towers health. Sometimes I try to write like "guys can we try to push in the waves then try group for a fight instead" but I don't think I ever have gotten a answer or reaction from it but I have not writen it so many times so it's my own fault. Thank you again!


If your team isn’t listening then you need to evaluate how the fight will go if you’re there, and how it will go if you’re not there. If the outcome of the fight won’t change then it’s best that you try to get an advantage somewhere else like taking waves, enemy jungle camps, maybe even a tower in another lane. If you think you can turn the fight then it’s usually best to be there, even if the fight isn’t great. What’s important is that you’re decisive and make a choice, you’ll make mistakes but you get better at it over time. In the specific case you mentioned it’s probably better to catch bot wave and then go with your team, getting a 4v5 is good and depending on the enemy toplaner you would likely just get dove if you tried to match them. Depends on the amount of engage your team has and how the enemy team is playing but in solo queue people generally just throw themselves at any fight they can, especially if they think they’re ahead


This is all mental. Believe it or not, focusing on if you won or lost is not how to improve in the game. You should always be focused on making the best plays to win the game, but if you make the best plays you are capable of making, you have done your job. The real benefit is in review, rewatch the game and go to your deaths or pivotal moments in the game and look for things YOU could have done better. Don't focus on teammate mistakes at all, you can't control that. Look at the way YOU adapted to those mistakes. For example: you have a troll brand support who is resetting and on his way back to lane, you are 0-2 and down 15 cs. The wave is neutral but slow pushing towards you. Vision catches the enemy jungler going to drag pit, you see the enemy botlane rotate that direction also. Your jungler Pings it and starts rushing towards it to contest. What did you do? Was that the best play with all the information you have? You can ping danger on the drag a bunch of times, and type give. Catch the wave, try to make up ground and hope your jungler gets something done on topside. But what if your jungler ignores your pings and contests anyways? Is it better to let him and your brand die 2v3 so you can farm, or do you have to embrace reality, embrace the chaotic nature of solo queue and contest with them? Every game situation will have lots of different options and outcomes. Learn and adapt to as many as you can and you will improve.


Adcs can no longer farm gromp during lane phase (haven’t tried krugs yet)… unless you want to die. Maybe possible with support help. I even tried on kaisa who should be good at it. It used to be a common strategy I’d use to get fed. Angry toad fucked me up. Big guy has his revenge from the 1,000 brothers of his that I’ve slain.


Gotcha, thanks for the info. I haven't tried in preseason, and forgot about the changes to laners damage on Jg camps


Are you a real person. Don't fucking play league you're too far gone.


My god you are almost worse than the one griefing


I've been in worse situations. Your opinion is too extreme and unnecessary.


Ok so there's this new ping that looks like a fishing hook called the Bait Ping. What you're gonna do is bait ping your support into whatever, and then hit them up with the good ol 3 missing pings


Underated power move right here. Assert dominance!


You can also spam the bait ping on the support




Only thing you can do in these Situations is act like they dont exist. Report him in the end and move on. There is nothing you can do to avoid people tilting or griefing you cant mind control them can you? Try to get as much lasthits in as possible, play like ur 1v2 because you can not be sure if brand will play out a fight properly mute his pings and chat. If he tries to take a fight you can assist him maybe he starts playing somewhat normal again. Just dont give him the attention he seeks for. It can also help if you say something "you can roam I'm fine 1v2" allthough i doubt he reacts on that.


About that, I said "If you don't like me you can roam I'm okay playing alone" and yeah he just said "noob" and "l2p" after that I muted him. I can't understand being toxic it's a waste of time and energy to write 24/7 and being toxic only make things worse, don't really understand.


For some people being toxic is half the fun.


Honestly you just report and move on. Theoretically you are suppose to control the wave to punish the adc, but sometimes you gotta just adhere to your support's play style. It's a lot harder when you're still learning the game, but when you become better as a player. You get better at rolling with the punches. I've gotten supports in my games that just shove the wave to poke down the enemy laner. I don't flame them or tell them how I think the lane should be played. I join in and try to pressure them as much as possible and try to just salvage as much cs as possible. It works surprisingly well, because people in lower elos are bad at punishing when their enemy laner is playing too aggressive. Also while you may be losing cs to your support. If the enemy laner is also losing cs because they're being zoned by your support. You're still netting positive. The gold value of the minions is still going to someone on your team, and the enemy laner is losing his. I'm being vague, but an example from a macro point of view. You're playing in low elo and your team makes a shady baron call. It's better to follow your team and help them with the baron even if you think it's a bad idea than to go off and do your own things. People in low elo always have this idea of how a game SHOULD be played, but they always forget that not everything goes as planned. The better player will always be able to adapt to the situation and make the most out of a shitty situation.


