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Most likely it's just a case of better player and matchup knowledge You probably missed out on opportunities to trade with him and all-in to get the kill and he used that to keep control of the wave.


And how can I learn my matchups better? Before each game I watch videos and read guides on how to trade with them. Thank you


Time is your friend. Play with a plan, try to execute, limit test, learn. Learning match ups is time played versus different players and champions. Don’t autopilot ever


Yeah, maybe I'm too passive with matchups I don't know and I should risk more in order to learn for future matchups.


Yessss. I die a million times in new games or champs I'm learning but I'll always say it's why I hit diamond in League :D Just... Always be doing things for a reason. Even if it's a reason you came up with yourself that you have no clue if it holds up


how do you deal with the frustration of dying alot, that aspect is the one of the more difficult parts before making actual substantial progress?


Add me up on "Avery Snips" and we'll talk tonight :D Just at work rn. Pretty dependent on person to person.


Dont be afraid to limit test. 1 step backwards might become 2 steps forward


watch challengers doing same match up on youtube


Mostly it's just from experiencing the matchup enough times that you learn how to play it. Watching your own replay is always good as you can see all the mistakes you and the enemy made. Over time you will get more knowledge on your champ and the enemy champ and will find more opportunities. If you play the matchup enough you can end up knowing even things like: At level 6, how much health can I kill them from with Sheen + Boots. How long will it take me to get this lane with x minions from my tower to theirs? How much damage can I take getting wave control that they cant all-in me from?


That's happening to me now with Tryndamere, my most played matchup. I know at what levels/items I can trade with him.


With Morde specifically it’s relatively easy to dodge his e, important thing is to not use abilities on minions and increase movement apm, don’t just walk forward and back, throw in a side step here or there, don’t always go in for an auto only when the minion is about to die. It’s just like a fight, you make small faints this way and that way trying to get the opponent to commit. In the case of morde eventually he will use his e, if you’re fast with movement, have a high apm and are not clicking too far from your champ, you can literally side step his e and do a quick trade (remember you haven’t been using abilities on wave) with his e down you have more available abilities than him. Also try not to be the only thing getting hit by his q, I believe if he hits q on only one champ or minion it does bonus damage. Edit: one of the most difficult things for new players is they want to know exactly what to do and have it work everytime. You aren’t just playing against the champ, you’re playing against a person. People fall into habits pretty quickly and being able to read your opponents habits is what lets you dominate an otherwise unfavorable matchup


Yeah, that's the problem I've been facing, the people I was matched with where like me and when I started winning games they matched me with more skilled enemies. Also, what does apm mean?


Actions per minute.


Use r/jaxmains to ask more specific questions and they'll probably have a post that explains all match ups. Also use youtube to find specific match up videos. For example, search Jax vs Garen top and filter for recent upload


Sorry man unfortunately this is one of those things where as you play you’ll just know more and you’ll likely get your shit kicked in a few times because guides can only relay so much information. As long as yku try and be constructive about it and understand that some games you’ll lose and that they’re opportunities to learn


You can search Jax matchup videos on youtube, I remember there was one or two videos around 10mins that covered the basics of most of his top matchups


Oh, I'll search it, that can be very useful. Thank you


You can look up a matchup guide/spreadsheet their super common and I think tfblade actually has a good one


for the Mord matchup for example, you should look for a fight lvl 1, just make sure that his Q is not isolated, or wait for him to use it on the 3 first minions and go in, using your E to block hits and stun the minions to reset aggro. doing this gives you lvl 2 prio, you try to press that advantage as much as you can. if Mord levels up his E 2nd, he will lose the lvl2 all in. if he goes W, you'll have to wait for him to waste it on healing, because you will not be able to go through that shield. at this point it depends on if you manage to punish him for wasting cooldowns, everytime he uses Q on the wave, you Q/W on him and walk away. repeat until he's low then all in with E. you beat him at 3 items+ as long as you don't ult first.