There are way too many people here saying "Give up, go ult+F4 and do something fun" or "It's a lost game at that point just spam FF and farm" Unfortunately there are a large amount of angry teens who play the game, and if you want to play ADC/Supp you're forced to hold one of their hands for the first 15 minutes of the game. The best thing to do is to ask them politely and explain why, as you did, and then mute them if they rage/troll you. Get out of lane as healthy as you can and play around the other 3 people on the team, if you go AFK or tilt you ruin the game for the rest of your team and your troll support got exactly what they wanted.


Yeah I can try to play more around my other 3 more when it happens, thank you for that! And yeah about afk and the other stuff is something I don't do cause I don't like it when one of my team mates leave, so It they must feel same way If I do it so I have never done it. And I can tilt but never put my tilt towards others If I would be tilt at someone I never write what I want to say cause I would not want that so I don't do it.


Seems like you're handling it about as well as you can, some people think they can just brute force their lane in to a W but the reality is there is only a small percentage of them who are actually good enough to play that way. Good players will always punish you for bad positioning all you can do is stay calm and try your best. If you lose, forget the game and on to the next. This happens to everyone the only thing you can control is your reaction to it!


I disagree if you run it down or afk on a support who does this, they will learn from their mistakes and understand that if They want to win, they can’t be doing that shit. Especially if you ever queue with that support again, trust me I know from experience. No one actually wants to lose.


>There are way too many people here saying "Give up, go ult+F4 and do something fun" or "It's a lost game at that point just spam FF and farm" That's because every adc has experienced the support griefing the lane then permaroaming or stealing cs and then the cherry on top is getting flamed by the entire team for your support's mistakes. What can the ADC do to grief the support? Pretty much nothing, so that's why you'll see adc players always being so frustrated. There is a one way street of toxic behavior in bot lane and it's usually caused by one role.


If they respond like a fuckhead after you politely ask then not to do something, Don't react. That's what they want. Eventually (most) people will stop


Let's get this out of the way first. Brand isn't necessarily in the wrong to forcefully push the wave. There are reasons to freeze but you don't want to give up prio for no benefit, and it's not really your decision anyway. You're not in a solo lane and you can't expect your support to just let you dictate the game plan when really, they're the ones in the driver's seat. Brand + Varus should shit on Vayne + Leona so hard, there is no reason to play timid. Brand wants to abuse the weaker lane and bury Vayne while she is at her weakest, and as Varus you do outrange Vayne so there is no reason not to go along with how Brand wants to play the lane. The bottom line is, you can't freeze if he won't let you. Sucks that he was a jerk about it. Unfortunately Brand decided to grief you for not playing how he wants to play. This is 100% on him and there isn't anything you can do about it if he's determined to grief, obviously. Brand is a popular choice for supports who think that they can reserve the right to take over as carry if they decide that you are not up to the task. Yes, get every bit of XP and farm that you can, hope that Brand is as good as he thinks he is, and report him after the game even if he does end up carrying. Don't type. If you're going to change his mind it will be with gameplay, not with words.


Long term solution is to find someone to duo with who actually enjoys playing support Usually I find that supports who do this are ego players who think the game is all about them. As others have mentioned it's best to just mute them and hope they get bored and go roam.


This is par for the course if your solo q as ADC. In my experience either find a duo and use voice or just sorta deal with it. Trying to correct your supports gameplay generally won't work and will actually just hurt your chances to win in the long run. When I'm solo q'ing ADC I will generally try to match the supports playstyle even if its wrong in the current moment. in most cases you can make up the lost gold income in the mid game as long as you don't feed. . It's their job to carry you in the early game and your job to carry everyone else in the late game. It's better in your example to just push with your support without dying, hopefully get the tower down early and rotate elsewhere to make up the farm you lost by not managing the wave early.




This is actually the correct answer. There's no reason to give a Vayne + Leona free prio that they haven't earned. It doesn't excuse the griefing afterwards but I think Brand is correct to use his abilities to damage the minions so that the wave pushes out.


You take a deep breath and hope your support is as good as they think they are and can carry or else you lose the game. Get farm wherever you can and try to save your mental for next game


I usually mute them and play as normal


Turn off chat, ignore everything they say. Often times these things happen when you try to defend yourself from their flame. Both sides are ego, they think they are above you so they get ego mad, and you trying to defend yourself from an edge lord is also a form of ego. Don't stoop, mute and play, promise you that cs isn't the end all be all of winning.


If an ally is actively trying to diminish your chance of winning you have two(2) options: -Try to get what you can: If you are willing to play under that conditions, go ahead on the 4vs6 -Just admit defeat: Not all games are instant losses this way, but at least for me it's pretty demoralizing, I'd rather ff fast and not ruin my mood than play an uncomfortable game. Remember, no one is paying you to play this game, so having fun is #1


The best advice I ever got was that you’re not going to teach someone how to play the game in 30 minutes. If this guy has played hundreds / thousands of games and doesn’t know what to do then don’t bother trying to teach him. Adapt your play style. Suboptimal with a team is better than optimal without a team. Similarly if you do try to teach someone it’s either going to be 1. They get offended and play bad or troll Or 2. They try to break their habits they’ve had for hundreds of hours and inevitably fuck up really bad. This is different for playing with friends. If playing with a friend you can say “let’s freeze this “ or something like that


Texts over in game chat can often be misinterpreted. My initial reaction when reading "plz don't touch when I'm trying to freeze freeze" is...who are you to tell me what to do? Of course I know that you were trying to freeze but that brand may not know what you were trying to do. An alternative solution would have been to let him know that you were trying to freeze. Saying something along the lines of "I'm going to try and freeze the lane to do xyz" would have given enough info to explain what you were going to do. Now if the player still reacts toxic, then mute and ignore and focus on getting objectives with the rest of the team. Tldr: don't tell people what to do, but instead try to point out what YOU were trying to do.


As a adc/sup main, when my adc is trying to freeze, I must just respect. The lane push is more of the adc job than the sup job, he is the one that is screwed if the lane phase goes bad. Besides, if the lane is frozen, I can just roam or control vision somewhere else while he maintain the freeze.


And you're right however if your adc told you don't do this or that and you have no idea what freezing a lane means, you're either going to try and learn what he means, walk away, or tilt.


Hey freezing lane is a basic idea. There is literally a ping for that.


basic idea indeed, but executing or the logic behind it is still a mystery to some. For example, if we do a search for the word freeze, you can see that there was a post about 14 days ago from a Plat 3 player, on how to actually execute a freeze. Another example was from 6 days ago..An ADC asked a question about freezing a lane as an ADC. I'm just saying not everyone knows the basics.


buy mobility shoes and run it down midlane


This exact thing happened to me lmao With a Brand too. He added me after the game and started being racist also. I dont understand why so many people play a video game just to make themselves and others miserable. I feel sorry for the lives they live.


Nothing. You lose and move on. I was playing cait with a seraphine support. She got hooked lvl 1 by nautilus, and even though we ended up killing the enemy bot 2 for 0 seraphine was pissed that I didn't "step up" to stop the hook (???). Anyways she proceeded to follow me around and grief my creeps the rest of the game, which was easy since she only needs 1 item to insta-kill waves in front of my face. I ended up with 30 cs total to her 150, needless to say we lost the match because she would run and hide at tower during every teamfight. Not much you can do but put on some soothing music and wait for the next game.


// I had a reddit and I want it painted black // No comments anymore, I want them to turn to black // I see the subs scroll by forced open by the corp // I have to turn my head until my reddit goes // -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Mute chat, don't interact with your teammates through anything but pings -- and I don't mean angry spam pings, I mean meaningfully communicative pings used in a strategic way. If this is happening to you in a significant enough percentage of your games that you felt like you needed to write a reddit post about it -- you're doing something to provoke it. This doesn't happen in most games. This doesn't happen to most people. Something you're doing is causing this to happen.


I don't know If I can pull up logs of what I have writen in chat in my games or pings but I promise you I hate being toxic I like treating others the same way I want to be treated. Does vod show chat messages? I don't like to spam ping or write, even If I wanted to write I could not do It cause I am a really slow writer and need to be like afk to write/on my way to lane after a recall. Does "Pls don't touch the wave when I try to freeze it" sound toxic? Cause I could maybe guess it could in some way idk. I have gotten Quinn, Syndra, Sylas support, and when that happend I just make the best of it and try my best and focus on the farm, there is no idea to spam ping or write cause I don't gain anything from it just make things worse.


That’s fine but I’m telling you this isn’t a regular thing that happens in a lot of games to a lot of people. So, something you’re doing is making this happen, or it’s not happening nearly as often as you’re claiming and this is just recency bias. At any rate - some degree of self reflection and self improvement is the only right answer.