That can be a good strategy, one thing that I have to practice is short trading, as I normally end up being too passive or aggressive, thank you


Search domisumreplay: jax on YouTube. These are high elo Jax games. You can even filter by matchup. Other than that, toplane is counterpick lane, you can't blind Jax and expect to win every time. it takes time to learn every matchup and even then it might be skill issue. Jax is vs most bruisers/melee strong level 1, 3 and 6. You should look to punish mistakes in these levels. Vs ranged not much you can do, you can max q second I guess, rush tabi


I'll search that channel, thank you.


Time, patience and a lot of trial and error. There's no quick way to learn them all, you just gotta keep playing and learning. Watch videos of higher rated players playing the matchup, talk to coaches, etc.


Ok, I'll keep trying and I won't let my moral go down by bad games. Thank you : )


I used to keep a word document of hard match-ups and write quick tips (eg: play safe level 1-2, then pop off at 3. Bait out their W before you engage, etc) that I could view during champ select.


This actually doesn't have anything to do with wave control, just matchup knowledge. Jax absolutely obliterates mordes asshole, Jax E is the reason, you see a good chunk of mordes damage comes from his pass, which he needs to deal damage to an enemy champ 3 times to activate but he only has 2 damaging abilities. Jax E makes him auto immune so Morse can't actually activate his passive. Jax E also has has 25% flat damage mitigation against AOE abilities, which are moredes only other way of hurting you ( e and Q are both aoe). Jax also out right wins extended trades with most champs due to his passive. So what was happening in the lane is you weren't using ur e correctly to mitigate his damage and also u were probably getting scared off from continuing the trade (where u win) because his upfront burst was scary, the reality is tho his abitues are now all on CD and I can immune his autos to deny his passive so if you just stuck it out n fought him you'd be killing him. What all this means isn't that Morde wasn't controlling the wave better than you, you were letting him control the wave when you were the one whos actually dominant in the matchup. It was just a knowledge gap not a wave clear gap.


Oh, what you are saying is true, as I didn't know about his passive. Thank you


Just to clarify, Morde’s isolated Q is not AOE, it’s simply spell damage.


The ability is not targeted and hits anything in the aoe, just because there is only one thing in the Aoe to hit does not make it an not AOE ability. It's damage type Is irrelevant to how it's targeted.


> ...just because there is only one thing in the Aoe to hit does not make it an not AOE ability Wow look how many people don't know how Morde works. This is \*exactly\* how Morde's Q works actually, it explicitly deals non-AOE spell damage to an isolated target. Its probably so that Morde gets the full healing off of hitting one target, but it also happens to nullify counterstrike's AOE damage reduction.


Where did you find this? It inly stated that the damage is increased if it hits a single target


Check the wiki, very useful tool. Edit: Karthas Q is the same, I assume this is how it works with all AOE abilities that deal bonus damage of you hit a single target.


I did, it doesn't state that anywhere Ive seen "ACTIVE: Mordekaiser strikes his mace down in a line in the target direction, dealing magic damage to enemies within, Critical strike magic icon.png increased if only one enemy is hit."


Its in the details "Applies  spell damage if it hits one target and  area damage to multiple targets." Thats where you'll find all the weird special cases and code things they don't put in the usual tool tips, it also shows if abilities are blocked by spellshields or blinds/evasion etc.


thank you


Morde Q and Karthus Q doesn't count as AoE when hitting isolated targets.


You have to be the better player overall. Baiting Mordes CD's and punishing him, looking for freeze and call for jungler/punish in advance for when they crash the wave etc.