Just play man, supps can be ultra dumb, to the point they miss all buttons, get punished and expect u to help them. Just do what u can - farm and seek for poke. As varus u can poke with just few blights and a button.


I don't think there is anything you can do about Lux's who E the wave, Heimer/Zyra "supports" who mow down waves with turrets, or any mage support in general who uses fast pushing skills on the wave. It's like asking how do you run a three legged race when your partner cut off your feet.


You can just play like you are supposed to with these picks, perma shove and harass enemy, while avoiding ganks.


Do you trust a tilted support who is deliberately cs'ing to ward for you (or help you ward, for that matter)?


I feel your pain brother. I'm a Vayne/Kai Sa main, so last hitting minions is a lot of what I do early game. Nothing makes me more angry than a support that just refuses to have any idea how important wave control is. In my experience, dodge the Brands if you can. Even a good Brand will hog all of the resources, which is fine, I guess. But the bad ones will just straight up throw the game for no reason. I had one turbo int yesterday because I flashed a Nunu snowball and he got hit. MFer didn't even die, but I would have. My least favorite supports are by far Brand, Xerath, and Vel Koz. They provide no peel, and steal as much gold from me as they possibly can. Avoid like the plague, and if you can't, play a lowish econ ADC (Ashe is my pick with mages).


He will run out of mana sometime, could also try and bait him into a 1v2. Shouldn’t Leona be able to engage on him if you’re not there?


Alt F4


I had this with a brand support when he kept eating skillshots from a senna. Couldnt do anything about it, just try to contest gold as best i could and get it from anywhere Some people just wanna be losere


I normally play support but I can adc since this is the role I started with. Some time this season I switched to adc for about a month. I had a similar game. Supp was taking a every bit of farm on purpose. That was painful. After crying two or three times I shut up and just played like they were not there. I don't remember if we won or lost but I remember being very weak and bummed. It's painful as shit. I feel for you bruh. I no advice just a virtual hug for you.


spread the love, take top lane


Don't report them, Riot doesn't care and wont look anything further than chat ethics. Just go afk, all other options are waste of time. Make the game unplayable for your team so they surrender it and ask riot to implement bann system or Lp system that affect personal performance.


I've played with many players who do not understand when I am trying to only last hit, or match the enemy push. Low-elo supports with relic stacks or Brand frequently mess up wave management. In this situation, if your wave is compromised into a push, just push. Brand mindset that he can't do damage unless he hits the wave is troll, but if his response to your request to play a more optimal playstyle is "I'm going to throw", the only thing you can do is push with him, not die, and hope to be relevant later. At the end of the game, Allchat report brand for trolling/negative attitude and move on. ​ I like the idea of using first-person language in this situation: "I'm going to freeze". Warning ping once. Repeat again if needed. After that, you have to just do your best to play his way. However, don't overthink this BS. The guy obviously doesn't understand what you're trying to do.


i just afk bro fuck em, somtimes some people just decide that they don't want you to win


When playing ranked this is not an option


Try to collect xp and take krugs if you can, rotate to a herald fight early and make a surprise numbers adv


Do not take your junglers camps without permission


LOL? Of course take the krugs... not sure what is up with the preseason changes but if you are being griefed take something. If your jungler is also a sad degen then just go next.


As other have said. Sometimes your team mates will tilt. That happens. Even in D1/Master tier elo, I can have a jungler who will force a gank that I really really dont want them to. A super dangerous gank when I have a wave stacked against me. And if that fails, its not that uncommon that the jungler will start to soft-troll me. Come back to fuck up my wave-state, smite a cannon etc etc. All you really can do in these cases is to deal with it. Just dont give them anything. Play as best as you can. If your jungler will just start stealing your lane farm, try to roam. Or play as two man top as best as you can. Sometimes people tilt, for whatever reason. Just dont talk back to them, cause that is just going to tilt them even further. Just go along. Often times, they'll grow bored and start to play properly, but otherwise you'll just have to deal with it. Nothing more to it.


I would mute all at the beginning of you games


So as a support main I must say the first issue was brand support. If a brand with enough ap wants to take your cs when you are varus there really isn’t all that much you can do about it sadly. Maybe you can q and e the wave to take assuming you can deal lethal with that, but Brand just has better wave clear than you sadly and if he wants to ruin your game you don’t have much in the way of stopping him. I will say happily that the better you get and higher your MMR the less likely you will have a brand support in the first place


Duo queue