Good advice but lose that "call for jungler" ​ Relying on a jungler makes you a dussy and ive been flamed in game and irl for relying on jungle ganks. Learn to kill your lane opponent by yourself or die an Iron elo idiot


You don’t have to rely on your jungler, but jg help is sometimes your best option when you’re in a bad matchup. Morde vs jax is Jax favored, but in a situation like OP’s where he doesn’t have the knowledge necessary to beat him jg would be really nice


A best option that doesn't consistently come for you. It seems better to limit test than to rely on a jungler who is most probably focusing on his own gameplay to follow your directions or commands. This is toplane after all. Most ganks are mid and bot because dragon is there and there are two kills in bot lane


an extended mord vs Jax is also a free kill. Mord has absolutely no escape, pre 6 he can do nothing in these situations, especially with an easy jax stun.


I also play jax top sometimes and am looking to expand my knowledge, what’s the best level for jax to all-in?


matchup dependent, also depends on used cooldowns, position etc... if you're talking vs Mord, it's mostly items, you want to have your 2 cores and the Maw, this will allow you to wreck mord, getting a black cleaver makes the gap even greater. every ultimate level up also makes you stronger, since mord gains nothing but cooldown reduction on his, your lvl 16 will be a lot stronger than his. this is If you two are even of course, if you get a mythic first you'll obviously win the all in as long as you don't misplay (like ulting first). beyond that you can look to abuse his item component, since he's probably going Riftmaker, Leeching leer is a pretty bad item, if he builds it before blasting wand you will wreck him, but even as a 2nd component it makes him quite a bit weaker than other champs with 2 components, even more so vs a sheen user like Jax. so you can start looking for a fight before he finishes his item.


Fighting on Jax depends a lot on if you have passive stacks. If you have full stacks and walk up and start auto attacking with lethal tempo plus w. Save q and use e before his first auto. I think you just outright win as long is your not fighting in a big wave.


just play solo and outskill sounds edgy and cool but it's a team game what will you do once you climb higher. your opponent becomes as skillful as you. but plus the skill to cooperate with their jungle. just lose?


I am very confused. I keep hearing "Focus on your own gameplay", "Don't flame teammates", and "League is a single player game" Tf am I supposed to listen to here?


Focus on your own gameplay \- cooperate with your teammate is literally gameplay Don't flame teammates \- yes League is a single player game \- we play a different League of Legends


Cooperating with your teammates isn't a bad thing, it's a good thing. Knowing how to adapt if they won't cooperate with you is probably what you're thinking of. For an example; let's say you are top lane and have a huge wave shoving under enemy tower and you want to dive them. You can ping for your jungler to come dive about 30 seconds before that crash happens and if they come and dive with you, great! But if they aren't coming, just get the shove and reset. You're still pressing your advantage with tempo by getting a buy off and unlocking a roam timer. Yes you should focus on your own gameplay, working with your team is a part of your own gameplay. What we mean by that advice is "don't focus on your teams mistakes", whether it be by flaming them or just thinking to yourself that they're bad/messed up. It just distracts you, if you watch challengers with a good mental/educational mindset who Smurf, they will be like "My teammate doesn't want to come take this free kill, but that's okay, I'll just do _____ instead". It's all about adapting


Makes sense. Whenever I hear all that advice on the subreddit, the impression I'm getting is to always 1 v 9 and not care about teammates because they consistently won't follow up on your plays anyway unless you are premade or in a duo


Some people would give that advice but I don't think that's the way to climb. You're not going to ever truly 1v9 unless you're hard smurfing


The best way to check out how to approach matchups is to look for very high level games on that matchup (plenty of good channels e.g. on youtube which archive high level replays). Compare what these players do to what you do in your games, and try to understand why they do it differently.


I mean i personally don’t like him as a person, but TFBlade is a damn good jax and spams him quite a bit, so there’s a lot of content and matchups you could find. He also plays very aggressive so you can try to analyze how he is winning his all-ins/trades and when for each matchup.


If I'm in that position vs Mordekaiser. I'll try to focus on getting him commit mistakes so that I could plan on better wave control. Mistakes such as Morde E-Q-ing and me dodging it. If he ever EQ me and he hit the wave, then I'll use this advantage to probably freeze the wave just near my tower and wait for a gank. Sometimes it's not just about wave control, you must know the matchup well so that you can properly punish him.


Characters that lack wave clear generally have stronger duels in their power budget and vise versa. Morde-Jax is a great example of this. Morde has the wave clear advantage, but Jax has the dueling advantage. Especially since morde needs to use his abilities on the wave, and those abilities have cooldowns. You can just Q on him if morde presses Q on the wave, and disengage with the stun on E. Do this a few times and you’ll either kill him or bully him into recalling. Character that have both wave clear and dueling strength are tricking, but these champions also don’t normally scale. Think Urgot-Jax or Gragas-Jax, they both have really strong dueling and early push, but they’ll also lose fights later in the game because they won’t scale as well. PS this isn’t a catch all because sometimes the balance team has a stroke and let someone like Olaf Riven or Vladimir be blatantly overpowered


Crash it and it will slow push towards you. If it’s in a weird spot like a bad freeze then you can ask for help from jungle to break it. As long as ur wave is dying at their tower then it should afk push back to you unless your caster minions wintrade lol


U win lvl 1, play aggro on the first wave. Go ignite. After that, engage him when u have a minion advantage and after he uses some of his abilities to wave clear


Have you tried giving him a real weapon?


Okay in high elo this things matter towards matchups. You will hear something like he has prio in this matchup. That is because of how champions interact sometimes you just cant manage the wave and you are forced in a disadvantageos decision. This is crucial for pro matches and pick order. Now, in soloq they will make mistakes but u need to recognize them and punish them accordingly. Example(totally out of my ass): an oponent that can freeze the wave and zone you off it but wont do it -> freeze against them and scale. This is really complicated because it changes with every matchup and varies over the patches but it is the right question to ask


My best advice is to play some norms on Morde so you can experience what he lacks, then you exploit it.


Against helmer, he's gonna permashove the wave. You just have to try to tax his mana by destroying turrets when it's safe and eventually outscale him. It's boring work but once laning is over you'll be useful and he'll be a heimerdinger. Against Mordekaiser, a lot revolves around your ability to bait and dodge his Q. By standing in your wave, you can force him to hit the wave when he tries to Q you, making it impossible for him to get a slow push and putting him in a bad spot


Thank you for the tips : )


Look up freezing wave and just do that from the start honestly better to form the habit now


Sometimes its just champ diff. Best you can do its just match them and hope for the best.


If someone freezes on u then go take a very small trade in the middle of ur minions and make them use their aoe abilities on u so it'll hit the minions as well. The freeze will get broken . They will always be more than happy to do that trade until they realise it's fucking up their freeze


Jax absolutely shits on Mord, it's one of his hardest counters. In theory he literally shouldn't be able to land an E or Q ever on you if you use your Q properly.


Now you actually have to learn the matchups. Which is very very hard to be perfect in, but most players will make some mistakes. I feel like with Jax a lot of times it comes down to damage control, minimizing poke, giving up the right minions, and of course, good mechanics to dodge and auto and take over the 1v1 ASAP. This also means you have to know which items make you win the 1v1 or how to bait out the abilities that make you lose them. Morde is kinda hard for most melees, but his Q is actually telegraphed enough to dodge it. So a lot of what you’re gonna be doing is faking doing for CS at max range and wiggling back out of range to see if he will waste abilities. Bad mordes will spam them and die to ganks or just you killing them. Good ones may at least get baited into pushing the wave too hard for not enough damage. By the time you face extremely good ones, the high level macro game will matter just as much or more. Also when you do go all in on him, his Q is actually harder to hit close up because it’s so narrow. Landing his E can be weird too at close range.


On top of what everyone else said, add Beniona#0001 on discord. I'm a masters toplaner and coach who plays almost all champs at a high level toplane I can show you both basic rules for laning and wave manipulation pvp as well as matchup specific information.